Mr . Howar d M . Chapin R. I . Hi storical Society 68 Vaterman St . THE JE\\lJSHPrHQME 1N£,, SPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND \·01. ff. :\0. --12 PRO YIDE);CE. R. I., FRID ..\ Y. JULY 14, 1933 5 Cents the Copy German Je~s To Be Branded As Aliens; Nazi Propaganda Scheme Bared In U. s. Rothenberg Re-Elected ·New Law To Preclude Ordinary U. S. Zionist President; Courtesy Extended Strangers; $8,000,000 Drive Planned) "Friends of Germany" Exposed :\'at iY ih and Length of Ne"· York La"·yer Highly ··\Yild Bill'" Donornn De­ RE -ELECTED ni es Affi liation \Yith :\'. Hitler Newspaper Resid ence in Reich Lauded for P reYio us :\' o" · Ignored Administration Y. Organization Starts In Gotham ''May Ernn Destroy Them" RHODE ISLAND Z IONIST UNITS Thrt"f" months a ft er she a nd heTI Harry Sie~e) and )I r,;:.. :.'\athan Tor­ TO MARK HERZL MEMORIAL DAY husband had celebra ted thl'i r 2olden ~en. both of his. cih·: )1 ~. Sanrnel weddin2'""er·~a rJ·. ' 1rs. ~ar a h Rosco of Hartford·. Conn.: )l rs-. ~l"' era I hundre-d memben; of t he graduate <.'f the T heol\"•~cal .Senun­ &tfor enko. for ma n;r years a prom- Charles of \\"ilm.imrton. Zionist District of Rhode Island. an· of :\"ew York and ,.._as a member inenr rt>Side nl of this city, died in Del.: )l rs. \\"il1iarn Bis.hop of Xew­ :-:('nior :rnd Junior Rada~ahs a nd ('l(the debating teams there and at f-l omeopat hic Hospilal J uly 5 aft er ton. )la...~.; )frs. Sadie \\·ou of \qn­ tht> You ng Judaea Cou ncil will join CC11le~ o( the City of :'\ew Yor ·. "e"eral •·N'ks· illnt"5S. ... he wai;;. in throp. )lass.; and ) li$S Anne &,fo­ in o!IBer,oan~e of Dr. Theodor Herzl Ra.bbi Ro$t"n ";11 remain in Rhode h £> r th ypa r. ren\o of Xe"· York Citv; four p;on5. ~l emorial Oa~. Jul~- 21 in Tern. p it:' lEland o,·er the wee ~nd f1 f the :!1st. )lr:s.. $oforenko was 8 member of Samuel. )ler er and Dr.' Charle, So­ B th 1erael. :.\1 :,~:i ra . t rl'el. th1 ... ha,-ing be€,n in,;ted t('I adtiress a e Je-.;ish Home for lhe Aged. the forenko of Pro,·idence. Dr. Harn· city. The e'{t>rci~ will s tart ,H .:rn ma... ~ meetins,r to be held at Xarra- Ladie< L"nion Aid and of the Sis- oforenko_ of Los ,.\n1reles. Califnr­ p. m. g-aru::et Pier July 2:3. In memorlal- terho«I of Temple Be h Israel. With ma and lo irrnndch1lcln>n. Coming here from .._ avannah. Ga.. izing Dr. Herzl. Zionist..., and kin­ her hu5-ban<l. Morris oforenko, she l The funeral w~ held las Thurs­ Rabbi Xathan -:,.;:_ Ro.sen "ill be he or,ranitations here are follow­ came ,o thh: roun :ry from Russia ~ay f m he ~,~mp of h~r daue-h _er. princtpal speaker. One of the roun,g ing a sjm.ilar prog-ram <1 be ron­ 4~ years a,ro and ,;e Jed firs in ' h;_ H&TT)'. degel. la~ ~mehne er member5 ('If the rabbinate. he has ducted in other states throu~hout the F all Ri•er. remo,;ni?' some , ean:. 5 _J"e"'t and _mterm~nt was m F a11 b,e,(,,n prominent in you h organit.a-1 country where there are lar,;re Jew­ later Cl Pro,;den<'e where she ·1h·ffi Rn·er. Rabb1 )launct" )I._)I azure of tioru: in Am rica. He is- ,·ice pre~i- bh centers. Dr. Herzl wa.:- C\ne of. the the re< of her Jife Temple Be h Israel. Prond nee. o . den of the ZicmiEt You h Organiza- founders and all his life (inf' f1f he - - ciated and was ~si5ted bv Cantor ion ('If America and a member of mos- ac h-e Zic-mis .s- in the \"\ nrld. In addi ·on lo her husband. sur- Harry Bettman of Temple Emanu­ he na ir,nal £\.n-eming- OOani ('If ron ributi I! much o the r-e~tnra inn ,h-Ct ~ seven daughters. )I~. El. hfa ci y. Y('lun l!' Judaea. Rabbi Rosf>n is a of Pales i e. ,.. 2 THE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, J ULY 14, 1933 ::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.:.:.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::..------------ 'German Children Now---i;==========:...;==-~=--=-.:======:::.. Being Initiated Into JEWISH HOME FOR AGED OF RHODE ISLAND BY THE WAY Mysteries of Protocols NOTES By DA YID SCHWARTZ By M. P. OSTROW Copyright 1932 by the Je"~sh Telegraphic Agency. Inc. Berlin (J TA) - The " Protocols of the Elders of Zion" a nd othe r anti­ FORMER HOME RESIDENT Tuesday. July 25. Miss Irene Fin­ Semitic books we re included recently DIES kelst ein is also organizing a card There are only 200.000 Arabs in whole house down with one col­ as textbooks for t eachers and pupils The funeral of Samuel Bessel, a party fo r the benefit of the Home at the Trans-Jordan portion of Pales­ umn. (What a syndication he in the schools here. The purpose, it former resident of the Home, t ook tine which Zionists are now aiming would enjoy today). Narragansett Pie r t o be given on \vas announced, was to acquaint Ger­ place Sunday. July 9. A number of Wednesday. July 26. All who wish at. In the portion of Palestine in man children with racial anti-Semi­ which the J e,vs are now allowed, the old men at the Home acted as to make reservations for these par­ The originator of Mercurochrome, tic theories. pall-bearers, and the procession ties, are requested to communicate there are over 800.000 Arabs. And Dr. Macht of Baltimore. davens stopped in front of the Home, where with the hostesses. Transjordan is about twice the size (prays. to you ) three times daily. it was met by the entire population as well as more scantily peopled. (The fact that the " Protocols" DONATIONS The land also is better fo r agricul­ have been proved a forgery, of the Home. and a special prayer Mrs. B. Mushlin, jam; Miss E va You are forbidden by J ewi sh law recited. Mr. Bessel had been ailing Konisky, cash. ture. t o ~tudy on certain J ewish days of ha Ying been deri ,·ed from a ,·eiled attack on Jl,'apo leon III. for quite a while, and had been con­ Ip ........................................ ., ........................0 perutence, because study is supposed fined to bed at the Rhode Island Professor \Valter B. Pitkin, who to be a mode of pleasure. and that Henry Ford apologized for his use of them, apparently Hospital for the last two months. He wrote "Life Begins at Forty," made is survived by a son, Loui s Bessel, one very significant omission. He Payi;i,e, who wrote i: Home, Sweet has no weight with the new Nazi "scholarship." - Editor's and a daughter. Mrs. Sophie Rodin­ should ha,·e mentioned the g reat Home, was a half-J ew. sky. J ewish sage, Rabbi Akiba1 who was Note.) an ignorant shepherd until 40 and The New York Times suggests a MEDI CA L WORK then began studying and finally had way_ by which Hitler could put si x The medical committee in charge !,,,_ It: !,=:=_ 24.000 students pursuing the study m1ll 10ns to work. It points out that N. Y. Doctors Protest of the therapeutic work at the Home ~;:!d~!f.-~: of Talmud under him. the anti-Jewish rules of Hitler ap­ Treatment of Je\\ish has been doing intens ive work in GAspee 2758-2759 fo r ply to those who have as much as co nnection with each of the old folks. QUALITY AND SERVICE Louis Lipsky started out as a one g rand parent who is a J ew. And Physicians in Reich Seventeen doctors, general practi­ j 274 PINE STREET j the. number of these in Germany is tioners, members of the J acoby Club, dramatic critic and short story writ­ 0 ................................................................... ,0 er. estimated between one and three mil­ (JTA ) with Dr. Leo Co hen as the chairman, lions. Now, if Hitler will only ex­ F ifty prominent physicians in have a complete program of medi­ So did Theodore Herzl. tend t he rule to those who have one Xew York City have signed a peti­ cal care with a definite treatment &"reat grand parent, maybe six mil­ tion circulated by Dr. Linsly R. Wil­ fo r each one of the old fo lk s. Dr. ROVIDENCE The Talmud has hi gher regard hons would be t hrown out of work liams, director of the )..i'ew York Ilie Berger and Dr. Archie A. Al­ HOTO for a Gentile who studies the To­ a nd t he six million Aryans would get Academy of Medicine, protesting bert a re rendering valuable assist· P rah than fo r a Jew . .-\ Gentile their jobs. against the injustice done to their a nce in t he denta l work, and the re­ ENGRAVING CO. who s tudies the Torah is likened Berlin-(-JT_A_)_ __ A_ll_Je- \\-ish ven· professional colleagues in Germany cent acquisition is podiatric care, or by it to a Hi gh Pries t. under t he Nazi regime. treatment of the foot disorders. As dors in Dessau, Prussia, on the Elbe .. \V e beli eve that scie nce should a resu lt, the old folks ha\·e shown a Makers of Halftones According to Walter Winchell, the River, have been dri\·en f rom the not recognize any racial or political considerable improvement in their poet laureate of the :\" azis is a marketplaces.
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