![1934-04-26 [P C-4]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
PIERCE HALL PLAYERS hostess. There have been Invited a lng the play. The stage crew, under a model constructed by Miss Brown. number of dinner guests. Including the direction of Newell Lusby, has The business stall Is headed by Jennifer, who poses as a general's National constructed one of the most difficult Ployd Sparks. Tickets for the play Players Prepare End” PRESENT GOOD COMEDY widow, but is In reality the pseudo — ever amateur be obtained at Wardman Parle Reviving “Journey’s prince’s estranged wife. After a series settings attempted by may A. A. Milne's Play, “To Have the of humorous situations, the two Im- organizations. They weye guided by Theater tonight and tomorrow night. To Their New Season posters finally reveal their identities Open Is Vehicle for Honor,” to their understanding hostess and to take another in the Amateurs. proceed flyer First Will Be The Pur- matrimonial market. “THH- Play Monday Evening “To Have the Honor” Is to he re- A. A. Milne's play about a pseudo by the players at Successful on Broad- prince or a pseudo country who runs peated tonight suit of Happiness,” Pierce Hall at 8:30 o’clock. Is di- Into difficulty when he runs Into his It rected Ina L. Hawes. estranged wife, also posing as some by the Film Theaters. M. W. B. A way—At or e else she is not, at an English din- woman, The story Pierce Hall ner party, gave Players, sure of her of « wife Paul Alexander, Ruth Perrott and IN “JOURNEYS END.” BY E. de S. MELCHER. Charlotte Tilley, splendid opportuni- husband... who gave a “Journey’s End” will be presented COMEDY of what might be called "manners,” especially ties to display their thespianlc abili- and another love-thief since it concerns "bundling,” an ancient custom which ties last night. The title of the com- tonight and tomorrow night by Cue people are flying to their dictionaries to find out about,' edy is ‘‘To Have the Honor." and Curtain of the George Washing- sure of her too much tenth season for a first act, the A will inaugurate the National Players’ starting Except dragging ton University at Wardman Park charm. I < rope I Monday night. "The Pursuit of Happiness” is the name of this piece was well presented and bore Theater at 8:30 o'clock. Leonard Ste- play and it has had long life on Broadway this season and will evidences of good direction. vens, Walter Pick and Harold Stepler For the excellent manner in which soon be transplanted to London. On the same night, Lenore Ulric, play the leading roles. Other parts he carried the difficult role of a one of the theater’s more popular sirens, will return to the quite are taken by Stanley Peterson, Kenn Alexander is Belasco in that fiery drama of various temperaments, "Pagan fake prince, Mr. entitled Romney, Sylvan Lappan, Bill Claudy, to be cited with all seven awards of Karl Hamilton Stuart Lady,” a play which Miss Ulric originally was starred in at the Gay, Colt, his adopted country, "Neoslavonia." Abrahams, James Klnsella and National, having in her supporting cast a young man called George His accent and bearing as the prince Conn. Franchot Tone, who since has come to considerable fame in the were good, and his change into plain Constance Conner Brown Is direct- films. The new week will also see Irene Lee Dunne, Tracy, Michael Brown was done In just the "Tarzan,” John Boles, Ginger Rogers and Richard Arlen besporting semi-humorous vein that was needed themselves here and there in the local “celluloid” houses. to bring the play to a fitting climax. me complete scueuuie iuuuws. auvisrcu ms niwjrns not io misj) it. oo Ruth Perrott also had quite a task Tonight NATIONAL—Steve Cochran’s Na- it must be authentic. And it is. assigned her in the character of Jen- Ruth *- “ tional Theater Players, including * * * * nifer, a young woman who poses as n At 8:30 (Anna Sten) Abbott. Roy (new lead- flash! the widow of a to the ■i§||ATIONAL is to general escape Lupe coming The Theatre Guild, Ine. ing man) Roberts, Romaine Callender, J^OUBLE Ignominy of her status as an es- town! Lupe is, of course, Lupe ^ presents Raymond Bramley, Kathryn Givney, tranged wife. She was admirable In and Velez. She will in at Adelaide Hibbard, Burke Clark appear person the part, especially In the scenes with "THIS MAN IS MINE" Richard (Riggs Bank) Stringfellow In Loew's Fox within the next four weeks. Mr. Alexander. “JIG SAW” AN RKO RADIO •’The Sursuit of a PICTURE w T T H Happiness,” comedy * * * * If there are any of these Neosla- 1 a cem»dr kr Dawa PowaD of “courting” back in the good old vonian awards left over, Charlotte no doing away with that WITH CONSTANCE RALPH courting days of the Revolution. rpHERE’S Tilley should come In for one also. As EBNE8T TKCEX "Carioca.” Next week the Warner BELASCO—Lenore Ulric in “Pagan a “pink butterfly,’1 who could only be SPRING BYINGTON and a notabl, Theatr, Gelid cart CUMMINGS BELLAMY Lady,” an exceedingly warm chronicle Bros, are bringing "Flying Down to shy and bashful when her dowager tribe in hot-hot • of a bootlegging Rio,” Carioca and all, back to the mother iLyell MacLean) was around, H NEXT WEEK—SEATS SELLLNG Florida, plus a visiting missionary and but who could be most charming when Tko ADDED Metropolitan. National Tkaatro Playora his young son. Gerald Kent, Char- the was Miss ^ * * * * mater absent, Tilley In tha Rollicking Sueceti lotte Andrews, John F. Morrison, Os- boosted a minor part into a major "THIS IS AMERICA" wald Yorke and others appear in Miss of the better Actor Fund Bene- performance. PURSUIT UP HAPPINESS” An unusual presentation of a cock- Ulric’s QNE 1'THE support. fits’ announcements is that Helen Rose Ellen Mattern was quite A Merry Mlxtora of Folk Lor* * Fareo eyed period in American GAYETY—Those “Topsy Turvey charming as the young hostess, and NlshU. SI.IS te tic. Mate. Wed. and History Broderick ("Queen Mary” of "As of the Cue and Curtain Club, Girls” with Lillian Harrison. They Players George Washington University Herbert E. Smith, Jeanne Bateman, ■ Sat.. 54c JU fie duel. Taxj. Thousands come in a scene from the famous war LAST DAY Kathgr me start topsy-turvying Sunday. Cheer” fame) will Dramatic Society, "Journey’s End,” play, Lyell MacLean, Edmund J. Evans, ^ HEPBURN m "SPITFIRE" and tomorrow at the Wardman Park R-K-O KEITH'S—Irene Dunne suc- down here especially for this show. which will be presented tonight night WUliam E. Bryant and William A. Theater. Leonard Stevens and Walter Pick, left and the ceeds Katherine Hepburn at this thea- right, play leading Davis were adequate In supporting Incidentally, what with Fred Keating, —Star Staff Photo. ater in “This Man Is Mine.” The roles. roles. Claire Herbert Rawlinson, “man” is probably Ralph Bellamy, Whitney, The play is built around the visit of and although Sidney Blackmer Robert Emmet Keane, Ken Murray cert scheduled to be played by the "Prince Michael" (Paul Alexander) to in the cast. BAND CONCERT. Charles Starrett are also added to this benefit it should be on* United States Marine Band tomorrow the country, cottage of Simon Batters- Constance Cummings, a star in her Band concert by the United States has been canceled. at which his is of the gala events of the year. The by, daughter, Angela, aJLclA^l* own right, is featured. Mr. Meakin Soldiers' Home Band this evening in Club Michel will have its revue there ■ also wants you to know that he has ms X .I n&iWNa:.xT* too—which is a feather in the Michel's Stanley Hall at 5:30 o’clock. John TOMORROW persuaded the R-K-O boys to let him cap. An- show 15 minutes of called S. M. Zimmerman, bandmaster; TODAY..! i something * * * * “This Is America.” ton Pointner, assistant: / 0.45CL.m. to be TN REPLY to Mr. Brown: LOEWS FOX—What is said Dwight March. "The Rookies”.Drumm one of the better stage revues, “Fifty “Yes, it's true that Katharine Cor- Overture, “The Hunt for Fortune"— Million Frenchmen,” will be featured nell will play Richmond, Va. She will A this week at this theater, a revue appear in that city in 'The Barretts Suppe that has been staged by Anatole of Wimpole Street' next Monday and Suite poetic, "From the South"— Friedland. The screen attraction is a Tuesday.” (Nicode) Here It Is- Fox “musical romance” called "Bot- * * * * From La Provence.” toms Up” and features Pat Patterson, "Legend T'HE Rambling Marionettes, which John Boles and Spencer Tracy. “Moorish Dance.” his i THE BIG PARADE OF RADIO are sponsored by the Junior way Thelma Todd should be featured too. “In the Tavern.” Wisecracking of will RIALTO—Lee Tracy in “111 Tell League Washington, present to the "an authentic version" of Robert Louis Excerpts from musical comedy, through Biggest j the World” opens today. A preview Hitofnis career...! Stevenson's “Treasure Island” tomor- ‘Countess Meritza".Kalman SET TO LAUGHS AND of the film last week at the local j row afternoon at 3:45 o'clock at 1315 Oriental serenade, "The Pearl of Press Club indicates that this one j Connecticut avenue. The scenes have Persia” .•.Smith of Tracy’s better roles and a fast been executed Jawne Allen, well Waltz suite, “Southern Roses"— MUSIC BY WARNER BROS.! and funny comedy of newspaper life by known local artist, and the “cast” in- Strauss and experiences. The cast includes cludes Elizabeth Sypher, Lee Pentz, "The Star Spangled Banner.” Gloria Stuart, one of the screen's real i m.
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