NEW BRITAIN DAILY HERALD, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1930. the report, is whether the shot that ICHRISTY killed Grimm was fired from inside IMPERIAL PARLEY or outside of the I. W. W. hall. It 32-I- UNBLEACHED was established, the churchman CURTAIN MATERIAL out- MUSLIN said, that the shot came from Cross Bar NEW I Good Fine if- side the building. CONSIJMIFF Quality "The crime," the report states, Suitable for mat- - M M Q and Marquisette "was not premeditated and was tress covers and f (4 white or cream committed under decidedly extenu- ol with checked and JTakes ol Newly Formed Delegates Told No Repeal many household Charge ating circumstances, in the light of lY coolred borders. which the sentences seem very uses. yd. Fleet --Preferences at Present j Training severe." BASEMENT BASEMENT The six men are serving from 5 t to' 40 years each. 219 MAIN STREET Ik "Washington, Oct. 14 W) Rear London, Oct. 14 UP) The imperial J Admiral Harley H. Christy, com-- i conference yesterday got down to Jmnader of batteship division four of business on the subject of ITmpire or-- MARINES TO CUT in- I battle fleet, yesterday was 1 trade. The British government to take command of the new-j""-ly formed heads of delegations that Master Event no of Bargain to op-- I there would be Empire Wednesday's Featuring formed training squadron repeal erate on the Atlantic seaboard. preferences unless some time in the it a of J IE. Admiral Luke McNamee, dl- - future there occurred repeal Rear these TT rector of the fleet training division, the general tariff carrying A TTft A preferences. mi mTnnTr J 'twill succeed Admiral Christy as n Ex- cus- rc I commander of division Leathernecks Close Ranks Where Britain has imposed battleship toms a h ""four. Admiral Frank H. tariffs carrying British pref- Rear Clark, will 1 - will to Men erence, she retain t(e British member of the general board, cept im- McNamee's preferences. But this does not rtake Admiral post. is The new was ply that the labor government training squadron to maintain the duties. If , formed to permit the scouting fleet Washington, Oct. 14 0W The pledged in- any such duties are repealed the to carry on its maneuvers without marine corps, like the navy, has ? will go with them. interference. It will be used for mid-- j stituted a personnel retrenchment preferences WW ""ahiDmen and naval reserve cruises in line with President William Graham, president of the program British board of is Schulte's which in other words ,,and will attend celebrations along Hoover's request to effect economies trade, yesterday FOLKS! Tomorrow Red Star Day at means that east coast. in the enlisted of 18,000 laid before the conference of pre- "the personnel of Brtiish - or several hundred. miers a number sugges- out for record business. Every- head has received orders from The squadron will consist tne by tions to we're a day's department ' sus- supplemental the question r battleships Arkansas and Wyoming New enlistments have been of tariffs for improving divisions 47 and 48. effective this month. preferential for this to the limit and costs and destroyer pended intra-Empi- trade. These sugges- headquarters (especially Wednesday) go forget profits "cumbering eight craft. are to be continued, tions covered: wm De the men enroll merchandise The battlesnip Wyoming however, provided 1. Import boards. the of New Britain timely and desirable and you'll crowd the store ' until re-- ,i within three months. give people temporary flagship 2. Bulk purchase plans. ! placed by the light cruiser Augusta, "The marine corps does not plan 3. The system limits. Come tomorrow and see how have ' News, Va. quota purchase. to its they responded now building at Newport to turn out any of the present men," 4. The possibility of negotiating ' Ham-- , Five destroyers, the Claxton, it waa announced. It was added, trade between Britain Hilton. Wiekes. PhiliD and now agreements IN DEPARTMENT Evans, however, that the only way in which and the Dominions similar to the LOOK FOR THE RED STARismSPECIALS EVERY . "n''.Va- the battle fleet on the west economies could be effected was between Britain and the Z - agreement coast, will Join the training squad-- through a decrease in personnel. Argentine. THEY ARE YOUR GUIDE TO GREATER SAVINGS! In after stop-pin- g ron Hampton Roads, The navy department announced 6. Empire rationalization with al- at the Canal Zone and Corinto, last week it would slow up its location of 2 4 om-- . production. MEN'S WORK i. Nicaragua, to take aboard normal recruiting by 200 men a BERETS cers and 236 men serving in Nicar-- month for two years. with the American electoral SOCKS TO CLOSE OUT c"agua WEEKLY TABLOID j commission. Yds. THREE DIE IN PIECE GOODS TO LAUDHOOVER pr. 20,000 9 cotton hose. Good serviceable AH Desirable Materials . Suitable Ap- A final clearance of all our rayon 10 to 11 . Perfect for Making Wearing PLANE Sizes wool and chenille berets as- MM MAIN FLO OS parel and Home Fixings. SEE WHAT YOU SAVE! sorted shades. SENTENCESEVERE G. i 0. P. Bureau Will Issue MAIN FLOOR! Killed in Jesuit, Priest and Pilot Administration Paper CHILDREN'S SPORT F Protestants, Catholics and Jews Alaskan Crash HOSE BOYS' CHAMBRAY Oct. 14 A W. W. Washington, (UP) SHIRTS Probe I. Killing weekly tabloid journal dealing with Kotzebue, Alaska, Oct. 14 P The government affairs from the admin- Marquette, an airplane dedicated to istration standpoint will make its pr. New Oct. 14 The service in took 22three-quart- York, (UP) missionary Alaska appearance as an addition- Child's length of Saturday sentences which six members two Catholic priests and a noted al republican campaign weapon. sport hose; mercerized; jacquard the I. W. W. are serving in Walla nothern aviator to their deaths While the republican national and fancy patterns; contrasting An odd lot of boys' "Amoskeag" . Walla, Wash., for the killing of when it fell during a test flight committee was understood today to cuffs. Sizes 7 to 11. chambray shirts sizes 12 to 14. O. were Warren Grimm character- here. be sponsoring the journal, its financ- MAIN FLOOR Look a great deal more. ized as "very severe" yesterday by The Rev. Phillip I. Delon, head ing was said to have been arranged MAIN FLOOR a group of churchmen who were re- of the Jesuit missions in Alaska, the by a group of President Hoover's quested to investigate the case. Rev. William F. Walh of the Kotze- close friends. Distribution on a na effort of The report is the Joint bue mission, and Ralph Wien, tional scale of some 75,000 copies LADIES' MERCERIZED T ' of the In this lot will find . EXTRA the research department Alaska pilot, died in the crash. weekly was planned to continue at you Xfwyls LADIES' SIZE Federal Council of Churches, the Witnesses said the a six least elec- HOSE plane, through the November TWEEDS '' S A vast assortment of social action department of the passenger cabin ship, plunged to tions, and possibly indefinitely. Z BLOOMERS Welfare Council " ' National Catholic earth when the motfor stalled. The David Henshaw of New York, for- GINGHAMS ' High Grade and the social justice department of accident occurred at the local air- with 7mSi ' merly associated republican the Central Conference of American port Sunday. publicity, is the .editor. The tabloid 211c pr. BROADCLOTHS PERCALES Rabbis. were to was blessed at cere- full They requested The plane will be printed here as "Washington, Splendid quality length 1 case 1 investigate the by church monies at Roosevelt Field, N. Y., a Journal of Information and Opin- -, newest shades mock seams. PERCALES 1 r ISm BROADCLOTHS fin- Choice of crepe or sateen - bodies in the state of Washington. several weeks ago by the Right Rev. ion." MAIN FLOOR re- com. Materials A s and SHIRTINGS ished with flat lock and Grimm, an American Legion Joseph R. Crimont, bishop of Alaska Articles by William Allen White, Honestly h. seams. was killed on Armistice was inforced mander, and then piloted by easy stages the Kansas editor, and Will Irwin, kbI SECOND FLOOR Worth to 25c Yard Worth to 35c Yard Day, 1919, at Centralia, Wash. The to Seattle, where it was shipped to Hoover biographer, have been re- up k jBk up , reviews the clash between Alaska for the use of ceived first issue. INFANTS' OILCLOTH lA report missionaries for the the and members of the visiting widely scattered settlements : I. W. W., and the lynching of We- of the far north. It was to have Passports issued by the American BIBS 32-O- Z. BOTTLE OF sley Everest, an I. W. W. member. been stationed at Holy Cross, 300 government are valid for a period of The crux of the case, according to. miles up the Yukon river from here. two years. ' " il CEDAR OIL 1 i Jt' b Cunning little oilcloth bibs or Sr daintily lithographed pink blue bindings. 2 SECOND FLOOR Cleans, polishes and protect! A fine buy. BASEMENT WED. .yd-Bjff- fl WED. INFANTS' RUBBER STAIR FLANNEL WEAR QTAD fi'i","1",, of fine TAR TREADS I P " fl ' " k PRINTED P'lS U Mil j ( Slice 22 each An assortment of night gowns, Ai m worth to 50c Yard jackets, kimonos and gertrudes uj6Cld! c fi Jlh ,,p uPBCIui Corrugated rubber stair treads. made of fine flannelette blue or TfiP Size 7x18. pink trimming. ON SALE IN THE BASEMENT BASEMENT AAecoD SECOND FLOOR tf o JjL "BRILLO" ALUMINUM INFANTS' FINE SOAP RIBBED HOSE SPECIALS IN OUR Eating the Formers' cake C yL 3 lid pr.
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