![Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2002 No. 81 House of Representatives The House met at 10:30 a.m. and was The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- ing is because of my concern about the called to order by the Speaker pro tem- tleman from New Jersey has the floor Republican leadership effort to bring pore (Mr. PENCE). for 5 minutes and may yield. up their prescription drug bill today in f f the Committee on Energy and Com- merce and in the Committee on Ways DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO GOP PRESCRIPTION DRUG PLAN and Means. I have said many times TEMPORE The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- that I am glad that the Republican The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ant to the order of the House of Janu- leadership is finally willing to bring up fore the House the following commu- ary 23, 2002, the gentleman from New a bill; however, it is quite clear that nication from the Speaker: Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) is recognized their legislation does nothing more during morning hour debates for 5 min- WASHINGTON, DC, than throw some money to private in- June 18, 2002. utes. surance companies in the hope that I hereby appoint the Honorable MIKE Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield they will provide some sort of prescrip- PENCE to act as Speaker pro tempore on this to the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. tion drug benefit. And I am very con- day. ROS-LEHTINEN). cerned that, unlike the Democratic J. DENNIS HASTERT, RECOGNITION OF ANTHONY ZECCA proposal which provides for a guaran- Speaker of the House of Representatives. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I teed Medicare benefit, 80 percent of f thank the gentleman from New Jersey which is being paid for by the Federal MORNING HOUR DEBATES for his kindness in yielding. Government, and which brings down I would like to recognize Anthony costs by giving the power to the Sec- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Zecca on his retirement as chief of po- retary of the Department of Health and ant to the order of the House of Janu- lice for the Miccosukee Tribe of Indi- Human Services to have 30 or 40 mil- ary 23, 2002, the Chair will now recog- ans. Chief Zecca has been a pillar of lion seniors who can now negotiate nize Members from lists submitted by strength and trust for his community lower drug prices, this is what we need. the majority and minority leaders for and has provided assistance and protec- Democrats are proposing a Medicare morning hour debates. The Chair will tion for all. His leadership as a law en- benefit, a guaranteed benefit, 80 per- alternate recognition between the par- forcement officer over the last 45 years cent paid for by the Federal Govern- ties, with each party limited to not to has earned him respect and admiration ment, just like what we have now for exceed 30 minutes, and each Member, from his community. part B of Medicare that covers your except the majority leader, the minor- Chief Zecca began his career as a po- doctor bills. ity leader, or the minority whip, lim- lice officer with the New York Police What the Republicans are proposing ited to not to exceed 5 minutes. Department and came to the and bringing up in committee today The Chair recognizes the gentleman Miccosukee Tribe in 1976. Within a year and tomorrow is a sham. It is nothing from New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) for 5 he was promoted to lieutenant and was more than an effort to try to convince minutes. appointed chief of police in 1978. the American people that somehow f Please join me in recognizing Chief they are going to provide a benefit that Anthony G. Zecca for the commendable will not exist. It is illusory because it REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE service he has provided and for his is nothing more than giving money to FOR ONE MINUTE commitment to the south Florida com- private insurance companies without Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, the gen- munity. And I thank the gentleman any guaranteed benefit, without any tlewoman from Florida would like to from New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE), and I Medicare benefit, and without any cost ask unanimous consent to do a 1- know that he knows the Miccosukee control. minute. Tribe very well and knows Chief Zecca. But I have said over and over again The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I thank that Members do not have to take my Chair cannot entertain a 1-minute re- the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. word for it. In the last few weeks, com- quest at this time. ROS-LEHTINEN). I met the chief on one mentators in the New York Times and Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Could I ask the occasion when I went down there with various media around the country have gentleman to yield a minute of his the gentlewoman’s husband, and he is pointed out rather dramatically that time? really an outstanding individual. the Republican proposal will not work, Mr. PALLONE. Can she not take 5 Let me say, Mr. Speaker, that the that it is designed for failure, and if I minutes ahead of me? reason that I am in the well this morn- could just use a couple of quotes to b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3605 . VerDate 11-MAY-2000 23:54 Jun 18, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JN7.000 pfrm09 PsN: H18PT1 H3606 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 18, 2002 point that out, in Sunday’s New York RECOGNITION OF TEACHERS OF Over the years, the United States has Times there was an article by Robert THE YEAR rightly entered into tax treaties with Pear, and it says, and I want to quote The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- countries around the world to avoid a few sections, under the Republican ant to the order of the House of Janu- taxing the same income twice for their proposal, ‘‘Medicare would pay sub- ary 23, 2002, the gentleman from Texas businesses, as well as for ours. These sidies to private entities to offer insur- (Mr. SAM JOHNSON) is recognized during treaties are so broadly worded, how- ance covering the costs of prescription morning hour debates for 5 minutes. ever, that some corporations can ex- drugs. Such ‘drug only’ insurance does Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. ploit them to evade taxes not just on not exist and many private insurers Speaker, I hate to hear them talking their foreign earnings, but on what doubt whether they could offer it at an about drugs this early in the morning, they earn right here at home. affordable price.’’ because the Republican plan will work. These corporations use gaps in the A quote: ‘‘I am very skeptical that We believe in democracy and free en- tax treaties to shift U.S. earnings ‘drug only’ private plans would de- terprise, and that is how it is going to abroad to countries like the Barbados velop,’’ said Bill Gradison, a former work. or Luxembourg that impose little or no Congressman who was president of the Mr. Speaker, we have good teachers tax. This income vanishing act occurs Health Insurance Association of Amer- and we have great teachers, and it is an through the creation of affiliated for- ica from 1993 to 1998. honor to bring to my colleagues’ atten- eign shell corporations that make The insurance companies themselves tion distinguished teachers from the high-interest loans or obtain hefty roy- are telling the Republican leadership Third Congressional District of Texas. alty fees from the American compa- that these drug-only policies will not I am pleased to recognize these recipi- nies. To stop this abuse, today I am intro- work. They will not be offered. It is a ents of the Teacher of the Year Award, ducing the ‘‘No Tax Breaks for Cor- hoax on the American people and on who enable our students to understand porations Renouncing America Act.’’ our seniors to suggest that somehow and learn from each other and strive to This abuse results from the broad way this Republican bill is going to provide achieve their goals. in which our tax treaties test foreign a benefit. It will not provide a benefit. Great teachers nurture our country’s ownership and residency. Before Nobody is even going to offer the ben- best hope for tomorrow: our children. globalization, one could assume that a efit. Children may be a fraction of our soci- company with stock listed on the stock Today in the New York Times, an ety, but they are 100 percent of our fu- exchange was a company from one of opinion piece by Paul Krugman, who is ture. The perseverance and dedication the countries with which it was listed, a regular contributor to the New York of our teachers challenge and shape but that is no longer the case. My leg- Times, says essentially the same thing. students to dream, to work, to make islation, by narrowing the provision, I just want to quote a couple of sec- those dreams come true. ensures that tax treaties are used only tions.
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