Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Columbia Chronicle College Publications 1-8-1990 Columbia Chronicle (01/08/1990) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "Columbia Chronicle (01/8/1990)" (January 8, 1990). Columbia Chronicle, College Publications, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle/286 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbia Chronicle by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. Club mobilizes political bigshots to win members Richardson is seeing is the dif­ By Mary Johnson lished, we can work with these ficulty people have making a time politicians to seek improvements S14ff Reporter commitment. for our school," Richardson said. In an effon to stimulate stu­ "He will find a small number dent interest, the newly organized of people who have made [the Those improvements, accord­ Political Club will host Aldennan Political Club] their top priority, ing to literature posted before the Danny K. Davis on Jan. 10 at 3 and it doesn't mean that the rest meeting, could include better p.m. in the Hokin Center, along of the students are apathetic. It parking facilities for students, with two other politicians who are means that there are other things more lunch space and a student­ seeking political office. that are going on," Conley said. run bookstore, which Richardson The event, which is being co­ Conley, who is responsible for said were political issues. For Pete Lennon, a junior ad­ sponsored by the African­ approving new organizations, American Alliance, will include venising major, his reasons for said she is pleased that speake~ James Francis Collins, joining the organization are more candidate for appellate court Richardson decided to organize basic. Admitting that he is "naive the Political Club. judge, and Carol Anne Harwell, to political issues," Lennon said. who is running for state repre­ "There is nQt current! y an or­ "I'm willing to learn. This meet­ sentative for the 19th District, ganization led by students dealing ing makes me even more en­ both Democrats. Disappointed with the things that this one will thusiastic about getting things deal with. They will be talking done. The more people we get, in the low tlimout at its Dec. 13 about political issues in a bipar­ meeting (six students attended), the more ideas we generate, the Vince Richardson, the club's tisan way, and will invite people more we can get accomplished," president, is hopeful that an ap­ to speak who are knowledgeable he said. about political issues. I think this pearance by Davis and other However, Bert Keister, a political speakers will help is the kind of organization that senior, b(oadcasting major said generate student support can be of great service here· at Columbia." he joined beeaum he likes to go According to Richardson, a lot with the underdog. of the signs the club had posted Although the purpose of the "I think that we really need a announcing the December meet­ group, as listed in organizational new political organization-<>ne ing had been removed, and of the documents, is to educate and in­ that really takes the initiative to - I 30 to 40 students who expressed form in the area of politics, be in the front to get people out to Clvo.UCI<I Elias ZimianiJil interest in the club, only a handful Richardson wants to see the club vote during the election," Keister Vlnoe Rlchardeon, poUdcal club pre81den~ Meka much needed ex­ are active. tackle what he perceives to be said. poaure lo gel hla new organlzadon off the ground and Into Hight. However,lrene Conley, assis­ problems in the school as well as Both Richardson and the expressed a desire to see the "We don't need to count sue- tant student dean, said that what the surrounding neighborhood. club's vice-president, Nao:ni group grow. cess by number. We count suc- He told the small gathering at Stewan, said they would soon be "When we establish a bigger cess by action and what a group the club's last meeting that he has attending classes 10 learn how to group, we can go into the offices of students, however small, can contact with many politicians, in­ register students to vote. and get things done around the do for this community and for cluding Davis, who he charac­ Beth Zurkowski, a school," Stewan said. themselves. You just need a few terized as his "teacher and sophomore, said she is very inter­ But Conley thinks the group's people to enjoy that success and mentor:• ested in politics and has done success does not necessarily have bring something back into a com- "Once we become moreestab- some reading on the subject. She to be measured by number. munity," she said. Large tax withholdings hit faculty again By Mitch Hurst Columbia's director of Human need or want and I'm b11ing tax over the entire year. Some­ Mtutagi"l Edilor Resources, said he can't under­ charged for it." thing that has been promised in stand why any faculty wouldn't Lerman said he had no qualms the past. Full-time Columbia faculty want the insurance. with the quality of the policy, and members are once again upset "It wouldn't make much sense that the school did a good job John Tarini, chairperson of the over adqitional withholdings not to have the insurance," negotiating the contract with the Advertising and Marketing from their end-of-the-year Johnson said. "Whatever you're insurance company, he just wants Depanment, said, "We were told paychecks. paying is very small compared to _the option to accept or decline it. last year at exactly the same time The withholdings, some Iotall­ what others would pay for the According to Johnson, how­ that for 1989 the money would be ing more than 25 percent of the same insurance." ever, that could cost the school taken out on a pro-111led basis, and net pay for the period, were due Johnson also said those who money. The insurance rate the it was not done. Now it remains to taxable income derived from think they don't Want the in­ school receives from the com­ to be seen if it will be done in life insurance policies Columbia surance may want to think other­ pany is contingent upon 100 per­ 1990." provides for full-time employees. wise. "Sometimes people don 't cent involvement by Columbia While faculty members can't want health insurance, then they faculty. According to Pe~l ~ristoi>-.__ argue with the law, the law being get sick," Johnson advised. "What the insurance company director of payroll, 11 will. The 1 - the IRS in this ease, they can and "That's a consideration that I often does," Johnson explained, delay this year, she said, was due are expressing anger over the fact think people should loo!C at very "is say 'we'll give you this rate to a new computer system imple- that the taxes arel>eing withheld closely, particularly when you based on l'lO percent participa­ mented in February. Cristo! also in one lump sum at the end of the look at the rate and the amount of tion.' We don't want to jeopard­ said the programming for such a year. money it costs." ize our employee insurance rate." venture is extremely compli- Some faculty are also upset Despite the low rates and Johnson did say he would look cated, but she hopes to have the because the insurance program is prime coverage, some faculty into the possibility of giving system up and running by March. compulsory, and they are forced don't want the insurance. Nat faculty a choice in the near future. Then faculty will be able to wit- to pay taxes on life insurance Lerman, chairperson of the Jour­ He also said that the Payroll ness a bunch of little dents in each benefits they don't want or need. nalism Depanment, said, "I'm Depanment is looking into the of their paychecks instead of one However, Paul Johnson, given life insurance that I don't idea of spreading the withholding big one in their last paycheck. NEWS College and stress: How would you liketo get a jump on your pro­ fessional career? It's easy to get started at GETA The First National Bank of Chicago, because our PART- TIME OPPORTUNITIES let you inevitable mates earn extra money while you learn through comprehensive training and gain valuable By Timothy Bentevls and slowing digestion, and secre­ practical experience. Scie~teeWriler tion of adrenaline, a powerful FIRST One week into the new year hormone, increases. TELLERS and you already have loads of "Students who are prone to Flex. Schedules material to srudy for your final slreSS can obtain a variety of tech­ Days and Early Eves. exam. There's no way you can niques that allow the person to + some Sats. and Suns. relax," said Park Ridge School START. ever make it in time. Your in­ structor will hold it against you psychologist, Ruth Shook Orr. You couldn't ask for a better opportunity than and you can kiss that "A" good­ who has helped teenagers over­ this to refine your interpersonal communica­ bye. come stress related illnesses.
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