(USPS 395-280) VOL. LVI EASTON, PA August 26, 2010 NO. 34 Alan Abraham et al., t/a Thrift Investors, Ltd., Plaintiff v. Paxson Partners, LP, Defendant Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Logan Warren Shannon, Defendant Northampton County Reporter Digest—2010-8 CONTENTS Associate Position . 11 Notice of Relocation . 88 Bar News . 3 Notice of Dissolution . 10 Estate Notices . 4 Notices of Incorporation . 9 Firm Announcement . 87 Office/Conference Room Space Wanted . 12 Legal Notices . 10 Sheriff’s Sales . .12 Limited Liability Company Notice . .10 Trust Notice . 9 Northampton County Reporter Digest—2010-8 . 98 INSERT: Goldenrod: 1 . Quarterly Association Meeting 2 . 2010 Calendar 3 . Philadelphia Eagles vs . New York Giants 4 . PBI/CLE Seminars—NCBA Office, August-December 2010 Cream: 1 . 2010 Bench Bar Conference 2 . “Advising Your Clients How to Insure Against Hazards: Basics of Auto, Homeowners and Hazard Insurance” 3 . “The Credit CARD Act, Recent RESPA Amendments and Other Assorted Fair Lending Tidbits” 4 . Bridge The Gap Program Blue: 1 . A Show of Faith Run/Walk for Makaeya Registration Form NOTICE TO THE BAR.... Quarterly Association Meeting – Thursday, September 16 Registration form inside. * * * * * * * * “A Show of Faith Run/Walk 5K” – September 19 Registration form inside. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or any other means without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. NORTHAMPTON COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION 2010 BAR ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Jacqueline M. Taschner . President Kerry S. Freidl . .President-elect Victor E. Scomillio . Vice President Stanley J. Margle, III . Treasurer Christopher M. Reid . Secretary Joseph A. Corpora, III . Past President BOARD OF GOVERNORS ZONE II DELEGATES Kevin F. Danyi Michael C. Deschler Alyssa A. Lopiano-Reilly Barbara L. Hollenbach Jessica Frisch Moyer Nicholas Noel, III Daniel M. O’Donnell Joel M. Scheer Matthew C. Potts Michael P. Shay Michael P. Shay Ronald W. Shipman Samuel P. Murray Northampton County Reporter Attorney Referral & Information Service 155 South Ninth Street, Easton, PA 18042-4399 Phone (610) 258-6333 Fax (610) 258-8715 E-mail: [email protected] PBA (800) 932-0311—PBI (800) 932-4637 BAR ASSOCIATION STAFF Mary Beth Leeson . Executive Director Stephanie Pasquel . .Accounting Heather Rizzotto-Stefanik . Legal Journal Gloria A. Robison . Attorney Referral Deborah J. Flanagan . .Attorney Referral The Northampton County Reporter will be published every Thursday by the Northampton County Bar Association, 155 South Ninth St., Easton, PA 18042-4399. All legal notices relating to the business of the county, are required by rule of Court, to be published in this Journal. All legal notices must be submitted in typewritten form and are published exactly as submitted by the advertiser. Neither the Law Reporter nor the printer will assume any responsibility to edit, make spelling corrections, eliminate errors in grammar or make any changes to content. Subscription Price—$75.00 per year. Periodical Postage Paid at Easton, PA and additional office. Postmaster: Send all communications and address changes to: NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER 155 South Ninth St., Easton, PA 18042-4399 Telephone (610) 258-6333 FAX (610) 258-8715 Edward P. Shaughnessy, Esquire Editor 2 NOTICE TO NCBA MEMBERS – BAR NEWS Memorial Service – Tuesday, September 28, 2010 The Annual Memorial Service will begin at 9:00 a.m. in Courtroom #1. Please plan to join us for this time honored tradition of remembering our Association members who passed away this year. Those being remembered are: Pedro L. Boone Norman A. Peil, Jr. 2010/2011 Directory of Attorneys The new directories have been distributed. If any member needs additional Directories for their office staff they may be purchased for $2.00 each and picked up at the NCBA Office. Directories will not be mailed. Quarterly Association Meeting – Thursday, September 16, 2010 Registration form inside. “A Show of Faith 5K Run/Walk for Makaeya” Sunday, September 19 Sponsored by the Northampton County Bar Association. REGISTER NOW! Invite your family, friends, coworkers, football teams, soccer teams, dance clubs. Join us on Sunday morning for a fun event and worthy cause. “Life’s tough. It’s even tougher if you’re stupid.” ~ John Wayne 3 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Vol . 56 No . 34 8/26/2010 ESTATE NOTICES Attorney: Bradford D. Wagner, Notice is hereby given that in the Esquire, 662 Main Street, Hell- estate of the decedents set forth below ertown, PA 18055-1726 the Register of Wills has granted let- JACOBY, CHARLES T., JR., ters, testamentary or of administra- dec’d. tion to the persons named. All persons Late of the City of Bethlehem, having claims or demands against Northampton County, PA said estates are requested to make Co-Executrices: Denise L. Mc- known the same, and all persons Geehan and Tammy J. Dilendik indebted to said estates are requested c/o Littner, Deschler & Littner, to make payment without delay to the 512 N. New Street, P.O. Box executors or administrators or their attorneys named below. 1407, Bethlehem, PA 18016- 1407 FIRST PUBLICATION Attorneys: Littner, Deschler & DAVIDSON, HUGH R., dec’d. Littner, 512 N. New Street, P.O. Late of Easton, Northampton Box 1407, Bethlehem, PA 18016- County, PA 1407 Executor: Jonathan R. Davidson c/o Stanley M. Vasiliadis, Es- MacKENZIE, JOYCE R., dec’d. quire, CELA, Vasiliadis & Associ- Late of Bethlehem, Northampton ates, 2551 Baglyos Circle, Suite County, PA A-14, Bethlehem, PA 18020 Executors: Charles W. MacKen- Attorneys: Stanley M. Vasiliadis, zie, Jr. and Gayle McLaughlin Esquire, CELA, Vasiliadis & As- c/o Noonan & Prokup, 526 Wal- sociates, 2551 Baglyos Circle, nut Street, Allentown, PA 18101- Suite A-14, Bethlehem, PA 2394 18020 Attorneys: Noonan & Propkup, FERGUSON, MAY E., dec’d. 526 Walnut Street, Allentown, Late of the City of Easton, PA 18101-2394 Northampton County, PA MOSER, DOROTHY P. a/k/a Executrix: Mary Jane Hager c/o DOROTHY MOSER, dec’d. Theresa Hogan, Esquire, Attor- Late of Bethlehem, Northampton ney-at-Law, 340 Spring Garden County, PA Street, Easton, PA 18042 Executrix: Gertrude H. Mertz Attorney: Theresa Hogan, Es- a/k/a Trudy H. Mertz c/o Sally quire, Attorney-at-Law, 340 L. Schoffstall, Esquire, Schoff- Spring Garden Street, Easton, PA stall & Focht, P.C., 2987 Corpo- 18042 rate Court, Suite 200, Orefield, GANSSLE, LOUIS R. a/k/a LOUIS PA 18069 R. GANSSLE, SR. a/k/a LOUIS Attorneys: Sally L. Schoffstall, RALPH GANSSLE, SR., dec’d. Esquire, Schoffstall & Focht, Late of the Borough of Heller- town, Northampton County, PA P.C., 2987 Corporate Court, Executor: Louis R. Ganssle, Jr. Suite 200, Orefield, PA 18069 c/o Bradford D. Wagner, Es- MOTTO, VINCENT J., dec’d. quire, 662 Main Street, Heller- Late of Lower Saucon Township, town, PA 18055-1726 Northampton County, PA 4 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Vol . 56 No . 34 8/26/2010 Executor: Thomas F. Lessel c/o Executrix: Rosemary A. Koslap, E. Keller Kline III, Esquire, Kline 1870 Lincoln St., Bethlehem, PA and Kline, 731 Turner Street, 18017 Allentown, PA 18102 Attorney: Brian McDevitt, Es- Attorneys: E. Keller Kline III, quire, 325 Swede St., Norris- Esquire, Kline and Kline, 731 town, PA 19401 Turner Street, Allentown, PA DAUBERT, RICHARD C., dec’d. 18102 Late of 112 Independence Court, SMITH, DONALD E., SR. a/k/a Bethlehem, Northampton Coun- DONALD E. SMITH a/k/a DON- ty, PA ALD SMITH, dec’d. Administrator: Alex Polohovich, Late of Upper Mt. Bethel Town- Jr., 3395 Green Meadow Circle, ship, Northampton County, PA Bethlehem, PA 18017 Executors: Donald E. Smith, Jr. GIORDANO, JOSEPH, dec’d. and Michelle A. Toothman c/o Late of the Township of Bethle- David J. Ceraul, Esquire, 22 hem, Northampton County, PA Market Street, P.O. Box 19, Ban- Executrix: Margaret Giordano, gor, PA 18013-0019 4732 Kathi Drive, Bethlehem, PA Attorney: David J. Ceraul, Es- 18017 quire, 22 Market Street, P.O. Box Attorney: Steven B. Molder, Es- 19, Bangor, PA 18013-0019 quire, 904 Lehigh Street, Easton, SPEVAK, JOSEPH M., dec’d. PA 18042 Late of the Township of Hanover, HALL, JOSEPHINE W., dec’d. Northampton County, PA Late of Lower Mt. Bethel Town- Executrix: Regina A. Guman c/o ship, Northampton County, PA John J. Bartos, Esquire, 100 Executrices: Cheryl Diane Ho- Brodhead Road, Suite 130, Beth- ban and Melanie Ann Caravello, lehem, PA 18017 c/o David J. Ceraul, Esquire, 22 Attorney: John J. Bartos, Es- Market Street, P.O. Box 19, Ban- quire, 100 Brodhead Road, Suite gor, PA 18013-0019 130, Bethlehem, PA 18017 Attorney: David J. Ceraul, Es- SECOND PUBLICATION quire, 22 Market Street, P.O. Box BRIODY, KEITH, dec’d. 19, Bangor, PA 18013-0019 Late of the City of Bethlehem, HARTZELL, BERNEDIA, dec’d. Northampton County, PA Late of the Borough of Nazareth, Administrator: Bruce Briody c/o Northampton County, PA James Martin Connell, Esquire, Executrix: Betty Jurasits c/o 251 E. Broad Street, Bethlehem, Gregory R. Reed, Esquire, Attor- PA 18018 ney-at-Law, 141 South Broad Attorney: James Martin Connell, Street, P.O. Box 299, Nazareth, Esquire, 251 East Broad Street, PA 18064-0299 Bethlehem, PA 18018 Attorney: Gregory R. Reed, Es- DALE, THRYN M., dec’d. quire, Attorney-at-Law, 141 Late of Bethlehem Borough, South Broad Street, P.O. Box Northampton County, PA 299, Nazareth, PA 18064-0299 5 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Vol . 56 No . 34 8/26/2010 HERRITT, DORAN D., dec’d. c/o Joel H. Ziev, Esquire, 700 Late of the Township of Plainfield, Washington Street, Easton, PA Northampton County, PA 18042 Executors: Lonnie D. Herritt and Attorney: Joel H. Ziev, Esquire, Patricia A. Koehler c/o Gregory 700 Washington Street, Easton, R. Reed, Esquire, Attorney-at- PA 18042 Law, 141 South Broad Street, OSMUN, LOREN B., dec’d.
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