VOL UME X, NUMBER 4 WINTER SOLSTICE 2001 Index Symbols Age of Entheogens & The Angels’ Dictionary, Analog Act 84, 85 The 154 Anand, Margot 67, 154 ∞Ayes 32, 49, 50, 51 age regression 89 Anderson, E.F. 106 1,4-butanediol 84 Aguaruna Indians 10 Anderson, Rocky 41 1984 155 Aguirre, G., L.E. 3, 5, 6 Anderson, Sherry 156 2001 52 Agurell, S. 57, 58, 106 Andrews, S. 86 2C-B 22, 28, 118 ahpí 7 anesthetize 21 2C-D 20 ajucá 6 angico 6 2C-I 20 Akashic record 54 angicos brancos 6 2C-T-2 20, 22, 90 Al-Queda terrorists 123 angicos pretos 6 2C-T-4 20 Alarcón, R. 5 angiquín 6 2C-T-7 20, 85, 89, 90, 94, 105, 114 Alchemind Society, The 42, 76, 112 angiquinho 6 4-acetoxy-DET 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 96 alcohol Angraecum fragrans 86 4-acetoxy-DIPT 29, 30, 88, 90, 91, 93 38, 52, 74, 84, 98, 99, 134, 145, 146 Anon. 151 4-hydroxy-αMT 139 alcoholic beverages 86 anonymous remailer 123 4-hydroxy-DET 88, 89, 139 Aldrich 83 anthraquinones 86 4-hydroxy-DMT 88 alfalfa 129 anti-cholinergic-like central effect 150 4-hydroxy-DPT 139 alien 32, 50, 53 anti-depressant 28 5-MeO-αMT 148 alien robots 52 anti-inflammatory 86 5-MeO-DIPT 90, 94 AllChemical Arts (conference) 115 anti-marijuana laws 46 5-MeO-DMT Allen, John W. 112 anti-nausea medications 28 1, 5, 25, 84, 89, 99, 101, 102, 103, allergy preparations 28 antibacterial 135 118, 126, 148 Alli, Antero 114 antibiotic 28 5-methoxytryptamine 150 Allison 156 antidiarrheal 104 Alpert, Richard 34 antispasmatic 28 A alpha 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145 Antonil, André João 4 Aardvark, David α-MT 148 ants 151 α 21, 27, 28, 30, 34, 51, 85, 86, 94, 99, ,O-DMS 148 anxiety 91 104, 109, 126, 146, 148, 150 alt.drugs.mushrooms 139 aphrodisiac 3 Altered States of Consciousness apollinaris 1 Abuta grandifolia 3 Apollo Abuta rufescens 3 (conference) 67, 152 1, 147 Acacia 5, 6, 12 alucinante 75 aporphine 125 Acacia angustissima 12 Amanajóz Indians 5, 6 appetite-increase 146 Amanita muscaria 12, 116 Appleseed, Johnny 41 Acacia catechu 4 Aquarian Electronics Brainwave Acacia confusa 103 Amanita pantherina 71 Amanitas 68 Analyzers 140 Acacia hostilis 6 Amaringo, Pablo Acacia maidenii 101 8 arachnid 150 Acacia simplicifolia 103 amasisa 10 Arawakan 8 ambíl/yera 4 Archaic Herbs 111 Acacia tenuiflora 6 American Chemical Society, The acáyetl 11, 12 147 arecoline 156 acetone 26, 101 American Horticultural Society Plant Argyreia nervosa 111, 157, 158 acetylcholine 151 Propagation 30 Ariocarpus fissuratus 109 Achievement Group, The 154 American Orchid Society Bulletin 136 Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus 95 amifepramone 28 Armstrong, Louis 155 acid (LSD) 155 Army Chemical Corps acid/base extractions 101, 102 amineptine 28 34 ACLU 124 amitriptyline 28 art 64, 67, 110, 116, 145, 146, ammonia 26, 102 154, 156, 159 Acorus americanus 68, 69 Art Hardware Studio Acorus calamus 68, 149, 150 Amoxicillin 28 110 acujá 6 amphetamine 28, 52, 126 Art of Everyday Ecstasy, The 154 Adam and Eve 116 amphetamine-like 91 Artemisia absinthium 103 Adams, Douglas 154 amphetamines 28 asarones 68 addict, heroin 150 Anadenanthera 1,3,5,6,8,70,105 asbestos 100 addict, opiate 157 Anadenanthera colubrina ascorbic acid 104 addiction 37 6, 70, 71, 103, 105 ash 1,2,3,4,5,11,104 Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebíl 103 Asilomar 156 Afrin 28 Shulgin agar 128, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136 Anadenanthera peregrina 70, 105 Ask Dr. (www.alchemind.org/ Agaricus 127, 129 Anadenanthera peregrina var. peregrina 6 shulgin) 42 anæsthesia 4 Ask Dr. Weil (www.drweil.com) 42 Agaricus brunnescens 131 Erowid Agave 11 anaesthetic 103 Ask (www.erowid.org/ask) 42 analgesics 150 THE ENTHEOGEN REVIEW , POB 19820, SA CRAMENTO , CA 95819-0820, USA 161 VOL UME X, NUMBER 4 WINTER SOLSTICE 2001 aspartame 100 Bell, John A. 119 Brunfelsia 3 Asperula odorata 86 Bender420 94 Brunfelsia grandiflora 158 asperuloside 86 Benn, Gottfried 159 Bubhaneshwar Temple 33 Aspidosperma 9 Bennett, B.C. 5 Buddhist 116, 152 aspirin 69 benzodiazepines 28 Bufo alvarius 84, 103 asset forfeiture reform 41 benzphentamine 28 bufotenine Associated Pathologists Laboratory 28 Berger, A. 31 1, 5, 70, 71, 84, 101, 103, 105, 148 Associated Press 121, 151 Bergins, Toni 154 Buna-shimeji 138 Association for Research and Enlighten- Besuch auf Godenholm (Visit to Godenholm) 1 Burke 156 ment 153 beta 140, 146 Burnet, A.R. 86 asthma 28 beta-asarone 68 Burning Man 94, 118 astral parasitism 95 betel 156 Bursera fagaroides 158 astringent 104 bhang 141 Bursera graveolens 158 atomizer 22 Big Brother 154 ATP 151 Bigwood, Jeremy 131 C August 96 Bill of Rights 38 caapí 7 Auricularia polytricha 138 bin Laden, Osama 150 caatinga 5, 6 Avalokitesvara 116 biofeedback 140, 141, 144, 146 cabí 7 Avena sativa 129, 130 birth defects 100 cabrera 6 ayahuasca 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 67, bismuth subnitrate 4 cacahoapatlachtli 11 82, 97, 98, 110, 124, 126, 152, 156 Bisset, N.G. 3 cacáhuatl 11, 12 Ayahuasca Analogues 24 Black, Bob 121 Cacahuatl Eater: Ruminations of an Unabashed Ayahuasca Analogues and Plant-based Black, General E.F. 97 Chocolate Addict, The 46 Tryptamines 24 black nightshade 75 cacahuaxóchitl 11 Ayahuasca Conference 97, 98 black paricá 6 cacao 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12 ayahuasca effect 25 black widow 150 cacao del monte 5 Ayurhuasca 7 Blackburn, T. 151 cacao, flying 5 Aztecs 73 bleeding disease 86 cacao, jungle 5 Aztekia 58 blood 1 cacao simarrón 11 blood pressure, 51 71, 88, 104 cacao volador 5, 10 B blood sugar, decreases 104 cacao, wild 5 Blosser, Bret 156 B vitamins 26 Cactus Plus (www.cactusplus.com) 109 blowgun 2 ß-carboline(s) 5, 8, 25, 51 caffeine 38, 111 bodhisatvas 79 B.B., NY 105 Cailleux, Roger 127, 128 body temperature 88 B.C., WA 25 cají 7, 8 boiling point 148 baby laxative 26 Boire, Richard Glen cajucá 6 Backeberg, C. 31 calcium 100, 104 28, 76, 81, 85, 114, 121, 122, 159 bacteria 131, 135 calcium carbonate 101 Boire, Finn 114 Badham, E.R. 131, 134 calcium chloride 132 bong 82, 122 bador/badoh 73 Calea zacatechichi 158 Bonpland, A. 3 baeocystine 96, 139 California Institute of Integral Studies Bora Indians 4, 5 Baer, G. 9, 88, 89, 90, 96 110 Borders Books 85 Bakalar, J.B. 141 California poppy flowers 63 Botanical Preservation Corps 30, 47 baking soda 22, 105 Callaway, Jace 25 botany 82 balché 7, 11, 12 Calliandra 10, 11 bottle culture 138 Balée, W. 11 Calliandra amazonica 10 bougies 4 Ball (canning jar) 132, 134 Calliandra anomala 12 BPC Maui 156 Bancroft, E. 3 Calliandra calothyrsis 10 Braden, Gregg 156 Banisteriopsis 3,6,7,8,10,11 Calliandra hæmatostoma 10 brain damage 154 Banisteriopsis caapi Calliandra pentandra 10 Brain, Marie 67, 97 2, 7, 25, 98, 111, 157, 158 cama- 3 brain stimulant 5 Banisteriopsis muricata 7 camalampi 3 brainwaves 140, 141, 145, 146 barbiturates 28 Canary seed 130 branca 6 Barbosa-Rodrigues 3 cancer 100 Breath Ecstasy 154 barley 129 cannabinoids 103, 141 brebajes 8 Barlow, John Perry 119 Cannabis 22, 28, 38, 42, 43, 45, 46, 52, Brehm, A. 150 Barneby, R.C. 6 54, 77, 79, 82, 85, 86, 103, 104, Breitenbush 63 Barquinha 98 113, 119, 121, 124, 125, 126, 140, Brenneisen, R. 106 barrigudo 9 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146 Britton, E.B. 151 Basement Shaman, The 106 Cannabis Culture (magazine) 157 bromocriptine 28 Bates, C. 86 Cannabis indica 46 Brotherhood of the Defenders and Batocarpus costaricensis 9 Cannabis ruderalis 46 Promoters of the Maitrank 87 Batty, C.S. 151 Cannabis sativa 46, 130 Brounstein, Howie 157 Bear, S. 68 capí 7 Brugmansia 3, 10 bebido 3 Capsicum 3 Brugmansia suaveolens 158 Bed of Roses 114 Caquetio Indians 1 brujo 3, 4, 9, 74 beer 37, 141 caramel caps 128 162 THE ENTHEOGEN REVIEW , POB 19820, SA CRAMENTO , CA 95819-0820, USA VOL UME X, NUMBER 4 WINTER SOLSTICE 2001 carbon dioxide 22 CIA 33, 50, 97 cumala 2, 5 carbon monoxide 100 CIBA 75 cumala-ampi 3 carcinogen 25, 68, 86, 100 Cicuta douglasii 103 cupuaçú 11 cardiac symptoms 87 cigarette 86, 87, 100 cupuassú 11 Carnegiea gigantea 109 cihuateteo 3 cupuassú-rana 11 Carnivore 124 Clarisia racemosa 9 cupuí 11 Case, Justin 25, 96 clobenzorex 28 curandero 3, 4, 38, 74 casing 127, 130, 131, 132 Close Encounters of the Third Kind 50 curare 3, 11, 12 Castaneda, Carlos 63 closed-eye-visuals 92 Curarea tecunarum 3 Castner, J.L. 3 clover 129 curative 37 “Catarrh Snuff” 4 cobras 150 curing 36, 39, 54, 73 catatonic fits 89 coca 1, 2, 7, 10, 11, 12, 45 cyanidin 104 Catha edulis 82, 83 cocaine 4, 21, 22, 26, 28, 37 cyanidin-3-glucoside 104 cathartic 104 Cocama Indians 8 Cymbopetalum penduliflorum 11 catnip 151 Code of Federal Regulations 86 CZ-74 88 cattle 86 codeine 28 Cavanillesia 9 Coffea arabica 130 D Cavanillesia hylogeiton 9 coffee, decaffeinated 111 da Costa, José Gabriel 7 Cavanillesia umbellata 9 coffee filters 101 Dalai Lama 117 Cayce, Edgar 153 coffee grounds 130 damiana 158 cebíl 1 coffee-bean grinder 105 Dan 159 Cecropia 2 cohoba 1 dance 67 Ceiba pentandra 9, 11 coke 26 DanceSafe 111, 114 Ceiba samauma 9 Cola acuminata 158 darts, psychic 3 ceibo 10 Colby, W. 97 Dass, Ram 156 celestial beings 53 cold and allergy remedies 28 Datura 11, 12, 68, 85, 118, 151 Center for Cognitive Liberty & Ethics Cole, Brooks 119 David 156 112 Collective Vision 117 Davis, E.
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