Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 31 6 12/03/1968 Letter Haldeman to Joseph Kaplan re: sciences. 1 pg. 31 6 11/13/1968 Letter Peggy Harlow to Haldeman re: Administration. 3 pgs with attachments. 31 6 12/11/1968 Memo L. Higby to Haldeman re: Christmas transportation for Miss Joan Carroll. 1 pg. 31 6 12/09/1968 Memo Larry Higby to Haldeman re: government organization manual. 1 pg. 31 6 11/25/1968 Letter Haldeman to John Harriman re: administration. 1 pg. 31 6 12/16/1968 Letter Haldeman to Hartley Hutchins re: position within administration . Wednesday, February 27, 2008 Page 1 of 3 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 31 6 01/10/1969 Letter Haldeman to Bruce Jacobs re: position within administration. 1 pg. 31 6 01/04/1969 Letter Paul Jones Jr. to Peter Flanigan re: Personal. 2 pgs with attachment. 31 6 01/04/1969 Letter Haldeman to Hardin Jones re: drug use. 7 pgs with attachments. 31 6 01/04/1969 Letter Haldeman to Belton Johnson re: Inter- American Cattleman's Confederation. 1 pg. 31 6 11/25/1968 Letter Haldeman to Franklin Johnson re: appointments. 2 pgs (copies). 31 6 12/21/1968 Letter Haldeman to James Kelly re: Vietnam. 4 pgs with attachments. 31 6 12/10/1968 Letter Robert Knight to Haldeman re: Answer Desk Critique. 2 pgs with attachment. Wednesday, February 27, 2008 Page 2 of 3 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 31 6 12/11/1968 Memo Haldeman to Earl Kennedy re: administration. 4 pgs with attachments. 31 6 12/10/1968 Letter Haldeman to Joseph Kaplan re: Lee DuBridge. 4 pgs with attachments. 31 6 12/03/1968 Letter Unknown to Haldeman re: Lee DuBridge. 3 pgs with attachments. Wednesday, February 27, 2008 Page 3 of 3 December 3, 1968 Dr. J oseph Kaplan Department of Physics University of California I Los Angele8, California 900Z4 I Dear Joe: [ Thank you very much for forwarding your I' schedule for the early part of December. I have forwarded your letter with its I attachment to Dr. DuBrldge who, a8 yOI1 know, will be working with Mr. Nixon a8 advisor for, the 8ciences. I am 8ure you will be hearing from him I I' .honly. Be8t regard•• I Cordially, ,. 'H. R. Haldeman , \ HRHrjc \ ! \I \'"'- .'.to "" ,I , ..... , I ' , , "j ~ '" , I I I 1 " " I , " I \ ! I , I ,, I I', I I / ,, " I ,. f 1"1\' , ,. : .~ ., J''-..\ " • .. 3744 North 30th Road Arlington, Virginia 22207 November 13, 1968 Dear Mr. Haldeman: I would like to be a part of the Nixon Administration, if possible, and would appreciate your consideration of my application. My areas of interest and competence are writing, editorial assis­ tance, working with people (as, for example, in appointments), and managerial responsibility. I believe I could make a significant contribution in one or mor~ of these areas. My secretarial skills would supplement any responsibilities un&e~taken. My experience with and knowledge of the federal government would be of value, especially to those Administration members unfamiliar with Washington, D. C. The planning is, I know, in a state of flux and your time is limited. I would appreciate, however, your letting me know of any possibilities or further steps I might take with regard to a position with the Nixon Administration. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ~Cj'CJ<r I/~ (~) Peggy Harlow Enclosure Mr. Robert Haldeman The Pierre Hotel Fifth Avenue at 6lst Street New York, New York RESUME Margery G. Harlow 3744 North 30th Road Arlington, Virginia 22207 (703) 524-1346 Personal Data Born: 1/11/43; Washington, D. C. Height: 5 '1"; Weight: 105 1bs. Health: excellent Marital status: single Education Bachelor of Arts: George Washington University, Washington, D. C., June 1964. Major: Public Affairs (combined political science and economics) Also attended Randolph Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Virginia, Sept. 1960 - June 1962. Secondary: Washington-Lee High School, Arlington, Virginia. Graduated June 1960. Previous Experience' March 1968 ­ Office of United States Senator Peter H. Dominick (R-Co10.) Temporarily rehired as fill-in during campaign for re-election, following 5-month trip to Europe. Writing political and policy statements; general secretarial work. August 1968 - Staff of Committee on Resolutions, Republican National Convention, Miami Beach, Florida. Immediate supervisor: Dr. Arthur Peterson 2-week leave of absence from Senator Dominick's staff: prepared statements for Ray C. Bliss, Chairman, Republican National Committee; general secretarial assistance to the Chairman and Resolutions Committee during its final deliberations. September 1968 - November 1968 ­ ANSWER DESK, Research Division, Republican National Committee. Immediate supervisor: Robert H. Knight, Jr. Volunteer four nights a week and on weekends: indexing of all ANSWER DESK bulletins, transmission of bulletins by te1ecopier and teletypes; editing assistance when needed; general secretarial work including operation of "MT/ST" machine. August 1967 - February 1968 Travel in Europe. -2­ Resume Margery G. Harlow February 1965 -August 1967 Office of United States Senator Peter H. Dominick Press secretary: wrote major speeches, statements, policy letters; general public relations work. Research, case work, and office manage­ ment. Legislativemail and statements. Reason for leaving: opportunity to take extended trip to Europe. October 1966 - June 1967 - Served as co-chairman of National Student Leadership Training Conferences, National College Young Republican Federation. On volunteer basis, organized pilot "school" (Yale University) as model for national Republican effort to attract young people. November 1964 - February 1965 Office of United States Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen (R.-Ill.) Immediate supervisor: John R. Gomien general secretarial work June 1964 - November 1964 Republican National Committee, Washington, D. C. 20006 (June - July) Veterans Division. Office management, general secretarial work. (July - November) Research Division. Secretary to the Director, Edward A. McCabe: research, administration of office in Director's absence; policy letters, general editorial and supervisory work; general secretarial work. June 1961 - June 1964 Office of United States Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen Part-time (35 hours/week) during college and full-time during vacations; general secretarial and research; on Anti-Trust and Monopoly Subcommittee of Senate Judiciary Committee: general office management and secretarial. September 1960 - June 1962 Part-time work in college snack bar. June 1960 - September 1960 Arts and Sciences Division, Republi~an National Committee, Washington, D. C. Immediate supervisor: Dr. Arthur Peterson. general secretarial work Special Skills Editorial and research Familiarity with executive and legislative branches of federal government. Typing: 100 words per minute Shorthand: 100 words per minute Operational use of: dictaphone, xerox, mimeograph, "MT/ST", telecopier, teletype, general office machines. MEMORANDUM December 11, 1968 TO: H. R. HALDE:Ml'~N FROM: L. mGBY RE: CHRISTMAS TRANSPORTATION FOR MISS JOAN CARROLL At the start of the campaign Joan was brought back here on a temporary basis by the scheduling department to assist Nick Ruwe and others in scheduling operations. During that time she has maintained an apartment and other business affairs in the California area. It now appears she will be joining us on the White House staff one way or another, and it would seem appropriate that she have an opportunity to clear up her affairs in ( alifornia Recommendation: Transition Committee pay one round-trip transportation for Miss Joan Carroll to allow her to clear up remaining affairs in (alifornia. TO: H. B.....'Man December 9, 1968 w. nov baw aw.ilable the cOftJ'Dlll8ut orpnlation _nual along with the other book. on JI7 d.••k. It h a ban4T infonatio.lal guide of how tbi. wbole tb.1ng 1. -put toptMr, ccxmlli••1on b)" cOIIIIli.I101l, cSapartment b7 department. / i . ' .. November 2.5, 1968 Mr. John Harriman Executive Office Security Pacific Na.tional Bank 215 West Sixth Street Los Angeles, Ca.lifornia Dear Jack: Thank you for your kind wire on the campaign. I feel confident that your talents could be of valuable assist. ance to the Nixon administration. At the present time we are setting up agencies to evalu­ ate the thousands of requests that we have been receiving. In addition we are moving into new quarters. For these reasons there will be a short delay until the appropriate persoll can respond properly to ~ur request. Please be assured. however. that it will not be lost in the shuffle·. You should be hearing from an appropriate member of our ataff in the near future. Beat regards. Cordially, H. R. Haldeman, HRH:jc ,. " ·Ueceablr 16, 1968 Mr. Hartle)" F. Hutch1na 8628 Taylor Avenue Fort WaahiDgton loreat, Max71aD4 20022 near Mr. 1l1!;chinat 1'bank ;you Tel')" much tor )'OUr in'tereat 1n • poaltiOD with the new admin1atratlon. I bave forwarded your let.ter to Mr. Jfa%'17 llem'ng, who 1a blndl:Jaa the att.tt1q pba•• of tbe tranait10a period. tau. W1U bear tvtbel- t1'cIa UI •••ooa .a poaal~. COJ'CU.l~. H. I. Ba14eman AaailtaDt to tbe .....1c1aAt.-.len .• . ~ ,. ~' '., ..'p. .., ., ... JaIl1&J'7' 10, 1969 Mr. Bruce Jacob. 31 Pau:rtIa Street Park 114p. Ifev JerleY 01656 »-.r Mr. Jac0b8: 'lila. 7O'l very IIUOb tor your iDterelt 1n • po8ition with tbe new a4a1ninration. I law tonarded 7O'U" letter to M:t. .1..1 Ite., vb.o ¥ill be in obara- of all lfldte Roue pub1icationa,f'or hi8 0011­ 8i4eratioa• You. will bar bQn 118 f'tJ.rtber .a lOOn .. poa8ib1e. C~, •• R. 1Ja14.-11 AI.i.tant to tbe Prea14eDt-elect RRH/_ cc J. Keogh G. Paul Jones, Jr. Republican Slale Chairman Member far Geargia January 4, 1969 relephane: (912) 788-4641 Pasl Office Bax 96 Macan. Geargia 31202 Mr.Peter M. Flanigan Office of the President-Elect 450 Park Avenue New York, New York 10022 ~/ PERSONAL 0:: ::::~s ~ ~ :::: for the phone call yesterday.
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