A C C A D E M I A T O S C A N A D I S C I E N Z E E L E T T E R E « L A C O L O M B A R I A » « S T U D I » CXCIII GLI ALLEATI E LA RICOSTRUZIONE IN TOSCANA (1944-1945) DOCUMENTI ANGLO-AMERICANI II* a cura di ROGER ABSALOM F I R E N Z E L E O S . O L S C H K I E D I T O R E M M I ISBN 88 222 5022 2 INDICE ANALITICO AAI HQ, 50, 312, 323, 580 accommodation. See also requisitioning AC/ACC HQ, 71, 83, 85, 86, 91, 192, 413, ± Allied troops, 162, 170, 173, 176, 182, 185, 604, 633 574, 631 ± Agriculture Division, 177 ± refugees, 170, 298, 390, 569, 570, 571, 573, ± Coal Division, 280 574, 586, 588, 589, 562, 693 ± Civil Affairs Sub-Commission, 111, 121-2, ± shortage, 307, 381, 385, 505, 554, 558, 563, 320, 346, 707 568, 571, 665 ± Civil Censorship Group, 173, 176, 177, 182, ± war damage to, 444 202. See also censorship Action Party. See political parties ± Civil Labour Office, 298 administration. See communes; local govern- ± Directives, 121 ment ± Displaced Persons and Repatriation Sub- Africa, 400 Commission, 51, 181, 187 agriculture, 42, 48, 58, 64, 65-6, 71, 73, 113, ± Economics and Supply Division, 550, 551, 150-51, 157, 160, 164, 185-6, 204, 234, 559, 561, 564, 567, 574, 575 243, 254, 260-61, 265-6, 271, 286, 312, ± Finance Sub-Commission, 130 388, 399, 402, 405, 408, 422, 457, 686, ± Industry Sub-Commission, 203, 212-22 691, 701, 711. See also AMG, Agricultural ± Interior Sub-Commission, 79 Dept.; Consorzio Agrario; grain; livestock; ± Labour Sub-Commission, 186-7 olives; wheat; etc. ± liaison officers, 122, 123 ± Agricultural Institutes, 139, 467, 569, 594 ± Local Government Sub-Commission, 46, ± commissions, communal, 465, 467 111, 126, 343 ± committees, 360, 361 ± Local Resources Control Commission, 281 ± illegal practices, 180, 186, 260, 262, 310, ± Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives Sub- 402, 468 Commission, 484, 507, 513, 514, 525, 538, ± Inspectorate, 113, 473, 716-17 545 ± organisations, 716-17. See also SEPRAL ± Mining Division, 222-6 ± reports on, 463-76 ± Public Health Sub-Commission, 673 Agro Romano, 593 ± Public Safety Sub-Commission, 103, 135, air drops, 14, 15, 20, 684 141, 344, 575, 612, 633 air raid precautions, 230, 235, 276, 278, 333, ± Public Works Sub-Commission, 277 355, 609, 619, 625, 645. See also UNPA ± Refugee Sub-Commission, 165, 170 alabaster manufacture, 362, 691 ± Security Branch, 645 Albegna, 88 ± Transportation Branch, 178, 506, 507, 674 Alessandri, Maj., 403 ± Truck Battalion, 65 «Alessio» (partisan leader), 26 ± Weekly Bulletin, 154 Alexander, Field Marshal Sir Harold R., 5, ± Welfare Section, 75 165 Abbadia San Salvatore, 343 Allied Commission/Control Commission. See Abetone, 448, 472 AC/ACC Abetti, Prof. Giorgio, 580 Allied forces. See also Eighth Army; Fifth Abruzzi, 288 Army Ð 721 Ð INDICE ANALITICO ± arrival in Cortona, 684 294, 297-8, 405, 431, 456, 604, 632, 649, ± arrival in Montepulciano, 681-2 655, 665, 707 ± arrival in Pisa, 366-7 ± Economics and Supply Division, monthly ± arrival in Tuscany, 2 reports, 40, 468 ± Brazilian troops, 262, 378, 400, 649, 658-9, ± Education Division, monthly reports, 40, 52, 703 548-600 ± Canadian troops, 52, 563 ± Engineering Division, 40 ± control line, 169-70, 202, 320, 338, 351, 355 ± monthly reports, 479-82 ± conduct of troops, 7-8, 12, 46, 114, 262, ± Finance Sub-Commission, 61 266, 273, 293, 326, 336, 340, 353, 375, ± hand-over of territory to Italian government, 379, 382, 384, 419, 610, 623-4, 627, 636, 202-203, 274, 275, 284, 303, 307, 402, 406, 639, 658-9, 665, 711. See also black market; 408, 421, 524-5 crime; looting ± Industry and Commerce Department, ± AWOL, 251, 257, 658 monthly reports, 477-8 ± crime by, 235, 239, 244, 250, 267, 364, ± Legal Division, 643 380, 621, 643, 654, 658 ± Liaison Officers, 2, 15, 17-37, 44, 656. See ± murders by, 43, 607-608, 623, 659 also partisans, representatives ± rape by, 607, 621 ± military courts, 6, 81, 128, 141, 150, 174, ± conduct of coloured troops, 7, 57, 64, 230, 244, 299-300, 312, 317, 320, 327, 342, 273, 703, 705 345-6, 351, 358, 365, 389, 393, 400, 403, ± assaults on women, 230, 380, 439, 618, 442, 449, 618, 624, 639, 659 625-6, 631, 643, 649, 653, 658 ± numbers of cases, 143, 159, 255, 262, 267, ± crime by, 230, 626 274, 289, 337, 350, 353, 419, 454, 458, 617, 636 ± murders by, 255, 386-7, 607, 648-9, 664 ± sentences of, 110, 114, 180, 608 ± employment by. See labour; wages ± staffing shortages, 406, 409 ± French troops, 1, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 18, 297, ± Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives Sub- 439-40, 603-604, 607-608, 610, 614, 685 Commission, 547 ± Indian troops, 396, 626, 649 ± monthly reports, 483-530 ± Italian views of, 4, 6-7, 46, 57, 64, 146, 182, ± policy, 3, 21, 31, 35, 71, 72, 342 185, 297, 441, 610, 626, 636, 681-2, 684, ± problems arising when Allies leave, 200, 685-6, 703, 705, 710-11 270, 272, 409, 414, 614-15, 652, 660 ± numbers, 233, 243, 253, 377, 626 ± problems faced by on liberation of territory, ± Polish troops, 162, 167, 175, 184, 191, 711 2, 4-6, 716-17 ± South African troops, 20, 45, 162, 203, 635, ± Proclamations, 6, 300, 368, 450, 667, 716 681 ± re partisans, 26, 31, 33, 34, 610 Allied Military Government. See AMG ± re political activity, 10, 312, 346 allotments, 90, 326, 340, 441 ± re wages, 42 Allumiere, 18 ± violations of, 150, 250, 267, 298, 320, 360, Allies. See AC/ACC; Allied forces; AMG 383, 614 Altopascio, 557 ± Public Health Division, monthly reports, aluminium industry, 212 669-80 Ambra, 148 ± Public Safety Division, 645-6 Ambrosetti, Lt, 273 ± monthly reports, 605-67 ambulances, 250, 262, 267, 273, 368, 424, ± relations with civilian population, 3, 114, 443, 669, 671, 672, 674 117, 173, 206. See also public opinion AMG, 5, 96, 101, 102, 103, 147, 192, 315, ± relations with Italian government, 140, 309- 342, 414, 547, 584, 667-8, 672, 674, 697 10, 663 ± Agricultural Department, 58 ± Supply Division, monthly reports, 460-61 ± monthly reports, 463-76 «Amiata» partisan band, 9 ± Army Educational Corps, 711 amnesties, 300, 321 ± Army Signal Corps, 617 Amoroso, Lt Col., 605-606 ± civilian views of, 2, 4, 8, 10-11, 32, 275-6, Ampoli, 502 Ð 722 Ð INDICE ANALITICO anarchists, 46, 55, 56, 63, 631. See also politi- ± monthly reports, 146-7, 149-51, 153-4, 158- cal parties 66, 167-76, 177-88, 190-96, 201-207 Ancona, 50, 338, 355 ± partisan activity, 150, 162, 706 «Andrea» (partisan leader), 27 ± political activity, 150, 171-2, 183, 191-2, Andrews, Maj. Stanley, 463-4, 468-9, 474-6 196-7, 201-202 Angelo, Giorgetti, 455 ± Prefect, 153, 159, 164, 168, 172, 191, 200, Angelo, Luigi, 455 538, 556, 706, 707 Angiolo, Liguri, 538 ± Provincial Commissioner, 311, 520 Ansaldo, Sig., 718 ± public health, 153, 157, 181, 187, 194, 205 Anselmo, Lt O.R., 196-7, 200 ± public safety, 180, 187, 194, 204-205 anti-British feeling, 640 ± public works, 177-80, 187, 193-4, 204, 710 anti-fascist activities, 252, 303, 307, 334-5, ± Questura, 159 337, 344-7, 354, 358, 360, 378, 408, 409, ± refugees, 385 447, 631, 661, 688. See also defascistisation; ± repairs to monuments etc., 485, 488, 490, epuration; partisans, activities against fas- 493, 495, 496-7, 503, 507-508, 510, 513- cists 14, 516, 521-2, 524-5, 528 anti-fascist feeling, 142, 359, 363, 682 ± report on, 706-12 anti-monarchist feeling, 3, 87, 127, 136, 687, ± Sindaci, 153, 162, 163, 164, 172, 179, 186, 688, 691, 714, 715 706, 707, 708 Antichi, Enrico, 371 ± Sitreps, 157-8 Antignano, 267, 272 aristocrats, 707 Antonucci, Sig., 191-2 Armistice (Italian), 18, 22, 683 Anzio, 48 armed robbery, 49, 55, 59, 74, 143, 187, 321, apathy, political, 46, 56, 63, 64, 109, 116, 120, 623, 631, 635, 642-3, 646, 647-8, 653, 658, 383, 401, 456, 644, 703, 705 663, 664 Apennine Civil Labour Force, No 1, 53-4 arms. See firearms; partisans Apennines, 39 Army, Allied. See Allied forces Appleton, Lt Col. W.E., 289 Army Medical Services, 68 Apuania province, 50, 68, 449, 458-9 Army property, illegal possession of, 59, 133- ± monthly reports, 456-60 4, 141-2, 144, 159, 255, 262, 267, 385, ± repairs to monuments etc., 486, 491, 492, 386, 389, 393, 396, 403, 454, 607, 617, 499, 504-505, 512, 517, 524, 529, 530 622, 642 aqueducts, 67, 74, 277, 368, 432, 479, 480, Arndt, Lt Edward D., 639 616, 696 «Arno Partisan Brigade», 697 archives, 302, 485, 501, 531-47, 571, 545 arrests. ± ecclesiastical, 532, 534-5, 541, 542, 543 ± by Allies, 235, 244, 250, 252, 255, 259, 267 ± local, 533, 542 ± by military police, 443 ± modern, 532-3 ± of Fascists, 342-3, 344-5, 352, 447, 617 ± notarile, 532, 534 Argentario, 105 ± state, 533-4, 538-9, 540-41, 542-3, 545, 456 art treasures. See also monuments Arcidosso, 145 ± collections, 483, 504 Ardenza, 234 ± galleries, 490-91, 516, 522, 526 Arduino, Sig., 351 ± removal for safety, 483, 485, 496, 516-17, Arezzo, city, 149, 165, 169, 205, 207, 710-11 694 ± archives, 538, 544, 545 ± works, 40, 490-91, 492, 494, 498, 502, 507, Arezzo, province, 484 511-12, 520 ± agriculture, 150-51, 154, 157, 160, 164, 185- Asciano, 338, 355, 356, 368 6, 204, 710, 711 Associazione degli Agricoltori, 183 ± CLN, 146, 150, 153, 165, 167-8, 191-2, 706, asylums, 360, 431, 432, 435, 437 707, 712 Auld, Miss, 194 ± education, 555-6, 562, 571, 578, 593-5 «Avanti».
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