* HIT THE WEEKEND IN A BIG WAY - DON'T MISS YOUR fREE COPY OF THE WEEKENDER! * Bringing Africa South Vol.3 No,226 SA in a flap GiANT SOUTH African Slore and sporting goods), Oick.s (cosmd group Pick'D'Pay is pa ri of. ics and small household goods) am · s hoppinl centre c::onSOf l ium others. Clarkesaid Pick'n'Pay is ""ab biddin& (or a prime sile in ('enlral 5Olulcly"' optimistic about retail pros WiDdhotk. peelS in Windhoek and is considerin., Yesterday property general man. a 4 SOO square metre supemlmd ('1 1 over alvis ager Colin Clarke in Cape Town con. mainlyfoodsbulalsosomeolhergC')()(t. fumed the group is part of a proposal such as plllStic and glassware an. household textiles. put forward by Johannesburg-based Hesaidmorecompetitioncouldonl Retail Property Projects to boy a huge empty site close to Wemhil super- be good for Windhoek shoppers an Pressure for October 1 settlement market. anyone who said there was already lOo" '0 • Threes.• '.,,"-w .. o""~110;.0""" I ' rend-by ... many retailers here could have an e;t· the Windhoek Municipality and the isting interest Bay calls for the disputed por110wn 10 be handed Clarke added that po'ces in superw bids are due to be in by September 3, TOM MINNEY over lO Namibia "lock, stock and borrel" by Octo- markets had been held down by lht" according 10 a spokesperson. These ber I , anivalofShoprite,offeringiowprice!, AN OCTOBER I deadline for the With the pressure moonting, key discussions on include one beside the el(isling shop- and there was "still an opportunity (C>. _. ' , h d ' pingcenlJ"e al Wemhil and one oppo- handover ofWalvis Bay to Namibia the WiUVIS Issue were not el . as prev1ouslysdled- prices to move down even funher~ , uled. at yesterday's multi-party tallts session but is site the Wmdhoek police station, If the RPP bid is accepted. Clark-: " r The RPP bid is thOUghl 10 include a appears to have thrown a political set 10 return 10 the negotlaung orum on Monday, said be hoped "within 15 mooths \Ir~ cat among the pigeons at South The talks were put back al the request of the cinema and a variety or smaller shops Afrial's muhi·party talks, with the Nlllional Pany. ~S;U~Ch;::,,;::o;~' on~S;::(h~ouseh;;::~O~ld::'I~ean::' C~aI;::;::;::~COII::'~in~ued::~"~P"I~';;;1;;;;;;;;;;, ID I.be melDtime the NCiooaI Party pO'ilDUl! I. rul ing National Party desperately wants an urgent meeting with the Namibian (;00..­ trying to buy time on the matter. emmenl and with its own depMtmems. Yesterday Namibia's Foreign Affairs MiniSler Reliable sources last night lold The Namibian that the Pan AfriCaniSI Congress resolution on Walvis continued dd page 1 VEGETABLES Granny Smith Apples ........... 3ge each Apples and Pears 1 ,5 kg Bag ..................... R3.9ge each Oranges 4.5kg .•..•......... R6.29 per pocket TOWNSHIP TERROR 'M Tokolll, South Africa - South African De(e.DCe Force lroups take. up posilion as a Zulu woman escape.s. wilb ber be.Ioagiags. (rom ber bome., set aUpl by attatke.rs iD Carrot bunches will only be available from a squatte.r CliDp iD Ibis IOwnship ease of Johannesburg, PhoIo: Re.ucers villo Nampa Saturday 8.00 am at •..•••••••......• 30e par buch Police avert a flaming row We do not supply the WholesaleTr-ade Wp as Hr • ...,ad was ~ ... JOSEF MOTINGA do_ ........... lie lOUd. It's fun to be followed WIoa ,lie poIko _ "'Ill ... Im bri­ TWO ftre briJ,ade tnKk:s, aB _ bd-ce aM god<, , ............ _ed ~ __ ... polkfo vaas I'U!Jted 10 a bou8e ... SowHO OD ...... _.-.. _ ... _bul_1Io­ Sullday afternoea wbtn a _. Ikreaftatd 10 utd to Ihreatta cosec lbebouseOb rft,SIwopala b .... down b~ ....... and UIIIJs dIikIoft., he -..id. had bktn his wife's dOIbe5 i.to the aartkn The poli« ,,·ne. furted to bnak dowa tilt and burnlUwro. door 10 nmove th.e .u. tie was taknI to Pofite. Public RthU.ions OfrICU laspec.OT bo!.pltal. .... htre be 'QS diagQO!kd as _aWl, Juoios Sboopahl said bt bad pcr50ftiUy ';1· ill. Shoo,~1a \!lid. Shoopala Slid tbe wife Iuid D~ the setae. The wife ru 10 the poke tor decided Qot to lay dH1raes.. 2 Wednesday August'13 1993 'THE NAMIBIAN 2 guilty in CDM case 'I was forced to make love' A MAN accused of defeating the ends Judge Hannah said the fact that the of justice in the sensational CDM gem two were first offenders and that it was heistcase yesterday left thecoun smil- unlikely that they had benefited fman- witness tells High Court ing after he was found not guilty. cially from lbescam wasintheirfavour. MarcelOpenshaw left thecourtafree The three men received R 1,7m from love him." she said. '"This I did because 1was man after the State failed to prove that Roland Rickerts. allegedly the master­ CHRISTOF MALETSKY ""sked why Likando told thal he will kill me." he was actively involved in illegally mind in the massive gem heist. had forced her to stay she added. investing R 1.7m, a portion of the pro- Thediamonds. valued atR3.3m. were A KEY witaess iD t be Khama murder case with him. she answered. She said that what had ceeds from the R3.3m heist. in an insur- stolen from CDM' s CenLral Sorting Of­ yeslerday testified iD Ihe Hiah Court how "l don'tknowMand when really happened was that ancecompany. flce in Windhock on February 28 lasl at about nine o· clock on His co-accused Newman Mouton year. her former lover. ODe of the acrustd. for ctd counsel for the defence. «26). a fonner Sales Consultant with Ealier on allilie three admitted th3.t her 10 stay uDde r Ibe same r oof with bis Herman Oosthuizen. put December 2 1989 the the insurance company Southern Life. they had received mooey amountinglo common- law wire. it 10 her that Likando accused (Likando) had andGideon Leng (29). employedasan R I.7m. bUldenied that they knew thal it would deny that he had picked her up al her Administration Agent for eight years. was$l.olen moneyorthatitwasoblained Four policemen from wife". ever threatened her. she aunt's home in Katima both received R5()(X)or 18months. fromanillegaltransaction. the Caprivi are standing Likando (from responded: "There is Mulilo's Mafuta town­ ,~iiii~iiiii;iiii;ii;;i;i;;i;ii;i~i;;i;iiii;;'_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;; _______'"i~ trial for the murder of a Grootfontein Police sta­ nobody who is wrong ship. Theywenttoaparty colleague. Edward lion). Jacob Mbeya who will admit mis­ in a nearby village and at Khama. in the flrsl pri- (from Otavi Police sta­ takes". around six o'c1ock he vate prosecution since tion). John Simasiku Mowa lestified that had takenherback home. independence. The four (from Oshivelo Police she had not trusted the Mow3. said thal during policemen are being de­ station) and Alexious MagisU'ate who handled that time he had two fire­ fended by the Stale with Kwenani Samunzala the first trial and added: arms with him and that Statemoneyeven though (from Horabe Murureni " I did nOl know whether that.hadbcen the last time they were apparently nOt Police station at he was good or bad" and. that she had seen him on duty at the time. Grootfontein) are ac­ at that time, denied until the following morn­ Khama's family have cused of shooting al and knowing that all the peo­ ing. On Wednesday an­ instituted the private killing Edward Sitibini ple. including some po­ Olher key witness, prosccuc ion as the Pros­ Khama (27) with an AK- lice officials. wanted the Dominic Liseli. told the ecutor-General declined 47 and three R5s in De­ accused in the court. court that Khama's kill­ 10 prosecute and have 10 cember 1989. She told the coun that ing had been planned by • pay for their own ex- Mowa told the court Likando had instructed lhe police. penses. Khama family that she had been as­ her to tell the court that • Yeslerday the case also had 10 provide secu­ saulted byLikando"with she had spent the night was postponed to No­ rity for the legal costs of his bare hands all over of the killing with him. vember 15. the defence. which they my body a week before We t ry ha rder. did. the inquest" and had Yesterday Francisci been instructed by him Lumbwa Mowa. a to make certain state· fonner lover of Rapbael ments. Likando (one of the ac­ "I tried to flee him but cused). told the coon: "I he assaulted me when­ ever 1 tried and I c:ould 1&' ~~~== ~~iiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;;;I1 !tatemenlSabo bad ~autcf~x to stay alive nOl succeed. Re forced and was forced to Slay in me to stay with him and the same home as for two years and some of Likando's months I was forced to MOTOR CARS le LARGE QUANTITY HARDWARE SA stores want in Saturday 14th August 10 A.M. FROM PAGE 1 other places but there would be opportunities at for Namibian goods. GERRYSAUCTlONS + SALES. would be trading in your He added that so far good city". this is the only site Independence Avenue He said the supermar­ Pick' n'Pay is inlerested ket would use local in as it is the only one ACCUSED 0 .' MURDER H. Two oflhe attuSed Inat..... ct.d w. _m ".It th .. folLowing: +1_ 70 Moto.. ca ... _ Bank agents to supply them close enough to the city in the Khama case Joh .. Simasiku (far right) and and 50 would sell goods cenl're to guarantee a ~ ..._ • Company can • pnva'" entries· Bakkiu J acob Mbeya piclured entering the court (ram SOUth Africa and volume of trade.
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