Thursday, May 20, 1965 Thursday, May 20, 1965 Page Four THE JEWISH POST THlC .JIIWISB POST Page Five '. r.. , ----------~----------------~'-------------------------------------------------,\ Mr. and Mrs. Monte B. Raber, nee parents, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Schachter, of the Western World. To qualify, a"J Myrna Golden, annOWlce the birth Katz and Mr. and Mrs. Charles of 748 Montrose Street, are I;tappy Bill wrote a series of four tests B'RAND'EIS BUILDS KINDE'R'GARTEN IN ASHDOD Ethnic Press Diseuss Briefs Socia' of their son, Earl Leonard, on May 2; Kanovsky. Dr. Kanovsky will join to annOWlCe the engagement of their based on a specified reading list a Ibrother for Avis Beth and Eileen them at the'end of the month. daughter, Rivian, to Mr. Bri~ Har- and wrote ·three essays on given At B & B Com'mission Hearings P@rsoDa' Susan. Proud grandparents are Mr. • • • vey Weinerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. philosophical topics. He' plans to Last Monday in the austere atmos­ Salt Lake City, Utah - Dr. and and Mrs. Harry Raber and Mr. and Harry i. Warren, of Manufactur- Maitzie Weinerman, of 842 Elm enter the science faculty of the phere of a committee room in the - Mrs. B. H. Boal, nee Pamela Brown- Mrs. Murray Golden, and great- ers Life Insurance Company, was Street. The wedding;will take place University of Manitoba, and later Manitoba Legislative Building, the stone, annoWlce the birth. of their grandmother, Mrs. Cherna Appel. elected president, and Harry Rosen-. SWlday, JWle 20, at the Shaarey study medicine. Ethnic Press Federation of Canada son, Steven Robert, on May 12. • • • berg, of London Life Insurance Zedek Synagogue. Bill is the son of Mrs. S. C. and Canada Press Club of western Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kanovsky and. son Company,. was elected vice-presi- Shragge of Ste. 23 - 271 Wellington Canada were called by the Royal Mrs. Cy Brownstone and Mr. Oharles D 'd f Mal' .. h Crescent. Commission on Bilingualism and aVl ,0 ontre, are VlSltmg er dent at a recent meeting of the Set Pdt. BoaL Great-grandparents are Mr. .~, '__ ~ Winnipeg Chapter of the Chartered s' rece' e'n In Biculturalism to make statements related to .briefs they had submitted, ~'!..,~dDC~~:~~ffB:r:,;,:~:. ~·~o~~ LifeUnderWr!ters. A"!ociati°e:'\ Wiri!fjing Award and to answer questions posed by TO SENATE?, all of Winnipeg.' cordially invite their relatives and the commissioners relating to the friends to worship with them analysis and recommendations made on the occasion of the i:ngalj6m.n16 MR. AND MRS. by these ·briefs. ALBERT DIAMOND Mr. and Mrs.B. Zelcovich, of 676 Representing these associations Waterloo Street, are happy to an­ !' cordially invite their relatives and were Judge WaIter J, Lindal, hon­ friends to worship with them of their SOli. noWlce ·the engagement of their orary president of both; Charles on the occasion of the ' dau~ter, Sheila, to Dr. Roger Dojack, publisher of four language '\ marc SanJor Meyer, . son' of Mr. and Mrs. Carl weeklies and president of the Feder­ Bar milzva~ on E: Meyer, of West Neyack,' New ation which represents ethnic news­ of their son SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1965 York. The wedding will'. take place papers across the COWltry; Leo at 11 a.m. at the SWlday, June 20, at Temple Reyim, Lezack, publisher of The Jewish Rotert Gar! SHAAREY ZEDEK SYNAGOGUE in Boston, Mass. Post and president of the eighteen­ Kiddush following service on newspaper group making up the LEO LEZACK SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1965 MR. AND MRS. Canada Press Club; Mrs. Walter MR. AND MRS. SAMUEL MINTZ sily for creating a Canadian iden­ at 11 a,m. at the would be pleased to have their ALLAN A. MILLER Klimkiw, who is English editor of SHAAREY ZEDEK SYNAGOGU1j: relatives and friends worship cordially invite their relatives and the Ukrainian Voice, and Dr. Rupert tity, satisfying because it would Kiddush following sel-yice with them on the occasion friends to worship with them Shriar, editor of The Jewish Post. allow national and ethnic groups - No Cards- of the on .the occasion of the sufficient opportunities. for fulfill- " ...... - The briefs stressed the bilingual and , - . ' . ' , , ,,', . .."- ' ment within this context, in order AILEEN AND ARNOLD COOPER A KINDERGARTEN the newest joint project of $15.000 by Brandeis Lodge and its multicultural nature, of the country, Bar milzva' &r mUzvah to establish .a nation strengthened wDuld be pleased to have their SiDNEY BUCKWOLD Women's Auxiliary gets its start as Mr~. Ruben Cohen, AlJ!dliai:y president (left) presents a cheque pointed to the interdependence of relatives and friends worship of t1ieir son of their son all the parts, and stressed the neces- by this diversity and unified in Trying to outguess Government for $3,000 as a first· payment on behalf of the two groups to Joseph Secter,chaiiman, of Keren Hayesod with them at the joyous projects for the Zionist Organization of Canada's midwest regional executive. Holding the. album Statements on the briefs were pre- purpose. occasion of the f}era!J ';bavd Samu~! J)l'win W. (Bill) Shragge, a grade XII m 0 v e s, opposition leader John describing the kindegarten .facilities and program are Bernard Kushner, president of the Lodge, and at sented by Messrs. Dojack and --------- on student ..t Grant Park Collegiate, Diefenbaker this week suggested , on right, Sim"ha. Genossar, special emissary of the j~ wish Agency in. Jerusaiem. Lezack, and were two of twenty­ ~t in making Senate appointments, Bar mUzva' SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1865 SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1965 is the ,first Canadian winner of a seven considered by the Commis­ Women'sO,RT I, of their son , at 9 a.m. at the at 11 a.m. at the Liberal party leaders were giving Brandeis Lodge and .Women's I arid w~iIare agencies w!Iilch will background. it will serve,. there- • SHAAREY ZEDEK SYNAGOGUE $1,000 award from the University sion during a .three~day sitting here. TALMUD· 'lORAR SYNAGOGUE consideration to Sidney Buckwold, Auxiliary continue their' leadihg' bring th~ total to well over th~ fore,' as an itnportant integrative Launch Drive -~ Kiddush following service 'of Chicago in affiliation with En- Ga,.f· Wagne G!,rald will read a portion of the former mayor of Saskatoon. If his ways dn extending practical aid to $50,000 mark in a decade of activi- force and as a resource which can Old'. Folks Home Winnipeg Branch of Women's __ cyclopedia Britannica.• appointment were to ·be confirmed, on Sidra of the week and chant the ~~~-J..-:_N_o~C_ards~~-= ~~ Israel as they presented their first ties. afford parents a greater opportunity Canadian ORT will launch a schol­ Haftorah Bechukothai. 'l1his schoIarship is available to he would be the second Jew to be payment last week against a com- The current proJ'ect in Israel's .. AnM " M" ·t S arship fund drive as its first major i SATURDAY,. JUNE 5, 1965 I to contribute not only to their ·im-.· 'I.ua· ee e t at 11 a.m. at the Kiddush following services children of owners of Great Books appointed to ,the upper chamber. mitment made to build a Kinder- newest seaport city will serve chil- project $inc;' its establishment in .. - No Cards- ,j SHAAREY ZEDEK SYNAGOGUE Flowers by garten under the auspices of the dren mainly from Notth Africa, mediate family demands but to the . Jewish Old Folks Home of West­ t!his city. Kiddush following ser.vice I].,,.t Keren Hayesod in the new town of eastern Europe and South America development of this crucial new ern Canada will hold its annual The appeal' .by the campaign' Fl .......... RogeN ·A.'A. A. AlIhqod. This new. $15,000 project, who have little or no Hebrew area. meeting Sunday, May ~, at 2:30 scheduled to 'start next Tuesday, MR. AND MRS. Operating IN BEMIDJI YOU WILL ENJOY SHOPPING AT THE whi"h will be paid for over the p,m. at the Home, 146 Magnus HAROLD MOS'lOW 'May 25, will reach Winnipeg's Jew­ Period . of the next five years, is E Ch t . EI' t E ' t . Avenue. ish community through a special . cordially invite their relatives and St. Boniface the third major project in Israel zra Op er ec s xecu ,ve friends to worship with them Lakeside-Edgewater Motels Rabbi P. Shnairson will be. i<ey­ mailing soliciting aid which will i on the occasion of ·the Florists Individually Controlled Hot Water Heat Wldertaken jointly by the two lj:zra Oiapter of Hadassah-Wizo note speaker, and of special interest provide opportunities for special I 84 Hespeler Ave. Showers and Baths T.V. groups. elected its slate of officers for 1>he will ,be progress reports on activi­ training ,to youngsters from Notth Bar milzva~ Elmwood Phone PL 1·3600 Bemidji, Minn. The first major contribution made coming year at its annual ";"ind-up ties and plans by the president, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. Just over the' Redwood 'by Brandeis Lodge was for $15,000 May 17. Mrs, Sam Bass waS re­ of tl),eIr son ' On HighwayS 2, 71 and 371' Abe ·Kanee; executive director, Dr. Officials ·pointed out, in noting . " Bridge plant a forest of 10,000 trees, turned president for her secorid to H. Faintuch; and tr~asu~er, Jack 1:)1e value of ORT services, that the and they have just completed the term. Others elected include (Mes­ micLaef ';baud NEW CANOPY PROVIDED Markson. Shah of Iran, visiting Canada this establishment of three s po r t s dames):' honorary presidents - M. on WITH WEDDING FLOWERS FOR THAT "'WELL GROOMED" LOOK week, especially emphasized the --- groWlds in new develoPment toWnS Rsdy, D.
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