:i •'- J' ■ ' * 1 >• ■5N 1 . epnmii^ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2 ,19S8 Aeeracc Dsily Net Prifis -Run Til* Weather For~ the Week Ended Fereeaat e( t . 8. .Weather Bnraes PAGE TWENTir-EIGHt * Pi4»a U, 1055 / lUanrliEBtEr Eoptting fdondy tonight, mow beginning 11,617 near daybreak. Law lower She. Continuad elaima dropped from Friday ailondy, min ending latn In 433 to 41S< An avan 500 elaima- Picksp Plutip Rfiirts Jobless Claims Member «f the Audit day. High mid 4en. About Town^ Plans fo r Widening Bridge: WaH flied during the waek while Bureau af Oirenintlea 803 requested benefits the previ­ . J- Mancheiter^A CUy of Village Charm <Bob Genoveal wlU direct the. ous week. -----------^ ^ ------- :-----— ^-------- A m**Un* b*tw«iirth« town jM- Marinera Scout. Troop No. 3 On Union Street Approved Decrease Here An unidenttfisd garment shop WHEEL ALIGNMENT — WHEEL BALAN^NG partmMit ht^dB And umon r*p«- in picking up ail plastic hearts laid o|F 35 empioyea here, ac'oord- MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 3. 19-55 (CIneaifled Advertliing m Pago 18) PRICE nV B CENTS ieitiutlv»»^Ach*duI*d Monday yraa tomorrow morning. It waa an- RADIATOR REPAIRING AND RECORING ^ > VOL. LXXIV, NO. 129 (TWENTY PAGES) noiinced by Mra. Ruth Spen­ Initial claims'fose, conynusd .Ing to the report, but It apparent­ COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE cancalad bacauaa of the IHnaas of Thrte matt^rs-lnvolving poaalble.^aald he w-as o p p o ^ to the town's claims d r^ p H (Hjid the number ly had little effect on the unem­ Ocntrait Manager Richard Martin, cer, the' 1955 Heart Fund entering the. _ Hal. estate____ business._______ land acquisition by the tow"^ were of.persons’filing for unrmploymeiit ployment situation. e according to Frank Hippie, preai­ chairman, today. discuss^ last night by the Board I He aaid thel property in question Statewide, claime decreased for SJEE dant of the to«T> employer union The Girl Scouts, who wert of Directors which decided to give would require a great deal .^oT compensation beheflta hare de­ organist to help the Heart the seventh consecut)ve week, Stock Boom Dulles Bars local. No plana have yet J>een all three further eludy. 4 drainage, would not be suitable for creased by three last week, ac­ from 31,803 to 30,941. Initial and Priest Says Final made to aet a date for a aubatitute Fund w their repreaenUtlve A plan to widen Union Street a cemetery—a proposed use for meeting, he aaid. The working Miaa C ^ d ia Teabo, will be cording to the weekly report of partial elaima also fell off. bridge and ita approaches was the land—and would open the way the Conn. Employment Security Bridgeport, Hartford, NaW Ha­ agreement l^tween the town and wearing ve>r uniforms. Bual- unanimously adopted by the Board for many'-'PiMple to unload .prop­ CURKE MOTOR SALES Bargaining ita employee for 1955 waa to have neaamen can expect the girls Diviiion. ven and Waterbury were the lead* 301 BROAD STREET MI-9-2012 Held Good and is expected to coat about 824,- erty on the town if a precedent There were 87, new claims 'ing offices in the number of claims t^ n diacuaaed at the gathering. to call from 9:30 a.m,jto 1 p m. 000. TTie money will come from the was let ' Mass in Red Russia The girls will be working' in against 80 the. previous week. reported. / ■ teama with Mra. L. Morgan Capital Works Reserve Fund. Martin felt It might be expanalve For Truce An eight aeaaion hiaaie laaderahip Porter. Mrs. Philip Newcomb Sheekey Making Study property to acquire now because For Nation eoilrae for new Girl Scout leadera Not Included in the estimated it would have to be boqght in c < ^ Moscow, March 3-(A*) — or pro^iective leadem Who have and other . representatives of With tears streaming down the Heart Assn. figure was the ca.l of buying. a petition with Seveloperi. ' Wuhington, March 3 (JF)— Ousted by Reds Tfiipei, Formosa, March 3 not already completed the couriie ■' amount ol land from Cheney He also questioned -whether the his cheeks, an America^ (fPj—U.S. Secretary of State ■wili atari tomorrow morning at needed to widen the street, 6. Keith Funnton, prenident the South Methodiat Church with town could legally'use tax money e( the.New York Stock Ex­ Roman Catholic priiest bade Dulles told Chinese Na­ from another owner to al­ to buy rand without having a ape- farewell to his weeping con­ Miaa 4ean Campttell. executive di­ low'a bordering grade lengthened ciflc purpose in view. change. testified, today s pon- tionalist President Chiang rector of the Mancheater Girl to in^ease vlaibilUy must also be gregation. today as he said Kai-shek today that Quempy Scouta, aa the Inatrucfor. A ncr- Recommend TPC Study ■ible break in the current Manchester putchaaed. General Manager Rich: After discussion, the matter waa his final Mass l>efore expul­ and the Matsus were not on “X: aery under, the aupertiaion of Mra, srd Martin told the Board these market boqgi can’t be ruled uadeline Mcrley, nil! be provided felt to be a planning matter and sion from the Soviet Union. the bargaining table for a Date Book two Itertjs are being etedied by that it ahould be studied further out—but he aaid he personal­ Americans, Britons snd other M.H.S. Science Fam ^m e Winners foe amall children. The aeaaiona James Sheekey, to-.m engineer, cease-fire in the Chinese civil will run from 0 to 11 a.m. by the TPC. ly has been buying storks member* of Moscow'* western Air Force and a report will be made. diploAnntic colony esme to the war.: r - Y He also said Sheekey had re­ The third parcel considered by and expects to buy more. > Part Matrona of Temple Chap­ March 8 aad 4 the Board it the land owned ‘ by U '• service in the chspel sdjoining the But source* close, to the Sec­ Manchester High School Science ported work on the project could apartment of ths Rev. George Bl*- retary hinted the offshore Islands ter No'. 51, OESS. will meet tomor­ begin soon and would take about .Chepey Bros, which la used aa .the Washington, March 3 HF) Tanker Has row n i^ t at 8 o’clock at the home Fair, Verplanck School auditorium, playground for Lincoln School. sonnette of Central Falls, R. I., the might be abandoneil to the Reds 3 to 9 p.m. two months. —The Senate Banking Com­ only foreign Roman Cithollc on two conditions: er Mra. Georga Beauregard. 39 A proposal that the Town puy The Board authorized Martin to Weatminater Rd., Inatead of at the March 8, 4 and 8 inveatigfiate and to negotiate with •erout-Mici isiroitiD tceer mittee opened a full scale inr priest In Russia. 1. That the abandonment would Mancheater Products Show, SUta about 70 acres on Hackmatack sLcemi Maait staHo St.CASSitOll CANOt* w aisiit SSa-'TyUliSS** OMION CMOfMI Soviet police told Flither Bla- bring a guaranteed peace, to Asia, J-57 Power home of Mra. J. Henry Thornton the firm. 'The land it now leased SIT ablay slaaiiawn, idaal (ar vestigation of the stock aa originally announced. Anyone Armory, 3-10:30 p.ni. Street how owned by Cheney Bros, to the town and the lease is about dttifnsd far all aiaM end f<«« caaielala wiiH taodla, W •*'*#*'•- «•••! btWfi. cKrem* sonnelte yeeterdsy hla passport 2. - Tliat Nationalist China would March 4 and 5 was diacuaaed and referred to the cadaa-aialtaf bawit, na ^de, ee da»i*" kaae* faad aad lieU'dt •MflNf-GAieii. •**** aanMar »a«a,.,aaa lar ae«b (•'- * market today and )ieard from was being tlfted-&nd he must get r.gree to the move. \ Imabte to attend ahould notify one Town Planning Commission for to expire. The Board of Education lM« aa Mw »eWa. »a«ai »aa» eta. balrfvl fa d e a i.----- of the hoateaeea, Mra. Arthur "Robin Hood'a Treasure," Wad­ has recommended purchase. 44p, na braali, na daph^ iBfIt, nvt»t VBfBtGkUbs its first witness, that the out of *the country by Saturday. The Natlohali.sts may not a^ee I Pratt k Whitney Division Hoaglund or Mra. Fred T5irall. dell School. further study. aiaaa Mbia MO- month-old Ijpom in stock No reason waa given. under any circumstances. The ; of United Aircraft Corp.. Sunday, March 8 Director Walter Mahoney felt prices reflect^ a sound U.S. Proteata islands are the last Importsnt out­ Lecture. “Conversion of Rus­ the land could be used for an ath­ The U.S. government protested posts they hold off the Red main- i East Hartford, today seemed sia," Under auaplcea of Council letic field in the future, and would Ceramics Parly «conom.v and a Hopeful future tj,, o^atei' violates an sgree- land. ’ I the likely recipient of the Catholic Organlaatlons, Verplantk be needed later for this purpose for the nation. ■ iment in the 1933 Ropeevett-Lltvm- Realales I'A ; .Alms ] lion’s share of some |312,- School. 8 p.m. if the area ' was developed and O. Keith Funston. prmident o f. off ps- t granting American recog- Dulles reaffirmed U.S. determi­ 1 000,000 in Air Force orders Wednesday, March 9 homes were built. It was his feel­ For Emblem Club the New York Stock Exchange, ' nition to the Soviet Union. U.S. nation to defend Formosa and the k FLASH BVLB8. CASES, ^ Fashion show sponsored by Wes­ ing that development there would testified he sees no likelihood that authorities contend the pact gave Pe.scadores, a.s pledged in the for the P&WA designed J-57 W MOVIES, PARTS ^ leyan Group of South Methodist come soon.
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