YaleDailyNews FOUNDED 1878 WEATHER "the Rain this morning; Oldest College clear this afternoon Daily" and to-morrow. Vol. L, No. 146 NEW HAVEN, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1927, Price Five Cents PROFS TAKE OPENING GAME 1929 Baseball Competition YALE GLEE CLUB TO SING Golf Candidates To Meet YALE'S ENDOWMENT FUND IN TOWN AND GOWN SERIES It is necessary to elect four men BEFORE VASSAR AUDIENCE All candidates for the University NOW TOTALS $9,500,000 from the Sophomore class to compete Golf Team are requested to report at Elis Look Bad as New Haven in the baseball managerial competition, First Concert of Spring at Lampson Lyceum to-night at 7:30 at University's Drive for Money two of whom will be chosen from the Poughkeepsie Will which time plans for the season will Professionals Hit Scott college and two from Sheff. Nomina- Start Almost at Half-Way Mark Series of Four Trips. be announced. It was made known last Hard for 12-1 Victory. tion blanks arc to be found in Vale night by H. C. Sturhahn, 19275, man- in Preliminary Pledges. Station and in the Van Sheff. entries ager of the University team, that a INFIELD ERRORS PROVE COSTLY and should be deposited by 6 to-night IMPORTANT REHEARSAL TO-NIGHT seventy-two hole competition, to de- 3,000 GRADUATES AT WORK in the boxes provided. A candidate for termine the make-up of the Vale team, Absence of Jones, Caldwell, and Vaughan election must secure the signatures of Full Squad Will Meet in Byers Hall at 7 will start Monday and continue through Able Campaign Organization Resulting in Force Coach Wood to Use Revamped ten men. Voting will take place to- for Final Practice—Buses to Leave the week. Personal Appeal to Every Graduate Has Quartet—Teams Meet Again To-day in morrow and the newly-chosen competi- To-morrow Morning at 10:30—Concert Captain Paul Haviland, 1927. and Proven Successful—World-Wide Dinner City Championship Quest. tors will report on Monday. to Be Given at 3. Ren Thompson, professional at the to Be Great Yale Reunion. course, to-night will adress candidates Baseball experience gave the hard-hitting The Vale Glee Club will continue its pre- for the team, who must have member- Preliminary gifts and pledges to Yale's New Haven Profs an easy 12-1 victory over PROF. A. LIPARI ELABORATES paration for the concert to be given at Vas- ship cards before trying out for the $20,000,000 Endowment Fund Drive have sar College to-morrow evening with an Vale in the first game of the annua! '1 own EVOLUTION OF ITALY'S CRITICS im- team. netted $0,500,000 one week before the date and Gown series for the city championship portant rehearsal in Byers Hall to-night at set for the opening of the general campaign, 7. Attendance is compulsory, and the an- at Vale Field yesterday afternoon. The E'lis Brilliant Lecture Before Italian Society it was announced recently by George P. Day. nouncement of the personnel of the members were crippled by the enforced absence uf Discusses Art—Theory of Criticism '07, treasurer of the University, and chair- Vangh.ni of the club to make the trip to Poughkeep- UNIVERSITY TENNIS TEAM Captain Jones, Caldwell, and from Applied by De Sanctis and Croce. man of the National Executive Committee the infield. The temporary combination sic will be made. DEFEATS ALL OPPONENTS in connection with the drive. which Coach Wood put en t'te field Buses will leave for Poughkeepsie to-mor- Nearly 3,000 graduates are now actively Joe In the work of Francesco Dc Sanctis and Norfolk and Baltimore Country Clubs and committed glaring errors at critical moments row morning at 10 :30, with a rehearsal there working to complete the campaign organiza- Benedetto Croce, Professor Angcllo Lipari Georgetown Are Subdued Annual which made things easy for the profession- scheduled for 2. The concert will be given on tion, and the early acceptances to the Round elaborated the developments of Italian lit- Trip—Navy Postponed. - at 3, followed by a tea dance. Match place als. Twelve solid hits and six free tickets erary criticism in a brilliant lecture before the-World Dinner to take April 20 off Scott's erratic hurling completed the Beside the Vassar engagement, the Christ- leaves no doubt in Mr. Day's estimation, the Italian Society yesterday. Revolution- Yale's Tennis Team, due partly to the star rout. The teams will meet again at Vale mas trip squad will be taken to New York that it will be the greatest reunion in Yale's ary critical judgments flowed from the pen performance of Captain Charles Watson 111, Field to-day at 4 in the second game ci on April 20, where they will sing at the history. of Dc Sanctis; the methodology of Croce 1027, but mainly to the steady reliability of the series. Endowment Fund dinner. Arrangements "This movement has already gathered such co-ordinated and applied these concepts, the entire aggregation, was victorious all Manager Neal Ball started his ace, Dnlcli have been made for a concert at Mt. Holy- in powerful impetus, brought such gratifying with the aesthetics of criticism as the re- of its matches on the annual spring trip rCemner, on the mound and he gave up -.;n:y oke on April 2.'i, where the full, squad will results, and such reassuring indications of sult. through the South. Favored with exception- two hits, one of them a scratch double by sing. Journeying to Morristown on April complete victory, that the story of its origin Dc Sanctis, the dean of Italian critics, ally good weather conditions, the team won Schmidt which Martin lost in the sun in left 30, the Christmas trip squad will give a and development becomes of special interest," held sway at the time of the Romanticists. the three matches coming first on the sched- field, in the five innings he worked. Wood- joint concert with the Banjo Club. Mr. Day said. This early period, Professor Lipari consid- ule, but heavy rain and soggy courts made man followed him and proved no easier for The following, who will sing in the Vas- "The first official step was taken by the ered the climax of the struggle between necessary a postponement of the contest with the Elis, who seemed nervous and cramped sar Concert, are urgently requested to re- Y'ale Corporation at a meeting in October, Classicism and Romanticism. The depth, the United States Naval Academy, which at the plate. Between them the two Pro port to-night at 7. 1025, when it authorized the campaign for I power, and vision of Dc Sanctis was at first was to have been played in Washington Wed- hurlers sent nine Vale men back to the bench First tenors: W. S. Chappel, 1927 ;E. $20,000,000, stating that the purpose was 'To coldly received by the Italians, Positivism nesday, April 13. by the strike-out route. Darling, 1027: F. Y. Austin Jr., 1928S; H. acquaint the alumni and general public alike had already replaced the old school before Leaving New Haven on Wednesday, April The Profs opened the scoring in the sec- A. Basham Jr., 1028; A. M. K. Blume, more fully with the work of education and Dc Sanctis began to assume his present pro- G, the team made its first stop at ond by pushing over a run on Schmidt's 1928: A. B. Cutts Jr.. 1928; J. W. Dixen, Norfolk, research conducted by the University, of the portions in the intellectual world. The sub- Va., where the Norfolk Country Club was error, Montague's single, and a bad throw high 1928; R. Hill, 1928; C. L. Dunham, 1929; public service rendered by it, and the op- stitution of laborious research and decisively defeated by a score of 5 to 2. The to second by Hoben trying to stop an at- J. Y. B. Griggs, 1929; R. S. Mueller Jr., portunities open to it; and to invite gifts for scholarship in the literature of the Positiv- University won four out of five of the singles tempted steal. The bag was uncovered, and 1920; H. Seeley, 1929; E. C. Simmons, 1929: additional endowment which will enable Vale ists represents the essence of their construc- matches, the fifth being lost only after a Moore walked in. Vale came back in its W. D. Anderson, 1930; D. N. Clark, 1930; to take advantage of these opportunities and tive reforms. Carducci, as the new leader wearing, closely contested battle. Captain half and evened the count on Schmidt's C. D. Davidson, 1930; W. L. Funk. 1930; to be of still greater national service.' in critical circles, made significant contribu- Watson began here his string of victories, double and Brown's single to center. Five A. Gibb, 1930; W. W. Watson, 1030. "But before the Corporation took this ac- (Continued on Page 5) (Continued clean hits and a. stolen base accounted for' Second tenors: R. J. Faville, 1927; L. P. on Page 5) tion it had authorized; President Angell to four runs in the third, "giving' New'Haven ITalper, 1927: C. R. Bi-yVe, 19.28; P. Dono- consult with the Alumni Advisory Board a safe margin. The Profs hit Scott hard JOHNS HOPKINS DOWNS van. 19285; M. G. Duncan, 1928; R. L. "BOLD BAD .and the AlumniUniversity Fund Association in this inning, each being a clean shot to the Gilpatric. 1928; D. M. McKeen, 1928: R. MEN" WILL BE He met and talked wit,h seventy-four rep- outfield.
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