Fjje- PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Mancberter, Conn., Fri., Dec. 1, 1972 South W indsor The Weather Cloudy tonight and Sunday with South Windsor South Windsor a chance of occasional know iiattirtfpatpr I and lo w e r s late tonight and Road Topic Sunday morning. Lows ton i^ t School Board Names in the upper 20s; highs Suntay Of Council^ ____________j Ad Hoc Committees Mayor Needs Sponsor MANCHESTER — A City o f Village Charm in the low to mid 40s. M a n c h e s t e r , c o n n ., Sa t u r d a y . d e c e Mb e r a law v o l . xcn. No. 53 At a workshop session of the SIXTEEN PAGES — 2 TV — 2 MINI PAGES PRICE FIFIEEN CEVW Town Council Wednesday ni|^t The evaluation committee Mayor Alzraham Glaaaman Residents interested in Bar. H i. Williams at 888- the widening of Rd. BARBARA VARRICK aasigned to review the Booze, does not have a sponaOT as yet 1.1..., >. ,b. was discussed. CoiTMpondent Allen, Hamilton study report for bis participation in the dQDGTlATlOKS Mayor Abraham Classman Tel. 644-8274 a n d make specific “ Walk tar Hunger” on Sunday, Hungw” are asked to contact Blvd. said the council la in agreement The Board of Education has recom moidatioas for board ac­ which will begin at 12:30 p.m. that the specifications of the listed the names of members tion ia divided into specific at the Wapping Community When O.C. was a boy, the land Ferris property in the comer of state highway department to assigned to Ad Hoc committees categories. Church, Eliinigtoo Rd. Kitiqr says: 'Ihosnbsr is a wstMarfiii tiM la on the west side of Main St. was the Main St. and Oak St. widen the road to 44 feet of of the board for the period of The walk is being organized inia M pet 9 i beaatiM M t basftat Irish Poised For IRA Showdown higher than m the east side all sidewalks. It had to be paved road, with a total of 60 November 1972 through 1. Organization and ad­ by all churches in South for a laved one.” the way from Forest St. to sacrificed when the buildings foot right of way, waa ioo November 1973. ministrative staff for office ser­ Windsor and wUl benefit CROP, OMCHAHD n w a a - Mm «, CofUanda, Bad and OaMaa PaBalaiw, Center St. As the business were changed. severe. On the personnel policies vice: Petersen, Mrs. Decker the C(Hnmnnity Hunger AjqiMl Terror’Bombings Melt Opposition center of the town devekq>ed, The older wooden store Cost estimates for work to be committee, formed to negotiate and C!ohen. of the CSiurch WorM Service.' NATiviiAaamaadi VNd SNaaca^ Baalao LaMaaa^ 1 the west side has been cut down building was moved to the east done on the road and to widen it with administrators, teachers, The way it works, each Tandpa, Malglani U Uaka, Ctiany Taaadaaa, O and east side filled until the end of the property and turned to 25 feet were presmted to the secretaries, nurses and 2. Financial-PPBS elec­ walker is sponsored by a South DUBLIN (AP) - The Irish two men and injuring more party legislators, who had led foreshadowed a quick roundup terrain has little to suggest how to face Oak St. The m o v o ’ was council by Towh . Manager custodians regarding salary, tronic data processing: DeRosa Windsor citizen or a gro<9 of government was poised for a than 70 civilians and police. the opposition, abstained. of IRA suspecta and a test of showdown with the Irish it formerly hxdced. a Mr. Blinn from Rockville. He Terry Spenkel and Town fringe benefits, and conditions and Kupchunos. citizens, or a buslhezs nwSH] HanaydaM, Baaa and V An|au Baafa, Bad, WMla and Maa Despite an immediate IRA Lynch planned to hustle the the new legislation before Going north from Brainard had lost (Mie hand and the end of Engineer Emil Lucek, and of employment are David establishment, who pledge a Saapaa, Bntaiiuria lM, Banknmana, Napwlad ttunkiaM, Hnupalaa, Republican Army today after denial of responsibility for the bill — which throws on IRA special courts. n . there was a row of large his wrist was covered with a came near the range of |140,- Cohen, chairman: Mrs. Cile 3 . Imput to board regarding certain amount of money for Oataa, n pa, Umaa, Tanaartnaa. terror bombings in the heart of explosions, opposition to the suspects the onus of proving Lynch acted because of the BUY ONI OB A OOZBN AND PICK OUT VOUB OWM trees in the highway. The heaw cap of sole leather. 000, Glaasman said. Decker, Robert DeRosa and board policy: Arnold and Mrs. each mile completed by the Dublin melted opposition to legislation of Prime Minister their innocence — through the governm ent’s difficu lty in Rossi. widest and most used part of O.C. remembers seeing him Glaasman said it was his Fred D^lacomo. walker. WEEKEND SPECIALS controversial new antiguerrilla Jack Lynch’s Fianna Fail party senate for final approval. winning convictions against the the hif^ay was west of the using that stub to hammer feeling that spending that kind On the budget committee to Also participating in t ^ walk iCBBBRaLeTTUCE ............................... ..h d . 3t 8 laws. collapsed. The prime minister had talks IRA under the old 1939 Offenses 4. Food service: DeGiacomo The legislation was rushed The new laws were approved trees ta t t h m was a driveable blocks and rollers around under of money for 25 feet of road was establish a 1972-73 budget for and Berghuls. will be Police Chief John TANQBRINBS .................... d08. MO with police and army chiefs Against the State Act, which is road <m the east side of them. the building. Also interesting to foolish and a request was made presentation to the full brard is Kerrigan, former Town Coun­ TOMATOB8 ..................................................lb. SS8 through parliament Friday only in the lower chamber by 70 almost immediately after the amended' by the new three hoiirs after two powerful votes to 23 — a government That roadway and sidewalk on watch was the horse w all^ for additional cost estimates Mrs. Cile Decker, chairman; 5. Purchasing and joint cilman Robert Sills, Deputy CALIFORNIACAULIFLOWBR ............. ...h d . 888 crucial vote. Observers in legislation. bombs exploded in cars, killing majority of 27. Most Fine Gael the east was much lower than around the capstan that was for a SO-foot road. He indicated James Arnold, A^garet Rossi, service arrangements: (3ohen Mayor Robert Smith, and Town CALIFORNIA BROCCOLI .................... bunch 48o Dublin believed this In their denial statement, the the part to the west. Forashort anchored by driving large the 30-foot surface with a right Robert DeRosa, Donald and Berghuls. Coimcilmen Leonard Sorosiak VnTBRWMiaWIIHS mXMS OFR IRA Provisionals said the dlstimce about Pearl St. the stakes into tta gravel road on of way would produce a better Berghuls, Richard Kupchunos and JohnJfitchell. explosions “ obviously were the east side rose high enough to Oak St. And the man sitting road and would better handle and Vernon Peterson. 6. C u stod ia l and Chalrnum of the event is the work of either British army maintenance: Mrs. Decker and We Can y The Bbitolieeter BvenlBt HMald require no filling. beneath the capstan-bar pulling the traffic needs ah»g the road Transportation, to establish a Rev. Lloyd Williams o f the OOifPMTK UNE o r SmTOAY PAPES8 agents or one of the extreme .w Apollo 17 Launch May fv1 North of Pearl St. O.C. away the line as it came off at for a long period of time. written policy in the area of Petersen. Congregational Chtlrch o f South _____ WE 8M X, 560 OOWN. lAKrtKRY WCaaTO l loyalist groups in the North.” reniembers a two-family house the bottom. His job was to keep Previously the road was transportation to negotiate a Windsor. Money earned by The Protestant Ulster Defense with one half painted one color the feed-off fake taut enough to being considered for take-over new bus contract; to review Project Concern will be walkers will be used to help pay "THE w m force, a paramilitary group in and the other a quite prevrat the other coils surging by the state which would recommendations of the Booze, handled by Berghuls, (^pital for “ food, seed, fertilizer and Hinge On Negotiations Northern Ireland, denied any contrasting color. The off. maintain it after culvert work, Allen, Hamilton report, are Region Education Council by tools for hungry children in part in the blasts. ownership of the building was Mr. George Ferris left the bridge Tqwlr and surfacing was Berghuls, chairman; Arnold, mrare than 30 countries,” be The first bomb erupted Cohen, and insurance ■ nioSEeir CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) support-services contract last federal court Sunday on behalf divided between families that building and built the large done by South Windsor to bring Mrs. Rossi and DeGiacomo. said. outside Liffey's bar at Litarty m commission by DeGiacomo. 87B OAKLAND CKT., MANCHEBTER ~ BIMIBS — The Apollo 17 astronauts take year. of NASA’s request for a could not agree. The white home atop the hill on Pine St. It up to standard with state Hall, headquarters of the Irish to the air for proficiency runs in These employes — who write restraining order to head off a picket fence in front was un­ next to Arch St. The second labor unions. The front of the requirements for roads. jet planes today as legal historical and technical strike on grounds it would be a iform throughout its whole floor became two apartments tavern was demolished as Included in the state request o g .
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