INDEX AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW VOLUME XVI JIIIIF" The names of contributors are printed in small capitals. (R) indicates that the contribution is a review. ABBOTT, F. F., (R) Sanders's "Roman "American Civil Wars, Parallel be­ History and Mythology", 337; (R) tween the English and ", by C: H. Lefevre's "Du Role des Tribuns ", Firth, reviewed, 383. 657· American Commercial Conditions, and ABBOTT, W. c., (R) Firth's" House of Negotiations with Attstria, I783-I786 Lords ", 608; (R) "First Duke and (doc.), 567-578. Duchess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne ", "American Fortunes, History of the 665. Great ", III., by Gustavus Myers, re­ Acton, J: E. E., baron, "Lectures on viewed, 177. the French Revolution ", reviewed, "American Government and Politics ", 6 1 7. by C: A. Beard, reviewed, 400. ADAMS, E. D., "British Interests and American Historical Association, 181, Activities in Texas ", reviewed, 151; 182, 407, 408, 684, 863. (R) Maxwell's "Century of Em­ "American Historical Association, An­ pire", II., 388; (R) Ballot's "Ne­ nual Report of" (1908), I., reviewed, gociations de Lille ", 853. 376• ADAMS, H: c., (R) Haney's "Con­ American Historical Association, Meet­ gressional History of Railways ", II., ing of the, at Indianapolis, 453-475; 364. social events and opening session, Adams, John Quincy, Letter of (doc.), 453-456; session devoted to the 797. teaching of history and civics, 456- ADLER, CYRUS, (R) Garcia's "Autos de 457; Conference on Ancient History, Fe de la Inquisicion de Mexico ", 457-459; on Modern European His­ 179· tory, 459-460; on American Diplo­ African Crusade of the Fifteenth Cen­ matic History, 460-461 ; of State and tury, Prince Henry of Portttgal and Local Historical Societies, 461-462; the, by C. R. BEAZLEY, 11-23. first general session, 462; anniver­ "Alexander Letters", by Marion Boggs, sary of the winter of Secession: the reviewed, 830. North, 462-464 ; Conference on Alvarez, V: Salado, "La Conjura de Medieval History, 464-465; of Archi­ Aaron Burr ", reviewed, 394. vists, 465-466; of Teachers of His­ Ambler, C: H:, "Sectionalism in Vir­ tory in Teachers' Colleges and N or­ ginia ", reviewed, ISO. mal Schools, 466-467; papers in "America in International Conditions, European history, 467-469; anniver­ Interest of ", by A. T. Mahan, re­ sary of the winter of Secession: the viewed, 652. South, 469-470; the Relation of His­ "American Civil War, The", by John tory to the Newer Sciences, 470- Formby, reviewed, 365. 472; business meeting and reports, Index 472-473; lists of officers and com­ (R) Murdoch's" History of Japan ", mittees, 473-475. I., 630. "American History, Essays in ", dedi­ Athens and Hellenism, by W: S. FER­ cated to F: J. Turner, reviewed, 635. GUSON, 1-10; attitude of the Hellen­ "American Industrial Society, Docu­ istic states toward Athens, 1-5; of mentary History of ", 1., II., V., VI., Athens toward the Hellenistic states, by J: R. Commons and others, re­ 5-6; Athenian institutions modified, viewed, '37, 359. 6-10. American Negotiations for Commercial "Athletic Sports and Festivals, Greek", Treaties, I776-I786, Note on, by E: by E. N.Gardiner, reviewed, 589. C. BURNETT, 579-587. Atkinson, C. T., (ed.) "Letters and American Population, The Scandina­ Papers relating to the First Dutch vian Element in, by K. C. BABCOCK, War ", IV., reviewed, 163. 300-3 ' 0. Atton, Henry, "The King's Customs ", "American Year Book, 1910 ", by S. reviewed, 8,2. N. D. North, reviewed, 858. Aulard, A., "The French Revolution ", ANDREWS, A.!., (R) Pernot's "I.e reviewed, 385. Siege de Malte ", 383. Austria, American Commercial Condi­ ANDREWS, C: M., (R) Fitz Roy's" Acts tions, and Negotiations with, I783- of the Privy Council ", II., lIT., "9, I786 (doc.), 567-578. 638; (R) Lecky's "Memoir of "Awakening of Scotland ", by W: L. Lecky", 131; "Bibliography of His­ Mathieson, reviewed, 8'5. tory for Schools ", reviewed, 156; Ayer, J. c., jr., (R) Hole's "English (R) Paltsits's "Minutes of the Ex­ Church History", 660; (R) Vance's ecutive Council of the Province of "Beitriige zur Byzantinischen Kul­ New York ", 823. turgeschichte . • . Chrysostomos", Andrews, J: B., (ed.) "American In­ 843. dustrial Society",!', n., V., VI., reviewed, '3'7, 359· BABCOCK, K. c., The Scandinavian Ele­ "Annals of a Yorkshire House ", by ment in American Population, 300- A. M. W. Stirling, reviewed, 8'4. 3 ' 0. "Annals of Caesar ", by E. G. Sihler, Baikie, James, "Sea-Kings of Crete", reviewed, 841. reviewed, 655. " Annals of the Reigns of Malcolm and BALDWIN, J. F., (R) McIlwain's" High William, Kings of Scotland ", by Sir Court of Parliament ", 597. A. C. Lawrie, reviewed, 800. "Balkan States, The Making of the ", Antarctic, 1819, The First American by W: S. Murray, reviewed, 390. Discoveries in the (doc.), 794-798. Ballot, Charles, "Les N egociations de "Apostolischen Kammer unter Johann Lille ", reviewed, 853. XXII., Die Einnahmen der ", by "Banking, State, before the Civil Emil Go11er, reviewed, II2. War ", by D. R. Dewey, reviewed, "Army, British, History of the ", V., 395· VI., by J. W. Fortescue, reviewed, "Banking System, National, History 816. of Crises under the ", by O. M. W. Arnaud d' Agnel, G., "Les Comptes du Sprague, reviewed, 396. Roi Rene ", II., III., reviewed, 343. "Banking System, Safety Fund, in "Artois, I.e Comte d' ", by the Vis­ N ew York ", by R. E. Chaddock, re­ count du Breil de Pontbriand, re­ viewed, 395. viewed, 165. BARBOUR, VIOLET, Privateers and Pi­ ASAKAWA, K., (R) La Mazeliere's "I.e rates of the West Indies, 529-566; Japan ", IV., V., '34; (R) Williams's (R) Haring's "Buccaneers in the "Perry Expedition to Japan ", 136; West Indies ", 637. Index "Bardon Papers ", by Conyers Read, BOURNE, H: E., (R) Radziwill's reviewed, 162. "Duchesse de Dino ", IV., 129; (R) "Barham, Lord, Letters and Papers of Aulard's "French Revolution ", 385; Charles ", II., by J: K. Laughton, re­ (R) Lavisse's "Histoire de France ", viewed, 384. vol. IX., pt. I, 6'5; (R) Sloane's BARNETT, G: E., (R) Commons's "Life of Napoleon Bonaparte ", "American Industrial Society", V., 618; (R) Mathiez's "Rome et Ie VI., 359. Clerge Fran<;ais sous la Constitu­ Barry, William T., Letters of, 1806- ante ", 852. 1810, 1829-1831 (doc.), 327-336. BOWMAN, H. M., (R) Cunningham's BASSETT, J: S., (R) Hamilton's "Li,fe "British Credit in the Last Na- of Alexander Hamilton ", 642. poleonic War ", 668. Baudrillart, Alfred, " Dictionnaire Bracq, J. c., "France under the Re­ d'Histoire et de Geographie Eccle­ public ", reviewed, 624. siastiques ", reviewed, 378. "Bretagne, Le Parlement de ", by A. Beard, C: A., "American Government Le Moy, reviewed, 121. and Politics "., reviewed, 400. "Brissot, J.-P.", by CI. Perroud, re­ BEAZLEY, C. R., Prince Henry of Por­ viewed, 666. tugal and the African Crusade of the British Attitude toward the Oregon Fiffeenth Century, 11-23. Question, 1815-1846, by JOSEPH BECKER, CARL, Horace Walpole's Mem­ SCHAFER, 273-299 ; English and oirs of the Reign of George the American interests in Oregon, 273- Third, I., II., 255-272, 496-507; (R) 275'; the advantage to England of a Stirling's "Annals of a Yorkshire hold on the Columbia, 275-277; con­ House ", 814; (R) Lecky's "Histor­ tentions for and against the forty­ ical and Political Essays ", 856. ninth parallel, 277-280; negotiations "Beitrage zur Byzantinischen Kul­ concerning Astoria, and the Ontario turgeschichte •.. Chrysostomos ", by incident, 280-284; English efforts to J. M. Vance, reviewed, 843. seCure navigation rights to the Mis­ " Bernadotte, Marschall ", by Hans sissippi, 284-287; Canning's policy, Klaeber, reviewed, 620. 288-292; Ashburton's negotiations. Bigelow, John, jr., "Campaign of 293-294; events leading to the fioal Chancellorsville ", reviewed, 367. acceptance of the forty-ninth parallel, " Bismarck ", I., by Erich Marcks, re­ 294-299. viewed, 127. H British Credit in the Last Napoleonic Blancard, Theodore, " Les Mavro­ War ", by Audrey Cunningham, re­ yeni ", reviewed, 668. viewed,' 668. Boggs, Marion, (ed.) "The Alexander "British History, Landmarks of ", by Letters ", reviewed, 830. Lucy Dale, reviewed, 180. BOLLING, G. M., (R) Holdich's "Gates H British History, Notes on ", IV., by of India", 133. William Edwards, reviewed, 681. "Boston, The Siege of ", by Allen "British Interests and Activities in French, reviewed, 860. Texas ", by E. D. Adams, reviewed, BoTSFORD, G: W., (R) Bussell's "Ro­ 15 I. man Empire" 592. BRITISH OFFICER, The Literature of Boulay de la Meurthe, Count, "Corre­ the Russo-Japanese War, 1., II., 508- spondance du Duc d'Enghien ", III., 528, 736-750• reviewed, 165. "Brown, John ", by O. G. Villard, re­ Bourgeois, Emile, " La Diplomatie viewed, 648. Secrete ", III., reviewed, 6II. Brown, W: A., "Morris Ketchum "Bourgognes, Les Lombards dans les Jesup ", reviewed, 675 Deux ", by Leon Gauthier, reviewed, Browne, E: G., "Persian Revolution '59· of 1905-1909 ", reviewed, 634. Index Bruce, P. A., "Institutional History of Clerge d<! France a l'Impot ", re­ Virginia ", reviewed, 139. viewed, 117. BRYAN, J. W., (R) Downey's "Labor Caron, Pierre, "Tableaux de Deprecia­ Legislation in Iowa ", 176. tion du Papier-Monnaie ", reviewed, "Buccaneers in the West Indies ", by 345· C. H. Haring, reviewed, 637. Carre, H., "Le Regne de Louis XVI.", "Bucglant, Das Formelbuch des Hein­ reviewed, 615. rich ", by J. Schwalm, reviewed, 848. Cartellieri, Otto, "Geschichte der Her­ "Buchanan, James, Works of ", XII., z6ge von Burgund ", I., reviewed, by J: B. Moore, reviewed, 861. 381 . "Burgesses of Virginia, 1727-1740, CARTER, C. E., (in trod. to doc.) Docu­ Journals of the House of ", by H. R. ments relating to the Mississippi McIlwaine, reviewed, 859. Land Company, I763-I769, 311; BURNETT, E. c., Note on American "Great Britain and the Illinois Coun­ Negotiations for Commercial Treat­ try", reviewed, 672.
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