Sacred Heart Church 301 Ann Street Newburgh, New York 12550 Phone: 845-561-2264 Fax: 845-562-7144 Website: http://Sacredheartnewburgh.org E-mail: [email protected] Fourth Sunday of Advent December 18, 2016 They shall name him Emmanuel, which means “God is with us.” — Matthew 1:23 December 18, 2016 Welcome to Sacred Heart Church Page 1 CELEBRATION OF SACRAMENTS BAPTISM: Communal celebrations of Baptism take place Saturday Evening: 5:00 PM on the first and third Sundays at 2:00 PM. To arrange a Bap- Sunday:10:00AM, 12:00PM tism, please call the Rectory. A Baptismal Instruction Session is 1st Sunday 8:00 AM Italian/English Mass required before the Baptism. Because Godparents play an im- Monday-Saturday: 9:00 AM in the Chapel portant role in the child’s Christian life and education, Godpar- Holy Days of Obligation: Mass times will be listed in ents must be practicing Catholics who have been confirmed, the bulletin on the Sunday prior to the holy day. are at least 16 years of age and, if married, must be in a mar- riage recognized by the Catholic Church. If there is a question about the suitability of someone to be a Godparent, please call the Rectory before asking the person to be a Godparent. Pastoral and Administrative Staff RECONCILIATION: The Sacrament of Penance takes place Rev. Andrew Kurzyna, Pastor on Saturdays from 4:00 to 4:45 PM. At other times, the person Rev. Bejoy Thomas Valliyil, CMI Parochial Vicar should make the request directly to a priest. Peter R.C. Haight, Deacon Frank Iovine, Deacon MARRIAGE: Engaged couples should contact the Rectory Deacon John Sadowski - Parish Business Manager at least six months in advance. Diocesan regulations require a marriage preparation program for all couples. Mrs. Wendy Timperio, Secretary MINISTRY TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND: If a parishion- er is in the hospital or homebound, please contact the Rectory. Regional Catholic School Arrangements can be made for the person to receive the Sac- 24 South Robinson Avenue 845-561-1433 rament of the Anointing of the Sick. Also, Holy Communion can http://shsnewburgh.org be brought to our homebound parishioners. Mrs. Lori DiMarco-Evanko, Principal Mrs. Beth DaSilva, School Secretary Sacred Heart Religious Education Program PARISHIONER REGISTRATION 24 South Robinson Avenue 845-561-2589 Parishioner registration is important to the parish as well Mrs. Lynda Piper, Coordinator as the parishioner. All parishioners are encouraged to register. Once you have registered and continue to par- Trustees ticipate by attending Mass and receiving the Eucharist Mr. Peter Biolsi and Mr. Bruce Lubkeman regularly; you will find it helpful for the enrollment of Sacred Heart Convent children in the Religious Education Program, and to 15 Stori Road 845-565-5034 obtain the necessary documents to become a Godpar- Sr. Alba Danese, F.M.I., Pastoral Assistant ent or a sponsor for Confirmation. Sr. Anna Sasso, F.M.I., Pastoral Assistant If you would like to register please stop by the rectory during regular business hours. Monday thru Friday 9am to 4pm. If you are presently receiving envelopes and would like PARISH DEVOTIONS them discontinued please call the rectory and we will Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place on the assist you. (845-561-2264) First Friday evening from 7:00 - 9:00 PM Rosary prayed following the 9:00 AM Mass, Monday through Saturday in the Chapel. Stations of the Cross: (Lent Only) Fridays at 7:00 PM KEEPING UP WITH EXPENSES The parish effort to closely manage day to day expens- es continues. However, expenses such as utilities, prop- BULLETIN ITEMS erty insurance and our archdiocesan assessment for central services (in some months totaling as much as Items you wish to place in the parish bulletin MUST be submitted, in writing, to the rectory by 4:00 PM on Mondays for the followIng $15,000) put a strain on our ability to keep current with Sunday. Email address is all expenses. Our objective is to achieve that goal with- [email protected] out any assistance from the Archdiocese. The continued Every effort will be made to get your item in the bulletin in a timely generosity of every parishioner and increased giving manner and as space allows. whenever possible will make that possible. Thank you Thank you for your cooperation. for your continued support. SILENCE IS GOLDEN and APPRECIATED Our Eucharistic Community invite you to be “FULLY PRESENT” during our Mass, PARISH PAY WEEKLY OFFERINGS THROUGH AUTO- we ask that you kindly turn off all electronic devices. MATED GIVING: is available to parishioners. Please log Thank you for your cooperation. onto: www.parishpay.com to enroll online. December 18, 2016 Page 2 2016 Christmas Schedule Monday, December 19, 2016 Reconciliation Monday Confessions will be from 4 - 8 PM MONDAY, December 19 RECONCILIATION MONDAY Saturday, December 24, 2016 9:00 Freddy (Jose) Calderon Christmas Eve 4 - 8 pm Confession 5:00 PM and 10:00 PM TUESDAY, December 20 Sunday, December 25, 2016 9:00 Minna Errichetti Christmas Day Holy Day of Obligation 10:00 AM and 12:00 Noon WEDNESDAY, December 21 9:00 Christian Martrinisi Saturday, December 31, 2016 New Year’s Eve THURSDAY, December 22 5:00 PM 9:00 Sophie Stalzer Sunday, January 1, 2017 FRIDAY, December 23 New Year’s Day 9:00 Renato Solimene Holy Day of Obligation 10:00 AM and 12:00 Noon SATURDAY, December 24 CHRISTMAS EVE 9:00 Jose and Trina Rosario 5:00 Sr. Mary Gerard Buckley, O.P. 10:00 Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church SUNDAY, December 25 Our Second Annual Cookie CHRISTMAS DAY Walk fund-raiser will take place this 10:00 Rafael Calderon weekend, December 17 and 18. Stop 12:00 Charles and Felice Graziano in and stock up on Christmas cookies for the holiday!. December 10 and 11 $5,070 Retired Religious $1,506 Immaculate Conception $849 Attendance 628 The gifts are due back this weekend, no CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR COLLECTIONS later than after the 12:00 Mass on Sun- Special Christmas Gift envelopes are available at the day, December 18. Reminder, please doors of the church for the convenience of those who hand gift cards to an usher. do not use weekly envelopes. Please remember your parish church at Christmas. Since Christmas and the Solemnity of Mary fall on Sundays this year there will be two collections on these days; one for the feast and 2017 Calendars one for Sunday. are available in the vestibule of The Rectory office will be closed on Monday, the Church. December 26 and Monday, January 2 for the Christmas and New Year holidays. December 18, 2016 Page 3 UPCOMING EVENT REP ANNOUNCEMENT Please see the bulletin for more information The REP program will be selling as the date approaches the ULTIMATE DISCOUNT Dec. 18 Family Mass 10:00 AM Blessing of the Hay CARDS once again this year. after Mass family movie with refreshments They make great stocking stuffers Dec. 18 Second Annual Cookie Walk for Christmas! Please call the REP office 845-561-2589 for Dec 19 Advent Reconciliation 4:00 - 8:00 PM more information. Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Masses 5:00 and 10:00 PM Dec. 25 Christmas Day Masses 10:00 am &12 noon EMERGENCY BLOOD SHORTAGE Our community blood supply is experiencing lower than A Very Special Invitation average supply for this time of year. We highly encourage you to visit any of the upcoming blood drives in our area to give the gift of life this You are invited, after the Christmas season: 10 am Mass on December 18, 12/14 2-8 pm Gold’s Gym, 15 Racquet Road (in memory of Michael Jordan, Sr.) to a family movie with 12/15 8:30 am - 5 pm Wallkill Senior High School refreshments in the Activity 90 Robinson Drive, Wallkill 12/18 8 am - 2 pm St. Mary’s Church, Center. 71 Grand Street, Marlboro Free hot dogs and popcorn. 12/27 12-6 pm Adams Fairacre Farms 1240 Route 300, Newburgh And, a very special visit from 12/28 1-7 pm Highland Falls Library 298 Main Street, Highland Falls Santa. 1/5 1-7 pm Otterkill Engine Company Please come and join us. 13 Maybrook Road, Campbell Hall A NEW RESOURCE FOR FAMILIES The Archdiocese of New York, as a way of encouraging our parishioners to grow in faith, an- nounced a new opportunity to reach as many as possible with a program called FORMED. FORMED is a platform where you can access faith formation resources. It is an effective tool that can support your efforts in adult faith formation, sacramental preparation, etc. These resources include eBooks, audio presentations, movies and study programs. To access these resources go to https://formed.org On the landing page you will be asked for a Parish Code. Sacred Heart’s code is ZVXM6Y (case sensitive.) Then you can register with a username and passcode. From there you will have access to all the above mentioned resources and all of it is FREE. December 18, 2016 Page 4 Sponsors for Baptism/Confirmation Serving as a Sponsor is a great honor and serious re- sponsibility in the Church. Sponsors are liturgical minis- ters who promise to support the candidate and be a good example of living the Catholic Faith. For this rea- The following parishioners are in need son the Church has certain requirements that have to of our prayers, be addressed before one can be considered a Spon- sor. Deacon Dominick Casadone, Theresa DiChiaro, Sally Drennen, Janie Favoino, A Sponsor is expected to be attending Mass on Sun- Juanita Favoino, Andrea Marie Forster, days and Holy Days of Obligation, be at least 16 years Catherine Fossella, Scott Friedle, of age, Baptized and Confirmed in the Catholic Church, Bernadette Gallagher, Pat Garzione, Tom Hare, not a parent of the candidate and if married, validly Frances Marino, Thomas Marino, married, in the Church and if not married not living with someone as if married.
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