CONTENTS 1 WAITING For 222 28 VORAINGL IouS By Christopher Perkins By Daniel Helmick The time has come to say farewell, but The theocracy of Elturgard has some not goodbye. unpleasant neighbors, including a black dragon in desperate need of an attitude adjustment. A 4th Edition D&D Forgotten 2 LOWDOWN IN HIGHPorT Realms adventure for characters of By Thomas M. Reid levels 7–9. Evil slavers have taken Highport, and getting in and out of town undetected 44 The Battle OF EMRIDY will be no simple matter. This 1st Edition MeADOWS AD&D adventure for characters of levels 3–5 includes a 4th Edition D&D conversion By Jon Leitheusser & Christopher Perkins appendix.Sample file The forces of good are marching against the hordes of Elemental Evil, and battle lines have been drawn across the fields of Emridy Meadows. Relive the greatest conflict never told in this D&D Next adventure for characters of levels 5–7. ABOUT THE COVER: Gnaragg the Dog King, a champion of Elemental Evil, unleashes his fury upon the forces of the Righteous Host in Craig J Spearing’s stunning feature illustration for “The Battle of Emridy Meadows.” EDITORIAL 221 DUNGEON December 2013 Waiting for 222 Senior Producer Christopher Perkins By Christopher Perkins Producers Greg Bilsland, Steve Winter Managing Editor Miranda Horner Back in September, we announced that the maga- Take a gander at the masthead in the far left- zines are going on hiatus. This issue will be the last hand column. Every name listed there is someone Development and Editing Lead Jeremy Crawford new Dungeon issue you’ll see for a while as we focus to whom I owe my thanks for their hard work and Developers Robert J. Schwalb, Chris Sims our attention on the launch of the next edition. Nor- dedication. Some of them have already found new Senior Creative Director Jon Schindehette mally, we set aside the last page of the issue to tell you adventures to occupy their time. As for the rest of what’s coming next month. Since there won’t be an us, well . miles to go, and all of that. I’d like to Art Director Kate Irwin issue next month, we’ve instead created a back-page thank Greg Bilsland, Steve Winter, Jon Schindehette, Digital Studio Consultant Josh Dillard index listing all of the adventures published between Chris Sims, and Kate Irwin in particular for giving issues 201 and 221. (For a complete and comprehen- the ezines so much of their time and attention in Contributing Authors Daniel Helmick, Jon Leitheusser, sive list of content appearing in the first two hundred recent months, when the sheer number of distrac- Christopher Perkins, issues of Dungeon, download issue 200.) As for issue tions made focusing on the ezines next to impossible. Thomas M. Reid 222 and beyond, no plans have been announced yet. I’d also like to thank a few people who aren’t on Contributing Editors Michele Carter, Our theme this month is “past, present, and this month’s masthead: Will Doyle, for giving us Scott Fitzgerald Gray future,” so we’ve elected to publish three adventures five feature-length adventures in one year that are Contributing Artists Zoltan Boros, Christopher that span multiple editions. “Lowdown in Highport” among the best that Dungeon has ever published; Kim Burdett, Wayne England, Paul is a 1st Edition AD&D adventure tied to the clas- Mohan, for his years of experience, his professional- (Prof.) Herbert, Craig J Spearing, sic Slave Lords series (it can be run as a prelude to ism, and his mastery of words; the late Mark Monack, Francis Tsai, Ben Wootten module A1, Slave Pits of the Undercity), and it comes one of our community’s greatest spokespeople, who with 4E conversionSample stats for the monsters. file “Vainglori- gave us the benefit of the doubt more often than not; Cartography Jared Blando, Jason A. Engle, ous” is a 4E adventure featuring the most iconic of all and all past publishers, editors, and producers who, Sean Macdonald monsters—a dragon—as its main villain. And finally, over the years, gave Dragon and Dungeon the respect we have “The Battle of Emridy Meadows,” a 5th Edi- they’re due. tion adventure that harkens back to events rooted in I know that many folks are unhappy about the the World of Greyhawk campaign setting. magazines going on hiatus. I have always been a Speaking of past, present, and future, this issue champion and protector of their legacy, so putting marks the end of my 5-year stint as senior producer. them aside to work on other projects fills me with I am relinquishing that title and polymorphing into a mixture of angst and relief. I support the decision the lead story- and world-builder for D&D. I’ll be because it means we’re not releasing a product that spending much of my time dreaming up stories to tell looks and feels like it fell off an assembly line. The across a multitude of D&D experiences, including the magazines deserve better, and they’ll be back when Dungeons & Dragons, Wizards of the Coast, D&D Insider, their they’re good, ready, and relevant. respective logos, D&D, Dungeon, and Dragon are trademarks of tabletop roleplaying game, as well as authoring story Wizards of the Coast LLC in the USA and other countries. ©2013 Wizards of the Coast LLC. bibles to share with our various business partners. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States In addition, I’ll be doing what everyone else on the of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written R&D team is doing: getting the new edition ready for permission of Wizards of the Coast LLC. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events wide release. is purely coincidental. Lowdown in Highport An AD&D adventure for characters of levels 3–5 (with 4th Edition D&D monster conversion notes) By Thomas M. Reid Illustrations by Ben Wootten and Christopher Burdett Cartography by Jared Blando The town of Highport, once a human commu- Forces of righteousness and honor have recently nity overlooking Wooly Bay from its perch on the descended upon Highport, some openly and others northern coast of the Pomarj, fell prey to hordes of in secret, in various attempts to destroy the machina- humanoids swarming out of the jungle-covered hills tions of the Slave Lords and abolish the abominable surrounding the settlement. Though the orcs, goblins, enterprise that has taken far too many loved ones kobolds, ogres, and gnolls razed much of the place in from home and hearth. One such doughty servant of their ferociousSample rampages, the smoldering file ruins they goodness is Mikaro Valasteen, a cleric of Trithereon. left behind soon became a new kind of community, a Mikaro slipped unnoticed past the crumbling walls of place of trade between the humanoid “locals” and the Highport with a single mission: to rescue and trans- unsavory human traders who have no compunction port as many slaves to their freedom as possible. about doing business with them. Mikaro and a handful of faithful assistants located Slaves are a commodity in ready supply in High- a number of escaped slaves—as well as rescued a few port’s market, since many pirates raid up and down more not sufficiently restrained and guarded—and the coast of the bay, putting fishing villages to the shepherded them through the gates and beyond the torch and filling their holds with captured refugees. reach of their humanoid tormentors, returning them Slavery has become a thriving business in the town, to their lands and homes. This covert freedom bri- and rumors abound of a cartel of Slave Lords who run gade enjoyed remarkable success early on, since the things from behind the scenes, filling their coffers in servants of the Slave Lords were often lax in their vig- secret from the buying and selling of human chattel. ilance and sloppy in their efforts to prevent loss of the The trade has become so prolific that the good folk to “merchandise.” After one too many shipments never the north have grown tired of these depredations and made its destination, the humanoids stepped up their decided to fight back. security and the normal channels of escape from Highport closed to Mikaro and his team. He cannot TM & © 2013 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved. December 2013 | DUNGEON 221 2 Lowdown in Highport risk exposure by smuggling the freed slaves through THE MISSION the gates as merchandise any longer, since shipments He turns and places his hands on the table, of goods are now regularly stopped and checked. Mikaro is looking for a group of adventurers willing giving you an intense stare. “Will you do this thing No longer able to free the slaves in that manner, to find and clear out a subterranean route connecting for me? Will you help these people, these long- Mikaro began hiding his charges in an abandoned the sewers beneath the town to sea caves along the suffering victims, return to their lives and loved villa in a particularly rundown part of the town. coast outside the walls. He hopes to use such a pas- ones?” Although they are safe for the moment, their num- sage as an escape route for his freed slaves. bers have grown unmanageable, and the priest fears The characters can learn of the cleric’s efforts in a it is only a matter of time before someone slips up and number of ways and attempt to help him.
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