MARONITELITURGICAL CALENDAR 2021 Imprimatur: ✙ Gregory John Mansour Imprimatur: ✙ Bishop of Saint Maron of Brooklyn Holy Days of obligation are printed in red. The LEFT COLUMN indicates the principle celebration of the day. The RIGHT COLUMN indicates optional memorials and celebrations. Abbreviations: An = Angel Ap = Apostle M = Martyr C = Confessor EPARCHY OF ST. MARON MARONITE LITURGICAL CYCLE AD 2021 JANUARY St. Stephen, the First Martyr, the First Deacon, M Sunday 2 Cor 11 1!" 2# M$ 2% 2" – 2& 2 T'( Adorat)on o* $'( Mag) Monday R(v 21 "–10- 21!2# 2. M$ 2 1–12 F/)+'$ )n$o E+y0$ 1 Mas2acr( o* $'( C')ldr(n o* 4($'/('(5 Tu(2day H(6 11 2%!%1 St. Marina (Margaret) of Pisidia, M 2" M$ 2 1%!1. T'( R($urn *ro5 E+y0$ $o Nazar($' 8(dne2day A3$2 # 2- %0!%# St. Anysia, M %0 M$ 2 1"!2% Thur2day %1 Col 1 "6!20 St. Zoticus, M Jn 1 1–1. January The Circumcision of Jesus (Holy Day of Obligation Friday E0h 2 11–22 Sts. Basil and Gregory, Doctors of the Church, C 1 Lk 2 21 Ne Year"s Day Saturday 2 H(6 # 1–10 Po#e St. Syl$ester I, C L9 2 22!2& JANUARY MARONITE LITURGICAL CYCLE AD 2021 EPARCHY OF ST. MARON St. Stephen, the First Martyr, the First Deacon, M Sunday 2 Cor 11 1!" 2# M$ 2% 2" – 2& 2 T'( Adorat)on o* $'( Mag) Monday R(v 21 "–10- 21!2# 2. M$ 2 1–12 F/)+'$ )n$o E+y0$ 1 Mas2acr( o* $'( C')ldr(n o* 4($'/('(5 Tu(2day H(6 11 2%!%1 St. Marina (Margaret) of Pisidia, M 2" M$ 2 1%!1. T'( R($urn *ro5 E+y0$ $o Nazar($' 8(dne2day A3$2 # 2- %0!%# St. Anysia, M %0 M$ 2 1"!2% Thur2day %1 Col 1 "6!20 St. Zoticus, M Jn 1 1–1. January The Circumcision of Jesus (Holy Day of Obligation Friday E0h 2 11–22 Sts. Basil and Gregory, Doctors of the Church, C 1 Lk 2 21 Ne Year"s Day Saturday 2 H(6 # 1–10 Po#e St. Syl$ester I, C L9 2 22!2& EPARCHY OF ST. MARON MARONITE LITURGICAL CYCLE AD 2021 JANUARY The Fin!ing of Our "or! in the Temple Malachi the Pro#het, C Sunday H(6 # 11–1" H(6 # 20–2. % L9 2 &1!:2 L9 2 2:!%: Monday & H(6 ; "–12 Po#e St. Caius, M L9 2 %;!&0 St. Eli'a(eth Ann Seton ()SA), C Tu(2day <)+)l o* $'( Gloriou2 E0)0hany St. Paul, the First Hermit, C : Ro5 : 1–11 P')l % #–12 L9 % 1!; M$ 11 2:!%0 S$. John N(u5ann =USA>- C S(a2on of the G/or)ou2 E0)phany Feast of the Glorious $piphany (Holy Day of Obligation 8(dne2day ; T)$ 2 11 – % # L9 % 1:!22 Prai2(2 $o John $'( 4a0$)2$- M Thur2day Col 1 2&–2" # Lk # 1.!%0 P Friday . Col 2 1!# St. Carterius the Priest, M M$ % 1%!1# Saturday " Gal : 2–1: St. Eustratius, C Jn : %1!%. JANUARY MARONITE LITURGICAL CYCLE AD 2021 EPARCHY OF ST. MARON The Fin!ing of Our "or! in the Temple Malachi the Pro#het, C Sunday H(6 # 11–1" H(6 # 20–2. % L9 2 &1!:2 L9 2 2:!%: Monday & H(6 ; "–12 Po#e St. Caius, M L9 2 %;!&0 St. Eli'a(eth Ann Seton ()SA), C Tu(2day <)+)l o* $'( Gloriou2 E0)0hany St. Paul, the First Hermit, C : Ro5 : 1–11 P')l % #–12 L9 % 1!; M$ 11 2:!%0 S$. John N(u5ann =USA>- C S(a2on of the G/or)ou2 E0)phany Feast of the Glorious $piphany (Holy Day of Obligation 8(dne2day ; T)$ 2 11 – % # L9 % 1:!22 Prai2(2 $o John $'( 4a0$)2$- M Thur2day Col 1 2&–2" # Lk # 1.!%0 P Friday . Col 2 1!# St. Carterius the Priest, M M$ % 1%!1# Saturday " Gal : 2–1: St. Eustratius, C Jn : %1!%. EPARCHY OF ST. MARON MARONITE LITURGICAL CYCLE AD 2021 JANUARY 1st Sun!ay after $piphany St. Gregory, Bisho# of Nyssa, C 10 2 Cor 10 1!11 Gal : 1;–2; Jn 1 2"!%& Jn : %"!&# Monday St. Theodosius of Antioch, C 11 2 Cor 10 12–1. Gal ; 1–10 M9 1 1!. M$ % #–12 Tu(2day St. Tatiana, M 12 2 Cor 11 1!; Gal ; 11–1. Jn 1 1"–2. M$ 11 11–1: -he Council of Trent (./0/) 8(dne2day 1% 2 Cor 11 #!1: St. Jaco( of Nisi(is, C Jn % 22!%0 Thur2day 1& 2 Cor 11 1.- 22!%0 St. Hilary of Poitiers, Doctor of the Church, C Jn % %1!%; Friday 2ur Lady of the So ing 1: 2 Cor 12 1!10 Col 1 "!1# M$ 1& 1!12 Lk 11 2#!%2 St. John Caly(ites, C Saturday Memorial of the Chains of St. Peter 1; 2 Cor 12 11–1; 2 Cor 1 %!# Jn 10 &0!&2 M$ 1; 2&–2. JANUARY MARONITE LITURGICAL CYCLE AD 2021 EPARCHY OF ST. MARON 1st Sun!ay after $piphany St. Gregory, Bisho# of Nyssa, C 10 2 Cor 10 1!11 Gal : 1;–2; Jn 1 2"!%& Jn : %"!&# Monday St. Theodosius of Antioch, C 11 2 Cor 10 12–1. Gal ; 1–10 M9 1 1!. M$ % #–12 Tu(2day St. Tatiana, M 12 2 Cor 11 1!; Gal ; 11–1. Jn 1 1"–2. M$ 11 11–1: -he Council of Trent (./0/) 8(dne2day 1% 2 Cor 11 #!1: St. Jaco( of Nisi(is, C Jn % 22!%0 Thur2day 1& 2 Cor 11 1.- 22!%0 St. Hilary of Poitiers, Doctor of the Church, C Jn % %1!%; Friday 2ur Lady of the So ing 1: 2 Cor 12 1!10 Col 1 "!1# M$ 1& 1!12 Lk 11 2#!%2 St. John Caly(ites, C Saturday Memorial of the Chains of St. Peter 1; 2 Cor 12 11–1; 2 Cor 1 %!# Jn %&'(&)(* Mt %+'*()*, EPARCHY OF ST. MARON MARONITE LITURGICAL CYCLE AD 2021 JANUARY 2n! Sun!ay after $piphany St. Anthony the Great, C 1# 2 Cor & :!1: E0h ; 10–1. Jn 1 %:!&2 M9 10 2.!%1 Monday 1. 2 Cor 1 1!11 &sta(lishment of the Chair of St. Peter in Rome Jn 1 &%!:1 St. Athanasius of Ale5andria, Doctor of the Church Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Tu(2day 1" 2 Cor 1 12!2& St. Macarius of Egy#t, C L9 : 1–11 8(dne2day 20 2 Cor 2 1!11 St. Euthymius the Great, C M$ & 1.!2: Thur2day 21 2 Cor 2 12!1# St. Se(astian, M M$ " "–1% Friday 22 2 Cor 12 1# – 1% & St. Ti,othy, Disci#le of St. Paul, A# M$ " %:!%. Saturday Po#e St. Sergius I, C 2% 2 Cor 1% :!1% 2 T)5 2 1&!1" M$ 10 1!; M$ 2& &:!:1 St. Marianne Co#e ()SA), C JANUARY MARONITE LITURGICAL CYCLE AD 2021 EPARCHY OF ST. MARON 2n! Sun!ay after $piphany St. Anthony the Great, C 1# 2 Cor & :!1: E0h ; 10–1. Jn 1 %:!&2 M9 10 2.!%1 Monday 1. 2 Cor 1 1!11 &sta(lishment of the Chair of St. Peter in Rome Jn 1 &%!:1 St. Athanasius of Ale5andria, Doctor of the Church Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Tu(2day 1" 2 Cor 1 12!2& St. Macarius of Egy#t, C L9 : 1–11 8(dne2day 20 2 Cor 2 1!11 St. Euthymius the Great, C M$ & 1.!2: Thur2day 21 2 Cor 2 12!1# St. Se(astian, M M$ " "–1% Friday 22 2 Cor 12 1# – 1% & St. Ti,othy, Disci#le of St. Paul, A# M$ " %:!%. Saturday Po#e St. Sergius I, C 2% 2 Cor 1% :!1% 2 T)5 2 1&!1" M$ 10 1!; M$ 2& &:!:1 St. Marianne Cope (USA), C EPARCHY OF ST. MARON MARONITE LITURGICAL CYCLE AD 2021 JANUARY Sun!ay of the -riests St. Francis de Sales, Doctor of the Church, C 2& 1 T)5 & ;–1; H(6 11 1!# Lk 12 &2!&. Jn . 12–20 Monday -he Con$ersion of St. Paul, A# 2: 2 T)5 1 1–11 Gal 1 11–1# M$ 1; 2&–2. M$ 20 1!1; Tu(2day 2; 2 T)5 2 1–1% St. Agnes, M M$ 1. 1!: 8(dne2day 2# 2 T)5 2 1&!2; St. Paula, C M$ 20 20–2. Thur2day St. E#hrem the Syriac, Doctor of the Church, C 2. 2 T)5 % 10!1# H(6 1% #–1# L9 1# #!10 Jn 1: 1!. Friday 2" 2 T)5 & 1!. St. Hi##olytus of Antioch, M Lk 22 2&!%0 Saturday %0 T)$ 1 1!" St. Ma5i,us the Confessor, C Jn 1% 1%!1# JANUARY MARONITE LITURGICAL CYCLE AD 2021 EPARCHY OF ST. MARON Sun!ay of the -riests St. Francis de Sales, Doctor of the Church, C 2& 1 T)5 & ;–1; H(6 11 1!# Lk 12 &2!&. Jn . 12–20 Monday -he Con$ersion of St. Paul, A# 2: 2 T)5 1 1–11 Gal 1 11–1# M$ 1; 2&–2. M$ 20 1!1; Tu(2day 2; 2 T)5 2 1–1% St. Agnes, M M$ 1. 1!: 8(dne2day 2# 2 T)5 2 1&!2; St. Paula, C M$ 20 20–2. Thur2day St. E#hrem the Syriac, Doctor of the Church, C 2. 2 T)5 % 10!1# H(6 1% #–1# L9 1# #!10 Jn 1: 1!.
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