National AFL-CIO convention re-elects officers, supports single-payer health care— pages 6, 7, 12 Minneapolis Labor Review 110th Year No. 7 November 17, 2017 www.minneapolisunions.org Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation, AFL-CIO Union families Minneapolis voters vote for change need your help Working Partnerships seeks MRLF’s endorsed candidates win 10 cash donations for our Emergency Food Program to of 13 Minneapolis City Council seats help union families in need By Steve Share, Board incumbents. this winter. Your check for Labor Review editor The Minneapolis Regional $25 can buy a union MINNEAPOLIS — In the Labor Federation, which did not highest voter turnout in a munic- award its AFL-CIO endorse- grocery store gift card. ipal election since 1993, Minne- ment in the Minneapolis May- Your donation is apolis voters voted for change or’s race, saw wins for 10 of its tax-deductible. November 7 and picked Jacob 13 endorsed Minneapolis City Frey as the city’s new Mayor. Council candidates. Send checks payable to: Voters re-elected eight of 11 All five MRLF-endorsed Working Partnerships Minneapolis City Council in- candidates for Minneapolis Park 312 Central Ave. Suite 542 cumbents who sought re-elec- Board were elected, producing a tion. new Board with a 5-4 majority Minneapolis, MN 55414 Three incumbents lost their that ran with AFL-CIO backing re-election bids— Barb Johnson (see page 5). in Ward 4, Blong Yang in Ward “Workers will be at the core Mayor-elect Frey: ‘Workers will be at core of agenda’ Labor news 5, and John Quincy in Ward 11. of the agenda,” said Mayor-elect MINNEAPOLIS — Jacob Frey, Mayor-elect of Minneapolis (photo above, left), visited the updated daily Voters elected six new mem- Frey, addressing the MRLF’s delegate meeting of the Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation, AFL-CO the day after the www.workdayminnesota.org bers to the Minneapolis Park delegate meeting November 8 in November 7 election. “I want to work with you. I want a partnership,” Frey told delegates. Board and re-elected three Park MINNEAPOLIS page 4 “Workers will be at the core of the agenda.” Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation… Follow us on facebook! Voters pass Anoka-Hennepin levies Iowa union www.facebook.com/minneapolisunions MRLF helps pass 20 of 23 levies in 12 school districts members By Steve Share, ‘In my 39 years of union Anoka-Hennepin (ISD #11) Labor Review editor In the Anoka-Hennepin vote ‘yes,’ MINNEAPOLIS — Voters work, I never have seen school district, the largest in in Minneapolis-area suburban such a well-orchestrated, the state, voters approved an stay union school districts said “yes” to operating levy with just over schools by wide margins No- collaborative effort from 66 percent voting yes and a By Mark Gruenberg, vember 7, passing school levy $249 million bond levy with PAI staff writer requests in 12 school districts. all the labor groups.’ nearly 66 percent voting yes. DES MOINES — When Io- The levies will help reduce —LeMoyne Corgard, “In this district, to go with a wa’s ruling Republican legisla- class sizes, build new schools, Anoka-Hennepin Education Minnesota two-thirds majority, I don’t tors jammed through a law re- rehab existing facilities, and think we’ve every passed [a quiring most of the state’s public invest in new technology to with the Building Trades, levy] with that support,” Cor- worker unions to stand for recer- enhance student learning, school parents and community gard said. “I think we had a tification — by absolute majori- among other objectives. members to pass the levies. clear, well-articulated message ty votes before they could start The Minneapolis Regional “In my 39 years of union to the voters. I felt we put out bargaining new contracts — Labor Federation, AFL-CIO work, I never have seen such a very accurate, honest informa- they expected state and local endorsed a total of 23 levies in well-orchestrated, collabora- tion so the voters could make a workers and teachers would de- 12 school districts — and tive effort from all the labor well-informed decision.” fect in droves. worked actively in targeted groups,” said LeMoyne Cor- Bloomington (ISD #271) Whoops. districts to coordinate union gard, president of Anoka-Hen- In the Bloomington school In reports posted on local activity to help levies pass. npin Education Minnesota. district, a $22.4 million oper- union websites — and picked up Only three of the ballot “From phone-banking to ating levy to continue and in- by former Deputy OSHA Ad- questions failed to pass. door-knocking to literature crease a current levy passed ministrator Jordan Barab’s Across the metro area, Ed- drops, literally going out sev- with more than 69 percent “Confined Spaces” blog — the ucation Minnesota’s local en days a week, everybody support. unions rolled to overwhelming teachers’ unions partnered contributed in many ways.” SCHOOL LEVIES page 7 wins everywhere in the state. IOWA page 4 Changing how we count our wins By Chelsie Glaubitz Gabiou, President, nation. Overall, we chalked up wins with Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation a slate of exciting new Minneapolis Park Over the past four years, the Minneap- Board candidates, a majority of our Min- olis Regional Labor Federation has been neapolis City Council candidates, a hand- embracing a more ambitious and dynam- ful of targeted school board candidates in ic strategy where our campaigns don’t our suburbs and massive victories in al- just stop on election day. most every single education We’ve worked hard to ex- levy in our jurisdiction. pand our scope from solely We had a few losses and focusing on typical election setbacks in a handful of loca- activities. tions — including losses for a We’ve also focused our few leaders that we hold dear political work on growth, to us — but overall the mood training, supporting member is a step in the right direction. activism and building deeper More importantly, howev- solidarity within our ranks er, in several communities and with our allies. our issues became the issues As an anti-worker economic system which school board and city council can- run by the one percent comes barreling at didates were talking about. us and as our political landscape becomes In the northwest suburbs, we mobi- Minnesota’s labor media win 15 awards from more high-stakes, we clearly need a strat- lized dozens of new local leaders who are egy of deeper member engagement and willing to continue the work of turning solidarity. Anoka around into 2018 and beyond. International Labor Communications Association Now, it’s time to double-down. Also in the northwest suburbs, we We’re moving to a new model where elected champions for working people in Labor Review honored for general excellence, writing, design our organizing drives our politics, not the traditionally very red communities. ST. LOUIS — Minnesota’s labor me- n Second place for general excel- other way around. This means that our As a result of bold leadership from the dia won 15 awards in the 2017 media lence for Stepping Up, Council 5’s news- strategic decisions around elections are Building Trades and Education Minneso- contest organized by the International letter, edited by Lynette Kalsnes. rooted in growth, leadership development ta, trades members, teachers, parents, and Labor Communications Association. The Minneapolis Labor Review, pub- and real conversations about the state of community members teamed up to win The annual awards recognized excel- lished by the Minneapolis Regional La- all working people. historic investments in public education lence in labor communications efforts in bor Federation and edited by Steve Share, Come the day after an election, we no and union construction through success- print, video, and electronic media pro- won three awards: longer can count just our endorsed candi- ful levy campaigns all over the metro. duced in 2016. n Second place for a special category dates’ victories. Thank you to everybody who helped Minnesota award-winners included of writing awards — the Saul Miller We also need to measure the levels of us over the last six months, particularly to AFSCME Council 5, the Minneapolis Awards — covering the subject of collec- activism, education, and growth of our the affiliates who are helping us to devel- Labor Review newspaper, the St. Paul tive bargaining, for Steve Share’s July union members, as well as our ability to op this new vision. Union Advocate newspaper, and the Uni- 29, 2016 story, “Day four of strike: Nurs- advance a pro-worker message in our Now our sights are set on building ca- versity of Minnesota’s Labor Education es highlighted violence they suffer on communities. These things are much pacity across the diverse mosaic of our Service. job.” more difficult to measure in a technical entire seven-county jurisdiction to win The awards were presented in St. n Honorable mention for general ex- sense, but they are the building blocks we for workers in 2018 and beyond. We are Louis October 20 at an ILCA conference cellence for a print publication produced need to go on to win in the workplace, in all in this together, no matter where you preceding the national AFL-CIO conven- by local, regional or state labor federa- our city halls, and in our communities. live across the seven counties. tion. tions (November 18, 2016 and December With 2018 looming in the background, We all need to embrace the young new The labor media contest welcomes 16, 2016 issues). we knew that our program in 2017 need- leadership in the City of Minneapolis, entries from local unions, councils, re- n Honorable mention for best design ed to be scrappy.
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