MAY, 1965 TlinetyTllne Tleius JJinety - Jiine oAfeu/s Presidents Colu r n n Ninety-Nines is a democratic organi­ sheets are placed in three envelopes zation, and as such it affords each and sealed. member certain privileges, among Utmost secrecy is mandatory by each which is the “Freedom to Choose.” members of this committee. Only the Not only is it a privilege, but also an President and Secretary may check the MAY, 1965 obligation to choose the policy which results. One sealed envelope may be our Ninety-Nines shall follow by choos­ requested by them during the Execu­ Official Publication of ing representatives who are capable tive meeting prior to the Convention. THE NINETY - NINES, Inc. of such leadership. The other TWO are to be presented Headquarters, Terminal Bldg. It is again time to cast your ballot when the Tellers’ Commilte Report is Will Rogers Field P. 0. Box 99 for those representatives who will lead called for at the convention meeting. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma you in the coming year, and only when Because THE BALLOT IS SECRET, you fulfill this obligation can you have Headquarters Secretary we are unable to publish a Scoreboard Carol Craig the kind of leadership you desire. The as to the number of members in each casting of your ballot involves a three­ chapter or section who voted. Only fold responsibility. First your respon­ YOU will know if you have exercised Editor sibility to have determined the qualifi­ your privilege and fulfilled your obli­ DOROTHY L. YOUNG cations and ability of those seeking of­ gation by casting your ballot. YOUR 6512 N.W. 20th Drive fice. Second your responsibility to cast VOTE is important. It may be the one Bethany, Oklahoma your ballot for those best qualified that determines whether you have the for the office they seek. Third each can­ leaders you desire for this coming International Officers didate’s responsibility to the Ninety- year. Be certain that you do not forfeit President Nines to do the job she is elected to, RUTH DEERMAN to the very best of her ability. your “Freedom to Choose.” 405 Camino Real Many of you who are new in the Sincerely, El Paso, Texas Ninety-Nines will be voting for the first Ruth Deerman, President time. You may feel that because your Vice-President ballot is numbered your vote is not ALICE ROBERTS secret. But the BALLOT IS SECRET. 719 W. Orchid Lane No record is kept as to which num­ Coming Events Phoenix 21, Arizona bered ballot each individual member May 15, 1965 Secretary receives. To assure you a fair election, All-Woman New England Air Race BETTY W. McNABB ihe number of ballots printed is the Burlington, Vermont 926 Third Avc. same as the number of members eli­ Albany, Georgia gible to vote. Inactive and Life Mem­ bers are not eligible to vote. By num­ May 26, 27, 28, 1965 Treasurer bering the ballots, the Tellers’ Commit- IAR. Impound Inspection May 24. ELIZABETH V. “Susie” SEWELL lee is able to detect an illegal ballot. Awards Banquet May 29. c/o Catlin Aviation Co. AH ballots are opened in the presence P.O. Box 2398 of the entire Tellers’ Committee at the June 12, 1965 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma convention site, prior to the Internation­ San Diego - Fallon Fun Race al Meeting. The envelopes are checked Executive Committee for duplicate numbers, then opened, July 3 - 7, 1905 DONNA T. MYERS and the ballots removed. All envelopes AWTAR from El Cajon, Calif., 11603 E. 6th Place and ballots are saved separately. After to Chattanooga, Tennessee. Denver, Colorado 80010 Hie ballots have all been opened, they LYDIELLEN “Lygie” HAGAN are counted off into piles of 25 and July 8, 9, 10, 1965 South 1907 Oneida PI. clipped together with a tally sheet. INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION Spokane, Washington The results of each group of 25 are Chattanooga, Tennessee. JOAN L. HRUBEC recorded on a separate tally sheet to make a recheck easier, should this be 16902 Dartmouth Ave. September 1965 necessary, because of a close result Cleveland 11, Ohio Southwest Section Meeting, for any office, or if such a re-count is Salt Lake City, Utah. Read, discuss, and send the FAA requested. (At one time an office was your comments, pro or con, on pro­ won by ONE vote; a re-count was taken posed rule makings or administrative with the same result.) Complete Grand Septem ber 24, 25, 26, 1965 policy changes. Remember — it’s your Tally Sheets are filled out in triplicate South Central Fall Section Meeting blue sky and freedom to fly that may and signed by each member of the Wichita, Kansas be affected. Tellers’ Committee. One each of these We Made Congressional Record Like the ripples on an ocean, how far-reaching their effects. The “COLT FOR KIM . and the women of Korea” project has resulted in a tri­ bute for the 99s in the Congressional Record, Feb. 9, 1965. It isn't often that the NINETY-NINES make the Congressional Record, hence I thought this insertion would make every 99 very proud. KAY BRICK Chairman, AWTAR Past Intl. President Washington, D.C. Congressional Record February 9, 1965 “Tribute to ROBERT A. LEWIS” "MR. DODD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to insert into the RECORD the text of an interview with Chattanooga Retail Merchants’ Association, Inc., Promotions Committee, meet ROBERT A. LEWIS, a former resident with Tennessee Ninety-Nines. Left to right, seated: R. A. STRAUSS, President of Conn., now a U.S. Foreign Service Retail Merchants; MRS. LEROY JONES, R. C. WORLEY. Standing: MRS. officer. MR. LEWIS recently returned TARBELL PATTON, Tennessee Chapter Chairman and Terminus Chairman; from Korea where he became famous MILTON C. ITINGER, SARA DUKE, MRS. ARVIA ASHLEY and MRS. JOHN as the “Flying Consul. I. FLEWEI.LEN. "The consular district in which MR. LEWIS served included all the land south of the political demarkation line INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION dividing the Korean peninsula. In this area there are approximately 10,000 Welcome 99s: major markets all around the world American civilians and 50,000 Ameri­ The Chattanooga Retail Merchants displayed in our stores, and we feel can servicemen. In order to take care Association is pleased to join all citi­ that shopping in Downtown Chattanoo­ of the problems of these many Ameri­ zens of our area in welcoming the 99s ga compares favorably with any of the can citizens and to protect U.S. life to our scenic city. We are proud indeed larger cities in our great country. and property, MR. LEWIS learned to that you have chosen Chattanooga as fly. Remarkably enough, he learned to We look forward with great anticipa­ the terminus for the 1965 Powder Puff fly in a private plane which had been tion to your visit and hope and pray Derby. For those who have never been purchased with green stamps contribut­ that each of you will have a safe and to Chattanooga, we guarantee that you ed women pilots in the U.S. as a ges­ pleasant journey with excellent flying will be fascinated by all the natural ture of admiration for CAPT. KIM, the weather. beauty surrounding our city. only licensed civilian woman aviatrix Sincerely, in Korea. We know you will enjoy seeing the R. A. Strauss “The story of MR. LEWIS’ adven­ latest and newest in fashions from the President tures as flying consul makes exciting reading. By his imagination, by his day when a CAPT. KIM, a young KIM’s that MR. LEWIS learned to fly. dedication to duty, and by his courage, woman and the only licensed civilian His instructor was a retired officer of he has upheld the best traditions of the woman aviatrix in Korea, came to the the Korean Air Force . (his exper­ American Foreign Service . American Embassy to obtain a visa to ience flying about Korea! . The fact “ There is only one U.S. consulate in the U.S. Somehow her story had cap­ that he could fly opened new horizons the Republic of Korea,’ says MR. tured the imaginations of a group of for Consul LEWIS, who believes that LEWIS. The consular district whose lady pilots in this country known as he has demonstrated with an airplane HQ are at Seoul . .’ the “NINETY-NINERS.” These gener­ that Foreign Service officers with a “Finding an airplane and an instruct­ ous ladies organized a campaign to willingness to sacrifice in this way or was not easy for MR. LEWIS, de­ save green stamps in order to purchase from their own financial resources can spite the presence of many military a Piper Colt for presentation to CAPT. obtain important returns for their work aircraft, both American and Korean. KIM. The latter came to N.Y. last and their country. Private flying has not developed for year to take possession of the plane, “MR. LEWIS, who prior to his Kor­ the simple reason that it is an expen­ brought it back to Korea, and set about ean assignment had held Foreign Serv­ sive hobby and few Koreans can afford organizing a club to train other Korean ice posts in Cairo, Paris, Athens, and it. lady pilots. LeHavre, is currently assigned to the ‘‘LEWIS' problem was solved one “It was with this aircraft of CAPT. Dept, of State in Washington.” N o tam s Keeping Up Members-At-Large March 4, 1965 ATTENTION!! Portuguese Embassy ALL NEWSLETTER REPORTERS All Ninety-Nines are reminded to 1 Calle Del Pinar THERE WILL BE NO JULY NEWS­ inform themselves regarding the Madrid, Spain LETTER—NO JUNE 20 DEADLINE!!! proposed aircraft use tax and fuel ISABEL MATHIAS This is normal operating policy.
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