University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 8-30-2000 Central Florida Future, August 30, 2000 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, August 30, 2000" (2000). Central Florida Future. 1559. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1559 ___ welcome Exyo rained out,· • but the SJirit lives on! THE ·central orida , August 30, 2000 •The Campus Student Newspaper since 1968 • www.UCFfuture.com Inside UCF gro~ing in •• more ways than one JENNIFER PATERSON have a higher percentage of faculty STAFF WRITER members teaching courses as opposed to other schools where many graduate stu­ The evolution of UCF from a small, dents do the teaching," he said. "Also specialized institution by the name of we want to keep spending dollars on pro­ Florida Technological University to a grams _that enhance teaching and learn- , buzzing metropolitan univers~ty is appar­ ing such as the Teaching and Learnipg ent to most. New structures added to the Center in the new classroom building." campus in the last few years such as The center, he says promotes new ideas Money goes missing at UCF's three parking garages, the Student and creative teaching, something which Huntington Bank. Help them Union, numerous classroom buildings, UCF feels is very important. UCF is also catch a thief. dorms and more have changed the face working to expand in the area of - POUa B~T, PAGE 5 of UCF from a small, regional and most­ research. ly commuter school into one of the Last year, the school had an increase largest universities in Florida. in funding to $52 million, up 40%. ,. Vote online/see poll results. "When I came to school here in 1973 "Interestingly enough, the top two NEWS pg. 7 there was only the Administration fund-earners were the College of Read how Survivor should be. Building, Math and Physics, Philips Engineering and the College of RANTING and RA YING pg. 8 Hall, Biology, and some on-campus Education," said Whitehouse. "While it housing," said Anne Saucer, a graduate, is commonly known that our areas of Is three really a crowd? full-time employee and current Graduat~ expertise are in the technological arena, SEXPERT ADVICE pg. 11 student at UCF. the funding to the College of Education Check this new comic out. While it is evident that UCF is shows that our school is more diverse in FELIX pg. 20 undergoing tremendous growth in num­ its research than many may think." ber of buildings and student population, The drive to expand the research role Getting dressed for Tech what is not as obvious is that academi­ of UCF is twofold: while on the one hand UCF linebacker Tony Hardman, left, assists • List of Concert Shows p. 15 cally, UCF is booming more than ever. the school wants to strive to meet the teammate Antoine Poe with his equipment News of the Weird p. 19 Dr.. Whitehouse, President of needs of greater Orlando through before last Saturday's practice at the Florida Provost, maintains that the primary goal research, on the other hand President Citrus Bowl. UCF opens its season on Crossword Puzzle p. 20 of UCF is to maintain its commitment to John Hitt emphasizes that it is research Saturday against Georgia Tech. undergraduate education. "We are Football Segments p. 28 Stories, SPORTS unique for a large institution because we · UCF,Page4 UCF ~hapter of Golden Key wins again Three film TAYLOR CLARK makers make STAFFWRII'ER UCF their home The UCF chapter of Golden Key PAUL WILSON International Honor Society is rapidly mak­ STAFF WRITER ing its mark among scholars worldwide. While attending the International Golden With the success of the Key Convention in Los Angeles on Aug. 3-6, "Blair Witch Project," created the UCF chapter was awarded "Most by UCF students, some might Improved Chapter 2000." Having received an say the film ..-------. award last year for "Best Campus program at Awareness," the two prizes are helping to put UCF was this chapter, and UCF on the map. making The purpose of this award is to recognize great strides. chapters that have significantly improved But with their involvement and commitment in regards some new to the Society's standards. To some it may additions, sound easy, but in order to qualify, the win­ the program ning chapter must exceed the requirements is getting set by Golden Key, which is exactly what even better. Ingle UCF did. Fox Television's "You have to go above and beyond," said 'American High,' Warner Past-President Andrea Almeida. "Anyone can Brothers' 'Opposite Sex,' and fulfill the standards, but you must stand out. SPEC1AL TO THE FUTURE the Academy Award winning This is why the award is so important to us­ Dr. Carl Patton, President of Georgia State University, presented UCF's Golden Key members Ryan film 'As Good As It Gets' are we are going above; we are standing out." Stiner, Andrea Almeida, Juhe Holdsworth, and Jill Ziegenfuss with this year's 'Most Improved just some of the credits of After much hard work and determination, the Chapter award. · three nationally known film­ chapter did just that. makers joining the faculty of Accompanied by their Primary Advisor award simply made the trip that much more have begun to show them that we are a chal­ UCF's Department of Film: Jill Ziegenfuss, Past-President Andrea rewarding. lenge," insists Almeida. Jonathan Mednick, Mark Almeida, President Ryan Stiner and Vice This is a great honor for Golden Key at Not just the UCF chapter, but the organi­ Gerstein and Lori Ingle. President Julie Holdsworth represented UCF UCF. For a chapter that was recognized by a zation itself seems to be experiencing this "We want a nationally in Los Angeles. Unaware of the victory prior select few two years ago, this honor society is growth spurt. The four-day convention was competitive film school, and to the conference, these Golden Key officers expanding and improving at an impeccable one of great diversity with over l ,300 dele- attended workshops on chapter success, lead­ rate. "We're not only growing, but we're going FILM,Page4 ership and personal development. The recent to be up there with big schools like UP. We GOLDEN KEY, Page 3 Pick Your Car For Onfv - 216~':'. · -- • • • August 30, 2000 • www.UCFfuture.com CENTRAL RORIDA FUTURE • .J • HFA and Administration buildings to rec~ive new names DARCY ELENA will become Millican's Hall in yet unknown when the changes alized UCF's circular design and The University of Central RODRIGUEZ recognition of his groundwork in will take place however. adopted the Pegasus as its logo. Florida. STAFF WRITER the foundin.g and establishment Millican was UCF's first Colboum became UCFs sec­ After their presidential of UCF. The HFA Building is to president He gave the universitY ond president in 1978 and contin­ tenures ended, Millican and The recognition of former become Colboum's ~all, honor- its foundation as he guided it ued where Millican left off. Colbourn remained at UCF. UCF presidents, Charles Millican ing Colbourn's work following from the beginning of its plan­ Under Colboum, the football pro­ Millican is an officer with the and Trevor Colboum will mean Millican and his prominent ning and establishment in June gram was created and Research UCF Foundation, promoting name changes for two of UCFs accomplishments. 1963 to its inauguration in Park was established.· UCF in his belief that it will buildings. The Hwnanities and Governor Jeb Bush recently September 1968. "He also put in place a grad­ become one of America's greatest • Fine Arts (HFA) Building and the approved a state legislature bill "Millican was the founding uate program," said McFall. universities. Administration Building will recommending the renaming of president of the University," -said During Colboum's presiden­ Colboum returned to UCF in receive new names in honor of the buildings. Any name changes Dean McFall, spokesperson and cy, the uniy.ersity's name was 1989 as a history professor. these past presidents. to university buildings must director of news and information changed as well. The Florida Currently, Colboum is compiling The Administration Building approved by the state. It is at UCF. MilliGan also conceptu- Technological Institute became a history of the university. • .. Golden Key hopes to induct close to 'Marching into 600 new members in November • 2000-2001 ,; · · FROM PAGE 1 officers trust that they will continue to improve and eventually receive the "Key Chapter Award," which gates from arQUDd the world. attended the event. fu reco~ chapters that have met and exceeded fact, membership h?S g-0~ so significantly world- international, regional, and local cflai:>ter standards with the Knights wide that :a ~e crumge was in order. The Golden . and responsibilities. Key Council~- Board· or Directors announced at Such a goal should be more than just feasible AMY PAVUK Marching Knights pre-season • the confer~ $it the honor society will no longer according to Advisor, ~ill Ziegenfuss, Golden Key STAFF WRITER camp, students continue to be [email protected] ~ational _hcmor society, but an inter- hopes to induct close to ·600 new · members in drill and study music every national one iifst~'All chapters have two years to .November: "Increased membership will allow us to afternoon, Monday through • change all .publis~:~~~~· and four years to.
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