(C) THE WALLED CITIES Even now, on visiting the historical centre of This gives it the peasant and very sweet Treviso , one can well understand how, since impression of a city whose history flows with the most ancient times, its inhabitants were the River that crosses it. In Roman times, closely bound to the surrounding landscape the layout of Tarvisium, which was made a and fully exploited the potential offered by the municipium and assigned to the Claudia tribe, nature of the place. The earliest settlement was followed the two main roads that crossed to established in the 14th to 13th century BC, on a form a quadruvium, as testified to by a wall fluvial island in the River Sile, before expanding mounted stone plaque on the south side of the over the centuries to the surrounding areas in Baptistery, to the left of the Cathedral. On the part made inhabitable by reclamation work. north façade, this construction, which was built Until recently, the River was an important in the 11th and 12th century also maintains trading and communication route that a Roman funeral stele, in line with that 20 connected directly with the Adriatic Sea. somewhat frequent taste of using historical St Tomaso gate (Treviso) Fadalto Nove Botteon Savassa BassaSonego Osigo Passo San Boldo Luca PROVINCE OF Longhere Breda Mezzavilla Pra De Radego Revine LagoSerravalle Fregona Montaner BELLUNO S. Maria Olarigo Fratte Lago Borgo VillaCosta Anzano Rugolo Nogarolo Caiada Sarmede Sotto Croda Colmaggiore VITTORIO VENETO Palu' Tovena Ceneda Alta Cappella Maggiore Soller Tarzo Mura Ceneda Bassa Villa di Villa Valmareno Gai Arfanta Cozzuolo Cison di Valmarino San Giacomo di Veglia Silvella Intrivigne Prapian Formeniga Pinidello Pecol San Martino Pine' Follina Corbanese Carpesica Costa di La' Cordignano PROVINCE OF Farro' Ponte Maset Colle Umberto Milies Miane Scomigo Ponte della Muda Premaor Manzana PORDENONE Vergoman Molinetto delle Crode Menare' Godega di Orsago Stramare La Bella Sant'urbano Combai Campea Pedeguarda San Pietro di Feletto Ogliano Salvarotonda Refrontolo San Fior Pianzano Bibano Solighetto Rua Bagnolo Bibano di Sotto Segusino Soligo Baver Francenigo Guia Farra di Soligo Pieve di Soligo Guizza Barbozza Posmon Boschet Castello Capo di Sotto S. Stefano S.Maria San Vendemiano Levada S. Vito VALDOBBIADENE Col San Martino Rocchetta Collalbrigo Gaiarine Funer Saccol Piazza Rovere Borghetto Cosniga Roverbasso Giussin Barbisano S. Michele Campomolino Crevada CONEGLIANO Codogne' Pederobba Colbertaldo Collalto Cimavilla San Giovanni Mosnigo Sernaglia della Battaglia Pare' Borgo Chiesa Granigo Ramera PORTOBUFFOLE' Cima Grappa Virago Bigolino Moriago della Battaglia Falze' di Piave Cavaso del Tomba Vitipan Vidor Bocca di Strada Vallonto Fae' Curogna Rive Bosco Susegana Monticano Vettorazzi Carlot Mareno di Piave Cornare Rigole Onigo Covolo Santa Croce Caniezza Santa Lucia Soffratta Possagno Castelcies Levada Parrocchia Colfosco di Piave Visna' Basalghelle Castelli GuizzettaPiave Vazzola Fontanelle Fietta Santa Mama Mercatelli Livenza La Valle S. Vettore S. Urbano Crespano Monfumo Santi Angeli Ponte della Priula Borgo Bellussi Mansue' Brische del Grappa Cornuda Lutrano Castelcucco Ciano Nervesa della Battaglia Tezze Navole' Mure Crocetta S. Maria di Piave Cassanego La Valle Sovilla Rai Paderno Casonetto del Montello Bidasio Meduna Borso del di Livenza Grappa S. Eulalia del Grappa Pra De Roda MONTELLOBavaria Gorgo della Chiesa Pagnano Maser Santa Maria San Michele di Piave Crespignaga Giavera del Montello Tempio Colfrancui Fratta Gorgo Dei Molini San Giovanni di Motta Fonte Alto Cimadolmo Semonzo ASOLO Coste Pederiva Cusignana San Polo di Piave Borgo Marconi Sopracastello Biadene Selva del Montello Arcade Piave Ormelle ODERZO Liedolo Caerano di San Marco Caonada Spresiano One' Casella D'asolo Volpago del Montello San Giorgio MOTTA DI LIVENZA Fonte Madonna della Salute Lorenzaga Guarda Bassa Piavon Sant'apollinare Venegazzu' Prato Stabiuzzo Guizza Malintrada San Zenone Degli Ezzelini Lovadina Villanova Roncadelle Cavalier Villa D'asolo Villaraspa MONTEBELLUNA Povegliano Visnadello Lauro San Gaetano Bel Giardino Maserada Levada Busco San Vito Altivole Signoressa Camalo' Sul Piave Ca' Rainati Busta Santandra' Negrisia Fossalta Maggiore Spineda di Altivole CandelùCandelu' Caselle Falze' Barrucchella Villorba Varago Chiarano PROVINCE OF Trevignano Catena Saletto San Nicolo Velapiccola Edifizio Ponte di Piave Candole Vascon Breda di Piave Cessalto S. Anastasio Bessica Musone Riese Pio X VICENZA Musano Paderno San Bartolomeo Vigonovo Loria Barcon Lancenigo Fagare' Postioma Merlengo Carita' Le Marche Salgareda Santa Maria di Campagna Vacil Pero Borgo Campagnola Ponzano Borgo di Fontane Bocca Callalta Campo Pietra Poggiana Porcellengo Pezzan San Giacomo Cavrie' Ramon Veneto Piave Campobernardo Valla' Fanzolo Sala Fontane Mignagola Zenson Biban San Martino San Biagio di Callalta Castello Fossalunga Pezzan di Piave di Godego Castagnole Santa Bona Carbonera Rovare' Castione Bella Venezia San Floriano Vedelago Borgo Verde Padernello Castello Villarazzo Salvarosa Istrana Paese San Floriano-olmi Carpenedo CASTELFRANCO VENETO TREVISO Olmi Spercenigo San Pietro Novello AlbaredoCavasagra Villanova Lanzago Salvatronda Ospedaletto Silea Monastier Casacorba Nerbon Pralongo Treville Campigo Vedelago Villanova Biancade Sile Casier Morgano Quinto di Treviso Dosson Vallio Sant'andrea Oltre Muson San Marco Cendon Santa Cristina Frescada Roncade Castelminio Badoere S. Elena S. Cipriano Resana San Trovaso Lughignano PROVINCE OF Franceniga PROVINCE OF Le Grazie Conscio Scandolara Sile San Cipriano VENICE PADUA Sant'alberto Canton Preganziol Borgo Verde Ca' Tron Casale Sul Sile Zero Branco Sambughe' Zero Villaggio I.A.C.P. Campocroce Musestre Boschetta Bonisiolo Zerman 21 Bagaggiolo Mogliano Veneto Ghetto Mazzocco Marocco The baptistery of the Duomo (Treviso) Alleyway of the Duomo (Treviso) Roman glasses - Public Museums (Treviso) materials, with a sensitivity and meaning passageway leading to Via Canoniche, the site attachment to nature. Close to the Cathedral it completely different to the original one. of an early Christian baptistery in turn erected is worth visiting the Dominicans’ Capitol Room, West of the Cathedral stands the Episcopio, on the site of an earlier building to demonstrate in the Episcopal Seminary, where one can the bishop’s residence that for many centuries the exceptional historical evolution of this city. admire the magnificent frescoes by Tomaso da developed the Treviso district by building Of this older building, which housed the Modena (14th century) and the first depicting abbeys such as that at Mogliano Veneto public baths, a circular room decorated with spectacles. From Piazza Duomo, take the founded by Rosone in 997. multicoloured mosaic from the 4th century Calmaggiore, the historical callis maior whose The bishop’s residence is again of Medieval AD showing subjects connected to the life remains were visible until recently, before origin, despite having been greatly re-worked of the sea and the land has been unearthed allowing oneself an intentionally leisurely visit 22 and expanded. To the right of it lies a covered and testifies to the ancient civilisations’ strong of the many shops in the city centre. As the centuries passed and political situation AN UNPRECEDENTED PERIOD OF PEACE changed as Treviso was subject to the dominion AND SPLENDOUR of the da Romano, da Camino and della Scala Despite his hostile manner and cruel actions, families, followed by the Venetians, so the Gherardo III da Camino, who was described urban perimeter gradually expanded, firstly by Francis Pipin as “Tyrannus aequissimus et tolerabilis satis” implemented many positive towards the east and then west and south, as initiatives for Treviso, which he ruled at length. is demonstrated by the beautiful buildings, He repaired the city gates, had new bridges churches and convents that were enclosed in built, drained ditches to avoid the spread of the 14th century by a first city wall and which disease, ordered private citizens to pave the was followed in the 16th century by a larger main streets, set up a sort of “urban cleaning one built by the Venetian Republic, which system” and a sort of “fire brigade” and always appointed Fra’ Giocondo as planner. This was guaranteed fair prices at the market, to assure Altinia gate (Treviso) the start of a period of introversion for the the population had healthy food. He exercised to connect the centre of Patavium to that of city, a sort of fortress city that only opened strict control over the citizens’ habits, enforcing Acelum – Asolo, the fertile plain at the foot of the indissolubility of marriage and banning up to the exterior in recent times, thanks to the hill where flocks abound, in a territory that prostitution. It was under his rule that the the renewed economic development that is preserves the traces of the ancient practice of University reached its greatest splendour. He now well represented, by Marca Gioiosa, as was a great patron of the arts and his court centuriation. Centuriation, the characteristic the provincial capital. One of the many routes was often attended by poets, artists, physicists agricultural organisation of the Roman world, for reaching the Marca is to follow the state and learned men. Dante Alighieri took refuge is still exceptionally visible in the area of Riese road 307 from Padua. Some believe that this there during his exile and repaid da Camino’s Pio X and S. Vito di Altivole, representing an road in part
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