The Soap Box 0 Student Opinion Divided On Effects of President's Tour . In w ont months, the problem Prjn ’»rdy. the purpose behind CAUVORm STATE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE# of United States policy and dip­ th* Tokyo rlota ana anti-American lomatic relations In tho Far Knot ■Ifntegy, waa to block treaty ne­ VOL XXII No. SI EL MUITANO JULY, B| lgDU hM given rise to many Important gotiation* and alien diplomatic and controversial qUMtlon!. On* relation*. They accompllahed neith­ of thti* hM to do with th« insults er and for that reaaon, 1 don't Records, Equipment 2nd effects of President Risen- feel our preatlge could have been Vie Hall Makes tha Grada; , howor'i w ont trip to ths Far lowered to any groat extent. Available From AV E a t It ahould lie remembered that - In tho eyes of many, tho Unltod the opposition's tactic! were man­ Cal Poly to Roma Olympics Slatoi h«i committed Irreparable ned by a relatively email number For Summer Use blunder* in tho hand ing ftf tho- and not Indicative of the maeae* By Jerry Llnnell situation. To others, the trip waa of free people*. , Phonographa and slid* projec­ "Open the gates and let 'em a proving ground of United Status We would have Buffered greatly to r are available from the Audlo- out I", cam* a vole* from the pack­ itrongth ami popularity. and made irreparable damage* had Vlaual Department for atudent ua* ed Stanford stadium as the United Several Cal Poly students were w* compiled with oppoaltlon tac­ during the summer. Record* and aikod tho quoatlon, "t>o you believe Statee Olympic trials, and one of tic* ana changed our poaltlon In record players may be checked out the greatest masts In th* nation's that Mr. Elsenhower's Far Kaat- diplomatic relatione. overnight between 4 and 6 P.M. am tour, with all factors taken, Ity backing down or following history got underway. Two world Students wishing to use AV re­ marks fell while mast records war* into conalderatlon, tended to raise another plan of action we would cord* on their own phonographs or lower the preatig* of tho United have deatroyed confidence and In are requested to bring the needle either equalled or shattered In all State* In the eyf* of the world?" that way made prestige u far In for examination before records but three events—the 100, 400, and Their Ideas and belief* are given greater laaue thun at this time. may be taken. It muat be a 1-ntlll. 800-motem runs. |o\y i - Cancelling the trip would have diamond or sapphire needle, th * Watched by 106,000 fans In ths John Warner-Senior Ornamental created a psychological advantage "compromise" 8-mlll needle is not two-day inset, tho U.S, Olympic Horlliiilture Major, San l.ula Obla- fur the ugitatora, while carrying ucceptabla. Records are loaned for final trials netted 1175,000 to help ae—The President's recent visit to through with the plan placed th* five days. Tho Audlo-Vlaual De­ the Far Kaat haa certainly been finance the 1900 Olympic team's U.S. In an extremely awkward partment has a wide selection of trip to Roms, Italy. a preatig* victory for the unltod poaltlon, making every move a classical, seml-classical, and popu­ Statti. The roualng reception* very critical ana necessarily cal­ lar records. The center of attraction was given him In Manila and Formoaa culated matter. John Thomas of Boston University Tape recorders, Id mm. movie wlio Jumped to a new worlds record cam* a* a surprise to tho Commu- - It aeemai that there waa no projectors, opaque projoctqjra, P.A, nlit world and at the aamo time choice but to follow th* course pre­ systems and lettering seta are also in th* high-jump with a leap of 7 furtifled our allies' faith In U.S. scribed. available for student us*, but muat feet, 844 Inches. Following this diplomacy . and influence abroad. Judle Woodard-Junior English be requested through an instructor. example, Don Bragg of ths U.S. Although tho Tokyo Incident could Major, Vlaalla—I feel that the U.S. Army, pole vaulted to a new not be conaldered a U.S. victory, could have better handled the situ­ world's mark of 15 fast, 914 Inches. Klssnhow*r'a\ determination to ation. Th* Japanese trip, coming mak* the visit In spit* of the rlota ns cloa* aa It did to th* collapae But down on ths field beneath wai admirable. On the whole, I of th* Summit Meeting, waa juat Poly's 'New Look' th* shout* of th* thousands of fans, think hla trip waa a Weatern sue- nn invitation to trouble. However, and among th* hundred! of ath­ (Mi. 1 don't feel that there will be any letes, Cal Poly's Vic Hall took hla Tom Kennedy-Senior Mechanis- seriuoa repercussions. Impresses Visitors mark on ths cinders, ready to give ad At Major, New York—t feel EDITORS NOTE • Anyone hav- it his all in tha 400-matar event. that U.S. preatig* haa been hurt Ing any thought or fooling on thla Visitors to the Cal Poly campus Alongald* of him war* aoma of ths by the cancellation of the Preal- Issue, or comments In regard to hav* been Impressed by the "new nation's bast: Dav* Roberaon, dant'a trip to Japan. Everyone th* opinions expressed In this col­ look" of complstad building* and of tha Unltad States Armyi Tad accept* th* collapae of the “eum- umn, la Invited and encouraged to facilities now under construction. Woods of Colorado) Otis fayis of mlt'f aa being cauaed by Russia. extend their views. Address letter* tha Oregon Emerald Empire to: El Mustang Editor, California Ths Public Relations office of th* Japan la a different atory. About college reports that buslnssa, in­ Athletic club) Earl Young of Abi­ half th* world feela that it la the Stale Polytechnic College. dustrial and aducatlonal groups lene Taxes and Jack Yem en of tha fault of th* Japanoa* people but meeting on th* campus this sum­ Unlvaralty of California. th* other half feola that U.S. lm- mer have been "very pleased" with perlallattc policy I* the cauae. Vie got sot, and at the sound of Off-Coiwpifs Job Interviews, the new residence halls, ths rec­ tha gun was off on his way to Hob He-Junior Electronic En­ reational and physical education Rom*. Hs tied Army's Roberson gineering Major, l.oa Angel**— MJUUS TNI TEAM . Vie Hall, Otters Show Increase facilities offsrsd to them and ths Cal Poly's Heel clnderman, who for fifth place which earned both Tho U.S. haa deflnltely boon hurt us* of classrooms and laboratories. last week qualified lor the U.S. of them a plao* on the Olympic by the Japanese episode. I feel The past school year saw a Dr. Harold Bpeara, superinten­ Olympic Team and a trip to team as alternates. For Hall thla that we should go back to the Mon­ greater number of potential em- dent of the San Francisco Unified Some. Vie ran filth In the 400 was ths climax oY a long ssaaon ro* Doctrine and keep our noaes ploy' yera recruiting on campus than School District, who was ths speak­ mater run and will serve ae an of hard work under th* talented out of other people's business. A In previous years. er at a meeting of school admini­ alternate in that event coaching of Cal Poly'i track coach rultural exchange la much more Employer’* recruitment repre­ strators last weak, said th* campus Walt Williamson. effective than diplomatic confer- sentatives Interviewed graduates Is "amaslng In its development" Another Polyito, Luis Rodrigues, »nc*i. Louis Armstrong la the best In all three divisions. Students In and predicted that It should equal participating In tha 800-meter rood will ambaMMilor we have. the Engineering Division had the any major collage campus in Its People listen to him and they are Local Folk Dancers event came short of making the greatest number of on-campus In- environment and planned landscap­ trip to Rom*. Taking an early In hjmmmy. tervlewa with 2,41(1 contact*, Art* ing In a few years. Mike lla)**-Senior Mechanised Ag and Sciences and Agriculture fol­ lead and setting a fast pace, Lais Major, I .os Angeles—Senator Ful- lowed In that order. A total of 182 The American Institute of Real Plan First Festival reluctantly gave way to the likes bright feels that our prestige haa employer* Interviewed on campus. Estate Appraisers course here In of Tom Murphy of ths Nsw York been hurt and he certainly knows June draw about 200 persons from The first Folk Danes Festval in Known offers made to seniors all. over the nation, many of whom th* history of San Luis Obispo will Athletic*Club, Jerry Sisbsrt of th* more about It than I do. 1 feel ns of JuneJuno 15,lb, 1980,1UH0, a* compiled University of California, and Ernie that w* have lost several good ity the Placement Office, Indicate reported that Cal Poly's campus be held Aug. 20-21. according to by tho Placement Office, indicate Is tho beet they have visited in Jerry Llnnell, publicity chairman Cunllffs of Stanford. friends aa a result of the failure that Aeronautical Engineer*Engineers werewore Three members of each of th* 19 of th* Japanoa* trip, offered‘ an averago of 8529 —per their annual seminars, according for the Santa Lucia Swingers Folk month) Air Conditioning and Re­ to Mrs.
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