80 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. April 10, 1989 A HOMES [ g y ] HOMES APARTMENTS CONDOMINIUMS CARS CARS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HDFOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT IDlFURNITURE 1 ^ FOR SALE HD FOR SALE HD FOR SALE MANCHESTER. Bowers MANCHESTER.Three Wells Fargo: Four convicted, one deared... pages 4, 5 MANCHESTER. Large SOFA and loveseat. School district. Neat bedroom duplex Avail­ WOODEN swing set - JEEP 1977 CJ5, Four two bedroom town- Striped velvet. Loose wheel drive automatic ★ ★ Cape with three bed­ able May 1. $800.Secur- house. $660. per month. three place child life rooms, 1'/j baths, front back cushions. Excel­ JOE RILEY'S transmission. Low Ity and references. 649- Includes heat and hot lent condition. $400. set. Two extra sling DILLON FORD MANCHESTER. Colon­ to back living room. swings. $150. 649-0026. miles. Body and engine A 0856.________________ ial, six large rooms, water. Could be pur­ — 649-4467._____________ 319 Moln St., Manchester In excellent condition. Lawn and grounds chased for $92,900. with SCHWANN twelve speed oarage, I'A baths, have been professlon- MANCHESTER. Imme­ TWO,piece living room 88 "EXP" Coupe ‘7495 $4,000. 646-1319 after close to hospital and diate occupancy. Two little money down. 635- set. Good condition bike. Excellent condl- 88 Eicort "LX" H/B *7495 5:30pm. ally maintained. 6200.________________ tlon. 649-6840. $100. much more. Pristine Realty World, Benoit, bedroom In three fam­ with custom slip cov- 88 Escort "QL" H/B *7495 condition. $159,900. 646- 'Frechette Assoclotes, ily home. $600. plus MANCHESTER. Immac­ ers. Coll 646-0216. $110. TOP soil, very clean. $15. 88 Escort 4-Or H/B •4495 2787 or 647-7623. utilities. 646-3253. HONDA Prelude, 1983. 646-7709.O ulate two bedroom, 1 'h per yard, delivered. 87 Taurus "LX" Sedan •10495 Automatic, power bath townhouse. Air LOOKING FOR alow-cost Five yards minimum. “ HANDY-Man’s Spe­ MANCHESTER. Three way to communicate your 87 Taurus "QL" Wagon •10195 brakes, power steer­ cial" Over three acres CONDOMINIUMS bedroom apartment, conditioning, fully ap- , 282-0711.____________ 87 Escort "QL" H/B •5595 pllanced, hot water In­ advertising message? ing, A M /FM stero with of property go with this FOR SALE second floor, washer Call 643-2711 to place your 88 T-BIrd Coupe •8495 cassette, sport wheels, five room, three bed­ and dryer hookup, cluded. No pets. $795. od. per month. Security MISCELLANEOUS 89 Brand New Festiva •5795 sun roof, excellent con­ room Ranch In Tol­ available Imme- 86 LTD Brougham Sedan •5895 dition. 61K, $6,700. 647- SOUTH Windsor. Straw- required. 646-6439 or land. New furnace. dlately. $650. per FOR SALE 86 Mercury Sable "OS" •7495 1613.________________ Two fireplaces. Ap­ bridge. By owner. Out­ month. 649-8365.______ 649-1153. HD CARS 88 F-250 Rad •9295 Chevy Cavalier,l983, tour fEanrhpBtpr BpralJi proximately two acres standing two bedroom FOR SALE QUIET couple. Five 89 Probe LX Demo •12995 speed, runs good, are wooded, and one townhouse with pri­ rooms, first floor of END ROLLS acre has level lawn and vate deck and serene 84 Bronco II 4x4 •7295 $2,000. or best offer. two family. Two bed­ 27%" width — 25C OLDS Omega, 1980, V-6, 88 Ranger XLT •8995 646-8560. fruit trees. If you are pond view. Fireplace, rooms, with basement, 13" 2 for 254 stero. Needs minor en­ 87 FtSO S/S Pickup •9895 ambitious and handy, garage, full basement, appliances, yard, heat STORE AND width — gine work. Must sell 8t Escort 2-Dr •2995 then this Is the place for central air. Evenings and hot water. Security OFFICE SPACE Newsprint end rolls can be $350. 646-4851. ______ TRUCK8/VAN8 Tuesday, April 11, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents youM. Call Now I Ask­ 872-9577. pIcK^ up at the Manchester and references. $650. Herald ONLY before 11 a m. IDFOR 8ALE ing $139,900.Strano MANCHESTER. New list­ per month. Call 649- PONTIAC Grand ^r^Ix Real Estate, 647-7653.0 CENTER Street. Retail Monday through Thursday. 643-2145 ing! Spectacular town- 8855. and/or office space. Coupe. 26K. One of a TRUCKS and equipment BOLTON. Enloy the house with attached $500. per month. 646- kind. Immaculate. CUTLASS-S, 1972, 350 V-8. for sale. $15,000. 1986 country atmosphere of garage, central air, MANCHESTER. Second 3253.________________ CARS $6,999.Firm . Getting Good running condi­ dump truck, older pay- fhls three bedroom skylight, deck, base­ married. 643-9406 leave tion. $1,500. or best floor, 2 bedrooms, MANCHESTER. For FOR SALE message. loader. With business, ranch located on al­ ment and many up­ heat, and appliances. lease. 6,100 square feet, HD offer. 643-1720. $25,000. Call 643-9505. most five private grades. Elegant tile en­ No pets. $600 plus se- excellent retail space. Mulready, Sartor, Werbner top list acres. Features open try and low condo curlty. 646-3979. Will subdivide. F.J. kitchen and dining fees.Sentry Real Est­ MANCHESTER. Beauti­ SplleckI Realtors. 643- area. Deck off kitchen. ate, 643-4060.D 2121________________ Great possibilities for ful two bedroom apart­ horses. $170,000. Flano ment, eat-ln kitchen, PROFESSIONAL Office CARDINAL BOICK'S Selection of new manager Realty. 646-520Qo AC I BUSINESS self-cleaning stove, Suite. 760 square feet. PROPERTY dishwasher, disposal In excellent downtown EAST Hartford. New list­ and refrigerator. Din­ ing. Five room brick location. Available for may come within next week COVENTRY. 1988 South ing room, living room Immediate lease. VOLUME-PRICING $AVES ranch, large living Street. Starting your and one bath. Air con­ Boyle Real Estate room with stone fire­ ditioned, very quiet, Company. 649-4800. place, two large bed­ own business.!!! Good By Nancy Concelman location In rapidly ex­ .Ideal for middle aged Manchester Herald rooms. Enclosed sun or senior citizens, on porch. Kitchen with panding town of Cov­ q7|INDU8TRIAL -SAMPLES- YOU CA$H entry. This four bay busline. Heat and hot built Ins. A good solid water Included. Only 3 'I PROPERTY Manchester Assistant Town home. Asking garage needs a little HD Manager Steven R. Werbner, work, but can be made $640 per month. Come $165,000.U & R Realty, see why we rarely have M A N C H ESTE R . 3,400 643-2692.0____________ Into a very profitable South Windsor Town Manager a vacancy. One bed­ and 2,400 square feet Richard J. Sartor and Enfield MANCHESTER. Moun­ business with a little room apartment avail­ work and expertise. Industrial space. Load­ Town Manager Robert J. Mul­ tain Farm under con­ able at $605. Agent. ing dock. Woodland Philips Real Estate. ready are the three finalists for struction by U 8i R. 742-14500 247-5030.____________ Industrial Park. Prin­ Eight room Contem­ ROCKVILLE. One bed­ ciples only. 643-2121. 1989 BUICK ELECTRA 1989 BUICK SKYHAWK 1989 BUICK RIVERIA the Manchester town manager porary. Spacious fam­ MANCHESTER. B-2 room apartment In a post. Mayor Peter P. DiRosa Jr. ily room, sunkin living zone. 20,000 square foot said today. building with four converted mansion. GENERAL LTD, 4 Dr., Stock #9168 DEMO, 4 Dr., Loaded, Stock #9102 S/roof, Demo, Stock #9128 room, deluxe kitchen, Rent Includes heat and DiRosa said the Board of four bedrooms, V / i acres. Excellent shop­ hot water, carpet, 8ERVICE8 baths, fireplace, cen­ ping site. F.J. SplleckI Directors could vote to hire one of Realtors. 643-2121. stove and refrigerator. Save *4 0 0 1 * the three within the next week. He tral air and much Off street parking and AFFORDABLE services 7 , 6 8 1 * * 9 8 9 3 ’ more. Situated on o V* MANCHESTER Shop­ more. A great value at for the elderly. Light said he would not speculate on acre lot on a cul-de-cas ping Center. 2,500 $495. to $525 per month. housekeeping, grocery which of the three has the best street. $350,000. U & R square foot building I'/j months security. shopping, will fix light chance for the job. Reolty, 643-2692.0 with seven acres. No pets. Call 872-8095, meals, have hair dress­ 2.9% GMAC FINANCING AND/ OR UP A five-member manager ing license. Shampoo, BOLTON. New listing. Could add 50,000 square dally. search committee has been look­ Sparkling clean, six foot building. F.J. sets, haircuts, perms, room ranch on child SplleckI.643-2121. manicures, etc. Call TO $1500 MFGR. REBATE ing for a replacement for Town safe street, with 1.3 DebI, 643-4767. UP TO 24 MOS. TO APPROVED CUSTOMERS. ‘INCLUDES FACTORY REBATE. Manager Robert B. Weiss since FINDING A cosh buyer CARS October. Weiss plans to retire in acres In country set­ for sporting goods equip­ ROBERT J. MULREADY ting. $149,900. Princi­ FOR SALE June after 23 years as town ment Is easy when you ... team player* ples only. 646-7335. advertise in classitled. CARS PRE-OWNED CAR OF THE WEEK manager. SPRING Is here! The FOR SALE Werbner. 35. was appointed buds will be here soon 72 HOUR MONEY BACK HD assistant manager by Weiss June 1986 PONTIAC 6000 Reginald Pinto/Manchattar Harald to accentuate the fabu­ GUARANTEE 1. 1982, after serving as acting lous yard surrounding MORTQAGES O td t '8 3 C u H in M.SSS HD V0LK8WA8EN 4 Dr.. Auto, Air, AM-FM, assistant manager for nine this delightful seven O ld> ‘87 C \ t t •7.985 GOOD GOLF DAY — This foursome took advantage of Dick Ottaviano of Wethersfield, Burt Smith of room ranch on Hebron Old* ‘87 98 n*g. •12.998 LIPMAN #1 months. Werbner said he now SAVE YOUR HOME! Ford ‘87 Rtngw P.U.
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