first With the News! First With the News! Krrp Astride All The Activities Keep Astride AH The Activities Of The Town With Your Of The Town With Your Home-Town Paper Home-Town Puper ,,,, XXXV-NO. 13 "yol lartereOARTFRKT, N. .1., FRIDAYt, .JULY Ki, 1!)56 PRICK EIGHT CENTS Anti-Rabies (iartcret Union WINGS Accepts Contract Delay Awards OF Clinic Ends CAKTF'RET — In a meetlnE hclil m Falcon Hall, the member- In Borough hi;> of I-.ocnl 521, International LIFE (;n:»n of Mine, Mil! and Smelter On Bids Until WINDSOR J LAKH Wntkns voted lo accept n threc- Over 500 Canines Given vcur ronUni't offered by the Metfll mil Th'Tmit Corporation, a union j Serum Here; Polio .poki'sman stated. vacation.) Shots Wednesday Tin: union spokesman, which Next Thursday „!,, »xnow why thlfl column Is riiMTsrnls 210 employes, said the j ••wings of Life." CARTERET - Indicating that 'ffn totaled at 32-eent package borough officials are 'becominR wiih ;i pay raise of 11 cents an Seho()1 Bftar(l r SIITOSS the board for the first ,,.„., uld be more approp- more aware ot the danger of ra- rn bies In dogs, Health Inspector ;ind seven cents eacli the Carteret Women's \"iiiive been mulling over the Michael Yarcheskl reported today nd and third years. („, many years and now that the number of canines Inocu- Tlic contract, which expires COP Hears Mayor Approves Bid ,(,',iir conclusion that It fits lated with anti-rabtes serum up .Mini1 30. 1959, will be retroactive , |),,nnk perfectly. until last nisht had surpassed any tn the same date this year. It Of Bus Owner * • * previous year's record. will be in accordance with the T,,, c,m,t| ,,„ .niMan takes his vacation Women's Republican Club met in: He estimated that over 500 dogs iiitiMii set nationally by the non- , nn outward appearance feiTous Industry, the spokesman Fire Hall No. 1 with Mrs Jesse i CARTERET — Because of the • had been given the serum during liu ,| concern on his part. No declared. Bagala presiding. , w number of bids and the fact *y t the week at the various clinics In r preparation* of planning, Mrs. Charlotte EvoniW, chair- t"»t many of them were not J the borough. Additional benefits voted upon totalled. Edward J. Dolan, presl- ,, uirl worrying. This fel- !by the union, he explained, will man of the spaghetti supper, held The health Inspector declared .n Club Markay, reported that two!dent of the Board of Education ai hi takes off on wings to I cost seven cents. They are re- that' it was incumbent to dog own- hundred and eighty-eight persons; Wednesday night's meeting In the P ;,!,,(•(< or other and the only classification of pay Inequities, ers that their pets be Inoculated were served, and that another '"hig' h'" school-'•--' , announce--•d• "--that' a- \'.^ ,;,„, nf whare he went comes to protect them against rabies. He additional life Insurance, addi- spaghetti dinner was planned for special meeting would be held ,,. h(, form of a postcard. tional sick benefits, improve- stated that the disease can be pre- the early fall. She was assisted next Thursday at 7 P. M. to award $ • • • vented but not cured. Mr. Yar- ments In supper money and death the contacts. / J'M in the family provisions, Initiation by Mrs. A. Mcleod. Mrs. E. Ur- ,,. c.irds come from Madagas- cheskl said that this year five per- The board president had ««'!>•,$ of a pro-rata vacation for first banski, Mrs. Bannlck, Mrs. N. Purrtn Rico, the Bahamas, soas have already died through pressed hopes that contracts could : - vein' employes, additions to the Sica. Mis. C. DeOraca and Mrs. J. o!.ti;ud Beach, Me,, the rabies, caused by dog bites. be awarded at the meeting, but •; Blue Cross and Blue Shleia hos- ;,!;,•,,is, Laurentlan Mountains Clinics had been established after a short recess, he told the pital and surgical plans. • Councilman Dr, Edward Kren- m;ll]a or Mrs. Williams Cozy during the week at Kahn's Ware- tar, commissioner of recreation In bidders in the audience that In .. ie in Pennsylvania where house, 55 JBssex Street; Keplch's A new item will be the major view of the fact that considerable V It if:" i medical expense plan, providing Carteret for the second year told i fnn i.s good, the air Is clean Service Station. 150 Washington time would be taken before tha ,, t hat each employe or members of the large gathering that his de- id ii) over the hllls( ojf- \ Avenue; Garage, ieber partment Is now in full force and bids could be properly (allied ;!> his family will receive 80 per cent It would be necessary to hold off <§•[ r, pr; and solitude. J and Ash Streets; Fire House No. 2, ready to serve the hundreds of \ 183 Roosevelt Av.enue; Mattel of all medical expenses up to $5,' the board's decisions until the '^ 000. children In the borough. He stated 1 Sunoco 8tat|on West Carteret that last year broke all records special meeting. likes to pufl this stun\i - ' Representing the union in its ,and Cutter's Service Station, 760 of the past In people participat- The board, however, approved ^'; I,;,TP you guessing. The post- negotiations ave been Moe Ka- Roosevelt Avenue. The clinics will ing in recreation functions and one bid, the lone one, to Edward t %., li; ,,<>vr.s you somewhat until lusekh, president: George Esslg be concluded today with Inocula- predicted from the atendance so George, Carteret Bus Service, for f .: hack and then he gets vice-president; Artur Hashagen, tions to be given at Firehouse far that this year will be bigger the transportation of Parkview ... r,,[ satisfaction out of telling .lr., secretary; Edward Kollbas, No. 1, 561 Roosevelt Avenue, from than ever before. The Doctor said upils to the various schools. The >; . 1; ,:)lmt this new place he has Kdwiud Ryan and Alfred Porti- t 2 to 3 P. M. t gave him pride that many em- id was tor a flat $40 per day.-* ' ni discovered. He is one cliur. international representative. Dr. John*Nemeth is administer- iloyed In playground areas are his offer was for the transpor- most travelled vacationists David Mandel, Perth Amboy, Is 1 ing the vaccinations and is being Cartere,t ,Hlgh School athletic ation of 185 pupils '^more or less.' M'tviiiR as the union's legal coun- [assisted by Mrs. Eleanor Petruskl :oaches and teachers to direct Questioned by Robert E. Brown, sel. ] and Mrs. Blanche Wolsky, bor- ,he children of Carteret in the oard member, as to the mean- 11 .in JO back twenty years and ough health nurses. ilaygrounds. Doctor Krentar con- ing "more or less," Mr. George •Kiwn we were both working Polio Shots Wednesday (lowboy Boots-Dungaree :luded by urging parents not to ;ald that he meant ten less pupils ': nn another paper, and The health officer announced r ten more. over ferreting out allow their children to carry any that next Wednesday at 1:30 Not For Carteret High iharp Implements in their pockets Mr. Brown then asked the bus quaint little place in the o'clock, there will be a clinic set or fear of serious Injuries. ompany official what would hap- .[( the beaten track and not CARTERET — Those cowboy «n If there was a sudden influx up In the borough hall for those Andrew Banlck, in charge of ac- iM'd He has a remarkable 1 boots and dungarees will be- if pupils from the Parkview sec- .. I children who have received their tivities for the Carteret Rtpubll- come obsolete next year at Car- Ion and It was necessary to pro- nf locating thftte .pots and ;first poljo sholJ. and fw ^ who can Club, told the membership obably 5 U ar ma teret High School as far as. the ride transportation to 210 stu- i" ™ «"„ ° i have not had the inoculations as that a picnic in the fall Is plan- <od foofdd cookinooking a mile from Board of Education is con- dents. Mr. George replied that In yet. ned for the members, friends, and 1 cerned. , * such event another bus wquld mam road. Mr. Yarcheski declared that the relatives to be held either in Stu The Board approved the rec- have to be put on the route and one injection will produce im- pars Grove or The Falcon Hall THIS WONT HURT, says Dr. John Nenieth as he injects a shot of anti-rabifs scrum into the dogs ommendation «f Superintend- it WM'Understandable that he |W;th Julian Its.,MM .Just s~#. munity to the disease and thtt Pula.ski Avenue and the annua pictured above. The photos were made yesterday afternoon at the Mattel Sunoco Station, West ant of Schools Edwin S. Quln at would have to ask the board mem- :••,: "edibles out of this parents should not hesitate to trip to the major league nigh: Carteret, one of the clinics set up by Health Inspector Michael Yarelieski. Gettinfi a "shot" in the the meeting Wednesday night bers for additional funds. The ; : • when he makes a landing. have their children vaccinated. game for August is also planned, top photo is "Silky, while Ills .younK owner, Ronald McGilNs, 56 William Street, holds on to him. 'that in order for the borough matter was left at this point, ran i-.-call a place up In North (Continued on Page Six) Committees will be appointed a In the lower photo, Mrs. Hilda Vogt, 37 Main: Avenue, holds her pet Boston bull, "Champ," school to keep up its prestige with the understanding that Mr.
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