United States Department of Agriculture Field Guide for Managing Buffelgrass in the Southwest Forest Southwestern Service Region TP-R3-16-03 September 2014 Cover Photos Upper left: John M. Randall, The Nature Conservancy, Bugwood.org Upper right: USDA NRCS PLANTS Database Lower left: National Park Service Lower right: Joseph M. DiTomaso, University of California-Davis, Bugwood.org The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Printed on recycled paper Buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris L., synonym: Pennisetum ciliare L.) Grass family (Poaceae), Paniceae tribe Buffelgrass is an introduced forage grass that has become • Plants grow in bunches, up to 40 inches tall; knotty invasive in southwestern states. Because of its threat to the and branching at base. Tillers often have secondary Sonoran Desert ecosystem, buffelgrass has been listed as a branching giving plants a shrub-like (chaemaphytic) noxious weed in Arizona. appearance. • Flat leaf blades (3–12 inches long; 0.1–0.3 inches This field guide serves as the U.S. Forest Service’s wide), scabrous or with long, soft hairs; sheaths open, recommendations for management of invasive buffelgrass keeled, glabrous to having sparse, long, soft hairs; in forests, woodlands, rangeland, desert, and desert scrub hairy ligule. associated with its Southwestern Region. The Southwestern Region covers Arizona and New Mexico, which together • Purplish to reddish, bottlebrush-like inflorescence have 11 national forests. The Region also administers four (0.8–5.1 inches long); spikelets in clusters of 2–4, national grasslands that are located in northeastern New each with 2 flowers (lower floret reduced); spikelets Mexico, western Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle. tan, beige, or slightly orange at maturity; spikelets fall off whole from the rachis. Description • Reproduces from seed that normally lies dormant 3 to 18 months; seed viable for at least 3–5 years. Buffelgrass (synonyms: anjangrass, African foxtail grass, zacate buffel) is a drought-tolerant bunchgrass • Apomictic (asexual reproduction without fertilization originally from the African savannah that was introduced of seed). into the US as a forage grass. However, many of the Ecology traits that make buffelgrass desirable as a forage grass Impacts/threats also cause it to be highly invasive within native plant communities. Buffelgrass includes numerous cultivars Although buffelgrass is used as a forage grass for livestock, and is often cross classified into two very closely related it is an unwanted weedy invader in many desert plant grass genera: Cenchrus and Pennisetum. Key characters communities. Buffelgrass can out-compete native vegetation useful for buffelgrass identification include a bottlebrush- for soil nutrients and moisture. In addition, infestations like inflorescence and light-colored hairs that occur at the of buffelgrass can injure native plant communities junction where leaves meet the stem. Buffelgrass is similar by altering the fire regime through an increase in the in appearance to fountain grass (Cenchrus setaceus, syn. frequency, intensity, and connectivity of fuel. Buffelgrass Pennisetum setaceum), which is an escaped ornamental re-grows quickly following wildfire whereas fire damages grass; however, buffelgrass is generally smaller in size or kills nearly all native plants found in Sonoran Desert (typically 1 to 1.5 feet tall) and has shorter, thicker communities. As a result of these effects, this introduced inflorescences that are brownish to purplish in coloration. grass has the potential to displace native plant communities and change ecologically rich areas into a near monoculture Growth Characteristics of buffelgrass with decreased diversity, species richness, • Perennial grass that forms tussocks; normally cover, and densities of native plants. warm season but can grow during winter at lower Location elevations if conditions are adequate. Buffelgrass is spread widely across disturbed and • Rapid growth; germinates from seed; matures and undisturbed habitats in the Southwest including urbanized flowers within 6 weeks following at least 0.75 inches areas, roadsides, rangeland, old fields, and desert plant of rain and moist soil occurring over a 3–5 day communities. It is commonly found on rocky, south-facing period. 1 slopes in Arizona uplands. The species has also been used grazing and/or reseeding areas with desirable native to re-seed rangeland in certain areas of Texas and Mexico grasses and forbs after disturbance. where it is valued as a forage grass. • Detect, report, and map known buffelgrass Spread populations. Also map the presence and condition of native vegetation. Keep annual records of reported Seed is spread by wind, water, animals, and vehicles. infestations. Identify priority areas for treatment by Whenever buffelgrass becomes established near roads and using records, maps, and other information such as ditches, opportunities for spread are increased. known T&E species habitat, travel corridors, seed Invasive Features pathways, etc. Buffelgrass grows in dense stands, spreads aggressively, • Develop a specific action plan to meet goals and and can double in cover every 2–3 years. It is highly objectives for infested areas, which may include adaptable and grows on many soil types including soils eradication of new populations of buffelgrass in that are heavy, sandy, or overlying limestone. However, sensitive sites. it is not cold-tolerant and requires summer moisture to • Evaluate infested sites to determine which thrive. Buffelgrass is often more effective at capturing mechanical, cultural, biological, or chemical soil moisture than native species, which contributes to its treatment methods (or combination of treatment invasiveness. methods) are most effective for buffelgrass control. Mechanical and manual removal methods may Management facilitate further invasion through soil disturbance and erosion; therefore, extra caution should be taken to Long-term planning, integrated management, and follow- monitor the site following disturbance to forestall any up monitoring are necessary for effective control of new infestations these methods may cause. buffelgrass. Priority should be given to early detection of • Implement a monitoring and follow-up treatment buffelgrass and eradicating new infestations that become plan for missed plants and seedlings. Also monitor established on otherwise healthy sites. The perimeter of recovery of desirable native plant species following large infestations should be treated first to prevent the control efforts. infestation from spreading. To deplete the buffelgrass seed bank, treatments need to be repeated annually for several years and possibly repeated within a growing season if necessary. A combination of various treatment methods and Table 1 summarizes management options for controlling repeated treatments will improve effectiveness of control buffelgrass under various situations. Choice of control methods. Fire intensity and fuel connectivity of buffelgrass method(s) for buffelgrass depends on many local factors fires may be decreased by control measures that reduce including degree of infestation, current land use, and site buffelgrass biomass and density. The following actions conditions (terrain, accessibility, microclimate, non-target should be considered when developing a management flora and fauna present, etc). Other important considerations approach for buffelgrass: include treatment effectiveness, overall cost, and period of time needed to achieve control. More than one control • Limit disturbance and maintain healthy plant method may be needed for a particular site. communities that can help prevent or limit new infestations. This may involve using improved grazing management practices to prevent excessive 2 Table 1. Management options* Site Physical Methods Cultural Methods Biological Methods Chemical Methods Roadsides Use manual pulling, grubbing, Implement requirements for vehicle Classical biological Use truck or tractor or hoeing. Care should be operation in buffelgrass-infested control agents are spray equipment. taken to remove the whole root areas and for reporting infestations currently unavailable Wash underneath mass to prevent re-sprouting. along roadsides. for use but are being vehicle after spraying Transport dug-up buffelgrass researched. to prevent spread. Revisit treated sites after rain to in plastic bags to sanitary remove new buffelgrass seedlings landfill or leave plants onsite and previously unnoticed plants. by either (1) using “pile-and- rock” method, or (2) spreading Gravel and other road materials them over the disturbed soil and transported into uninfested
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