• • -, .....,.-_ ~_...-- -F..., -.__t ..-- --- .. ---- --- -- , , _P""lP_.__ ""I,P"i , ""I''"''', $ ,~ .. P , .. ~.,-- S $,IJ!I( •• AI the News of AI th•. Pointes Every Thurscl.y Morning ross~ ~ws Complete .News Coverage of A.II the Pointes Home of the NetDf ----_._------------------_.- ----_.-----------------------------_.-._---- - -------------- 20c h, Copy VOL. 37-NO. 37 GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1976 $'.00 PI' v.. , 26 Pages-Two Sections-Plus Supplement HEADLINES Schools Hold Orientation for New Teachers iPointe Officials Plan 'Tote of the To Act on WEEK View Proposals Possibility As Compiled by tbe Grosse Pointe News However, Board Has Different View on OnDrinking Age Status of Negoti. Thursday, September 2 ations; Bargain- OHIO CON G RES S MAN Most or Move to Increase Consumption of ing Continues Wayne Hays resigned from Fa... Alcoholic Beverages Back to Pros Congress Wednesday with a 21; By Sll~al\ McDonald brief, Doa polo g ie s letter. and Cons of Topic Discussed Hays, ruined politically by Grosse Pointe Educa- Elizabeth Ray's allegations By George Polgar Jr, tion Association, (GPEA), he maintained her as his Four years ago a wave of enthusiasm about officials called for a tress on the public pay. giving younger people the opportunity to assume teacher strike at a Tues- • bowed out of a 2B-year the rights and responsibilities of adulthood became day, September 7, meet- " er that saw him reach .a reality in a State legislative package granting full ing of their membership, ipinnacle of congressional 'er. The resignation was legal status to 18-year-olds, Now a similar wave of calling the latest Board ast move in the step.by. emotion may reclaim one cf the most critical rights of Education contract destruction of Hays' con. included in that package, the right of 18-year-olds proposals a threat to the onal power and seemed to buy and consume alcoholic beverages. very viability. of their in to stop cold the House Citing alarming traffic sta. ----------- union. Committee's planned tistics of alcohol.related mis. Teachers were ..'::lcduled haps in the 18.21 age group, tigation of the Hays. GPW Police, to vote on the Issue eithcr affair. ' and reports oi disciplinary Wednesday nlghtor Thursday problems in high schools morning, September 8 or 9, linked to alcohol abuse, the City View according to GPEA President .Friday, September 3 staff of the Office of Sub . Doris Cook. Sixty-five pcr. stance Abu s e Services, cent of the membership must ATE AT'l'ORNEY GEN. (OSAS), of the Michigan De. Nelv Pact approve the strike before L Frank Kelley filed suit partment of Public Health teachers walk out. sday to stop a small, submitted a recommendation Negotiations Continue After 34 hours o( media. 'l public school district which 'Supports legisl8t1on to tlon 'sessions logged over the Between Both Sides; uthern Hillsdale County change the legal drinking Labor Day weekend, GPEA allowing religious in. New teacher orientation for the 1976-77 year physics at outh High S c h 0 0 1 ;. SANDRA age from 18 to 19 to its Ad. Each Hop e s for Executive Director Al Gaiss tlon in school duritlg was held on Thursday, september 2, for 17 new- BRACCI, art at Brownell; DR. WI L L I AM visory Commission. Settlement Soon concluded, "We are in a bat., room hours. The suit comers to the professional staff of the Grosse COATS, superintendent of schools; and GER- The commission vo~ed 5.1 tie to hold on lo the very ba. st the Camden.Frontier Pointe Public School System, Those participating . ALD HOPP, art at Parcells. (See story, Page 12). against the propos-a I saying By Roger A. Waha sics of our contract language. I District marks the that the evidence presented It Is now a quc-stion of wheth. time in recent history included, (from left to right), MARK DAVIDS, in favor of the change was Negotiations, which be- er or not we will continue to I.' the State has gone to not' conclusive. The lone dls. gan early this summer, be a viable association." t to prevent religious Woman. Propose'd School Tt.,o Woods senting vote in that declsion are continuing between Unanimous Decision . raming in public schools, C.,:ty Budget " W8S cast by Michigan Ap. representatives of the The GPEA executive board 'C 0 r d.l n B to a Michigan peals Court Judge George Grosse Pointe Woods Po. reached the unanimous deci. i' ,.rd. of Education official Killed in Incorpor. ales New Concept B.E's Have Bashara, of The Woods. lice Officers Association, 'sion to call for a strike on "~."'. e outcome of the suit could Tura Stat. Arouad (GPWPOA), and the city Tuesday morning, after 19 ve far.reaching implica. - L - I A fAt. S- -la MO The OSAS staff recommen. towards an agreement 'Straight hours of talks with ns, since at least two dozen o. a dation is being submitted to which wUl affect 38 of. the Board team and mediator A Ut0 M lSnup n rea 0,. .c.c unm r,ml,T Richard Terepin of the Mich. atea are lootctl!l for lIIayi - __ '"' ~ Gov. W.uu.m MUllken over fi i 1 di h' stlrt the 1963 U.S. supreme igan EmplD)'ment Relation,S ..'~ L: . WIS P.s.anger IOn Comn.ririg Figure •. fOr i97l.-.. 17 SthooJ YHr ..with -.~ ............".."~- '-, .the"lIeclsionofthe Advsory cers, (nc u ng t ree . urt ban on school prayer .. Sne .. ... r- O.t.dive 8ur •• u Inve.. CommilDJq;s" , ,corporals'. -,' Comm .... loa. ~ ' .. .~ Auto'Whif!l~W..s.Struck. ,.1hoseof The Past WiDer •• teConfusion tig~t.s Judge Buhar. strongly Both sJdes arebopeluJ that superJAtendellt olSeIlooJs ,/:.:.l't • 'i '" Ni9~ttifn.Vis. Broads,ide b,'y A. nothe," ' .. 8ec'ui'-ofDifferen..tApprolch it,s.by . Thi,tn' W~o supports the change In the a .etUernent can'bereacbeCl Df, WUUam. CoallS h.d a . ,~ aturday, September ,,-~--~-- drinking age and suggest$ soon but at this point in more opHm.lstlc view of the . Vehicle By Susan McDonald Takes Only Money th.t the counter' arguments lime Ws difficult to s.y when progres. made over t4e La. E VIKING 2 LANDER Public school budget-watchers may have a very oUered by the Licensed Bev. that will be. bor Day weekend. In a,oIlate, n Mars but communica. A Brooklyn, N. Y., rough time following the accounts at this year's Two breaking and en. erage Assoc. are s j m ply Officer M i c h a e I VanDe. ment hsued Septembe-r 7 he stated, "Blrg.lnlng te.ms problems between earth man was arraigned on hearing, scheduled for Monday, September at tering incidents, which manipulations of the statis. Glnste, pre sid e n t of the 13, for both sides are to be com. the Viking 2 orbiter, 228 charges of manslaugh- 8 p.m. in the South High School Auditorium. feature a similar method tics to make them agree with GPWPOA, stated Jt wa. hard on miles away, existed, t . Th C't M .. of operation (MO) have theIr purposes. to say when an agreement mended lor makiJig signlfl. ".orbiter oriented Its radio er In e 1 y umCl- The reason is a new ac- " '~The Licensed Bever8ge wlll be reached, whlle indl. cant progress over the week. na away from the earth. pal Court on Monday, counting sYltem which school figures to those in the 1975. led Woods police to be- Assoc, Is the main opposition catlng hIs hope a settlement end. Ing the communication September 5, in connec- oUlcials warn wlll make a 76 bud get. for Instance, Heve the same suspect and they are using the same might become a reality with. "We are optimIstic that an 'Black and white pictures tion wit.h the auto death line.by.llne comparison of would Indicate a reduction of could readily be involved traffic statistics as the sup. In a couple of weeks. But he a,reement can be reached in received today and it of Karen Sue Keys, 33, this year's budget to past $2 million spent on lnstruc. in each. porters of the change," said added both sides weren't real time for the opening of . hop e d color pictures of 15118 St. Paul ave- budgets next to imposalble. tlon and an increase of T:1e incidents, both of which Judge Bashara. clole, and he hoped a further iSchools," ,d be coming through nue, on Friday, Septem. The new "program budget- almost $500,000 In admlnis. were reported. Friday, Au- "But they Ire turning the negotiating sesalon would be More negotiation seliSlons were tentatively scheduled Y. bel' 3. ary concept," implemented trative costs, gust 27, occurred during the statistics around a little and conducted this week. I for later Tuesday evenIng. ~ ~ .;. Police said the man, Tho- .iJl September 1975, Is aimed Those figures, though, are evening and/or early morn. Ihey are coming out quite Differences on Lenltb Union officials aireed there r mas F. Solbojun, 20, is cur. at giving administrators a misleading, according to Dr. ing hours and, In each case, differently, Instead of read. "We are hopeful we can Is a chance of settlement be. 5 rently being held in The City much more detailed look at Eddington, The decrease in only money was taken, One ing the Increase of IB.21.year- settle wIthout arbitration, No fore school opens, "We can jail in lieu of $10,000 per. the cost of specIfic programs, Instructional monies is due occurred at a Blalrmoor aIds involved in alcohol-re!at.
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