Ask Your Neurons: A Neural-based Approach to Answering Questions about Images Mateusz Malinowski1 Marcus Rohrbach2 Mario Fritz1 1Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrucken,¨ Germany 2UC Berkeley EECS and ICSI, Berkeley, CA, United States Abstract We address a question answering task on real-world im- ages that is set up as a Visual Turing Test. By combining CNN latest advances in image representation and natural lan- What is behind the table ? guage processing, we propose Neural-Image-QA, an end- to-end formulation to this problem for which all parts are LSTM LSTM LSTM LSTM LSTM LSTM LSTM LSTM trained jointly. In contrast to previous efforts, we are facing a multi-modal problem where the language output (answer) chairs window <END> is conditioned on visual and natural language input (image Figure 1. Our approach Neural-Image-QA to question answering and question). Our approach Neural-Image-QA doubles the with a Recurrent Neural Network using Long Short Term Memory performance of the previous best approach on this problem. (LSTM). To answer a question about an image, we feed in both, We provide additional insights into the problem by analyz- the image (CNN features) and the question (green boxes) into the ing how much information is contained only in the language LSTM. After the (variable length) question is encoded, we gener- part for which we provide a new human baseline. To study ate the answers (multiple words, orange boxes). During the answer human consensus, which is related to the ambiguities inher- generation phase the previously predicted answers are fed into the ent in this challenging task, we propose two novel metrics LSTM until the ⟨END⟩ symbol is predicted. and collect additional answers which extends the original DAQUAR dataset to DAQUAR-Consensus. can generate image [12] and video descriptions [30]. Both are conditioning on the visual features that stem from deep 1. Introduction learning architectures and employ recurrent neural network approaches to produce descriptions. With the advances of natural language processing and To further push the boundaries and explore the limits image understanding, more complex and demanding tasks of deep learning architectures, we propose an architecture have become within reach. Our aim is to take advantage for answering questions about images. In contrast to prior of the most recent developments to push the state-of-the- work, this task needs conditioning on language as well art for answering natural language questions on real-world visual input. Both modalities have to be interpreted and images. This task unites inference of question intends and jointly represented as an answer depends on inferred mean- visual scene understanding with a word sequence prediction ing of the question and image content. task. Most recently, architectures based on the idea of lay- While there is a rich body of work on natural language ered, end-to-end trainable artificial neural networks have understanding that has addressed textual question answer- improved the state of the art across a wide range of diverse ing tasks based on semantic parsing, symbolic representa- tasks. Most prominently Convolutional Neural Networks tion and deduction systems, which also has seen applica- have raised the bar on image classification tasks [16] and tions to question answering on images [20], there is initial Long Short Term Memory Networks are dominating per- evidence that deep architectures can indeed achieve a sim- formance on a range of sequence prediction tasks such as ilar goal [33]. This motivates our work to seek end-to-end machine translation [28]. architectures that learn to answer questions in a single holis- Very recently these two trends of employing neural ar- tic and monolithic model. chitectures have been combined fruitfully with methods that We propose Neural-Image-QA, an approach to question 1 answering with a recurrent neural network. An overview ciation of words with meaning. This is often referred to as is given in Figure 1. The image is analyzed via a Convo- grounding problem - in particular if the “meaning” is associ- lutional Neural Network (CNN) and the question together ated with a sensory input. While such problems have been with the visual representation is fed into a Long Short Term historically addressed by symbolic semantic parsing tech- Memory (LSTM) network. The system is trained to pro- niques [15, 22], there is a recent trend of machine learning- duce the correct answer to the question on the image. CNN based approaches [12, 13, 14] to find the associations. Our and LSTM are trained jointly and end-to-end starting from approach follows the idea that we do not enforce or evaluate words and pixels. any particular representation of “meaning” on the language Contributions: We proposes a novel approach based on re- or image modality. We treat this as latent and leave this to current neural networks for the challenging task of answer- the joint training approach to establish an appropriate inter- ing of questions about images. It combines a CNN with a nal representation for the question answering task. LSTM into an end-to-end architecture that predict answers Textual question answering. Answering on purely tex- conditioning on a question and an image. Our approach tual questions has been studied in the NLP community significantly outperforms prior work on this task – doubling [2, 18] and state of the art techniques typically employ the performance. We collect additional data to study human semantic parsing to arrive at a logical form capturing the consensus on this task, propose two new metrics sensitive intended meaning and infer relevant answers. Only very to these effects, and provide a new baseline, by asking hu- recently, the success of the previously mentioned neural mans to answer the questions without observing the image. sequence models as RNNs has carried over to this task We demonstrate a variant of our system that also answers [10, 33]. More specifically [10] uses dependency-tree Re- question without accessing any visual information, which cursive NN instead of LSTM, and reduce the question- beats the human baseline. answering problem to a classification task. Moreover, ac- 2. Related Work cording to [10] their method cannot be easily applied to vi- sion. [33] propose different kind of network - memory net- As our method touches upon different areas in machine works - and it is unclear how to apply [33] to take advantage learning, computer vision and natural language processing, of the visual content. However, neither [10] nor [33] show we have organized related work in the following way: an end-to-end, monolithic approaches that produce multiple words answers for question on images. Convolutional Neural Networks for visual recognition. We are building on the recent success of Convolutional Neu- Visual Turing Test. Most recently several approaches ral Networks (CNN) for visual recognition [16, 17, 25], that have been proposed to approach Visual Turing Test [21], are directly learnt from the raw image data and pre-trained i.e. answering question about visual content. For instance on large image corpora. Due to the rapid progress in this [8] have proposed a binary (yes/no) version of Visual Tur- area within the last two years, a rich set of models [27, 29] ing Test on synthetic data. In [20], we present a question is at our disposal. answering system based on a semantic parser on a more var- ied set of human question-answer pairs. In contrast, in this Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) for sequence model- work, our method is based on a neural architecture, which ing. Recurrent Neural Networks allow Neural Networks is trained end-to-end and therefore liberates the approach to handle sequences of flexible length. A particular variant from any ontological commitment that would otherwise be called Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) [9] has shown introduced by a semantic parser. recent success on natural language tasks such as machine We like to note that shortly after this work, several translation [3, 28]. neural-based models [24, 19, 7] have also been suggested. Combining RNNs and CNNs for description of visual Also several new datasets for Visual Turing Tests have just content. The task of describing visual content like still been proposed [1, 35] that are worth further investigations. images as well as videos has been successfully addressed with a combination of the previous two ideas [5, 12, 31, 32, 3. Approach 37]. This is achieved by using the RNN-type model that Answering questions on images is the problem of pre- first gets to observe the visual content and is trained to af- dicting an answer a given an image x and a question q ac- terwards predict a sequence of words that is a description of cording to a parametric probability measure: the visual content. Our work extends this idea to question aˆ = arg max p(a|x, q; θ) (1) answering, where we formulate a model trained to generate a∈A an answer based on visual as well as natural language input. where θ represent a vector of all parameters to learn and A Grounding of natural language and visual concepts. is a set of all answers. Later we describe how we represent Dealing with natural language input does involve the asso- x, a, q, and p(·|x, q; θ) in more details. 2 LSTM Unit Input Output Gate σ Gate σ CNN h = z x ϕ + ϕ t t Input Modulation Gate ct qn-1 qn a v i-1 t σ ht-1 Forget Gate c ... LSTM LSTM ... LSTM ... t-1 Figure 3. LSTM unit. See Section 3, Equations (3)-(8) for details. ... a1 ai Figure 2. Our approach Neural-Image-QA, see Section 3 for de- one-hot vector encoding (a binary vector with exactly one tails.
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