|TEM 14032 [ilmmilil,=*ilS5OO 1/12 MOTORCYCLE SERIES <c"/4 iWfr This kit contains parts to assemble one motorcycle. Der Kit enthâlt Teile für ein Motorrad. This kit was designed with the lull cooperation of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. Dieser Kit wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit der Honda Motor Co. Ltd. entworfen Each year a new drama and added history racer that has been a winner from the 1983er Saison lagen beide Fahrer an der are made at the 500cc Grand Prix races start. Because of the many parts and the Spitze des Feldes. Kenny Roberts fuhr die for the World Championship. 1983 wiil required time in fine tuning a 4 stroke bekannte Yamaha YZR500 und Freddie stand out in Honda's memory as it was racer, private teams had difficulty in pro- Spencerdie Honda NS500. Spencerführte mit the first time in 17 years that they were viding the necessary maintenance and 5 Punkten Vorsprung vor Kenny Roberts, und reinstated as world champions in the tuning for winning. With 2 stroke im Crand Prix von San Marino auf dem lmola 500cc class of motorcycle racing. machines, not having as many parts and Ring, kâmpften beide verbissen und hart. The drama of the 1983 season was pro. easier to keep in tune, the Honda Com- Roberts wurde Sieger, Spencer wurde duced by two American riders, Freddie pany produced a three cylinder 2 stroke Zweiter, hatte jedoch 2 Punkte mehr und Spencer for Honda and Kenny Roberts for water cooled racer that f inally took home wurde Weltmeister. Somit gewann Honda die Yamaha. Throughout the 83 season both the marbles. The three cylinders of this Marken- und die Fahrermeisterschaft '1983 of these fine riders were in a virtual dead unique engine are layed out with the und kam an die Spitze der Rennen. heat for the championship. Kenny center cylinder forward of the two outside 1979 kehrte Honda in die 500cc Klasse mit der Roberts was astride the well known cylinders by 112 degrees. Mounted with 4Takt NR500 Maschine zurück. Zu dieser Yamaha YZR500, while Freddie Spencer the two outside cylinders slanting slightly Zeit fuhren alle anderen Hersteller 2-Takt piloted the Honda NS500. Coming into forward, the center cylinder rests several Maschinen und gewannen auch noch damit. the last heat of the season found Spencer degrees down from the horizontal and Nach drei Rennen hinter den anderen und nie leading Roberts by 5 points at the San this entire arrangement effectively lowers an vorderstem Platz brachte Honda eine ein- Marino Grand Prix, held at the lmola cir. the overall center of gravity. Total all up malige, neue 2 Takt Maschine die vom Start cuit in ltaly, the two fought a hard and dif- weight of the NS500 is only 116k9, the an gleich Sieger wurde. Wegen der vielen ticult battle, with Roberts taking the f inal same as many 125cc machines. With a Teile und auch wegen der vielen Zeit die man victory. Spencer coolly held on to second power of 130hp and with the fantastic brauchte um eine 4 Takt Rennmaschine auf- place which gave him the championship riding ability of Freddie Spencer it is no zutunen, hatten private Teams Schwierig- points. with a margin ol only 2 As a result, wonder that Honda has again the right to keiten die notwendige Pf lege und die Zeit fürs Honda won both the maker's and rider's claim. We're Number 1. Tunen aufzubringen. 2 Takter haben titles for 1983 and brought them once wesentlich weniger Teile und sind auch again to the front of motorcycle racing i(:l(* leichter aufzumotzen, so brachte Honda eine prestige. 3-Zylinder Maschine mit 2-Takter und Wasser- Honda returned to 500cc racing in 1979 Jedes Jahr wird der Crand Prix der 500cc kühlung. Man staunt, wenn man sieht, wo die with their 4 stroke NR500. At that time ail Klasse interessanter. 1983 wird besonders in 3 Zylinder und wie sie angebracht sind. Das of the other manufacturers were compet- die Ceschichte der Honda-Werke eingehen, Cesamtgewicht der Rennmaschine NS500 hat ing with 2 stroke machines and they were den in diesem Jahr wurde nach 17 .lahren nur 116 Kilo, das gleiche Cewicht, wie 125cc winning races. lf you can't beat em, Join Honda wiederum Weltmeister dieser Klasse. Maschinen. Die 130 PS und auch das em! With three races behind thern and Zwei amerikanische Fahrer Freddie fantastische Fahrkônnen von Freddie Specer never finishing in the upper positions, Spencer auf Honda und Kenny Roberts auf brachte Honda den Sieg und Honda Honda brought out a unique new 2 stroke Yamaha - kâmpften um den Sieg. Die ganze behauptet zu Recht, wir sind Nummer 1. 01984 TArürYA 14032 th2qonda NS500 Grand Prix Racer(1061069) Cylinders and Crankcase Zylinder und Kurbelgehàuse <Cylinder A> <Zylinder A> c2t - C22 y3::,i:?li" Semi Gloss Semi Gloss , Black (X-18) Black (Xr8) Chrome Silver , (xr1) , c26 27 *Study the instructions and photo- c25 : c28 graphs before commencing assembly. Semi Gloss Semi Gloss *You will need a sharp knife, a screw- Black (X-18) Black (X.18) driver, a f ile and a pair of pliers. *Use cement sparingly. Use only ) ) enough to make a good bond. Flat Black (XF-1) Flat Black (XFl) *Apply cement to bolh parts to be join- ed. * I/ake sure to ventilate room, when you < Crankcase > < Kurbelgehâuse > use cement and paints. Semi Gloss 1 This mark denotes paint color, with Black lX-18) A coror names ano numoers ror Ta- c4J cl7 miya Acrylic Pairits and Tamiya Painl Markers. PageS has detailed painting in. Semi Gloss Black structions; however, some parts should be painted prior to model's completion, and these are called out during assem- blv. c20 *Vor Beginn die Bauanlertung studieren ,= und den Nunrmern nach die E lemente zu- Semi Gloss Bli sammenbauen (x-18) * Bauteile nrcht vom Spritzling ab 'r,,[li ::3:: f"]"i:ili,.,, brechen, vorsichtig abschneiden oder ab' Chrome Silver (X-11) * leile vor Kleben zusammenhalten, auf gen.luen Assembly ol Engine Srtz achten Nicht zuviel Molorenbau Semi Gloss Black (X-18) Klebstoff verwenden Klerne Terle hàlt m.rn mrt Prnzette fest c9 *Abziehbrlcler vo15ichtig von der Unter Plug Wire C ---. lage rm Wasser abschieben,.rut rrchtigen Vinyl tubing: 1.6cm Clutch Cable Vinyl Tubing: Srtz achten L/nd BUt trocknen lassen Zündkabel C 10cm VinVlschlauch:1.6cm Kupplungsseil Vinylschlauchr tl Pfi:: iï:1"",,'":''i:f ,;j'T Plug Wire A 1ocm ili Blue (X-4) Farben und Parnt Marker Vinyl Tubing: 1.8cm Chrome Silver Zündkabel A (xr1) Vinvlschlauch: 1 8cm ? Chrome Silver a Plug Wire B Blue (X-4) (x.11) <Completed Engine> Vinyl Tubing:Tubing 3.3cm <Completter Motor> Zündkabelabel B Vinylschlauch: 3 3cm Blue (x-a) Cylinder B c23 a, Zylinder B c23 , - Chrome Silver G Cnrome Silver (Xl1) It (x,11) Metallic Grey !c6(xF56) A c5l Cylinder Semi Gloss Black (X-'18) Zyliôder A Cylinder A Zylinder A Flat Black (XF-1) Crankcase ( Kurbelgehâuse *Do not break parts away from sprue, but remove them carefully with a cutting tool. *Bauteile nicht vom Spritzling abbrechen Gold Leaf (Xl2) vorsichtig abschneiden oder abzwicken. a Gord Leaf (x-1qa<a lct Semi Gloss Black (Xl8) I ||t't'tt't'l |l|l|1il1t I I I It I | llt || |lt rlrlrlrlr,Lr,ll,L o12345 )L <Rear Shock Absorber> ( Hinterstossdâmpfer > Attaching Engine Einbau Motor in Rahmen Semi Gloss 828-i cl5 Black (Xt8) Gloss Aluminuml Flat Aluminum (XFt6) Rear Suspension Line Vinyl Tubing: 3.8cm H interradaufhàngu ng Zu lei tu ng Vinylschlauch 38.m \ Gloss Aluminum ! I Chrome Silver 835 (xl1) Medium Grey (xF-20) < Rear Wheel> < H interrad > Do not cement here. Gun Metal (Xto) 8ïiLî^§t Metallic Grey , Hier nicht kleben. (xF-56) ! 823 Rear Brake Bolts Vinyl Tubing: 4cm i,'iTi" Bremsschlauch (x-2\, Chrome Silver (X-1'l) /Bolzen Hit White Chrome Silver Vinylschlauch:4cm (xr1) Semi Gloss Black (Xl8) C 3 J Otoss Atuminum 827 Assembly ol Swing Arm Semi Gloss Monlage Hinterradgabel Black (X.18) <Swing Arm: right> < Hinterradgabel rechts > E}26 Flat Aluminum (XFl6) Semi Gloss BÈ Black (Xl8) Chrome Silver I 11large)Rear Tire (x-1 1) + Orange B37 H interreifen (x-6) (X-1'l) (gross) Chrome Silver + Orange (X-6) a Gloss Atuminum <Attached Swing Arm> <Eingebaute Radgabel> c7J Chrome Silver (X-1 + Orange (X.6) Swing Arm (H) Hinterradgabel rechts {. 1.6mm x 20 Screw ? /Schraube Gun Metal (x-'to) Attaching Swing Arm Einbau der Hinterradgabel 1.6mm x 5 Screw /Schraube Swing Arm Hinterradqbel 1.6mm x 5 Screw /Schraube ÎAMIYA COLOR CATALOGUE The latest in cars, boats, tanks and ships. Motorized, radio controlled and museum quality models are all shown in full color in Tamiya's latest catalogue. Al your nearest hobby supply house. < Radiator> <Kühler> 1f,\ A"""rbly ol Exhaust Pipes §r! nrroutfe'Zusmmenbau Black (Xl) < Lower Exhaust Pipe> <Unterer Auspuff> <Right Exhaust Pipe> <Rechter Auspuff> Semi Gloss Black B2l BI Semi Gloss Black (X-18) Semi Gloss Black (x.18) B3l e 1820 Semi Gloss Black (X.18) Semi Gloss Black (X-18) B2 Attaching Radiator Einbau des Kühlers o (XF.'t) C l4j Flat Black , Semi Gloss Black (Xl8) G):fl'r:I'rfl3"" Medium Grey (xF-20) Radiator C I la Gloss Aluminum Kühler Attaching Exhaust Pipes Einbau der Auspuf f rohre OPlug Wire A zündkabel A Bt5 833 Flat Aluminum (XF-16) < Exhaust Pipes> <Auspuffe> J ,as{-\ Attach exhaust pipe while rotating 90 degrees. Um 90o drehen und Auspuffrohr anbringen. Chrome Silver (X-11) i Flat Aluminum (xF-16) ? Semi Gloss B32 Black (X-18) <Marking ot Seat Cowl> (Markierung der Sitzverkleidung > Assêmbly ol Seal Cowl Sitzverkleidung Blue (X-4) B9 a Flat Black (XF-1) ! a Al0 White (X-2) A8- Q, Cnror" Sitver (x.11) ,47 Blue (X-4) '1,Cnror" Silver (X-1 1) *Cowling comes in a choice of two coloB.
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