U. S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba COVERS GTMO LIKE THE SUNSHINE Saturday, 31 October 1959 Volume XIV, No. 44 Spec. Services USS BOXER Here For Refresher Training With FTC Opens NavBase The USS BOXER (LPH-4) entered Guantanamo Bay Friday, 23 October, to begin a month of refresher train- Fishing Contest ing with Fleet Training Group. The Amphibious Assault Ship, Who are the best fishermen on the known affectionately as the "Busy Naval Base? Bee," came here after four months This will be the question uppermost of overhauling at the Norfolk Naval in the minds of all the sporting Nim- Shipyard. This was subsequent to rods during the next two months for operations off the islands of Viegues, Special Services is announcing two Puerto Rico and Morehead City, N. C. Grand Fishing Tournaments, one to during which, in assuming duties as begin 1 November until 30 November, flagship to PHIBRON TEN, she was the other from 1 December through evaluated and adapted to its new role 31 December. as air arm of the amphibious forces The two Naval Base Fishing con- of the Atlantic Fleet. tests, open to all NavBase military The present BOXER, the fifth U.S. and U.S. citizen civilian personnel and warship to bear her proud name, was their dependents, will be divided into brought into existence during the two separate divisions. The first divi- great shipbuilding program of WWII. sion, Afloat and Land Combined, will Since the early months of 1945 when consist of fish caught from ships, she was commissioned as a carrier, boats, docks, land, wharves, islands until beginning of the Korean War or any other objects secured to land in 1950, the BOXER set sail many or afloat. The second division, the times on Far Eastern cruises which Spearfishing division, will cover fish THE 'BUSY BEE'-The USS BOXER entering port. took her to many parts of the Pacific. caught by swimmers. During the Korean War, the The first prize and runner-up prizes BOXER'S first assignment was to for the largest fish caught in a given carry to the Far East 150 desperately species will make the fisherman Tickets On Sale For 'My Sister Eileen' needed planes which she did in record eligible for respective $10.00 and time. Joining the Seventh Fleet, the $5.00 gift certificates at the Navy Reservations for the Little Theater's production of the gay Broadway suc- BOXER's planes participated in the Exchange. Gift certificates for $10.00, cess, "My Sister Eileen," can be made by calling Gert Pontes at EXT. 8303 first landing at Inchon, the liberation at EXT. $7.00 and $5.00 will be awarded for between the hours of 1300 and 1700 and by calling Peg Fielding of Seoul and dealt devastating blows Exchange the three largest Langusta caught, 9568 after 1700. There will also be someone in the Naval Base to the Reds in the Wonson area. On while the same prizes will be offered on Saturdays between the hours of 0930 and 1200. "My Sister Eileen" will the BOXER's third combat tour in night run for the three largest fish caught by open at the Community Auditorium on 11 November for a four 1952, she became the first ship in women and by children under age 16. with the curtain opening at 2000. This is the comedy of errors that ensues history to use guided missiles. Be- when two unsuspecting sisters from Colombus, Ohio are caught in an No individual may receive more than fore the official cease fire became incredibly nonsensical web of circumstances centering in the basement apart- one prize in each tournament. effective on July 27, 1953, BOXER Entries in the First Division are ment they inhabit in New York's Greenwich Village. pilots flew a record number of mis- limited the following species: Snap- sions and participated in the last Broadway audiences gleefully howl- goings-on right outside their window. per, Jack, Bonefish-Ladyfish, Tarpon, of the Korean War. ed for 866 performances at the pre- But if Ruth and Eileen had lived mission Snook, Grouper, Barracuda, Groaker of Ruth, the aspiring writer, upstairs, "My Sister Eileen" wouldn't (Continued on Page Four) and Jewfish. However, a grand prize dicament and her beautiful sister Eileen, the be the rollicking laugh-hit that has of a $15.00 gift certificate will be hopeful actress, who valiantly trys to regaled audiences all over the coun- awarded to the person landing the characters who Jerome Chodorv and largest shark of any species. stave off the peculiar try. Written by Jewish Congregation surge in and out of their apartment. Joseph Fields, who also wrote that Fish eligible for First Division must If Mr. Appopolous, the mercenary record-breaking laugh hit called be caught on rod, reel, line or hand Forms Community Little Theater's line and hook and must be played by though artistic landlord, had rented "Junior Miss," the them a room on one of the building's production of "My Sister Eileen" will On NavBase only one person, with no aid given to Group higher floors, life might have been continue at the Community Audito- the fisherman other than verbal. Only The Jewish congregation, which less hectic. The sisters wouldn't have rium for four performances starting fish caught in the current unrestricted meets for religious services each Fri- heard the blasting for a new subway 11 November and ending the 14th. area of the Naval Base are eligible day night at the school, has decided going on under their basement, and Nancy Abbey will be seen here as for entry in the tournament. to extend its activities, and for that they might have missed the riotous (Continued on Page Two) Fish must be weighed and measur- purpose, has formed a club, the ed by an employee at either the Naval I Jewish Community Group. Station Sailboat Locker or The Spe- The Group's aims are two-fold: cial Services Fishing Locker on Lee- First, to provide religious education ward Point. The Locker employee will for both the adults and children of enter weight and measurements on the congregation, and secondly, to the entry form, sign as one of the organize social functions. witnesses and give the entrant a Officers of the new group are Leon copy of the completed entry blank. Markowitz, President; Isaac Katran, The weighing of the fish must be Vice-President; Mrs. Janice Anten, witnessed by the entrant, weighmas- Secretary-Treasurer and Lillian Mar- ter and one witness. It is the respon- kowitz, Historian. Meetings will be sibility of the entrant to provide the held bi-monthly, on dates to be an- witness. Fish must be weighed and nounced in the Papoose. forms filled out and submitted to Anyone desiring further informa- Special Services, Naval Station, not tion can contact Markowitz at 8561 (Continued on Page Four) or at DH222 after 1630. MATS The following dates denote Veterans Day I schedule of MATS flights at I I Veterans Day, 11 November, Guantanamo Bay: will be officially observed as a November-3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 1 holiday aboard the Naval Base, 21, 24, 27, 30. Guantanamo Bay. All but neces- K. Cleaveland (left), ATN3, of VU-10, receives his contract and John sary work, drills and exercises December-1, 3, 6, 10, 13, 16, orders for appointment to Aviation Cadet Training from LCDR J. O. Cole, on that day. 18, 21, 27, 30. Executive Officer of VU-10. Cleveland will report to Chief of Naval Air will be suspended Basic Training, Pensacola on 12 November. 0 Page Two THE INDIAN Saturday, 31 October 1959 I I Navy Wives The INDIAN's mission is to inform and entertain all hands and to serve as a positive factor in promoting the efficiency, welfare and Event Schedule contentment of personnel. The INDIAN is published weekly at the THURSDAY, 5 November 1959: Naval Base in accordance with NavEos P35, 1fl 1U MONTHLY MEETING-We are Revised July, 1958 and financed with non- appropriated funds at no cost to the govern- fortunate to have as our guest, ment. The INDIAN is printed each week at Mrs. R. F. Vincent who will de- the TENTH Naval District Publications and Printing Office, U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo monstrate cake decorating. Bay, Cuba. THURSDAY, 12 November 1959: The Command BINGO GAME at the Villamar RADM Frank W. Fenno, USN ComNavBase, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba The Ghosts Of Gtmco Bay Lyceum. All ladies of the Naval Captain K. P. Letts. USN Base are cordially invited. There Chief of Staff No hazelnuts will be refreshments. TIME: 1:30 No autumn leaves Captain P. H. Biarnason, USN P.M. Commanding Officer No fields of corn U. S. Naval Station Nor pumpkin on the vine THURSDAY, 19 November 1959: Guantanamo Bay. Cuba No frosty nights COFFEE HOUR at the Club- EDITORIAL STAFF With crisp chill wind house. Good coffee and "fresh OFFICER-ADVISER To tingle down the spine. CDR John T. Oleksy, USN rolls." Members and guests are Yet Halloween came to Gtmo cordially invited to this informal EDITOR that ghostly night Bill Weekes, J03 And on get-together. TIME: 9:30-1100 I saw such eerie wonders SPORTS EDITOR I nearly froze with fright. A.M. John C. DeJong, JO3 Out of the warm Caribbean sky WEDNESDAY, 25 November 1959: Armed Forces Press Service (AFPS) may MONTHLY LUNCHEON at the not be reprinted without the writtten permis- A great black jet swooped low sion of Armed Forces Press Service. Material Scarcely clearing the housetops Family Restaurant. There is unless in the paper may not be reprinted On the Bay of Guantanamo.
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