STANDARD SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION Dmfiy «•* Similar, carrier deUvery, IS eevtx weekly, VoL XLV3L—No. 300. ATLANTA, GA., SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 11, 1914. —FOURTEEN PAGES. cvplcx «• tfce street* *nd mt newMtaniU. 5 MEXICANS ARREST NEVER TOUCHED ME! ATLANTA'S UNQUESTIONABLE RIGHT TO REGIONAL BANK OVER NEW ORLEANS AMERICAN MARINE: SHOWN BY ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE APOLOGYOpDED Noted Physician Dead Replying for First Time to COLOMBIAN TREATY Criticisms of Disappointed Admiral Mayo Has Insisted Cities, Committee Over- That American Flag Must MAY AFFECT BATTLE whelms Them With Ava- Be Saluted as Result of the ^lanche of Figures. Incident. ON TOLLEXEMPTION ATLANTA WAS FAVORITE HUERTA HAS AGREED OF MAJORITY OF BANKS TO MAKE REPARATION Convention Signed at Bo- ASKING FOR MEMBERSHIP -gota Gives "Colombia Free Marines Taken From Boat Use of Panama Canal for Tremendous Advance of Flying American Colors Her Warships. Local Banks and Their and Marched Thro' Tam- Great Assets Make Re- pico Streets to Prison. SIMILAR PACT IN 1909 markable Contrast When APPROVED BY ENGLAND Mexico City. April 10—A launch Compared to Those of the from ttt« United States yunljoat Dol- phin, oarrylns the paymaster and a Crescent City. small detachment oi marines, irat In The Friends of Free Tolls yesterday at Iturbide bridge at Tam- By John Corrtgan, Jr. ploo The Americans -were after a sup- Claim This Shows Eng- ply of gasoline They were in un^- Washington, April 10,—(Special.)— form. but unarmed The launch flew land Is Putting New Con- Replying for the first tune to the crit- tihe American flag Colonel Hinojosa. commanding a de- struction on "All Nations." icism vented upon them by the disap- tachment of Mexican federals, placed pointed cities of New Orleans, Wash- the paymaster and his men under ar- Washington, April 10—Free use of ington and Baltimore, the federal re rest They were paraded through the the Panama canal by Colombian war- serve bank organization committee, in streets and held for a time under de- ships, trd p ships and navy supply £>R J S TODD tention vessels is| troposed in the new treaty a formal statement issued tonight, Admiral Mayo mode vigorous repre- 'between t a United States and Colom sentations to the authorities and the gave figures which demolished the bla signed at Bogota Tuesday, to seal •men were released General Ignacio presumptuous claim of New Orleans. Zarasoza expressed to Admiral Mayo the breach between the, two countries over the separation of Panama Secre- DR. J.S. TODD DIES Quoting from the official records in hla regret Altlxmgih President Huerta in an or- tary Bryan announced this tonight the comptroller's office, the committee with the explanation that the clause in flclal statement to American Charge showed that the Atlanta member O'Shaughnessy has apologised for the the convention was identical with one AFTER LONE ILLNESS unusual zealousness of the Mexican In the Colombian treaty negotiated by banks, which \vere mainly national commander at Tampioo, there exists Secretary Root in 1909, with the ap- banks, had more capital and surplus, here tonight great uneasiness because proval of Great Britain and ratified Funeral of Prominent Physi- more loans and discounts and more Admiral Mayo is reported to have giv- by the United States senate though cian Will Be Conducted individual depositors than either Dal en the government authorities at Tam- never accepted by Colombia plco until 6 o'clock tfliis evening to Mr. Bryan's statement followed a Sunday Afternoon. las or New Orleans. salute the American colors. conference at the state department More significant even than this su- Statement From Hnertn. with Senator O'Gorman, chairman of Do- J Scott Todd, one of Atlanta's perior showing for last month was President Huerta's statement was the senate canals committee, which has not received by Mr O Shaughnessy un- *best known physicians and ex- presi- the tremendous advance shown to under consideration the bill repealing dent of the Georgia Medical association til after 6 o clock and It was consider- have been made by the Atlanta banks ably later before communication with the clause of the Panama canal act ex- and the Fulton County Mediclal asso- General Zaragoza was possible The 4 GUNMEN RECEIVE LOCAL MERCHANTS WOMEN OPEN IRK empting American coastwise shipping ciation, died la«t night shortly aft«r in ten years The national banks of from canal tolls Senator O'Gorman, 7 o'clock, following a long illness Atlanta increased their capital and statement was as follows •who ie leading democratic opposition In view of the fact that the charge He had been 111 fow two years or surplus between September, 1904, and rn to President "Wilson's repeal policy, more — ever since an operation two d affaires of the United States hears March, I'M, 256 per cent, Dallas, 120 that the wfaaletooat carrying the Amer- NEW LEASE ON LIFE GET EOUALCHANCE R GREATER GRADY •went back to the capitol, carrying years agx> !n Baltimore, from whidi he ican sailors was flying the flag of his new ammunition for his fight never recovered xx^?^ came at the per cent, and New Orleans only 8 per country an investigation will oe made Glaim New Construction. home of his daughter, JBct^fc S S. "Wal- cent. to establish the responsibility of Col- He would not discuss the matter, lace, 177 Weal NiJTth-3ttoenue Tweire Out of TUlrt^-Seren, onel Hlnojosa In accord with the line ChieLof U. S*_Quartermaa- himself, but other opppnents of exemp- The funeral services will be held of conduct which the government of Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Partloulai attention was eivcn to the tion repeal pointed to the fact that committee's reasons for choosing At- Mexico always has followed In fulfill- ter Corps Issues Instruc- Or eat Britain in 1909 had agreed to First Methodist church Rev W F ment of its duties of an international Glynn, assisted by Dr H M DuBose, lanta, Ga, and Dallas, Texas, In -"•**- character regarding all nations it de- tions in Regard to McPher- preferential treatment for Colombian will officiate Interment will folUvw erence to New Orleans for selecting plores what has occurred Justice Orders Attorney Mrs. Sam'l Lumpkin Urges vessels because of Colombia's peculiar at Oakland The surviving1 members Richmond, Va., instead of Baltimore "This case has grown out of noth- relation to the canal as evidence that ing more than a mistake of subordinate son Supplies. •of the Georgia Military- institute ca- and for naming Kansas City Instead of Whitman to Show Cause the Members of Federated Great Britain and President Wilson dets and the members of the Homa Denser Colo, Omaha 01 Lincoln, Neb officials, since the superior in rank, now are putting a new construction sa^sa Fts-hmg- club are invited to at- General Zaragoza, immediately pro- The committee called attention -to the ceeded to point out that -what had hap- W^y They Should Not Re- Atlanta merchants will be invited by Women's Organizations to on the words "all nations" in the tend the government to bid on all subsist- clause of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty Di Todd -was 67 years of ag-e Hia 'fact that since thlr*-y-se\ en cities were pened was unintentional and imposed I applicants and onls- twelve named on Colonel Hlnojosa disciplmaiy pun ence stores required at Fort MeFher- guaranteeing equal treatment to the wife died twel\e vears ago He -was ceive New Trial. Aid in Campaign. born in West Point, G-a., but whi$e a twenty-five ha,d to be disappointed ishmenf within the faculty o£ said son by whatever regiment la stationed vessels of the nations of the world General Zaragoza cQiild his parents moved to Atlanta With so many conflicting claims, ' 1 theie according to a letter 3uat re using the canal Their claim is that He is survived by 6ne daughter Mis "If the investigation to be made "New York ^pr !! 10—Supieme Court ceived by Congressman William Schley Mrs Samuel Lumpkin, president of said fct^r^tement. somebody had to should jevelop greater responsibility these words were not Intended t'o apply S S Wallace 177 East Noith. a\« ^e Tustice Goff tonight signed an order Howard, representing- this district in the City Federation of Women's Clubs, at whose residence he died, and b\ judge Congress constituted the com- on the .part of Colonel Hinojosa a coi making It mandatory for District At- has taken «he Initiative In organizing to the United States, the owner of the respor^flmg penalty will be imposed congress from James B Alesfaiire, chief canal, and they will urge the admis- three sons, J S Todd. Ji . of 52t> North nuttee a coif»t ajid gave the federal re- torney Whitman to show cause why the the representative women of Atlanta Jackson street, Henry W Todd of 69 ser^ e board ihe powe^ to- review Dis- upon him by the authorities legally of the United States army quartermas- sion of Great Britain In the Colombian competent in the case four gunmen now in Sing Sing- await- ter s corps. in a campaign for the greater hospital West Tenth, street, and J B Todd of appointed competitors should seek a movement She calls all the women matter as proof, 177 "West "Noith avenue Apology Is Demanded. ing death foi the part they played in This will come as •welcome news to remedy through the ordinal y process the murder of Herman Rosenthal, the of Atlanta to meet Monday at 12 Mr Bryan said the tieat> signed at Dir Todd served during- the civil the law prescribes Rear \dmiral Fletcher ranking ad- Atlanta merchants who have in the o'clock at the Woman's building-.
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