TIMELY TOPICS NO. 1. Published b~' NEW ERA PUBLISHERS, LTD. 10 Wellington St. E. Toronto, Onto Printed in Canada- INTRODU~TION Can it happen here? Will it ever come to pass that Can­ adian democracy-our rights of organization, assemblage, free speech and press, our trade union and progressive move­ m ents, the parliamentary system of government and the rights of n ational and religious minorities-shall 'be t rampled under­ foot by a Canadian fascist dictatorship? Are the hard-fought-for rights won ,by the Canadian people in a hundred years of struggle, the rights championed by William Lyon Mackenzie, Louis Joseph Papineau and their fol­ lowers in 1837, the rights so precious to all true Canadians to­ day- sha ll these be wiped out by Adrien Arcand or one of the other ~ a s c i s t chieftains who aspire to the mantle of a Canadian Hitler? This is the question that is forcing itself to the forefront, There is no doubt that the Canadian fascists are doing every­ thing they can to magnify their strength at the present time. There is no doubt that at present the various -fa scist movements constitute a very small minority among the great political movements of our country. But this is no' reason why fascism in Canada should be ignored. Far bettJr to turn i t h e spotlight of truth and reason upon -it fight now, "a nd to take those measures at the outset of its growth, to make it impossible for fascism ever to grow into a force strong enough to challenge Canadian democracy. It is my contention"that fascism is a menace right now, and that unless it is checked it may"succeed in causing serious harm to Canada and her people. )". Forewarned is _fo re~rm e d ! The German, Spanish and Austrian people are Iea.rning this old' lesson at 'Ii. terrtble cost. 3 Thousands of the best people of humanity have be en murdered by the fascist gangs in those countries. Murder, pilla ge, race hatred and war have now become the state doctrines of Ger­ many and Italy. This was only possible because the people there did not in time gather their strength to destroy the cancer of fascism. The world has been brought to the brink of war because fascism holds the reins of political power in t hose unhappy lands across the Atlantic. In the pages of this little pamphlet I aim to show what the fascist movement is. I have been extremely careful not to ex­ aggerate the picture, but to give facts that cannot be refuted. Facts prove that a widespread fascist network is at work in Ithe Dominion. This network which has the aim of destroying Canadian democracy is sheltered by important business figures and outstanding political ligihts. The network is connected with t he Berlin and Rome headquarters of the German and Italian fascist parties, and takes orders f rom these fo reign capitals. And of late, the fascists emboldened by their support from high places are making wild threats against the federal government, labor leaders and have come to th e point of drilling their storm-troopers in public halls and places. In various parts of the country the fascists have tried to instigate religious riots through their vile anti-Semitic, forgeries and slanders. The situation has become so serious that, at the time of writing, the Hon. Ernest Lapointe, federal Minister of Justice has been forced to order the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to investigate the activities of the fascist movement. And the quotations cited in the foregoing pages clearly show that many of the outstanding public men of Canada are aware of t he danger. It is my hope that this pamphlet will contribute towards the building up of the common front of the workers, farmers middle-classes and all those who wish to preserve our demo­ cratic rights from fascist tyranny and servitude. It can well be "''.tid that our present-day capitalist democratic system !has many, many weaknesses and ev1'ls. Of this I am well aware, and look forward to, and work for the day when Socialism in 4 our country will remove all of these evils. But the issue to­ day is not democracy versus socialism. The issue today is­ democracy versus fascism. Our people and our country would find that fascism triumphant would make our present-day con­ ditions look indeed rosy, and the task of righting conditions would be a million times more difficult under fascism than it is today. Fascism is alien to the real traditions of Canada. Fascism would tear down everything that is worthwhile in our country. Fascism would turn hack the clock of history by a few hundred years. Every Canadian who loves his country and his people, every Canadian who wants to make our land a force for peace, social progress and democracy is duty bound to lend a hand to nip the fascist menace in the bud.' Clarity and unity among the people will surely prevent a fascist victory here. I sincerely hope that this 'little pamphlet will contribute in " I some small measure towards the clarifying of the struggle be­ " tween fascism and democracy, and to the job of organizing and uniting the democratic forces of Canada. tI ' , ' March 31st, 1938. F. R. "oj " 5 "Fascism is the reincarnation of all the sins which civil­ ization has struggled to subdue. Class them as one and call it, greed. Greed! Greed directs the thoughts and deeds of several nations. It makes them predatory. To live, fascism must conquer. Its enemy is political and economic democracy. It, fascism relentlessly assails; today, in Europe and Asia; to-morrow, in Canada. WhY should not fascism come here, if we continue to prepare the way for It?" HON. W. D. HERRIDGE, former Canadian Minister to Washington and leading member of the Conservative Party. "Recent events not; confined to a single province suggest that we are living in a fool's paradise if we assume that our :.- I · country is entirely free from, tendencies which have wreck­ ed self-government and destroyed civil liberty In other parts '0' of the world." HON. NORMAN ROGERS, Minister of Labor. .. "The problem of 1988 will be to unite the democratic forces in Canada. for the defense of such liberties as we already have and, to extend them into the wider sphere of our econ­ omic and social relationships. Our battle against the forces of reaction therefore, must not be purely defensive but an offensive struggle for wider political and economic demo­ cracy." M. J. OOLDWELL, National Chairman of the Co-operatlve Commonwealth Federation. "Under the protection of the gathering forces of reaction, open fascist orp.nlsaUons are becoming increasingly ar­ rogant and provocative. ... The danger is imminent. It can be headed off but there is no time to lose." TIM BUCK, General Secretary, Communist Party of Canada. 6 CHAPTER ONE The Fascist Web The web of the Fascist movement spreads throughout tl'i length and breadth of Canada. Different leaders, different \ organizations, tend to confuse the essential harmony with which the various fascist groups in our Dominion carryon their activity. But their methods of work are similar, their propa­ ganda-anti' democratil:' anti-semitic and pro,fascist. The two main foreign groups, are of course the Italian and German movements. The former is led by the FiSCi'o, which lSlinked with Rome and the latter, by 1i1e Deutsche Bund, an organization directed from Berlin. The largest "native" movement is in the Province of Que' bee and is led by the Nazi agent Adrien Arcand. His Party is called the National Social Christian Party of Canada. In Ontario and Western' Canada the fascist organizations use the name of Canadian Nationalist Party. Adrien Arcand is the supreme chief over all "native" fascist groups. The avowed emblem of the party is the Nazi swastika. They call themselves "nationalist." They learned it from Hitler, who attached the words "National" and "Socialist to his part. It is a good name behind which to hide their betrayal of the Canadian people. The fascist leaders are plotting to ~ destroy the democratic institutions which enable the people to defend their interests against the greedy multi-millionaires. They are conspiring to place the natural resources of our ' country at the disposal of the German, Italian and Japanese war-makers. They are selling the secrets of Canadian defences to the fascist powers. And to top their treachery they are opposing the construction of coastal fortifications so that the shores of Canada should he open to the fascist aggressors. Ana they dare to call themselves Nationalists! Arcand-Nazi Agent Right from its inception', Arcand's Party was linked with Nazi Germany. As far back as September 28th, 1933, Arcand 'I wrote a letter to Major Frank Pease, at that time an agent of the Nazi movement in the United States who was spending some time with his leaders in Germany. Amongst other in­ teresting instructions Arcand wrote the following: "Try and see my good friend Kurt G. W. Ludecke, Kaiserhof Hotel, Berlin. He is a friend of Hitler. My re­ spects to Ludecke and Madame. "We ave known' at the following papers: Volkischer Beobachter, Munich; Die Sturmer, Nurnberg; Hackenkreuz, of H. Pudor, Leipsig-Connewitz : Hammer Verlag of ]. Mannecke, Leipzig: Flammenzeichen, of Dr, Miller Calw. Other friends: Fred G. Grundmann, Viersen-Rheinland, Nuenstrasse 1; Wil­ helm Wesemeyer, Berlin, Auguststrasse 77-78. "If it can help you, you can act as correspondent of "Le Patriote" which is known by Hitler and which is very well ap- , preciated by the Nazi propaganda bureau.
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