THE CITY RECORD. VOL. XXXIV. NEW YORK, MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1906. NUMBER Ioi8s. questionable whether the proposed elevated loop would be of any considerable value as THE CITY RECORD. a solution and there was no doubt in his mind that the system of subway loops would be a complete solution. IIe thereupon moved the following resolution, which was OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. seconded by Commissioner Smith: Whereas, It will probably take at least one and one-half years to conclude the Published Under Authority of Section z5a6, Greater New York Charter, by the preliminary legal steps looking toward the construction of the proposed elevated BOARD OF CITY RECORD. loop, the value of which, even as a temporary expedient, is open to some question; Whereas, There is no dispute whatever as to the fact that the proposed system GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAYOR. of subways to connect the boroughs, the construction of which can be begun almost WILLIAM B. ELLISON, CoaPORATION COUNSZI. HERMAN A. METZ, CourTstotr.sa. at once, will be a complete and lasting solution of the problem; Resolved, That this Board proceed at once, without further consideration of the proposed elevated loop, to complete a form of contract and plans and specifications PATRICK J. TRACY, Svrsevrsoe. and advertise for bidders for the construction, equipment and operation, jointly or Published daily, except legal holidays. separately, of the system i f subway and bridge loops described by the Chief Engineer Subscription, $9.3o per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. in his report dated the 13*1- of September, igo6. SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc.. of the city employees), aS cents; Ayes—The Vice-Presic:e:'t and Commissioners Langdon and Smith. Canvass, io cents; Registry Lists, s cents each assembly district; Law Department and Finance Nays—The President, ?. cting Mayor, Comptroller and Commissioner Ledyard. Department supplements, to cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents each Lost. section. Published at Room a, City Hall (north side), New York City. The following resolution was moved: Entered as Second-class Matter. Post Office at New York City. BROOKLYN BRIDGE AND F Ut TON STREET CONNECTION BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN). Whereas, The Board o iapid Transit Railroad Commissioners for The City TABLE OF CONTENTS. of New York has determin that a rapid transit railway or railways for the con- veyance and transportation of persons and property in addition to those already exist- Assessors, Board of— Health, Department of— ing, authorized or proposed :ire necessary for the interest of the public and of The Public Notices .................... 9869 Proposals ........................9878 City of New York, and sho-:ld be established therein as hereinafter provided; and Bellevue and Allied Hospitals— Manhattan, Borough of-- Proposals ........................ 9872 Proposals ........................ 9873 Whereas, This Board has duly made the inquest and investigation necessary or Board Meetings ...................... 9874 Municipal Civil Service Comniission- proper in the premises, and all such - inquests and investigations as are necessary or Bridges, Department of— Public Notices .................... 9872 proper for such determination; Proposals ........................ 9874 Municipal Court of The City of New York, Borough of Queens, First Now, therefore, this Board, by the concurrent votes of at least six members does Bronx, Borough of— District— hereby adopt the following route or routes for an additional rapid transit railway or Report of the President for the Public Notice .................... 9871 railways in The City of New York, and does hereby determine and establish the said Week Ending October 24, z906. 9866 Notice to Contractors ................. 9880 Brooklyn, Borough of— Official Borough Papers ............... 9878 additional route or routes thereof, as follows, and does hereby adopt a general plan Proposals ........................ 987t Official Directory ....................9867 of construction of the said railway or railways, the route or routes of which are herein Change of Grade Damage Commission— Official Papers ....................... 9874 provided, and does in such general plan hereby adopted show the general mode of Publfo Notice .................... 9871 Parks, Department of— operation and such details as to the manner of construction as may be necessary to • Proyowls ........................9874 Changes in Departments, etc.......... 9867 Police ners Wanted show the extent to which any street, avenue or other public place is to be encroached Correction, Department of— Owners Wanted for Lost Propertq. 9872 upon and the property abutting thereon affected. Proposals ........................ 9872 Proceedings of October i8, r906... 9866 Docks and Ferries, Department of— Proposals ........................ 9872 Proposals ........................9873 Public Charities, Department of-- Route. Public Notice .................... 9873 Proposals ........................ 9872 Transactions from August 24 to Sep. Queens, Borough of- A route lying wholly within the Borough of Brooklyn, the centre line of which tember r, r906 ............... 986o Proposals ........................ 9870 shall begin at a suitable point near the southwesterly corner of Washington street and Education, Department of— Public Notice .................... 9870 Nassau street within the storage yard of the Brooklyn Bridge at which a connection Minutes of Stated Meeting of Sep. Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners, can conveniently be made with the railroad tracks leading from the said yard to and tember t2, 5906 .............9864 Board of— 9870 Minutes of Meeting of October r8, across the said bridge; running thence southerly through the said bridge storage yard Proposals ............. ..... .... i906 ti 9857 Estimate and ApportionmentP Board of-- Public Notices ................... 98yx parallel with Washington street or nearly so and descending from the level of the Public Notices ................... 9873 Street Cleaning, Department of— said bridge tracks to a point in the northerly side of Tillary street westerly from Finance, Department of— Ashes, etc., for Filling in Lands.... 9870 and near its intersection with the westerly side of Washington street; thence passing Corporation Sale of Real Estate... 9876 Proposals ........................ 9870 under and across Tillary street to a point at or near the intersection of the southerly Corporation Sales of Buildings, etc. 9875 Public Notice .................... 9870 Interest on City Bonds and Stock.. 9878 Supreme Court First Department— side of Tillary street w,~th the westerly side of Washington street; thence running Notice of Assessments for Opening Acquiring Title to Lands, etc...... 9878 southerly under private property to Washington street and under Washington street Streets and Parka ............9875 Supreme Court, Second Department— to a point or points in Fulton street southerly and easterly from its intersection with Notice to Taxpayers ............... 9878 Acc ~wiring Title to Lands, etc...... 9880 Notices to Property Owners....... 9875 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Be. Myrtle avenue at which a suitable connection or suitable connections can be made either Proposals for $4, oo,000 Corporate Vartment of— with the subway now under construction which passes through Joralemon street and Stock of The City of New York 9876 Auction Sale ..................... 9870 Fulton street, or else with a subway to be hereafter constructed pursuant to the route Public Notice .................... 9878 Proposals ........................ 9870 and general plans adopted by this Board on May 25, 1905, which provide for a rapid transit railway running through Willoughby street, Fulton street and other streets its the Borough of Brooklyn. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF RAPID Plan of Construction. TRANSIT RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. The general plan of construction hereby adopted is as follows: For the whole of the route above described there shall be two tracks. AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD HELD IN NO. 320 BROADWAY, ON THURSDAY, THE 18TH The above-mentioned tracks shall be substantially parallel with each other and OF OCTOBER, Igoe, on substantially the same level except that near the intersection of Washington street with. Willoughby street and Fulton sleet the tracks shall be at such levels and on such alignments ai to permit of pro;,er connections with the other subways above There were present—Alexander E. Orr, President, presiding; John H. Starin, Vice- mentioned; and except also that whew ver else required by special necessities of sur- President; Patrick F. McGowan, Acting Mayor, representing the Mayor; Comptroller face or subsurface structures or otht.r special or local necessities, or for the purpose Herman A. Metz and Commissioners Woodbury Langdon, Charles Stewart Smith and of avoiding grade crossings, any one' c r more of the tracks may be elevated above or Lewis Cass Ledyard. depressed below the other track or t-; cks so far as may be necessary. George L. Rives of counsel, George S. Rice, Chief Engineer, and Alfred Craven, The tracks shall be placed in tuns els or subways, except that from the point of Deputy Chief Engineer, also were present. junction with the Bridge railroad tia.-ks to the point where the said tracks pass into Commissioner Jesup sent word asking to be excused on account of illness. and under Washington street, the trnc ks hereby authorized to be laid shall be upon a A public
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