rDOD. GOA- 5 1 .. Panaji, 25th March, 1982 (Chaitra 4, 1904) OFFICIAL GOYERNMENT OF GO~, DA .,-: 4. From Union GOVERNMENT OF GOAr DAMAN Bus Stand along i. e. from Stall No. 318 nnnm,jtp AND DIU Union Pharmacy at New Bus Office. Home Department (General) 2. Traffic signboards for of vehicles ])elow should be erected. Office of the District Magistrate of Goa (i) Buses parked at prest',LI. at Aldona Bus be shIfted to the main L i 13 stand. (ti) No ta:;CIS shall be at the Aldoaa Notification They shall park open space Petrol Pmnp. No. 23/81/(3)/MAG-320 (iii) Tempos (Piokups) j,eavy vehicle hl exercise of powers conferred 011. the undersigned under sent infront of entrance of the Section 75 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 places mentioned along the Bandodkar shall be 'bEllow in Mapusa are hereby notified fo~ fixation of traffic forth at the space on the signboards as. shown below: . the road opposite to Pormam Apartment distanoe of 250 mts. this point (where 1. From P.W.D. Office to Hanmnan mercial zone ends). Theatre. No Parking (iv) Private cars, motor scooters shall 2. Along the Municipal Garden near' front of shop No. £; to ;;l1op No. 28 in the Hutatma .Chowk. No Parking Market side walll:. 3. From Syndicate Bank to Union Panaji, 1st March, 1982.·- .. 'j'he DIstrict Magistrate Pharmacy. No Parking S. Reguna.than. Directorate of Transport Public Notice Applications have been received for grant of contract ca mage permits to operate Motor Cars as South Zone Tourist Taxis in response to the public notice of this office publish ed in local newspapers. Date Sr. No. ot receipt Name and address of the applicant M. V. No. 1. 19-2-82 Kalidas Narayan Naill:, House No. 354, Sindole, Sancoale, O. COl'taliw, mbassador De Goa. 403 710. .", Luxe Saloon. 1982 modeL 2'. 19-2-82 Syed Nisar Ahmed, B. 6, Junta Quarters, BaIna, Vasco, GOD. New Vehicle. 3. 20-2-82 Naresh B. Revodkar, C/o Public Cafe, Ponda-Goa. Fiat. 4. 23-2-82 Prakash L. Marathe, H. No. 32, Khorlim, Mapusa, Goa. New Premier. Padmini Car. 5. 23-2-82 Shekhar Tukaram Naill:, C/o. "Sandya Bar", Mapusa-Goa. New Vehicle. 6. 23-2-82 Arvind Basappa Ga.dvi, C/o. D. I. Gadvi, P. O. Box 25, RU8 de L,Qureneo, :\.mbassador Panaji-Goa. Saloon. (Diesel). 7. Z4-2-82 Mr. Madhu Namdev Halernker, Pomburpa, Bardez, Zarh':a ,nba.ssador Delex ODE 1:143. 8. 24-2-82 Mr. Lazarus Menezes, Vancio Vaddo, Guirim, Bardez-Goa. Vehlel0-. 9. 21-2-82 Naresh Datta Nachinolker, p...shirvad-Niwas, Pednem No.2, Ivlapusa, Vehicle. Bardez-Goa. 10. 24-2-82 Rarnesh A. Govekar, Pilerne Navetim, Bardez, Goa. , 11. 24-2-82 M. C. John, C-2-1, Municipal Quarters, Tonca, Caranzalem·,(ioa. Vehicle. 12. 24-2-82 Pundolic V. Tan, Salvador do Mundo, Badem, H. No. 617, BDrde%-C'YL Vehicle. y' 632 Sr. No. Date of receipt 13. 25-2-82 Shri Anba Yeshwant Phadte, C/o. Naik Building, 3rd Floor, I)ren1ic: Bosco HighSchool, Panaji-Goa. Padmi'l.L 14. 25-2-82 Suresh Rama Korgaokar, Chorao-Iihas-Goa, SodetL 15. 20-2-82 Shri Laxman M. Kaulekar, Bogmalo, Airport Dabolim. GO[L, .An10aSSEj.dur Car, i, Model 16. 25-2-82 Shri Shrikant B. Naik, Dabolim Airport, Gallim-Goa. ll.lnbassadol' Car, Model 11181. GDJ?-38C. 17. 25-2-82 Ranganath Harichandra Chari, Opp. T. B. Hospital, SL Inez, New 25-2-82 Gurunath Harischandra Naik, Kevla, Fonda-Goa. House No. 8-12, Fiat model GDE: 25-2-82 Jos.e. Manuel Lemos, Vivenda Lemos, Sinquerim, Bardez-,Go;l" >lOB .11..1Ubassarl()} de Ll1:," loon -198:2, 2-0-2-82 Shri Pandharinath H. Vaigunkar, Oxel, Siolim-Bardez-Goa. New 25-2-82 Kiran Narvenkar, Dhuler, Mapusa-Goa. New Fiat. 22. 25-2-82 Luigi Mar de Menezes Ferrao, Primavera, Dr. AtmaraJ:n Gorka1' PremiCI Panaji-Goa, 403 001. Padminj, 23. 25-2~82 'Mr. Vinayal{ M. Narvenkar, Keniwado, Mapusa, Bardez.. Goa, New Ychic]'". 25"2-82 Nandalmmar 1\1!. LotIikar, Pilerne, Marra, Bardez, Goa. New Vehicle 25. 2.5-2-82 BanJldas Arjun Simepurasker, Umtawado, Calangute, >\Bardez-Go".. New Vehicle 1982 model (Fiat). 26. 25-2-82 Mr. Balchandra S. Dessai, H. No. 130, Cuncolim, Batia Goa. (Challan 18,t J. Fiat Car. 27. 26~2-82 Vincent R~medios Vales, P. O. Chica1im, Chicalim-Goa. 403 711. O-,;lle Ambassador application) . New Vehicle. 28. 26-2-82 Mohan S. Nanodkar; Nanoda, Asnora, Bicholim-Goa. (Late application). l'Jew \Tehicle .~ Taxi, Amba:i­ sadol', 29. 27-2-82 Hamza Khan, Pedda, House No. 169, Margao-Goa. (Late applicatic,nl. Premier (Pad­ mini) 1982 Model (Saloon \. 30.• 27-2-82 Mr. Mohanlal B. Halankar, Post Betim, at Ekoshim, Salvador do 1.1m1);1,5sado1' H. No. 454. (Late Application). Car GDE-127\3. 31. 6-3-82 Arvind D. Vallte, 28 Naik Nagar, Bor-dem, Bicholim, Goa, (Lat(; Appli­ Amb. cation). II - The following applications are received for renewal of contract carriage permits and for grant of three Lesh contract carriage permits to be considered alongwith renewal applications to operate tourist taxis thi'oug-h out India. Sr. Date' of Date of Registration No. receipt expirY, Name und address of the applicant mark of vehicle Tourist taxi8 to ply throughozLt India Renewal applicatiouB, 1. 19-11-81 17-4-82 ShriJ<tanuel Fernandes, Anjuna. (Renewal of GDD/128/79 Co. P), GDS 2. 17-12-81 27-2-82 Ravindra'K. Amonkar,Panaji. (Renewal of GDD/37/72 Co. P). 3. 18-1-82 6-6-82 Vishnu Shiva Amonkar, Panaji. (Renewal of GDD/46/73 Co. Pl, GDS 4. ,20-1-82 28-2-82 Sadanand G. Kanekar, Valpoi. (Renewal of GDD/40/73 Co. Pl. GDS 314. (Late 'application). l~plications for new permits received in re8pon8e to publk noNce. 1. 19-2-82 Kalidas Narayan Naik, H. No. 354, Shindole Sancoale, P. O. Cortalim, Goa, Anllms::'adol' D, Lux Saloon 1982 mod,,!. 23-2-82 .Managing Dir;~ctor, Kadamba Transport Corporation, Panaji-Goo, New Vel1ide, 23-2-82 Managing. Di;ector, Kadamba Transport Corporation, Panaji-Goa. New Vd;iele, 23-2-82 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport . Corporation, Panaji-Goa. New Vehiele, 23-2-82 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corporation, Panaji-Goa. New Vebicle. 23-2-82 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corporation, Panaji-Goo., New VelJicle. 23-2-82 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corporation, Pallaji-Gon, New Vel:ic)p, 25TH MAROH, 19.82 (OHAITRA 4l 1904) ,Sr. No. Date 01 Date of Name and address of the applicant receipt expiry Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corporatioll, l'a:ilaji-Go3, 8. 23-2-82 , , Fiat 23-2~82 Naresh Revodkar, Public CaSe, Menina Building, Ponda-Go:]. 9.. ]{e\v Prashant TUI{aram Naik, Villa Fair View Bldg., F2,ir Alta, l\1:apusn {ina, 10. 23-2-8~ 11. 23-2-82 Gajanan Pandurang Achrekar, ECQxim, P. O. BeUrn, Bardez-Goa. New 24-2-82 Jose Manuel Lemos, Vivenda Lemos, Sinquerim, Bardez, Goa. Ambassmlor 12. lux 13. 25-2-82' Shri Krishna G. Chopdenkar, Fontainhas, Mala, Panaji, Goa. Ne\v 25-2-82 M/s. Adelino Alvares, Neura, Ilhas, Goa. Ambas:,n.dol' 14. Dies",,} 1982. 15. 25-2-82 Hamza Khan, Pedda, Margao, Goa. H. No. 169. Premier Pad­ mini 16. 26-2-82 Anthony M. R. Fernandes, Azossim, Neura, Ilhas, GOD.. AmbassadOl' 1982. .17. 26-2-82 Jagadish Gajanan Naik, E-311, Behind Commerce College, Fa-IL'l.jHh lrlat. 18. 26-2-82 M/s. Shri Aryadurga Transport Co., Gandhi BllUva.n, Diu. New. 19; 26-2-82 Mahadev Lrur.man Vengurlekar, Matruchaya, Nen-Mon, Vasco da Ambas;~',ldor Goa. 'Sa1001l 198, model. 20. 27-2-82 M/s. Trimurti Transport Cop. Altinho, Mapusa-Goa. New Vehicle. 21. 27-2-82 Shri Diwal\:ar S. Govenkar, H. No. 213, Chapora-Bardez-Goa. New 22. 27-2-82 M/s. B. N. Thal\:ur Auto Commerce, Post Box No. 52, Ormuz Road, Premier Pad~ -Goa. mini 23. 27-2-82 Suresh G. Kamat Tarcar, 28 MunfcipaI Bldg., Panaji-Goa. Premier Pad­ mini Car. 24. 27-2-82 Lahu Naik, Dongrim, Nem'a, Ilhas, Goa. Ambassador 1982. 25. 27-2-82 Ana Severina Tellis, H. No. E2/4, Bamonvaddo, Candolim, Bardez, New Vehicle. 26. 27-2-82 Shri Umesh Shambhu Naik Shirodkar, Corlim, Ilhas, Goa. New Fiat Car 27. 3-3-82 Chandrakant GovindMandrekar, Aska wada, Mandrem Pernam, Ambassador (Late Application). Diesel MK ------------:'-------~--------.---"~-."-'- The above applications will be considered by the State Applications of the applicants.will be available for inspec­ Transport Authority at its meeting' to be held in the Office tion to any person or authority specified in Section 4'[ of the -of the Director of Transport" Panaji, Goa, together with any Motor Vehicles Act, 19.39 at the Office of the undersigned on receipt of a written request from such persons. The date, representations for or against or objections that may be time and place for considering the applications by the state submitted, so as, to reach the undersigned within thirty days Transport Authority, Panaji-Goa, wiJl be notified. from the date of publication of notification in the Official Gazette. Copies of the representations uniess sent to the Panaji, 12th March, 1982. - Tlw Director, E. 7Joronllil .. applicant will not be considered. Rodrigues . ••• Works~ Education and Tourism. Department Public Works' Department .. Works ;Division I (Bldgs.) North - 'Panaji Tender Notice No. PWD/WDI/ASW-21/65/81-82 The Execlitive Engineer, Works Division I (Bldgs.) NorthP.W.D. Panaii invites on behalf of the President of India sealed percentage/item rate tenders from approvea and eligible contractor of Goa PWD/CPWD/MES Railway etc.
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