ACCORD GENERAL ACUERDO GENERAL SUR LES TARIFS DOUANIERS 5 ^ SOBRE ARANCELES ADUANEROS ET LE COMMERCE VJtBÀEU Y COMERCIO GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE Centre William Rappard Téléphone: (41 22) 739 51 11 Rue de Lausanne 154 Ligne directe: (41 22) 739 5076 Case postale Telefax: (41 22) 731 42 06 CH - 1211 Genève 21 Télex: 412 324 GATT CH Télégramme: GATT, GENÈVE Référence: GLI/303 30 November 1994 MARRAKESH AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION DONE AT MARRAKESH ON 15 APRIL 19199S 4 PROCES-VERBAL OF RECTIFIC In documents G/RS/6 and G/RS/7 proposed rectification*ttiorSto Schedule XXXVIII - Japan annexed to the Marrakesh Protocol to the General Ajffeehoent on Tariffs and Trade 1994 were circulated to the Participants in the Uruguay Roand ofjvlultilateral Trade Negotiations. Considering that no objections to these rectifications ravebeen raised during the thirty-day period established for such action, these rectifications have been approved. The relevant texts are annexed hereto. I J Acting as depositary of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, I have caused these rectifications to be made in the authentic text and have initialled these rectification:tiîLcatior s in the relevant schedule annexed to the Marrakesh Protocol. In witness whereof I have signed the present Procès-Verbal of Rectification, drawn up in the English, French anid SpanisSper h languages, on 30 November 1994. O Peter D. Sutherland O Director-General 94-2611 Let/1953 Accord générât sur les Tarif* douanier* et le Commerce General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Page 2 MARRAKESH PROTOCOL TO THE GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE 1994 Schedule XXXVIII - Japan The following corrections should be made in "Schedule XXXVIII - Japan": 1. Notes to Schedule XXXVIII - Japan The current first sentence of paragraph 5 should be replaced by the sentence below: "Where a rate reduction of an ad valorem duty implemented in accordance with the provisions in paragraphs 2 and 3 above and the Notes to Sections l-A and II of Part I of this Schedule gives a rate with a decimal fraction of less than 0.1 per cent, such fraction shall be rounded to one decimal place (in the case of 0.05 per cent, the fraction is rounded to 0.1 per cent)." 2. Part I, Section II 1) Page 15, tariff item number 1521 The description of products shall be corrected as follows: "Vegetable waxes (other than triglycerides), beeswax, other insect waxes and spermaceti, whether or not refined or coloured." 2) Page 355, tariff item number 7801.91 The following description of products shall be inserted fortheHS subheading 7801.91 (there is no change in the national subheadings which fall under this HS subheading): "-- Containing by weight antimony as the principal other element" 3) Page 406, tariff item number 8483.60 An asterisk ("*") shall be put in column 1 to indicate that the product includes the item listed in the Attachment to Section II of Part I. 3. Attachment to Section II of Part I. page 1. tariff item number 7304.31 In the description of products, "cold-drawn or cold-rolled fittings, suitable for conducting (cold-reduced), with attached gases or liquids" shall be corrected as "cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced), with attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids". 4. Annexes I. II and III to the Attachment to Schedule XXXVIII - Japan The attached revised pages containing corrections listed in document L/7430/Add.4 should replace the corresponding current pages of Annexes I, II and III ("Trade in Pharmaceutical Products"). Annex I MS Description IIS Doser iption Subheading Subhead ins 2922.19 treptllamine 2922.30 drinidene 2922.19 trolnltrale 2922.30 isomethadonc 2922.19 lroman tadinc 2922.30 kelamIne 2922.19 tromntamol 2922.30 levomethadone 2922.19 tu lobule nil 2922.30 mctamfepramonc 2922.19 voglibose 2922.30 methadone 2922.19 zuclomlfcnc 2922.30 nafenodone 2922.29 alentemol 2922.30 normethadone 2922.29 amlnoxytriphene 2922.41 lysine 292229 blalamlcol 2922.42 glutamic acid 2922.29 brolamfetamlne 2922.49 aceclofenac 2922.29 dezoc ine 2922.49 alanine 2922.29 dobutamine 2922.49 alaproclate 2922.29 dopamine 2922.49 alminoprofen 2922.29 dopexamine 2922.49 amincpllne 2922.29 gepefr Inc 2922.49 nmlnocaproic acid 2922.29 hydroxyamfelamIne 2922.49 amoxecalne 2922.29 ibopamlne 2922.49 araprofen 2922.29 levdobutamlnc 2922.49 aspartlc acid 2922.29 lomelralIno 2922.49 baclofen 2922.29 me thoxyphenamIne 2922.49 benzocaine 2922.29 mitoclomlne . 2922.49 benzonatate 2922.29 ox(dopamine 2922.49 betoxycalne 2922.29 pholedrine 2922.49 butacalne 2922.29 symct Inc 2922.49 calcium trisodlum penletatc 2922.29 toi te rodIne 2922.49 camylof In 2922.29 trlmoxaminc 2922.49 cctaben 2922.29 vetrabullne 2922.49 cetraxate 2nz2..in amfebutamnne 2922.49 chlorambuc i1 2922.30 amfeprnmone 2022.49 chloroprocalne 2922.30 cathlnone 2922.49 clofcnamlc acid 2922.30 coirIptylIne 2922.49 clormecaine 2922.30 dexnafenodone 2922.49 dextilidine IIS Description IIS Doser iption Subheading Subheading 2922.50 butopaminn 2922.50 ectpramldi1 2922.50 cIcloprolol 2922.50 egtazlc acid 2922.50 cInamolol 2922.50 ericolol 2922.50 cIrnmadol 2922.50 esmolol 2922.50 cliropamine 2922.50 etafenone 2922.50 clomi fennxide 2922.50 etanterol 2922.50 cloranolnl 2922.50 elilefrlne 2922.50 colterol 2922.50 e t ilef r Ine plvalatc 2922.50 corbadrlne 2922.50 etlroxate 2922.50 cyclopentolatc 2922.50 etofenamale 2922.50 decomlnol 2922.50 exaprolol 2922.50 dembrcxlne 2922.50 fedotozine 2922.50 denaverlnc 2922.50 fenalconlne 2922.50 denopamlne 2922.50 fenaralsal 2922.50 detanosal 2922.50 fenotcrol 2922.50 deterenol 2922.50 f lusoxolol 2922.50 dctrothyronine 2922.60 forfenimex 2922.50 dexfosfoserlne 2922.50 fosopamine 2922.50 dexpropranolol 2922.50 ganglefene 2922.50 dexsecoverlne 2922.50 guafecainol 2922.50 dextrothyroxine sodium 2922.50 gualac tarnIne 2922.50 dietlfcn 2922.50 hexobendlne 2922.50 di femerine 2922.50 hexoprenaline 2922.50 dlfeterol 2922.50 hydroxyprocaine 2922.50 dlmenoxado! 2922.50 hydroxytelracalne 2922.50 dlmetofrIne 2922.50 Ibulerol 2922.50 dloxcthedrln 2922.50 Idropranolol 2922.50 dloxlfedrIne 2922.50 Indenolol 2922.50 dlpivefrIne 2922.50 Iproxamlne 2922.50 diprafenone 2922.50 Isoetarine 2922.50 divabuterol 2922.50 Isoprenaline 2922.50 drbloxlfene 2922.50 Isoxsuprine 2922.50 droxldopa 2922.50 ketocalne 14 IIS Description IIS Dcscr ipt ion Subheading Subhead Inn 2934.90 11bene last 2934.90 I Ipindole 2934.90 tibrofan 2934.90 tIprinast 2934.90 ticlatone 2934.90 tiquizium bromide 2934.90 ticlopidine 2934.90 t isocromidc 2934.90 tlemonium iodide 2934.90 tivanldazole 2934.90 tienl1ic ac id 2934.90 tlxadll 2934.90 tlenocarblnc 2934.90 tizabrIn 2934.90 tlenopraminc 2934.90 tizanidine 2934.90 tlenoxolol 2934.90 toloxatone 2934.00 t i femoxonc 2934.90 topotecan 2934.90 tlfluadorn 2934.90 lozallnone 2934.90 tIflucarbine 2934.90 traboxoplnc 2934.90 t1letamlne 2934.90 tran tel inIum bromide 2934.90 tlIon Isole 2934.90 traxanox 2934.90 tilozcplne 2934.90 trlclrIblnc 2934.90 tlmelotem 2934.90 triflurldlnc 2934.90 timepldlun bromide 2934.90 trimctaphan cams Mate 2934.90 timolol 2934.90 trimethadlone 2934.90 tlnabinol 2934.90 trlmetozine 2934.90 tInofedrinc 2934.90 trltiozine 2934.90 tinorIdine 2934.90 tritoqualInc 2934.90 tloclomarol 2934.90 trlxolane 2934.90 tloconazôle 2934.90 trofosfamlde 2934.90 tiodazosln 2934.90 tropateptne 2934.90 tiodonlum chloride 2934.90 troquldazole 2934.90 tloplnoc 2934.90 tubulozole 2934.90 tlosplrone 2934.90 tulopafant 2934.90 t loxacln 2934.90 ularitide 2934.90 tloxaprufen 2934.90 utibaprll 2934.90 I1oxolone 2934.90 utlbaprllat 2934.90 tlpenlosln 2934.90 valperInol 2934.90 lidrpId inc 2934.90 vanltlolIdo 2934.90 tlpctropIum bromide 2934.90 vapreotlde 73 Annex 11 Prefixes, and Suffixes for Salts. Eslers and Hydrates of INNs ACETATE BORATE CYCLOHEXYlAMMONIUM ACETONIDE BROMIDE C YCLOIIEX YLPROPIONATE l-ACETOXYETHYL BUTYL DECANOATE ACETYLSAUCYIATE t-BtrrYL DIACETATE ADIPATE t-BUTYL ACETATE DI AMMONIUM ALLYL tert-BUTYL ACETATE DIBENZOA1E ALLYL BROMIDE tertiary BUHL ACETATE DIBUTYRATE ALLYL IODIDE tertiary BUTYLAMINE DICHOLINE , ALUMINIUM t-BUTYL ESTER DICYCLOHEX YLAMMONIUM AMINOSALiaLATE tert-BUTYL ESTER DIETHYLAMINE AMMONIUM tertiary BUTYL ESTER DIETHYLAMMONIUM AMMONIUM FUS I DATE BUTYLATE DIFtJROATE ANTIPYRATE BUTYLBROMIDE DIHYDRATE ARGININE BUTYRATE DIHYDROBROMIDE ASOORBATE CALCIUM DIHYDROatLORIDE AXETIL CALCIUM CIIIJORIDE DIHYDROa«X)RIDE BARBITURATE CALCIUM DIHYDRATE PHOSPHATE BENZENESULFONATE CAMPHOR-10-SULPHONATE DIHYDROGEN CITRATE BENZOAŒTATE CAMPHOHATE DllfYDROGEN PHOSPHATE BENZYL CAMPHORSUFONATE DlirYDROXYBENZOATE BENZYL BROMIDE CAMS ILATE DIMALATE BENZYL IODIDE CAMSYLATE DI MAI FATE BESILATE CAPROATE DIMALONATE BESYLATE CARBAMATE DIMESILATE 111 QUI NATE CARBONATE DINITRATE BIS (HYDROGEN MALAIT!) CHI OR IDE DINITROBENZOAIK BISOIYDROGEN MALEATE) 8-a ILOROIl IEOPIIYLLINA1E DIOXIDE BIS(HYDROGEN MALONATE) CHOLINE DIPHOSPHATE BIS(PHOSPIIATE) CINNAMATE DIPROPIONATE BISMUTH CITRATE DISODIIIM BITARTRATE CYCLOHEXANEPROPIONATE DI SODIUM PHOSPHATE I MONONITRATE POTASSIUM TEBWATE N-CYCLOHEXYLSUI .PHAMA TE POTASSIUM SULFATE lEOCLATE N-OXIDE HYDROCHIJORIDE PROPIONATE TETRAHYDRATE NAFATE PROPIONATE DODECYL SULPHATE TETRAHYDROPimiAUTE NAPADIStlATE PROPIONATE LAURYL SULFATE TETRASODIUM NAPADISYLATE PROPYL THEOCLATE 1.5-NAPimiALENED I SULFONATE PROPYL ESTER THIOCYANATE 2-NAPHTHALENESULF0NA1E PYRIDY1 ACETATE P-TOLUENESULFONATE NAPS ILATE QUINATE TOSILATE NAPSYLATE RESINATE TOSYLATE NICOTINATE SAOCHARATE TRIFLUOROACETATE NITRATE SALICYIATE TRIHYDRATE NITROBENZOATE SALICYLOYLACETATE
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