.. RUSS CARSON GRACE HUDOWALSKI (1884-1961) (1906-2004) s .~ ...t:i-+->Q)...t:i -+-> $:1 ~ Was born in Glens Falls and became a ~ Born in Ticonderoga, raised in Minerva. ]0 civicleader. ~ Was the first woman :nd ninth person overall :E en_. ~ Was a charter member of the Adirondack to climb the 46 High Peaks of the Adirondacks. Q) ~ gfj $:1 Mountain Club (ADK) and served as ~ Was a founding member and the first president .DQ) "'d~ .- bI)$:1'OO president. of the Adirondack Forty-Sixers. § 2 Q) ~ Donated his book, Peaks and People of the ;...; .- Q) ~ Served as the historian of the Forty-Sixers ><"'d.D Adirondacks, to the ADK. for sixty years. .- <C :>... ~ QQ)t:: Contributed his papers to the Adirondack ~ Edited Adirondac, Cloudsplitter, Peeks, and bI)...t:i,9' Museum. High Spots magazines. .-$:1-+->.,....'+-< 0 $:1 ~ Served on the Glens Falls Union Free ~ Was supervisor for the New York State IZ) C':I 0 IZ) ,..., Department of Commerce, 1948-1961. o..~~ School Board for over thirty-five years. S ro Q) ~ Served on the New York State School. ~ Was president ofthe New York State Folklore .- Q) ;...; Society. Q) A.. 0 Board, was its president in 1942 and was -B...t:iS ~ Encouraged and advised hikers climbing the 46 bI)"'d awarded by that board for "Distinguished High Peaks through the writing of 60,000 ...t:i.- $:1 Service." .~ ~ C':I personal letters. ~ 0 IZ) ~ $:1 ~.~ Helped establish Cloudsplitter and High ~ Created an archive within the N.Y.S. Library to .- -+->S C':I Q) cj Spots magazines and contributed articles house all 46er climbing records for posterity. to both. ~ Hosted a weekly radio program which helped ~;::i C':IS IZ)S .g$:1.- ~ Wrote "The Foot Path" for the Glens promote recreation in the Adirondacks. ~~c.E Falls newspaper, Post-Star. ~ Was honored for her accomplishments by both "'do..;:: Houses ofthe N.Y.S. Legislature in 1986. Q) -+-> ;::i :j:j IZ) C':I ~ Served twenty years as a trustee for 0 t:: Q) ~ Used her life savings to create the 0..0.D the Association for the Protection of Adirondack 46er Conservation Trust. [/)~Q) the Adirondacks. ~ diron,!lack Mountaf $:1 Q) ~ IZ)0 .~Q). -B ~ Was a Captain of the 105th National ~ -B B Guard. ...t:i'+-<"'d 1;j 0 Q) bI) ~ 1;j IZ) 0 Q) . ;...; I ;...; Q) ~ -+-> -.::t.-\0 () ;...;Q) ,+-<~Q) 0 Q) ~ o t:i :>... ;::i -+-> Q) 0 Q) ...t:i ;"';1;j-+-> bI);...;:>... .A'<.Dro ""'-<~"'d ., .. Ii . Q) ;...; ~ () Q) ~B"S ~ IZ) Q) I. ~ro-+-> .. ~ ~ 8' ... Q) [/) , , ~:>... i'-I:E"'d ~ Q) 0 -=...t:i° ~E-<S Ii Il1o '" ' t -'-oo - The Grace Peak Committeeof the Adir .,. Ifda,ck':I!°dy-Sixersnasproposed!that East Dixbe renl/ed,l Gr.~~ereeak!ana:JhalSotIth,~.ixbe renamed Carson Peak to commemorate the cgntributiQ.; ,g,ra~~>~.Hudowalski and ~ussell M. L. Calfson madeIJo\t;Jjeh_ist~Pr9f~thg~dirQ,n~ac~Big~.!Peaks. Russell Carson and Grace"'IJ'lldowalskr' ,Forty..SlXer#9) loved the AdIrondacks and were stewar.jI~,fQli!tll~'lJlghP~~s.)rhey',behevedmpI;otectlllg the wilderness and preserviIlgthe tradition of t ,eJ7egion,a~dboth understood tile benefits of'b.iking~I~ij~,l!lIo.tmt~.in.waiJsan~, standing atQPlthe summits. Th.eir contributions to AdiI:o)ltlac~~f1istoryma, e.tn~ir namet worthy of cOIQ.meJY,or3~ion.What'could ' ';dnYIWQrei\nptopriat~thall' tOHtoso by ,placing their names on two of,the ;pea~s Of'thebix~RaI!ie w!!i~hhave been, designated og,1113~/iJ!1~~(;en.~year, ".,?qi-b.~i~and,~astDix?' Russell Carsoll,called. th~ mQn?t~ins S ' bth Dix and East Dix in;'~~lt,,~ksa1i'dJ'lJopleojJthe Adiron,V!!c,ks"(.t~t~;t).d~"~~~'bool{, Catson told the stories I behind tl,Ienaming of,the fevty'"/iiox.hign,peaks, , ", ased on his research and'iIiterVie",s:",i!,h ~diJ"eud~ck r~sitTen.t~fM,sp.in.ms 1Jook, Qarsoll' promoted 1!!,~,'~RJing of severa!mou'!P\il!s ~ludji1g ~~ke,~ Emmous, aud DO!la!1li...""b\llf'~~J~~ tb.liftl~ .It''ss ~1&~,'!.w desigwltjous so ill!>"°oe day tbey coUiI(f'be renamed. , ' ' , ' "", , " In farson Umlf,fli1:oo.(j,' 3l\.['~J!preciated tr3dition. He explaiIJ,edl».Cealfs andI!eql!l~tha~;RPBe'h~~r~")'(!\lU(E(ftfY..SJI~r#3)was the first person to use '. th es South DiX' .,3i!iId E 1 A :hin '~~~~ .' ,a~t'Dix;in his pamp~le~ titled '~The /fig? P!akS 0 th~_ .d~on~aCk.S "'(J,9~2): I?e _a!~di'th,ese two lesser summlts ~ssociat~vely,as , " , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " ,,, , , , , pface ketfe~s,, :be~~iise1(I1~~'~ank the m~st pr~mlllent mountallllll !he,ra!t,g~,»lX jpea~.~.~rson wr?:f' :,![~fa~shall'had not called them South ~zx. and East:J;)lXm nlsboQkle't, m order to IdentifY them, they would stlllbenameless"lountazns. The mo~t~I;#freSti1l:gfact about these two mountams l}i ''r'!:l th.atth~ ames are not important enough to be 'retained a'!.4..thal the,y.fall 'begiven.distin9tive (itles,. When th~ri.ghl occgsion comes withou( violation of old established,, " names. ,,' Ir' As a charter member of the Adirondac~ Mountain €lub, C~rson;donated J~lsbooR to ,the dub. l}e"upped that it would add to tlie pleasure of and intet"esNn climbing in the Adirondacks. ')Ie was Tight. ' ",' ,,:1 \oj Following the example of George and B.°b Marshall and thejr guide HerbertClark,theForty..SlxersgfTroy wen;allron~.the.first;toclimb the High feaks of tile Adirondacks. They were not just climbers. They studied the liistory and the jQI;e,oftll~ i'egi~PH!!1aadded tq~ir ~,rwnst9ri~st(hth~ work of '-RqssellCarson. Forty-Sixer Historian Gra.ce Hudowalski was for sixty-yea'r,~the guiding'spirit of High1Pea.kshiking. She tirelessly !;orrespon«!ed with thousand,s of aspiring Forty-Sixers, giving sound advice and gentle a!lmoIlitfoJ!s,ilways boJp.,privately:;'nd publi~ly advo!;ating the preservation of the mountains she loved. Today's Adirondack FortyooSixersgrew out of'.tbatinitialorgaJ,1iz~tion wlth a.nIis~on to serve th~ hiking community through encoD:ragement, education and trail maintenance. Grace Hudowalski's and Russell Carson's names ,a.reamong the most pI;omjl)..el1tin thebistoryt~fth,e AiJ,irondack High Peaks. The Grace Peak COIQ.mitteebelieves that we must continue to s~rive for theproi>~r use o'fwilderness so that it wnIbe pr,es~rvedfor future generations. We believe that the tradition ofthe High Peaks will be augmented when the napie§ of..Russe11Ca:r;sonand Grace'ijjudowalslh'are placed upop two summits ofthe Dix Range ~hich, up to now, have only had temporary designations as SoI~tb;"pg;lana:J:3~tQix.The renaming Oft§,osepeaks willhelj.>p~eserve ,the legacy passed to us by two peoplewho deserveto be remembered. " ~.., IThe patches, illustrated on the front o~this brochure, were created b¥ the Adirondack FortY-~Jxer-s Inc. and are offered to you at cost to promote the.prQject. Appropriately, the art work is that! of Trudy Healy (#148), another FortY-Sjxer wll01,1:ontrib,uted"muchto the efforts of the club. The Carson PeaK'patch illustration is taken from a sketch qfher sons... "pe~ple" enjoying a."pelk."1'1le1Gr3ce Pe~k,p~~~ltshows'one ofthe slides on East])ix. We added the "Forty-Sixers of Troy" logo and a fafsimile of Grace Hudowalski's hand~Jjti.hg.,.Traditional'¥orty=SlXer colors surround the black and white scenery., l. ~iJ "'., . ,'" ;' We hope you will support us in our effort to preserve the names Qf"GraceHU'!!owalsIti and Russ'ell Carson on two o;f,thesummits of the forty-six , , peaks, the mountains that they loved, the mou~tains that we love. Grace Peak and, Cat.~on'Peak will be~, heir wilderness memorials. I ~, .. I It' ' - Just as Grace closed all he~ lett~rs, we wish you ."Good Climbing." ~ {~ / - j/h. We can help you learn more aboht our project Email: lettersofgrace(ci)earthlinlcnet, visit the Grace Peaij Icon at: http://ww:w.adk46r.org or writb; The Grace Peak Committee, 62 Pendergast Road, Phoenix, New York i3l35.
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