Cadets Earn Honors; Plan Military Ball. The month of February has been Orher semester awards an­ chosen as the annual ROTC Mili­ nounced by Sergeant Major tary Ball at Captain Shrev-;.lhrs Chaisson were as follows: Best everit will include the choosing Platoon, First Platoon "B" COITI· and crowning of a ROTC queen pany commanded by Cadet Lieu­ and her two maids. tenant Lowell Todd and Platoon According to Miss Evangenne .Sergeant Roland Harper; Be s t Demopulos, advisor to the ROTC Squad, Second Squad, First Pl a­ sponsors, only senior ROTC spon­ toon, "B" Company, commanded sors are eligible for the honors. by Staff Sergeant Bill Honaker; The queen and her c:ourt will be Outstanding First Semester Ca­ EITIBPBISE chosen by secret ballot of ROTC det, and Best Dressed Cadet; members. Dennis R. Dubroc. e Awards Announced Promoted to Cadet CJptalns "B" Company, corrrmanded by were company commanders Joe Cadet Captain Keith Pervan, was White, Brad Leggett, Kerth Per­ Volume IV Shreveport, Louisiana, February 3, 1971 Number 5 selected as Best Company, First van, and Sherman Smith. Tim Sim­ Semester 1970-1971. The award mons, Jimmy Davenport, Leon is based upon overall perform­ Lloyd, Lowell Todd, James Clem­ ance in competition with other mons, and Michael Stewart were Crocker Names Clubs Slate Mardi Gras Dance companies in the cadet battalion. promoted to Cadet First Lieuten­ Keith Pervan said that the award ants, and Ezell Bell and Herman Plans are under way for the 'was made possible because of ·Demmins were promoted to Ca­ Akchin Winner first annual Mardi Gras Dance to the outstanding support he re­ det Second Lieutenants. Captain Shreve High School's be sponsored by Key Club, Inter­ ceived from his sponsor, subor­ 1971 Bet.ty Crocker Homemaker act and "Z" Club on Friday, dinate leaders, and cadets in gen­ In other ROTC activities first of Tomorrow is senior Debi Ak­ ~ebruary 20, in the school gym eral. yea·r ROTC cadets earned the fol­ thin. Selected for her perform­ from 8-12 p.m. "B" Company won the a w a r d lowing awards. Achievement Rrb­ ance in a written knowledge and Interact and Key Club are furn­ last school year and its numbers bon, Martin Klijn, Johnnie Davis, attitude examination administer­ ishing the money for the special are working hard to retain the Stephen Mangiapane, Barry Skin­ ed to senior girls on December 1, event while "Z" Club will furnish decorations to depict the New Or­ tradition "B" Company is the ner, James Morris, Robert Ravner, Debi will receive a specially de• "best." "B" Company sponsor key Charles Wimbley, and Michael signed award from General Mills, leans theme. "We'll probably use leaders are Joy Wolfe and Low­ Maniscalco. Ushers Ribbon, James sponsor of the annual education Bourbon Street as the main idea ell Todd and Herman Demmings Davis, Clyde Anderson, and Con­ program. Additionally, she is now with the traditional Mardi Gras as platoon leaders, Roland Har­ ley Jones. National Rifle Associa­ eligible for state and national colors of purple, green and gold," per and Ronald Caswell as pla­ tion Medals; Pro Marksmanship honors, including one of 102 col­ said Pam Jordan, "Z" Club presi­ toon sergear.ts, and Franklin Sny­ Medal, Michael Maniscalco, Mrm­ leeg s c hoI a r s h i p s totaling dent. der, Bill Honaker, Ed Edmonson, te Moncrief, Barry Skinner, Ma(ks­ $110,000. Entertainment for the evening and Mike Monarch as squad lead­ manship Sharpshotter Medal: The national first-place winner will be furnished by Swamp Fox - the 1971 Betty Crocker All­ from Baton Rouge. All Gators are -ers. Ronald Schwartz. MAKING PLANS for Mardi Gras American Homemaker of Tomor­ invited at a cost of $3.00 per cou7 row - will receive a $5,000 edu­ pie. Tickets are on sale now and festivit~s are presidents of the Seniors Remain Smartest tational grant. She will be chosen rnay be bought from any lnter­ sponsoring dubs Pam Jordan, this spring from 51 Homemake~s acter or Key Clubber. Dress for Peyton Kelley and Marshall Cun• Honor roll for the third six Juniors were second in line of Tomorrow representing each the occasion is casual. ningham. (Photo by Parks) weeks finds more names of sen­ wlth Ruth Atkinson, Becky Ben­ state and the District of Columbia iors than sophomores or juniors nett, Johr. Crenshaw, Colleen at the close of an expense-paid heading the list. Fraser, Tommy Grubb, Becky educational tour of Washington, Seniors achieving top boners Hurley, Harry Roy Johnson, Lucy D. C., and Colonial Williamsburg, NCCJ Sponsors Literary Contest ;re Kay Cowden, Carol Dixon, McWilliams, Paula Peatros>, Don­ Virginia. Each of the state win­ 'two contests for literary buffs The Annual Emma Wilson High pavid Eatman, Diana Fulton, Carol ald Savory, Joe Sonnier, and ners will be accompanied on this are currently in progress. School Poetry Contest is under James, Betty Joplin, Wanda Kee­ A n n e Wedgeworth m a k i n g tour by a school advisor. Second-, An essay contest, sponsored by way. ney, David Kent, Carol Kerr, straight "A's" this six weeks. third- and fourth-place national the Shreveport Chapter of the Na­ Mike Mark, Allison McNeese, winers will be awarded $4,000, tional Conference of Christians Rules of the contest are that .Becky Newell, Louis Sessions, Tenth graders on top are Lin­ $3,000 and $2,000 scholarships; and Jews on the subject of "Bro­ only one poem may be submit­ Pamela Van Allen, Anne Welch, da Joan Fannon, Patricia Holland, the other State Homemakers of therhood," is being held. ted per student on any subject Cherral Westerman, and Libb.y Laura Jayne, Laurie Kelley and Tomorrow will receive $1,500 Essays may not be less than written i1 any form. The poem Wibker. Robert Pool. grants. 200 words nor more than 300 must be original and unpub­ State judging centers on scores words. If a manuscript is hand­ lished. .of school winr:re~s in the Decem­ written it must be on lined paper, leo Club Obtains Charter ber 1 test, wi.th personal observ­ if typed it must be double spaced. Each poem should be typed on Kumani • tariar~ism is the basic are trying to help the community ation and interviews during the Every contestant should include St x 11 paper, double spaced. Do theme of Shreve's newly-estab­ and the school through our en­ tour added factors in national se­ his name, address and name of not include a cover sheet. On the lished Leo Club. At a luncheon deavors." lections. Second-ranking Home­ school on his entry which must same page as the poem, in the held in the Crystal Ballroom of The 35 members of the club makers of Tomorrow rn each state be submitted on or before Febru­ upper right hand corner, g i v e the Washington-Youree Hotel on are already working hard. Dur­ receive $500 educational grants. ary 5, 1971. Every essay will be name, adress and grade of stu­ December 16, the Downtown ing December, money used for The school of every $1 ,500 schol­ carefully read and be judged on dent; narr.e and adress of :;::l,ool; Lion's Club presented President gifts for the needy of Shreveport arship winner receives a set of content and grammatical accept­ and name and address of English Mike Moritz with a club charter, was obtained through a car wash Encyclopaedia Britannica . from ability. Entries should be ad­ teacher. which was later presented to and through painting house num­ Encvclooaedia Britannica, Inc. dressed to: Mail all entries to Mrs. Joyce Principal Stanley Powell. bers on curbs. Members s a n g All judging and selection of Mr. Jimmie N. Smith, Long, 705 Taft Street, Lafayette, Mr. Donald Horton, faculty Christmas carols at a nursin9 winners is done by Science Re­ Chairman Youth Speaker, 'Louisiana, zip code 70501. sponsor for the club says, "Our home before the holidays and search Associates, Chicago, which Brotherhood Week, slogan is to constantly try to do have been working in the cafe­ also constructed and graded the P. 0. Box 6135 Entries rrust be postmarked be­ something for someone else. We teria throughout January. written examination. Shreveport, Louisiana, 71106 fore or on March 15, 1971. MEMBERS AND SPONSORS OF THE CAPTAIN SHREVE LEO CLUB are: First row (left to right) Steve McDonald, Terry Elston, Steve Crowder, Pat Johnson, Blair Durkee, David McCary and Bobby Weimar. Second row: Rick Wallace, John Pearce, Edna McMillan, Judy Kennedy, Jeanne Messina, Susi Sandifer, Pat Cicerone, Mary Jane Johnson, Terry Eberhardt, Pat Mason and Oscar Shoenfelt. Third row: Mr. Donald Horton, Mike Moritz, Mike Sanford, David Morris, Louis Sessions, Lee Smith, Jim Poole, Jim McDonald, John Stephenson, les Brazzel, Robert Westerman, Frank Snyder, Tommy Grubb, Fred Roe, Tim Shackleford, Russ Br,yant, Phil Garrison, Gary Clarke, Don Savory, David White, Cecil Lewis and John Gant. (Cowen) Page Two CAPTAIN SHREVE ENTERPRISE February 3, 1971 The: Ad.uentuR. £5 of H~,J"ohn, HALIEII)'f- ..St"Elll ;JO"h"l d·.d 'i" heM o.lswt- ... ~e uprecun eu-t .John, ~-few ""o..+hs ASO 'iou q WalltE IH4!ht heAv~ 01\ pojitiUIJ ~A'in"~le. H~"rd tou c.ourt ?Th•~ 9"'-'li us Jfl '1~"tt olds th~ ~tig~ i6 ~ot~. Holle ~ou lrtfl'\ a..cthiiS'~. Rsl"'tl"\ &~1t 8r-o t'he.- s! hocl 0.. bi~ihclo.Li. ;o ~ist~~~e? 1"\o~·, ~otti """ Da'1P uJ~er e Jo~s: /(o mr:tfl,r been -the Qnd ••• e.JCcus&. '"'~ po c.r .IS~ copo&Jt.
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