POSTAL RECEIPTS SHOW THE RECORD WHITE CIRCULATION THE LARGEST fN THE COUNTY. THEY DONkT LIE. aHERE SHALL THE i PRESS. THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAINt UNAWEO BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRiBED BY GAIN.* VOLUMN XXXIX. MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROUNA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5 . «9 3 8 . NUMBER 2 . NEWS OF LONG AGO. The SalesTax Is Un­ Old Deal Was Effective. Make It Pay Up Week. Appendicitis. THE BOOSTING CLUB. One of tbe first steps taken/by Why not make the first week in By George Pitch. Do you know there’s lots of people Vhal Was HappeDing In Davie christian. the Roosevelt administration back January “ Pay Up Week”-for this Appendicitis is something that Sittingaround most every town Before The New Deal Used Up (Kditorial Statesville Record) in tbe early NRA days was to sns town and community? usually happens just before some Growlinsr like a brooding chicken. We have heard and read much petid the anti-trust laws. Why can’t we all make the rounds doctor buys a new autotnobile. Knocking every good thing down; The Alphabet, Drowned The about the activities of Mr. J. Paul Under these laws big corporations and pay up all our bills, or pay a Fifty years ago nobody heard ot Don’t be that kind of cattle, Host and Plowed Up The Leonard a local citizen who happens are prohibited trom fixing prices least as much as possible on each one appendicitis. Also no one beard of Cause:they ain’t no use on earth to be the secretary of the North among themselves and otherwise of them? the automobile Now a man can­ But just be a booster rooster. Cotton and Cora. Crow and boost for all you’re worth. Carolina Fair Tax association. Our combining to injure .the little fel­ Why can’t we make this a town not be said to be up to date unless (Davie Record, Jan. 5 , 191 6 .) reading about bis work was interes­ lows But as price fixing and co­ where credits are a pleasure, and be has bad appendicitis, while the If your town needs boostin’ boost her R. S Kelly, of Duke, was among ting as we were, more or less, in operation within industries was a where bad debts, slow pay and in­ doctor and the automobile are boon Don’t hold back and wait to see (f some other fellow’s willin’ the holiday visitors. sympathy with what he is trying to basic principle of the NRA, it was difference are unknown? companions. Sail right in, this country’s free. , Miss AnDie Hall Baity is quite accomplish by his speech making. necessary to get the anti-trust laws We would all feel better, and the ' Appendicitis is a peculiar pain in No one’s got a mortgage on it, ill with malarial fever. Last Thursday night, however, out of the way before the new rules people we pay would feel even still the region of tbe yes-t pocket which It’S ju st yours as m uch as hir; J. W. and Will Bailey, of Elkin, it was our privilege to be a guest of could function better, and they would then be able is later transferred to the region of If your town is Bhy of boosters, : were in .our midst last week. the Business and Professional Wo­ Of course the NRA was a failure, to pay what thev owe. the check book pocket. It is said You get in the boostin’ biz. Miss Blanche Click, of States­ men's d u b when Mr. Leonard ad. even before it was overthrown by. Bills have to be paid some time or by some, people to be a disease If things don’t seem to suit you ville, visited her parents Christmas dressed that body. His speech was tbe Supreme Coui t, and one of the < ther, and the beginning of a new Others claim it to be a fad, while And tbe world seems kinder wrong Miss Bertha LinviUe, of Winston, an inspiration. He presented so main reasons for its failure was - its year is an opportune time to wife the doctor regards it as an opportu­ What’s the matter With a boosting visited friends here during the hol­ many aspects to the demoniacal .inability to protect <be little fellow them out and start with a. clean nity ; It comes an in surrection of Just to help the thing along? idays. qualities of the sales tax that no —the very thing whicn the anti- slate. Butifallowed to run they tbe vermiform appendix, a small Cause if things should stop again. Mr. and Mrs. Price Sherrill, of doubt many present were fully con trust laws had been designed to do. will drag along from month to annex to the intestine., There ate We’d be in a sorry plight. Mt Ulla, were among the holiday verted to his way of viewing what In other words, the fine ideals and m.onth and in the end- everybody two ways of curing it It can. be You ju st keep the horn a blowing!, visitors he calls the income tax in reverse. aims of the New Deal very soon will be wishing everybody else reduced by outside manipulation, Boost her. up with'all your might. Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Crawtord are One of the most striking asoects collided with practical difficulties wouldn’t be so everlasting slow a- or it can be cut out In the latter If you see some fellow tryin’ rejoicing over the arrival of a fine which were -brought out in Mr which tbe old deal bad made some bout paying wbat they owe. case, the appendix is not reduced, For to make some project go. daughter on Dec. 2 2 nd. Leonard’s talk and one which was progress at least in solving. The man who pays his bills when but the surgeon’s bill can, by con An’ you can boost it up a. trifle. M. F. Booe, a student at Buie’s a new way of viewing the sales tax If Attorney General Cummings they are due. and staits the new and economy, be reduced in in­ That’s your cue to let him know . Creek, spent the holidays with his to us, was what tbe speaker termed may be regarded as a spokesmen year free from debt can alwavs get stallments a normal size. That you’re not going to knock it, parents near Cana the un-Christian side of the levy. for the administration, the nation credit when he wants it, and won't A great many people have had Just because it ain’t your shout But that you’re going to boost a little Mr and Mrs. R. A. Allen, of Some heart wringing illustration of may yet see a return to some of have to go bunting around for an explorations made in their interiors Cause he’s got the.best thing out. R. I , spent the holidays with rela­ this aspect were given from actual those sound principles of restraint endorser. His face and his word by surgeons in search of appendi­ tives at Laurinburg, S. C. experiences of the speaker, not from and regulation that were spurned as will be good enough for any busi­ citis, and most of them have sur Beatitudes of Nature Prot. E C Byerly. of Bessimer an imaginative allegory. too old fashioned when the. New ness house. vived. It is not dangerous to have City, was in town during the boli- Hedescribed a family seen on the Deal took over. In his address be­ But the fellow who allows ' his the appendix taken out, providing Lovers. ' days shaking hands with his many streets of Statesville within the last fore the Associated Grocery. Manu­ bills to run indefinitely and is in­ tbe surgeon removes all of his tools The following, item was. taken friends. several days since the stores have facturers, Mr. Cummings came out different to tbe needs of his credit­ from, the premises snd does not pre­ from an exchange, and is so fitting­ John Garwood has .moved from displayed their Christmas splendor. all the way tor revision of the anti­ ors is an unsafe risk at best,. and sent his statement uutil the patient ly appreciatable to this county that the Feezor farm to Advance. John The poor family was in rags as Mr. trust laws as tbe one best hope for his reputation for honesty and re­ has recovered, he is given his . ap­ it is a passed along .for the good it is a mighty good citizen and we Leonard viewed them from his keeping business monopolies under liability does not improve with age. pendix imprisoned in a bottle of may do: .. ‘ ' are sorry to lose him. parked car in front of one of the control. This is a mightygood town and alcohol, and travels home in first Blessed are those local citizens There is talk of running trains department stores. Their clothing Admittedly these laws have fallen our people are generally good on and second sections like a home who plant trees and shrubs in tbeir direct trom Winston to Cearlotte was so scant and tattered that bare short of success, and'they are, ac­ the pav, but we can make it better seekers' train People who have yards and along our streets, for fu instead of stopping them at Moores- skin shone through in many places. cording to Mr. Cummings, much if we want to. no appendix are arrogant abont it to re/ generations will en ji-y their ville, as at present.
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