NAMIBRAND NATURE RESERVE SPECIES CHECKLIST - PLANTS (249 species) Family Scientific names Common name(s) Type Locality/habitat NRNR no NBRI rec TAP Acanthaceae Barleria lancifolia blue barleria shrub 56 Acanthaceae Barleria lanceolata shrub x Acanthaceae Barleria rigida scorpion thistle dwarf shrub Acanthaceae Blepharis grossa little desert thistle herb 30 x Acanthaceae Blepharis mitrata dwarf shrub 65 Acanthaceae Blepharis pruinosa shrub 76 x Acanthaceae Justicia guekeana shrub x Acanthaceae Monechma desertorum herb x Acanthaceae Monechma cleomoides Namib perdebos shrub 21 x Acanthaceae Monechma distichotrichum shrub 62 x Acanthaceae Monechma divaricatum shrub 79 Acanthaceae Petalidium setosum Namib petal-bush shrub 18 x Aizoaceae Galenia papulosa dwarf shrub 36 Aizoaceae Gisekia africana var. africana ostrich herb herb 64 x Aizoaceae Hypertelis salsoloides herb 42 Aizoaceae Limeum arenicolum herb 67 x Aizoaceae Limeum argute-carinatum herb 107 x Aizoaceae Limeum fenestratum var. fenestratum shrub 27 x Aizoaceae Trianthema triquetra herb x Aloaceae/ Aloe dichotoma quiver tree / kokerboom tree Moringa hills x Asphodelaceae Amaranthaceae Amaranthus dinteri herb 95 x Amaranthaceae Amaranthus praetermissus herb 25 x Amaranthaceae Calicorema capitata star of the Namib shrub Gravel plains x x Amaranthaceae Leucosphaera bainsii wolbos / silwerbossie shrub 60 x x Amaranthaceae Sericorema sericea herb x Amaryllidiaceae Boophane disticha fan leaved boophane / tumbleweed geophyte Amaryllidiaceae Nerine laticoma vlei lily succulent x Anacardiaceae Rhus burchellii karoo kuni-bush tree x Anacardiaceae Rhus lanceolata karee tree x Anacardiaceae Rhus marlothi bitter karee tree 2/1 x x Anacardiaceae Rhus undulata kuni bush tree x Anarcadiaceae Ozoroa crassinervia Namib resin tree tree 5a x x Anacardiaceae Ozoroa namaensis Nama resin-tree tree x Apocynaceae Cryptolepis decidua x NAMIBRAND NATURE RESERVE SPECIES CHECKLIST - PLANTS (249 species) Apocynaceae Microloma incanum x Apocynaceae Hoodia currori Namib hoodia succulent x Apocynaceae Orthanthera albida shrub x Apocynaceae Sarcostemma viminale caustic / milk bush succulent Asphodelaceae Aloe namibensis (?) Namib aloe succulent Asphodelaceae Trachyandra taxa var. taxa geophyte 48 Asteraceae Antiphiona fragrans shrub 24 Asteraceae Berkheya chamaepeuce shrub 102 x Asteraceae Calostephane marlothiana herb 89 x Asteraceae Dicoma capensis herb 34 x Asteraceae Eriocephalus scariosus shrub 103 x Asteraceae Euryops subcarnosus shrub 134 x Asteraceae Felicia hirsuta shrub x Asteraceae Geigeria ornativa dune vermeerbossie herb 41 x Asteraceae Helichrysum argyrosphaerum herb 112 x Asteraceae Helichrysum candolleanum herb 45 x Asteraceae Helichrysum herniarioides herb 109 x Asteraceae Helichrysum roseo-niveum South-west edelweiss / everlasting herb 113 x Asteraceae Hiricium gazanioides herb 85 x Asteraceae Myxopappus acutilobus herb 44 x Asteraceae Pechuel-Loeschea leubnitziae wild sage shrub 46 x Asteraceae Pegolettia senegalensis herb 91 x Asteraceae Pentzia pinnatisecta shrub Gorrasis HK2916 Asteraceae Platycarpha carlinoides wild radish / rivierkool herb Asteraceae Pteronia lucilioides shrub x Asteraceae Pteronia polygalifolia x Asteraceae Senecio eenii herb 96 x Asteraceae Tripteris microcarpa tall desert daisy herb 40 x Bignoniaceae Catophractes alexandri trumpet thorn shrub Riverbeds x Bignoniaceae Rhigozum trichotomum driedoring shrub x x Boraginaceae Ehretia rigida(= alba) white puzzle-bush / deurmekaarbos shrub x Boraginaceae Heliotropium ciliatum herb 73 x Boraginaceae Trichodesma africanum herb 101 x Brassicaceae Heliophila deserticola var. micrantha herb 104 Brassicaceae Heliophila minima herb 111 Burseraceae Commiphora glaucescens blue-leaved corkwood / tsaura tree 3 x x NAMIBRAND NATURE RESERVE SPECIES CHECKLIST - PLANTS (249 species) Burseraceae Commiphora dinteri tree x Burseraceae Commiphera namaensis Nama corkwood tree x Burseraceae Commiphora saxicola rock corkwood tree Moringa hills 2 x Burseraceae Commiphora tenuipetiolata satin-bark corkwood tree x x Caesalpiniaceae Caesalpinia pearsonii Capparaceae Cadaba aphylla swartstorm tree x x Capparaceae Boscia albitrunca shepherd's tree / witgat tree / shrub x x Capparaceae Boscia foetida smelly shepherd's tree / noeniebos tree / shrub x x Capparaceae Cleome angustifolia subsp. diandra yellow mouse-whiskers herb 69 x Capparaceae Cleome gynandra spiders' wisp herb x Capparaceae Cleome paxii herb x Capparaceae Cleome rubella herb 74 Capparaceae Cleome suffruticosa shrubby cleome herb 68 Capparaceae Maerua parvifolia small-leaved maerua tree x Capparaceae Maerua schinzii ringwood / lammerdrol tree 2/2 x Celastraceae Gymnosporia linearis narrow-leaved spike-thorn / smalblaarpendoring tree x Chenopodiaceae Lophiocarpus polystachys herb 86 x Chenopodiaceae Salsola garubica shrub HK2917 Chenopodiaceae Salsola spp. dwarf shrub 133 Colchicaceae Hexacyrtis dickiana geophyte 84 x Cucurbitaceae Acanthosicyos horridus !nara melon herb x Cucurbitaceae Acanthosicyos naudinianus gemsbok cucumber herb Cucurbitaceae Citrullus lanatus tsamma melon herb 71 x Cucurbitaceae Cucumis africanus small wild cucumber herb Cucurbitaceae Cucumis sagittatus herb 93 x Ebenaceae Diospyros lycioides red star apple tree Ebenaceae Euclea pseudebenus wild ebony tree x Ebenaceae Euclea undulata common guarri tree x Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia avas-montana Avis mountain euphorbia / slender candelabra succulent x Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia friedrichiae succulent Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia glanduligera Namib milkweed herb x Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia lignosa (gariepina?) succulent 2/3 x Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia mauritanica succulent 47 x Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia phylloclada succulent NAMIBRAND NATURE RESERVE SPECIES CHECKLIST - PLANTS (249 species) Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia virosa candelabra euphorbia / gifboom succulent Moringa hills x Euphorbiaceae Kleina longifolia sjambokbos succulent x Euphorbiaceae Ricinus communis caster oil plant / kasterolie shrub alien x Fabaceae Adenolobus garipensis butterfly leaf / Gariep neat's foot / shrub x x omukandakara Fabaceae Adenolobus pechuelii Namib neat's foot shrub 82 x x Fabaceae Crotalaria damarensis rattle bush / wild lucerne herb 28, 106 x Fabaceae Crotalaria virgultalis herb 100 Fabaceae Indigofera adenocarpa shrub x Fabaceae Indigofera auricoma pink desert indigofera herb 57 x Fabaceae Indigofera fleckii (?) Gorrasis HK2918 Fabaceae Indigofera heterotricha shrub 72 x Fabaceae Otoptera burchellii shrub 88 x x Fabaceae Parkinsonia aculeata Jerusalem-thorn tree x Fabaceae Parkinsonia africana wild green hair tree tree x Fabaceae Ptycholobium biflorum subsp. biflorum herb 50 x Fabaceae Requienia sphaerosperma herb x Fabaceae Tephrosia dregeana var. dregeana herb 108 Fabaceae / Acacia erioloba camelthorn tree x x Mimosoideae Fabaceae / Acacia hebeclada candlepod acacia tree Mimosoideae Fabaceae / Acacia karoo sweet thorn tree x Mimosoideae Fabaceae / Acacia mellifera blackthorn / swarthaak tree / shrub x x Mimosoideae Fabaceae / Acacia tortillis umbrella thorn tree Mimosoideae Fabaceae / Acacia hereroensis mountain thorn tree x Mimosoideae Fabaceae / Albizia anthelmintica worm-cure albizia / aru tree x Mimosoideae Fabaceae / Faidherba albida ana tree / anaboom tree x Mimosoideae Fabaceae / Prosopis spp. mesquite tree alien x Mimosoideae NAMIBRAND NATURE RESERVE SPECIES CHECKLIST - PLANTS (249 species) Geraniaceae Monsonia luederitziana herb 77 Geraniaceae Pelargonium desertorum dwarf shrub Geraniaceae Sarcocaulon marlothii bushman's candle / boesmankers shrub x Hyacinthaceae Dipcadi bakerianum Namib wild onion geophyte x Hyacinthaceae Dipcadi platyphyllum x Hyacinthaceae Ornithogalum stapfii geophyte 78 x Hydrophyllaceae Codon royenii soetdoringbos herb 35 x Hydrophyllaceae Codon sp. nova herb Draaihoek Iridaceae Lapeirousia littoralis subsp. littoralis geophyte 81 x Lamiaceae Acrotome inflata tumbleweed herb Lamiaceae Acrotome pallescens shrub x Lamiaceae Stachys dinteri shrub x Liliaceae Aloe asperifolia succulent Loasaceae Kissenia capensis sandpaper bush herb 83 x Loranthaceae Tapinanthus oliefolius mistletoe / vuurhoutjies parasite Malvaceae Hibiscus elliottiae shrub 52 Malvaceae Pavonia rehmannii shrub x Malvaceae Radyera urens Karoo pumpkin herb Meliaceae Nymania capensis Chinese lanterns / klapperbos tree x Mesembryanthe- Ebracteola derenbergiana succulent 135 maceae Montiniaceae Montinia caryophyllacea omutete tree x x Moraceae Ficus cordata Namaqua rock fig tree 2/4 x Moraceae Ficus ilicina rock-splitting fig / laurel fig tree 7 Moraceae Ficus sycamorus cluster fig / sycamore fig tree x Moringaceae Moringa ovalifolia African moringa / sprokiesboom tree x Myrothamnaceae Myrothamnus fIabellifolius resurrection bush dwarf shrub x Neuradaceae Grielum sinuatum herb 105 Nyctaginaceae Phaeoptilum spinosum brosdoring shrub x Passifloraceae Adenia pechuelii elephant's foot / desert kohlrabi herb 63 x x Pedaliaceae Rogeria longiflora white-flowered rogaria herb 32 x Pedaliaceae Sesamum capense wild sesame herb x Pedaliaceae Sesamum triphyllum wild sesame / thunderbolt flower herb Plumbaginaceae Dyerophytum africanum desert statice shrub 53 x Plumbaginaceae Plumbago wissii shrub x Poaceae Anthephora pubescens wool-grass / borseltjiegras grass x NAMIBRAND NATURE RESERVE SPECIES CHECKLIST - PLANTS (249 species) Poaceae Aristida adscensionis annual bristle-grass / annual three-awn grass Poaceae Aristida congesta tassel three awn / perennial bristle-grass grass Poaceae Aristida effusa spreading stick grass grass 12 Poaceae Aristida engleri var. engleri
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