wro rwiii UMB NO. 1O24-0018 Exp. 10-31-84 CMZ> United States Department of tlie interior National Parle Service National Register off Historic Places received Inventory—Nomination Form date entered Continuation sheet Item number 2. 4. 7, 10 4. COUNTY BLOCK BEL CITY SHAD LOT SL 3097-344. Salado 7.5 t- isTAMF.-Barbee-Berry Mercantile Building CO UNT Y • Bell AnnttF.«;.<;-Main a^: Royal St^^ee-ts • rrrv- Salado TTT ^ iiTM. 14/639800/3424020 ARCHITECT/B UILDER: DATE. C^' 1871 PF.Rinn- RP nwNF.R- Mrs. Grace Jones, c/o Grace Jones. STYLE• Stone vernacular commercial building Salado, Texas, 75671 THEME: DESCRIPTION: 2 storv. rectangular plan. 3»hay front- nf rpfinpd MmP^tnnP aahla-r hlnrWc, projecting frieze and convex-cut stone comice. corner quions. side and rsar wall.g nf ran­ dom ashlar, 6/6 dbler-hung wondows on second fl. side and front facade w/ heaw stone sii: and lintel, first fl. door and windows not orig.. addlrlnn.<^ nn ftidp and roar nnt inr^ur^pd BUILDING MATERIAL: wan- limestone rnnf- gompositlon PHYSICAL CONDFTION :_S£2l SITE: origini . or moved- .date_ Af.TFBATinists-side and rear additions share common wall, but not included wirh nnni. prn; SIGNIFICANCE• 0"^ of earliest commercial structures in Salado. good example of stone vernac­ ular rorrn utilizing locally available materials and craftsmanship, believed constructed during prosperous college years and served number of commercial piirpn.c;f>.^ rnnriminngly AREA OF sir.NiFirAvrF- architectural LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE:_l2cal DESIGNATION: NR NHL RTHL HABS HAER HESI HSI OTHER: ORIGINAL ITSF- mercantile variety store .PRESENT USE: antiques gallery RELATIONSHIP TO STTwwniTMnivr.s-domlnates intersection in center of commtmity near springs ACREAGE/BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: see map BIBUOGRAPHIC nATA- see Major Bibliographic References SEE INFO/CORRESPONDENCE FILES: Salado file at Texas Hi.^ifnriral Cnmmi.^sinn RECORDED RV-D. Hardy. M. Heck: L Flory iNFOBMAMT-Jack Jones. Mrs. StPrling Robertson HATF- 9/77; 5/81 PHOTO DATA: B & W: color slides (rev. 6-79) OMB No. 1024-0018 Exp. 10-31-84 Sfetes Department of the interior ^ifal Parte Sereice iif^tional Register off Historic Places ^^-^ "^^^^^'^ Inventory—Nomination Form Continuation sheet Item number 2, 4, 7, 10 Page Acreage of nominated property less than one Verbal boundary description and justification Beginning at a point approximately 5' west of center front of building proceed south approximately 16'; then proceed east approximately 64' to the rear wall of building; then proceed north approximately 32' to party wall of building; then proceed west approximately 64' along said wall; then proceed south approx­ imately 16' to point of origin. Nominated property includes building only with small apron of land to west and south, but excluding buildings to north and east that share common walls with building. n ft r 'f r\ !/ n A C ,/ A / )' K r / 7* V, / "/ y{i ,'/ TA L y/ /A U /y u // L 1 \ s, t- J> ^. /. M r > ) 1 1, r r% 1 ^> K J<J '.A t .i / /•A i L 7 1 1 •IT k i' AL 3 A -i 'A A"< ? A- A ' f •b i 1 1 - — - A 1 1 \ ! T V r A, 1 1 ^ 1 1 / —' n• 1 1 i f -H 1 i 4^ 4i 1• -| I lATiOWAL REGISTER OF HiSTORIC PLACES EVAIOJATION / RETURN SHEET fiubetantive Eeview Barbee-Berry Mercantile Building (Salado MRA) Bell County TEXAS Working N4. 2 3 1983 Fed. Refl. P'««^' - Data Oiim- JA'/AJ- y/9A-^ Action: ApCEPT . 1 resubmission *^-^T!IRM •//^/t» nomination by psrson or loesi govsrnmsnt REJECT ownsr ebjsction Fsdsral Agsncy: appsai Substsntivs Rsvisw: ssmpis ..rsqusst sppssi u::_NR decision Rsviswsr's commsntar .(UX. l^lj vSr^ _ssaiUaI^ ^^-^^^'^^^^ ZA ^n/ A-J .frl^/A Rsvlswsr ^/Z?<^m//{r4<^ flUiCUCTM JSU^ lli^^hU 0lsclpllnsTl2lS]^__ l^dM A i (L. osts /-/i.(A ' seAAeA eeetlnustio«k<kA iia * i An shsst •Nomination returned for: _tschnicsl corrsctions citsd bsiow .^iubstantivs rsssons discussed below 1. Name 2. Location 3. Classification 4. Owner of Property 5. Location of Legal Description 6. Representation in Existing Surveys j( 7. D>eacription summsry psrsgrsph /^J^^^ CICLXJ. de^cyi.^ eompistsnsss adcU-H^hs ^ / O *• ^ sitsrstions/intsgrlty uuaiTJCAAi<:> c^^/- r . ^ /ou boundsry sslsction &^CC , ^"^7^^5 ? 8. Significance ». summsry psrsgrsph , compistsness Cisrity eppiicabis critsris Justificstion of srsss checked rslsting significsncs to the rssourcs contsxt rsistionship of intsgrity to significsncs Justificstion of sxcsption othsr 9. Major Bibiiogrephical References /IP. Oaographical Data 11 • Form Prepared By 12. State Historic Preservation Officer Certification 13. Othsr Msps Photographs Other Questions concsrning this nominstion msy be directed Phone: 202 272 -350^ Commsnts for sny itsm msy bs continusd on sn sttsched sheet OMB No. 1024-0018 NPS Fom 10-900-1 Exp. 10-31-84 United States Department of the Interior National Park Senrice NPS use only National Register of Historic Places Inventory—Nomination Form iteen«»fe<i Continuation sheet Item numtjer 2, 4, 7, F^ge 8 3097-344, County_ Bell USGS Quad Salado 7.5 Survey site no. City Salado UTMs 14/639800/3424020; less than 1 acre Name Barbee-Berry Mercantile Build. complDate: factual Est. 1871, 1890,* Address Main Ave. & Royal St. ^Architect/Builder unknown Contractor unknown Owner Mrs. Grace Jones, c/o Grace Jones^tyle/Type Salado, Texas 75671 ^Original use commercial Address Salado. Texas 75671 Present use commercial Present condition good Block/Lot see map for location; Also, starting at a point at the northeast corner of--th6 intersection of Main and Royal sts; thence N along Main St. 80 ft; thence E 100 ft; thence S 80 ft; thence W 100 ft. to point of origin as on the enclosed map. Description; 2-story, rectangular plan, 3-bay front of refined limestone ashlar blocks, projecting frieze and convex-cut stone cornice, corner quoins, side and rear walls of random ashlar, 6/6 dble-hung windows on second floor; side and front facade w/ heavy stone sill and lintel, first fl. door and windows not orig., additions im­ mediately to N late 19th cent., and old stone bank building with 12/12 windows and transoms east of structure are contributing. Post-1960 commercial buildings at N of main structure, NE and enclosed alley are noncontributing but are basically compatible in scale and design; walls of main building are limestone; roof is composition. alterations; side and rear additions; commercial building with scored masonry front was added to north of building ca. 1890 and stone bank structure (originally detached) built ca. 1914. Other post-1960 additions are compatible but noncontributing. Significance One of earliest commercial structures in Salado, good example of stone vernacular form utilizing locally available materials and craftsmanship, believed constructed during prosperous college years and served number of commercial purposes continuously. Later additions basically harmonious & reflect commercial life of community. Additions of ca. 1890 and 1914 are contributing. level of significance; local Relationship to site: Moved date or Original site X Describe Bibliography see major bibl. references Informant Jack Jones, Mrs. Sterling Robertson Recorder D. Hardy, M. Heck, L. Flory Date 9/77; 5/81/; 6/84 photo data: B & W; color slides Cont inuations: * 1914, post 1960, NPS Fonn lO-tOO-a OMB No. 1024-0018 CM2) Exp. 10-31-84 United States Department of the Interior National Paric Service PS UM only National Register of Historic Places P inventory—Nomination Form ste entered Continuation sheet Item numt>er 2, 4, 7, 10 Page 8A V V (11+ h LU £HCLOt,e.P MC U o i LATE \1^C{ £>Rliil HAL ADPITrOM 5TRU^.TLUl.e A 30' A MAI M STREET MOT TO 5)CAI_EL CMB NO. 1024-001^ (741) United States Department of the Interior EX^. 12/31/84 Nationai Parte Service National Register of Historic Places Inventory—Nomination Form Continuation sheet Item number Multiple Resource Area- dnr-11 Thematic Group Name Salado Multiple Resource Area State Texas Nomination/Type of Review Date/Signature ^ , Sntered in the 1. stagecoach Inn National Beglster "N/lteeV Keepef r Attest '2. Barbee-Berry Mercantile Building Keeper SuEefanHve Review 7 Attest 3. Baines, George Washington, jg^se^^ tl»e /iteeper National Register Attest "4. Robertson, Col. Elijah Sterling Clack, Plantation Entered in the National Register Attest 5, Rose House fiuBetantlve R«^vi^- Keeper , Attest 6. White-Aiken House Sntered in the -^Tfeeper r^i^^-^u.^tj^j^ F»tlonal Register Attest •» Armstrong-Adams House Entered in the 1^ ^' National Register eeper Attest "8. Davis House Entered tBa -/^eoer National Regiater V deeper Attest 9. Pace Memorial Park Keeper Archeological Site/Davis -^^^t^iiitlva fieview Mill Site Attest '10. Salado College Archeological Keepeg^yJ/lHfT^l^i^^n^A. Jb.4^ Site »B»Biato^T# Attest WASO Form - 177 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ("R" June 1984) NATIONAL PARK SERVICE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES EVALUATION/RETURN SHEET Barbee-Berry Mercantile Building e» (Salado MRA) Bell County TEXAS Working No. Fed. Reg. Date: _ Date Due: Action: resubmission RETURN. • nomination by person or local government REJECT. CH owner objection Federal Agency: • appeal Substantive Review: n sample dl request • appeal NR decision Reviewer's comments: 4 Reviewer. Discipline Date__^^^ see continuation sheet Nomination returned for: .technical corrections cited below .substantive reasons discussed below 1. Name 2. Location 3. Classification Category Ownership Status Present Use Public Acquisition Accessible 4. Owner of Property 5. Location of Legal Description 6. Representation In Existing Surveys Has this property been determined eligible? • yes • no 7. Description Condition Check one Check one excellent I I deteriorated unaltered • original site O good I I ruins altered moved date. • fair mi unexposed Describe the present and original (rf known) physical appearance CD summary paragraph • completeness • clarity I I alterations/integrity I I dates I I boundary selection 8.
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