Louisiana State University LSU Digital Commons LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses Graduate School 1939 The lP ays of Eugene O'Neill: A Psychological Analysis. Vera Theresa Hahn Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_disstheses Recommended Citation Hahn, Vera Theresa, "The lP ays of Eugene O'Neill: A Psychological Analysis." (1939). LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses. 7811. https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_disstheses/7811 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at LSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses by an authorized administrator of LSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. m a s s OF SOQttB Q*»R£Xttt A PSTTCHOUKilCAl, iSJOXSXS >" ■ i ’ A l&a*ort&t£oK \ I f t ^ tfc« ««l*gr an* ©aXXog* 3Ui jartUiA. *^oti of tte gj^y—Mgla for of footer of 0ftiiooo$a^r ffco fi^iitHOt of agttafc «r Tore. fh«r«oo Bote B* A** Biasford tJOAmrallfcy, X9&0 B* A*> Stanford OJaiv^ra^ttyt 12$1 1 0 5 9 UMI Number: DP69189 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. UMT Dissertation Publishing UMI DP69189 Published by ProQuest LLC (2015). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuestQue ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 AOaKM&rafSR 8ie writer wishes to express har uppreelution to professor Jafcus Ear la Shier for hie eac omrfagaapttt «&d advise doriog tfe-e writing of this disssertutUoB* She else wishes to acfcucmlodge the e n a m e l gives her tor Doctor dead &hX&r» Seed of the psychiatric Clthie» State Hospital* Fdriis worth* Delaware* R; fABLK OF t x m m s X* Hitrodttetlofi.«... ......... — X II* th« Sea Fleye**..****•....... .« ». S ftsmcl Eust for Cardiff | r the Sq m • H e tht Long tegr^ge Hose i»on i tie Carlbbeee fh* Rope Ifoere the Caress is H&de (playe c£ little or so psyahelogio&l signifIsaac©) III. Before Breakfast and the Rrssagr ltd** 20 PIajs or slight psyehoXegicaJL eig~ slUeott* 17. Beyoad the Borises. ........................... tZ Dttroveri «ai «str»wt tllttsioacf poaaesetre insilasi. V* the Stra».............. ....... M Dstrcnrert tj|«) Uhei€tt| principle of fi&arttloa* 7X* Gold....... .......... ........ ....... m Belaaiesi dissociation; iasaattyj €re*as* 7It. *A »B & Christie*. ..... ....... 4 1 gtbieaj philosophy* bfeeesslos; r&tion&Ui&tloii; striving lor t^erioritgr. 7 I H * the 2atpeTov Jens*.. ...... *. 56 Belluelftatloa?} collective psyche* IX. Different........ ............ ...... 64 Suppression; superiority comp1«*. X. •the First UMI*.............. *---- — - • • 71 Subliu-t Io b ; introvert type* XI. the 9M.ry Ape.*.*...... *...... 76 Striving tor superiority* rsigr^s- ales. ill tv Gtaytae Pag® W m b & m IS* .................. 8® Oouflttfl between a n t . ................ — ....................... m iureUsKui eemplex) illusions • XEf. m OokH s 0 H U 1 W Got Win**....... ........ 08 X&forioritar oenpteocj pauranot&i die&ootatioa* r»}V««0ioii$ ^ f-fqy-r !ff» Beets* Gnder the SIm ..... ..... *........ 20? Sebleotd type* fetiabj ea*p«a©o~ t<«7 R»ohi^al**s aetartsiaiaatj peaeeeeive la© tine t* b&tredi ftMapft neefeanieai rajareeeleni power of *©x instinct* prostitute type. XfX. »Su*o 2S1111q b s ««............................ 124 teqaisltive isettnet. IVIX. Tbe 8r«6t God B r o w n . ............... IB? Dual pereenaltiyi theorlee ©f inte~ grotiea and diolatGgr^tio»{ feattttne and. naeeuXise of H n personality. i m i . l*s&rus laughed ------ .. *. 150 X&iftgr^Uoij eebisetd type ef por*~ •eta variety! crowd peyelmLogy. XUU S t a g e later lata* ...... — .......... 1S4 Compulsion resulting fro® eex &up~ pr^eston* wenam’s desire* for a eaildj id and $ge eoaflict; f e w t a M * veuHB's m life* tde&tifie&tiuin t m n & $ introvert type2 Oedtpee-emplexi poner of 0ex inettai iH^la^tta) dm-* tie* at adolescent ateig®. X L S g m o « .... ..................... 180 0*dlpn&~-c<*zif llct } in ntero theory* etrengtb of pattern 'rre»ptitt**$ collective peyohu* ITT. Konrsing Bee**** Slectra....... £i& Inhibitions; escape neetakten* XXoetre-eonpl^x , n^eoullnlty eon* pleat* tongue alipe* 0edtpRi&-^o8i|»lex* deatfe wisbj d*eane| identification© * eenee of guilt; repyeeeien. dufcf&ars Pujge re H Q * ^ilders*&3«t 2 M Adolescent psychology* XXXXX* Bay® Without jhkU...*...~...... * Dlelii&&gr&tlati; iat^ra,tioxi; eon-* filet of goala* XXIV. Coaclusioaa.. MZ Blbltcgrapfry £47 Biography ASSTE&C? f t i w 0*1*111 a w»b«r at y»&n ago was proclaim* by loading <rU i i 0 At>rle**» fayiwwi d m k t i s W a title which remains uiifsXapubed feodtjr* 2% is Aaikflr soldi at him that ha glows an aaour&te picture of nan atasllsB against tbs a M ^ a t h a U o ^ mehaidMd background at the p r m & i U It 1b a period of chaos, vhloh has discarded old ideals sad ^ l « h puts a Btcala eo m i In his effort to adjust himself to r&piOjr rhwgtTf eanoltiams. According to the deterministic philosophy of the day, a«a la a predict of hia environment. He must of necessity, then, be a hlghlj eompieat creature who seeks with difficulty a goal f i n asn^t to I n s a for bln an integrated personality* Thie is the nan who Hens and straggles and dies In the drams of fttgana G*BetlX. Does the drsafttlBt analyse this nan in relation t o the psychology implied in the aotlvM that direst his thoughts, nations, and actions? This is the earnestIon far which as answer is sought in the present study* A great aaaj articles and also a sfldar of boohs heme been written o n 0 *W©illfa rt&latlon to m a n y subjects, sudi as the sickness oi today, religion, Greek drena, Strindberg, philosophy, ethics, social problems* t o t e m have bees written on his life and works, on his skill as a dramatist, on his poetic quest, and cm his relation to the problems of modern industrialism. But nothing at all bus baas written on 0*1501 IX, the psychologist. Certainly if 0 *Wei 1 1 1 » rightfully to claim the titl* that is his, he most first be proved an unerring student In tfc*t field vhleh deals with the problems of tb*» human mind. ▼1 oil t o a working knowledge of the pcycaolo&lc&.l theories that W i j to tfeis subject, I have read the worto of »ip««Ul students like as » t U m these of general «ritors. the study covered the Mti»« of psychology, abnera&l end adolaseeat &s wall && general* X havo also res* c w w & X orlUeint of o*5eill, litsassy and technical* t o t X investigated 0*90111*0 Utters end recorded conversations la op endeavor to p d s a acre Intliete understanding of the dren&tist* gtaally, after m d l a g toe pl^a9 X oade a careful analysis of toe toen^fcts, « i o U « » | end actions of the character* 1» rol&tien to toe • o t o o l i of psychology that wore involved* It was this analysis la r%JU~ U a to toe thought of oodara psychology that led to the actual conclu- SlQBI» toe o o d i o l w reached at toe dose of this study sere satisfying as ooll as lilttaipatipg» If psychology has succeeded in explaining toe processes of the hanan ninci, 0*8®ill Is both detailed ond accurate 1a his re^r^seotatloa of character* for he observes the principles of fennan behavior set forth fcyr this science* ft Is to sole the ntowr and variety of to© psychological t i t o t i o s developed by the oraaaiisto In the pl^ys sxr: found studies in ■uppm nolcn, regression, cosaiuiaion, y^rtfasiatt, obi^r.&ioG, i&oistifi- eation, gebl la.tioat paranoia, dissociation, eunpl^xes , such as the Qedlpas, Sl^ctra, *ne Barcissus, adoX scent fixations, delusion, halluci­ nation, dre&ss, and truuoa; studies in many different kinds of s or life-planet such as pride, hatred , gali, power, X«ndi studies In toe role played by toe sex instinct, Illusions,. and the dealr* for superi­ ority* and finally studies in character types, such sckisoia, intro- tert| ©notional introvert, extrovert» &mt subj‘Ctivw extrovert* The c&refd analysis of such situation:* as? touse points conclusively to f I r r r I XWBOBBCTXOH from the tlad that X read ay first O ’Saili play, I Weame 7 interested i& the snaartng U f « l U « M 8 » ^ the eh&raetars dttitetad thane* Shis Interest fees never failed; as 1 read play after play 1 bsgnna more end sore fascinated by the dramatist*® conception of the Intricacies ef human nature* Finally X wanted to attempt & study of 0*&sUl*s so9k. in relation to modem psyehaln&y so that I night gro w siwlttdsdy his authenticity as interpreter of the psyche* ffcls study has became the object of this dissertation* pMfes bane been written on DHfelll as a ©restive artist, as Interpreter of the modem world of today, and as & poet in quest of the inner significance of life, There Is also an *ace«ll«nt volnne ty Barrett B* Clark treating of the life and verbs of 0*Heill unrein ere quoted nfiiqr of the dramatist*® conversations end letters* And there ere ntmrrms articles In mag&sincs that discuss, among the subjects, G*Belli In gol^tlan to philosophy, religion, Gr^ak drama, the influence of Strindberg* Bathing bus been done, however, on th&t phase of G*Belll*0 work whiefc to me aeons of such vital lntorast.
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