AQUA22(1).qxp_AQUA 20/01/16 14:13 Pagina 33 aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology Territorial and reproductive behavior of the three Caribbean Razorfishes of the Genus Xyrichtys (Labridae) at Bonaire David C. Shen ¹* and Eugenie Clark2** 1) 16205 N. Timberline Drive, Reno NV 89511 USA 2) Senior Research Scientist, Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarastota, FL 34236, USA *Corresponding author: [email protected] ** Deceased February 25, 2015 Received: 27 January 2015 – Accepted: 10 November 2015 Abstract 1986 und 2013 durch. An der einen Stelle mit dem lokalen We conducted field studies of the three known species of Namen „Red Slave“ gab es 1985 eine große Kolonie des Caribbean razorfishes of the genus Xyrichtys at four study Rosa Messerfisches X. martinicensis und eine kleine Kolonie sites in Bonaire during 1984, 1985, 1986, and 2013. At des Grünen Messerfisches X. splendens; 28 Jahre später, one site locally named “Red Slave,” a large colony of rosy 2013, war die Situation im Wesentlichen genauso. An dem razorfish, X. martinicensis and a small colony of green ra- Ort mit dem Namen „Mi Cas“ kamen sowohl 1984 als auch zorfish, X. splendens, were essentially the same during 1985 29 Jahre später, 2013, alle drei Arten vor: X. martinicensis, X. and 28 years later in 2013. At “Mi Cas,” all three species, splendens und der Perlmuttweiße Messerfisch, X. novacula. X. martinicensis, X. splendens, and the pearly razorfish, X. An der Fundstelle „Triple Whammy“ im Hafen von Kral- novacula, were present both in 1984 and 29 years later in endijk gab es Mitte der achtziger Jahre alle drei Arten, doch 2013. “Triple Whammy” in the Kralendijk harbor con- war 2013 kein erneuter Nachweis möglich, weil inzwischen tained all three species in the mid-eighties, but in 2013 das Tauchen im Hafen verboten worden war. Doch konnten their presence could not be observed because diving in the unmittelbar südlich vom Hafen, bei „Double Whammy“, harbor was prohibited. However, just south of the harbor wo nur 2013 eine Untersuchung durchgeführt wurde, eine at “Double Whammy,” the site that was only studied in kleine Kolonie von X. martinicensis und ein Harem von X. 2013, did contain a small colony of X. martinicensis and splendens festgestellt werden. Alle drei Arten verhalten sich one harem of X. splendens. All three species are antagonis- antagonistisch, sowohl zwischen- als auch innerartlich, sie tic interspecifically and intraspecifically, defend their own verteidigen ihr Revier und bilden eine Hackordnung mehr territories, and have a pecking order based roughly on size. oder weniger entsprechend der Größe der einzelnen Exem- We mapped out colonies from individual territory borders plare. Wir konnten individuelle Reviergrenzen, Harems- to harem borders to colony borders. We observed their use grenzen und Koloniegrenzen feststellen. Und wir konnten of “dive sites,” spots in their sandy habitat within their ihre Bildung von „Tauchplätzen“ nachweisen, Stellen im own territory into which they would dive when in danger sandigen Habitat im eigenen Revier, wohin sie sich bei or for the night. Each fish had two or more of these “dive Gefahr und während der Nacht zurückzogen. Jeder Fisch sites,” which they maintained. We observed 155, 57, and hatte zwei oder mehr von derartigen „Tauchplätzen“, die 94 spawnings of X. martinicensis, X. splendens, and X. no- gepflegt wurden. Wir beobachteten 155, 57 und 94 Laich- vacula, respectively. Spawnings occurred in the late after- ablagen bei X. martinicensis, X. splendens bzw. X. novacula. noon before sunset. There was some egg cannibalism Das Ablaichen fand am späten Nachmittag vor Sonnenun- among X. martinicensis and X. splendens, but not with X. tergang statt. Bei X. martinicensis und X. splendens gab es Ei- novacula. We syringed eggs for lab observation and timed Kannibalismus, nicht aber bei X. novacula. Wir entnahmen their hatching. Feeding behavior of each species as well as mit einer Spritze Eier zur Laboruntersuchung und um die observed interactions with other species are discussed. Schlupfzeiten festzustellen. Diskutiert werden das Nahrungsverhalten der einzelnen Arten sowie die Interaktio- Zusammenfassung nen mit anderen Arten, die beobachtet werden konnten. Die Freilandstudien an den drei bekannten Arten karibis- cher Messerfische der Gattung Xyrichtys führten wir an vier Résumé Untersuchungsstellen bei Bonaire in den Jahren 1984, 1985, Nous avons établi des études de terrain des trois espèces 33 aqua vol. 22 no. 1 - 15 January 2016 AQUA22(1).qxp_AQUA 20/01/16 14:13 Pagina 34 Territorial and reproductive behavior of the three Caribbean Razorfishes of the Genus Xyrichtys (Labridae) at Bonaire connues de poissons-rasoirs des Caraïbes du genre Xyrichtys soliti infilarsi in caso di pericolo o per la notte. Ogni pesce sur cinq sites d’étude à Bonaire en 1984, 1986 et 2013. Sur mantiene due o più di questi "siti di immersione". Abbia - un des sites, qui porte le nom local de « Red Slave », une mo osservato 155, 57 e 94 deposizioni di uova di X. mar- grande colonie du poisson-rasoir rosé, X. martinicensis et tinicensis, X. splendens e X. novacula rispettivamente. Tali une petite colonie du poisson-rasoir vert, X. splendens, deposizioni si verificavano nel tardo pomeriggio prima del étaient pour l’essentiel identiques en 1985 et 28 ans plus tramonto. Sono stati registrati sporadici eventi di canniba - tard, en 2013. A « Mi Cas », les trois espèces, X. martini- lismo delle uova tra gli individui di X. martinicensis e X. censis, X. splendens et le poisson-rasoir perlé, X. novacula splendens, ma non tra quelli di X. novacula. Abbiamo étaient présents en 1984 et 29 ans plus tard, en 2013. « siringato alcune uova per l'osservazione in laboratorio e de- Triple Whammy », dans le port de Kralendijk, contenait terminato i tempi di schiusa. Infine, sono stati sudiati il les trois espèces au milieu des années quatre-vingt, mais, en comportamento alimentare di ogni specie e le interazioni 2013, leur présence n’a pu être observée parce que la osservate con le altre specie. plongée dans le port était interdite. Néanmoins, un peu au sud du port, à « Double Whammy », le site qui n’a été prospecté qu’en 2013, contenait une petite colonie de X. INTRODUCTION martinicensis et un harem de X. splendens. Benthic fishes living in tropical sand environments Les trois espèces sont antagoniques intra- et interspéci- near coral reefs escape their enemies with adapta- fiquement, défendent leurs propres territoires et ont une tions such as camouflage, building burrows, and hiérarchie basée en gros sur la taille. Nous avons observé diving head first into the sand. Wrasses (Family: leur usage de sites de « plongée », des emplacements dans Labridae) of the circumtropical genus Xyrichtys, leur habitat de sable, dans leur propre territoire, où ils known as razorfishes because of their sharp head plongent face au danger ou pour la nuit. Chaque poisson a deux ou plus de ces sites de « plongée » qu’ils maintien- profile (helpful when diving into the sand), live in nent. Nous avons observé 155, 57 et 94 pontes respective- extensive sand bed habitats and are one of the most ment de X. martinicensis, X. splendens et X. novacula. common and widely distributed of the sandfishes. Les pontes survenaient tard l’après-midi avant le coucher Three species of razorfishes, genus Xyrichtys, are du soleil. Il y avait un peu de cannibalisme des œufs parmi known from the Caribbean: X. novacula, the pearly X. martinicensis et X. splendens, mais pas pour X. novacula. razorfish (Figs 1a and b); X. splendens, the green ra- Nous avons prélevé des œufs pour observation en labo zorfish (Figs 2a and b); and X. martinicensis, the et avons chronométré leur éclosion. Nous discutons égale- rosy razorfish (Figs 3a and b) (Randall 1965, Böh- ment le comportement alimentaire de chaque espèce ainsi que les interactions observées avec d’autres espèces. lke & Chaplin 1968, Robins et al. 1991). In con- nection with our studies of sandfishes in the Red Sea (Clark & Shen 1986, Clark et al. 1990, 1991, Sommario Clark & Pohle 1992), Papua New Guinea (Clark & Abbiamo condotto studi sul campo delle tre specie Pohle 1996), and the Caribbean (Clark et al. 1988, conosciute di pesci rasoio caraibici del genere Xyrichtys in quattro siti presso l’isola di Bonaire nel 1984, 1985, 1986 Konstantinou & Shen 1995, Scarr 1986, Nemtzov e 2013. In un sito conosciuto localmente come "Red & Clark 1994), we studied the three known species Slave", una grande colonia di pesci rasoio roseo, X. mar- of Caribbean razorfishes, all of which are common tinicensis, e una piccola colonia di pesci rasoio verde, X. at Bonaire. Our field studies took place mainly at splendens, erano essenzialmente immutate durante il 1985 three sites in Bonaire during January and February e 28 anni dopo, nel 2013. A "Mi Cas" tutte e tre le specie, 1984; January, May, and June 1985; February, X. martinicensis, X. splendens, e il pesce rasoio perlato, X. March, and April 1986; and November 2013. novacula, erano presenti sia nel 1984 e 29 anni dopo, nel Razorfishes, like many sand-dwelling fishes, are 2013. A "Triple Whammy" nel porto di Kralendijk erano presenti tutte e tre le specie a metà degli anni Ottanta, ma protogynous hermaphrodites (changing sex from nel 2013 non è stato possibile osservarne la presenza per- female to male) and live in polygynous social sys- ché le immersioni nel porto erano proibite. Tuttavia, appe- tems. The larger male (previously a female) main- na a sud del porto, a "Double Whammy", il sito che è stato tains a territory, and at dusk mates with up to 7 fe- studiato solo nel 2013, sono state registrate una piccola males. The females usually live in sub-territories colonia di X. martinicensis e un harem di X. splendens. within the male’s territory (Baird 1988, Baird & Tutte e tre le specie sono antagoniste interspecificamente Liley 1989, Clark 1983, Nemtzov 1985, Victor e intraspecificamente, difendono i propri territori e hanno 1987).
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