c-ntember 27, 1973 Page 5 FRIDAY — 8:00 P.M. SUBURBAN ' nuVATER AT SUDAN TODAr Eight Pages Vol. 2, No. 9 — Thursday, September 27, 1973 Ten Cents White's Open House Scheduled Sunday Frendship Drops Homecoming Game to White Stores, Inc. will unveil its new 246,000 square foot ware- Tulia by 20 - 14 Margin Friday Night house near Shallowater during open- house ceremonies from 1:35 to by Joe Kelly 5 p.m. Sunday, September 30, Jackie Howard Is A saddened homecoming crowd according to W. Dean Stewart, Homecoming Queen watched in disbelief and near heart failure as the fighting Tigers of President of the 650 store auto- Jackie Howard, Frenship Sopho- Frenship failed by inches to upset home merchandising operation. more was crowned Homecoming favored Tulia here Friday night. On hand along with Mr. Stewart Queen in pre-game activities at The seesaw game came down to at the ribbon cutting ceremony Tiger Stadium Friday night. Miss the final moments, with Frensh'ip will be Ray Park, Traffic Manager Howard is the daughter of Mrs. driving for the Hornets goal. But a and Supervisor of Warehousing for Marty Thorpe and was escorted fourth down effort fell short and Whites; Lucion Young, Personnel by Terry Hoppe, son of Mr. and Tulia escaped with a 20-14 victory. Manager; Emmett Coffelt, local Mrs. Carlos Hoppe. This week the Tigers travel to • • Whites Manager; officials of the Morton, where they hope they can kel% Crowning the queen was Fren- tZtt.'s ts..i'•r Lubbock Chamber of Commerce; pick up the momentum that was • ship Ex Donald Preston. Flower +1.), fpt %;:kt, and .other Lubbock and Shallo- blunted Friday night. - 74.1-' 41.,\ • t.,1. • •-••-- girl was Branda Preston, daughter water officials. The public is cor- Frenship touchdowns were • of Ex Weldon Preston and Mrs. scored by Davey Booher, on a dially invited. Preston. Crown bearer was William • 3-yard run, and Jay Depanion, who ;:.!:..ti,rtftig,..igAg41„::•,." z,) According to Mr. Stewart, the Wilkinson, son of Ex Mrs. Dona .: raced 60 yards for a touchdown. new facility, located in Shallowater Wilkinson. Shallowater's latest industry, Whites Stores, Inc. newest $2 million depanion also kicked both extra on Highway 84, was built at a Other class representatives were warehouse complex will be on display Sunday, September 30th from points for the Tigers. cost of approximately $2 million Senior, Kay Golleher, escorted by 1:30 until 5:00 p.m. when formal dedication, ribbon cutting and open The Tigers simply couldn't stop and will serve as a distributor Per Thomsen, foreign exchange house ceremonies will be observed. Shallowater officials, along with Rulia sophomore Raymond Wil- center for 110 stores in West student fromCopenhagen, Denmark. White Stores' officials and area dignitaries will be on hand to welcome liams, who notched all three Texas, New Mexico and Colorado. Junior, Nadine Schol fie Id, escorted Hornet scores. Williams went 15, 3 the public during the Sunday ceremonies. The center will ship a $20 million by Tony Brown and Alathea Schol- and 2 yards for the scores that inventory annually consisting of field, escorted by Weldon Brooks. gave Tulia the victory. Will Hutchins is Hayloft Dinner Theater Star over 10,000 items and will be In "Here Lies Jeremy Troy" Production using all the common carriers in the area. The new facility is ex- Laughing his way through an A native of Los Angeles he pected to employ 80 people. impossible situation is Will received a B.A. in speech and Hutchins in "Here Lies Jeremy drama from Pomona college. His The Shallowater warehouse will Troy", at the Hayloft Dinner first professional job was NBC be the sixth distributor center Theater. Matinee Theater. Then,'under a operated by the company with five year contract with Warner others presently located in Wichita Will Hutchins, who is probably Falls, San Antonio, and Lufkin, better known as Sugarfoot Bros., he starred in "Sugarfoot" Texas; Jackson, Mississippi; and originated the role of Jeremy for 4 years. During that time he Troy. He most recently complet- guested on "Cheyene", "77 Sunset Macon, Georgia. White Stores, Inc. ed a five month tour of the Strip", "Maverick", and other with home offices in Wichita Falls, country with Rudy Bros. Inter- Warner Bros. series. serves over 650 dealers in a 15- national Circus, as Patches the He played Woody the landlord state area. Clown. on NBC's "Hey, Landlord" for a year and recently completed "Magnum Force" starring Clint Plans Revealed Here for Miss Lubbock Eastwood, a sequel to "Dirty Scholarship Pageant on December 1st Harry", which will be released soon. The Lubbock Jaycees will again Jaycee Children's Christmas The play "Here Lies Jeremy sponsor this Miss Lubbock Shopping Tour for a local Troy" is a hilarious comedy about Scholarship Pageant to be held children's home." a young man who, by tampering December 1, 1973. This fact was The pageant is open to with the registrars records at announced Friday by Mr. Wayne members of all races, and to school, manages to graduate Hollingshead, president. young ladies between the ages of Suma Cum Laude from law school Hollingshed went on to state: 18 and 28 years as of Labor Day, without ever enrolling for a class. "We are again serving as 1973. As always, one lie leads to sponsors of the pageant since we Entry forms are now being another and Jeremy Troy's believe it provides a valuable taken and can be obtained by problems snowball as the play contribution to our community, writing Miss Lubbock Scholarship progresses. provides an official host to our Pageant, P.O. Box 1316, Lubbock, city, and focuses attention to the Call for reservations to this Texas 79408. high calibre of young ladies in our hilarious play now. PRE—GAME ACTIVITIES at Frenship last Friday night was the area. We believe it serves our crowning of the Homecoming Queen, Jackie Howard Her escort for the youth well because it provides ceremony was Terry Hoppe. Jackie is presented with her crown and young ladies a place in which to flowers by Donald Preston, Booster Club president, assisted by Branda compete in their respective areas Preston, flower girl and William Wilkinson, crown bearer. of training and the opportunity to tive office will remain in city hall, gain added poise and maturity through participation in such a but there will be no dispatcher or project. The publicity we have emergency capability maintained. ************ received through our Miss Lubbocks on a local, state, and A native of Slaton, Earl Ken- national level has. been invaluable drick joined the city force at to our fine city." Seagraves last week when he became director of works. Henry Thomas, Jerry Lane, the Jaycee Community Development Direc- long time city employee was named tor, added: "This will be a Morton and Cochran county water and sewer superintendent. community endeavor and we in will soon have a new and improved ************ Thirty-three of the best profes- the Lubbock Jaycees are hopeful law enforcement system as a re- that the community will partici- sional steer ropers in the county, sult of a meeting between city pate to insure its success by and county officials last week. The including eight world champions sponsoring contestant's, support- new system entails the movement and 32 of the nation's top cowboy ing our program advertising, of the city police dispatcher from and western artists will participate patronizing the pageant financial- city hall to the county sheriff's in the OS Ranch Benefit Steer ly, and attending the outstanding office in the courthouse where Roping and Art Exhibit on a ranch production on December 1. All of A familiar sight in West Texas these days, as farmers work to harvest personnel will be on duty on a 24 13 miles southeast of Post, Texas the ticket proceeds have been their grain crops. With prices at the elevator at all time highs, harvest at hour basis. The police administra- on Sept. 29-30. earmarked to finance the annual week's end should be nearing completion in many areas ay, eptember 27, 1973 overproduction and disaster prices does not appear to be great. Nevertheless there is a degree of Shallowater Area News I risk, particularly in view of the Personals Phoenix, Arizona visited with her market's dependence on foreign Mrs. Ray Puckett of Lindsey, mother, Mrs. Bob Adams and purchases," he adds. "And the .o. automobile industry has long stressed style, speed, power and California was a guest Friday in other relatives over the weekend. a comfortable ride in selling cars. Rather far down the priority list in sales Secretary is correct when he says the home of her niece, Mrs. Orville ************ the Government is accepting 'a publicity has been miles per gallon. Lowry and family. Wins At Fair Now the Environmental Protection Agency wants U.S. makers to list part' of that risk. But farmers too ************ Mr. John Young won first place will be accepting a great deal of prominently on all new cars the miles they go on a gallon of gasoline. The Mr. and Mrs. Kinsey Young left champion and reserve on Rhode risk, and the respective risks of EPA's interest is in reducing pollution through better milage (less Sunday for Arkansas to be at the Island red chickens that he entered each should be clearly understood." gasoline burned), which can be achieved by more efficient engines and bedside of a brother of Mr. Youngs the County Fair. For cotton, the Government lighter automobiles. who is seriously ill. ************ Considering the fact that some of today's personal luxury models get assumes a part of the risk under the ************ Hospital Notes 1974 farm program in two ways.
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