MMMYYY PPPHHHEEEAAASSSAAANNNTTTSSS Text and photos: Jan Willem Schrijvers. It is over 40 years ago that I bought my first pheasant— a Common Pheasant cockerel—which was pinioned and free-ranged with my bantam chickens. Sadly, within a few days the bird had disappeared. After losing more birds, I decided to build my first aviary. It measured about 6 x 3 metres and housed a Lady Amherst, a Gold pheasant and a Ringneck pheasant—males only—to prevent fighting. Today I apply myself to the breeding of several purebred species, which is becoming more difficult lately, as crossbreds are becoming more common and there is also a ban on importing. The following species are bred by me. Common or Ring-neck pheasant These are originally native to China; beautiful birds with a white neck ring. They have a long tail and lustrous plumage in all shades of copper. They are the cheapest to buy; nevertheless I like them very much. It is a well-known game bird, commonly bred and introduced to many parts of the world. It is ‘naturalised’ in Europe, and in Holland, can be found in the wild, due to captive breeding reinforced by continual releases of stock into the wild. They are easy to keep in an aviary and are shy in the beginning, but over time when calmly approached, they will even come and eat out your hand. They don’t need housing for the night and even when provided, are not likely to use it. Here they have a simple shelter, but they obviously don’t mind staying out in the rain. During the night they like to sleep on a high roost, hidden between the branches of the trees. These pheasants can be kept together with chickens, quails, partridges or even with pigeons. The birds are fed a special granule for pheasants/fancy birds, with an additional mix for turtle doves and lots of greens, fruits and berries. I recently built a new aviary which will be planted with one or two larger conifers, laurel, privet plants, grasses and some heaths and heathers. On the netting covering, I plan to grow climbing plants like blackberries, climbing roses, Chinese fleece vine and grapes. This will provide more shade in summer and also provide shelter for the hens when the males become too sexually demanding in spring. Moreover they will hopefully serve as brood cover. In the coming spring I will put some pigeons with them and some partridges, and I hope to get some offspring. They are reasonably quiet and peaceful birds, only during the mating season or when alarmed is their cry often heard. I have two hens and one rooster and each year they produce a number of good quality setting eggs. The eggs are greenish grey in color. Having their new housing now, I hope they can be moved to natural brooding in the coming season. They usually lay about 7-8 eggs per brood which hatch in 23 days. If you keep taking the eggs away, you can collect about 20 to 30 eggs. I cannot definitely say these beautiful pheasants are purebred, because of the amount of hybridisation in the past. One day I hope to be able to purchase a pair which is proven pure by DNA testing. Note that these pheasants must be ringed. Southern Caucasus Pheasant Phasianus colchicus colchicus These beautiful birds looks a lot like the Common Pheasant, but without the white neck ring. They are endemic to the Caucasas Mountains and like the Common pheasant it is an introduced game bird. In Holland it can be found in the wild, but is often crossed with other subspecies. They are kept by only a few hobby breeders, which is a pity, as they are very beautiful. Fortunately the interest in these birds is increasing in Europe, and in the United States there is a lot of interest in keeping the Southern Caucasus Pheasant. I have had a pair myself for a year and next year I hope to breed them for the first time. Feeding and care is the same as for the Ring-necks, and their habits are the same. Compared to the Ring-neck, the hens are a bit darker coloured on the back. They are true beauties to watch, in particular when the sunshine highlights their plumage. I keep them in an open aviary together with Spotted doves. These pheasants must also be ringed. Green Pheasant Phasianus versicolor This beautiful pheasant looks a lot like the two aforementioned pheasants. The female is dark in colour and the rooster is predominantly green. I had these for a few years but unfortunately the eggs were always infertile, and for that reason, I gave them away. I think they need a very quiet loft where they can quietly retreat to mate. I have another place reserved for a new pair though, that will be planted with a lot of greenery for them to shelter in. This species is really easy to keep and they have nearly the same requirements as the Ring- neck and Common pheasants. Below: Colour print from the book ‘Kwartels en Fazanten’ by A. Rutgers. Tenebrosus Pheasant Below: My first Tenebrosus chicks, at one-day old. In 12 weeks time the feather colouring gives a good clue which are the males. (photo right) Below: Developing into mature male plumage. Lady Amherst Pheasant This colourful ruffed pheasant species originates from south-west China and Burma. About 40 years ago I had kept a pair of these birds, and still I think these are very nice birds to keep. It is such a pity that almost no purebred Lady Amherst are for sale, as almost all of them have one time or another been crossed with a Red Golden Pheasant. Fortunately some members of Aviornis started a project to register the purebred Lady Amherst pheasants and in this way we hope to identify a breeding population of pure birds. At the moment I have one pair and a spare rooster. It took me a great search to find—hopefully—a pure pair. Right: A purebred Lady Amherst male. Left: This fault is commonly seen: a Lady Amherst Pheasant that shows some hybridisation with a Golden Pheasant. The tail has a different marking and also the crest feathers are too long and too red. It sure is a beautiful bird to see, but no good for breeding. Below: In spite of the dashing colours of its plumage, the rooster is still well camouflaged in the vegetation. In the aviary these pheasants are a delight to see and—if the aviary is large enough—can be kept with almost all sorts of birds (except other phea- sants). Caring for them is very simple: just like the other pheasants they get granules with some pigeon and cage bird mix. Greens or vegetables and grit are also provided. They do not need a closed or heated loft, not even for the night, because they prefer to sleep outside on a high perch. At my place they only come inside the loft to eat. In early spring, courting begins and the cock will call to the hens—he is very bright and busy hissing—but no other birds will be harassed as he is only interested in the hens. From May the hens start to lay creamy-white eggs. Below: Broody hen with newly hatched chicks. The hens prefer to lay the eggs in old milk-churns, tucked away between the bushes. They will defend their nests and chase away all other birds that come too close to the nest. They are good sitters and mothers and the natural way of breeding is quite possible with the Lady Amherst, although the Dutch climate is often too wet to rear the chicks. I usually take away the first clutch of eggs and put it in the incubator and let them brood their second clutch. My Amherst pheasants are housed in an aviary of 27 square metres with separate housing for the night of nine square metres. The ground in the aviary is a thick layer of sand with large conifers and various bushes and smaller plants. I created a sort of hilly landscape with large stones and an old trunk standing as a look-out post. They are kept together with Grey Jungle Fowls, Zebra Finches, Java Sparrows, Chinese Painted Quails, California Quails, Rock Partridges, Diamond Doves, Laughing Doves and Emerald Doves. They all go well together and breed happily in this aviary—which is so profusely planted—each bird can find a place to brood. Right: A young male, already clearly recognisable by its tail. The roosters get their full coloured plumage only after the second large moult, but you can pair them after their first winter. The sexes can be identified at an early age. These beautiful pheasants are suitable for novice breeders and I would recommend them for anyone looking for a quiet pheasant that can be kept in a mixed aviary with other birds. The Golden Pheasant This is another beautiful ruffed pheasant endemic to western China, where they live in high, stony hills with bamboo woods. They feed on seeds, berries, green sprouts and insects. The roosters create places to display and charm the females with their colourful plumage. The females choose the most colourful rooster to mate with and then hide to make a nest and care for their chicks all by themselves. In China, these pheasants have been kept in captivity for thousands of years, and in Holland they have also been kept for many years.
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