WIIKWE DONG DAZHI-OJIBWE The Keweenaw Bay Ojibwe Ode’mini Giizis - Strawberry Moon - June 2014 Issue 119 KEWEENAW BAY OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Tribal Council Members: 2014 HONORS AND COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY Donald Shalifoe, Sr., Ogimaa Carole LaPointe, Vice-President Jean Jokinen, Secretary Gary F. Loonsfoot, Sr., Asst. Secretary Eddy Edwards, Treasurer Warren C. Swartz, Jr. Susan J. LaFernier Jennifer Misegan Robert D. (RD) Curtis, Jr. Michael F. LaFernier, Sr. Elizabeth (Chiz) Matthews Don Messer, Jr. SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: KBOCC Commencement May 10, 2014 Tribal Council Meeting Picture by Lauri Denomie. Spring Fling Held KBOCC Class of 2014 (left to right): Nancy Lamb, Zelina Huhta, Sarah Garver, and Stephanie Cree Kozich. KBIC Environmental Fair Held KBOCC held its Honors Convocation and Commencement Cere- Honors List for Fall mony, Saturday, May 3, 2014, at the Niiwin Akeaa Center with four 2013: Martin Beck, KBIC Headstart Graduation graduates receiving diplomas -- (Associate of Science, Environ- Melinda Roberts, mental Science) Stephanie Cree Kozich; and (Associate of Arts, Helene Curtis, Jolene Five Retire from Ojibwa En- Liberal Studies) Sarah Garver, Zelina Huhta, and Nancy Lamb. DeCota, Donald Deno- terprises Timothy Shanahan, KBOCC Board of Regents Chairman, served mie, Sr., Mary Kaye Ojibwa Senior News as Master of Ceremonies. Woodlands Drum provided music for the Durant, Aimee Emery, processional, honor song, and recessional. The KBIC Honor Guard Juliet Goyen, Wesley Deepest Sympathy led the processional and posted the colors. Invocation was given by Holappa, Nancy Lamb, elder, Shirley McKasy. Debra Parrish, KBOCC President, pre- and Casey Maki. sented the welcome for the ceremony, and Ogimaa Donald Shali- foe, Sr., gave the Tribal Council’s address. WabaNungoQuay Alakayak awed all in attendance with her beautiful voice in a selec- tion she made for the graduating class, “A New Soul” by Yael Naim. Many awards were given to KBOCC students and faculty for their accomplishments during the 2013-2014 academic year as fol- lows: Stephanie Cree Kozich, Valedictorian. Stephanie Cree Kozich received the Student of the Year Award. Sara Kagabitang received the Zoongide’ewin Award. Jesse St. George received the Outstanding Freshman Award. Terri Curtis received the Leadership Award. Tera Smith received the Excellence in Creative Writing Award. Stephanie Cree Kozich received the Outstanding Capstone Pro- ject. Dylan Friisvall and Stephanie Kozich received the Environ- mental Science Student of the Year. Gene Mensch was named the Faculty Member of the Year. Dean’s List for Spring 2013: Leah Balowski, Margaret Boyer, Shannon DesRochers, Nancy Lamb, Denise Moschetto, Susan Newman, and Alicia Paquin. Picture by Lauri Denomie. Dean’s List for Summer 2013: Cassandra Ames and Melissa Gleason. (left to right) Sara Kagabitang with Dean of Students, Denise Dean’s List for Fall 2013: Kaylee Brunk, Terri Curtis, Teri De- Cadeau, as she receives the Zoongide’ewin Award. The Cota, Jennifer Eberly, Sarah Garver, Dawn Gauthier, Beth Ann Zoongide’ewin Award recognizes a student who has demonstrated Gauthier, Zelina Huhta, Dana Jaukkuri, Valerie Jokela, Lindsey the qualities of courage and persistence in overcoming obstacles to Loonsfoot, Connie McLain, Susan Newman, Ryan Owens, and his or her educational goals. Sara has overcome a range of obsta- Jesse St. George. cles including a childhood filled with difficult circumstances. She is Honors List for Spring 2013: Cassandra Ames, Georgenia Ear- a non-traditional student who took one course fall semester and ring, Sarah Garver, Melissa Gleason, James Haight, Stephanie went full time this spring semester. Her instructors describe her as Kozich, Brittany Maki, and Angelique Pearce. a dedicated, motivated student who puts 110 percent into what she Honors List for Summer 2013: Dawn Gauthier and Connie is doing. McLain. Continues on page five. (1) Bezhig MAY 10, 2014 TRIBAL COUNCIL MEETING The Regular Saturday Tribal Council American Legion for Brass Grave Mark- Jennifer Misegan brought forward a re- Meeting was held on May 10, 2014, at the ers and American Flags; $250.00 to quest for financial assistance with a Sum- Ojibwa Casino Resort Conference Room in Baraga SADD Chapter for their Alcohol mer Reading Program at the Ojibwa Com- Baraga, Michigan. Ogimaa Donald Shali- Free Graduation Parties Incentives; munity Library. The program will focus on foe, Sr. presided over the meeting with $1,630.00 to Cheryne Clements and expanding literacy, drawing in reluctant Carole LaPointe, Gary F. Loonsfoot, Sr., Brigitte LaPointe-Tolonen for 2014 NPC, readers through activities, and generating Eddy Edwards, Robert R.D. Curtis, Jr., Mi- National Physique Committee, Junior interest in the library and books in general. chael F. LaFernier, Sr., Susan J. LaFernier, National Body Building Championship The program will consist of a weekly story- Elizabeth “Chiz” Matthews, Don Messer, Jr., being held in Roseville, Illinois; $1,000.00 time and craft or experiment, a Summer Jennifer Misegan, and Warren C. Swartz, for Tom Chosa’s request for the Baraga Reading Challenge, and at least two events. Jr. present. Jean Jokinen was absent. County Search and Rescue Department It will be open to children and adults, and Ogimaa Donald Shalifoe, Sr., shared nu- for a total of $3,530.00; supported by the theme will be “Fizz, Boom, Read.” Mo- merous Thank You and For Your Informa- Elizabeth “Chiz” Matthews. Nine sup- tion by Carole LaPointe to approve tion items addressed to Council. Treasurer ported (Shalifoe, LaPointe, Loonsfoot, $1500.00 for a Summer Reading Pro- Eddy Edwards gave the Treasurer’s Report Edwards, Curtis, M. LaFernier, S. gram; supported by Robert R.D. Curtis, (page three) and Ogimaa Donald Shalifoe, LaFernier, Matthews, Messer); two op- Jr. Eleven supported; 0 opposed; 0 ab- Sr. gave the Ogimaa Report (page three). posed (Misegan, Swartz); 0 abstained; stained; one absent (Jokinen); motion Department Head Reports for March 2014 one absent (Jokinen); motion carried. carried. were approved. Eddy Edwards brought forward a request Carole LaPointe brought forward Resolu- The 2nd Reading of Resolution KB-015- to purchase a point of sale system for the tion KB-026-2014, UM INMED Grant. The 2014 was held. §3.1707 Alcoholic Bever- casinos. The system will cover both of our University of Minnesota Indians Into Medi- ages Prohibited On Baraga Powwow casinos, will tie into our accounting, and will cine Program offers its activities to all tribes Grounds. Definition of Alcohol: For the pur- provide valuable inventory controls for alco- in a three state target area which includes: pose of this statute, alcoholic beverages hol, cigarettes, and other items sold at our Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota. The include but are not limited to: Beer, Wine, bars. It will expedite the processing of or- Keweenaw Bay Indian Community Tribal Liquor, Mead, Saki, and any beverage that dering and tracking our inventory. Our Council supports the Center of American contains over 2 proof of alcoholic content Chief Financial Officer has been directly in- Indian and Minority Health’s application to that is meant for consumption. Prohibition, volved with the order to make sure it meets the Indian Health Service in 2014 to con- the possession, and consumption of alco- the criteria that our system requires. Both tinue INMED activities, supports the efforts holic beverages are prohibited at the follow- the General Managers and Francis La- of the Center of American Indian and Minor- ing location: The West Half of the West Half Pointe, CFO, have approved this proposal ity Health to guide, supports American In- of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast as being appropriate for the needs of our dian pre-health professions students, and Quarter (W½ of the W½ of the SE¼ of the casinos. The cost is $113,000 total for both recognizes their collaboration with American NE¼) AND the West Half of the East Half of properties with six terminals total, three in Indian Communities in creating appropriate the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Baraga and three in Marquette, and can be and culturally sensitive learning activities. the Northeast Quarter (W½ of the E½ of the added on to. Motion by Robert R.D. Cur- Motion by Jennifer Misegan to approve W½ of the SE¼ of the NE¼) of Section 27, tis, Jr., to approve the Agilysys point of Resolution KB-026-2104; supported by T.51N., R.33W., Village of Baraga, Baraga sale system; supported by Carole La- Don Messer, Jr. Eleven supported; 0 op- Township, Baraga County Michigan. Com- Pointe. Eleven supported; 0 opposed; 0 posed; 0 abstained; one absent monly called the Baraga Powwow Grounds. abstained; one absent (Jokinen); motion (Jokinen); motion carried. Exception: 1) The alcohol prohibition does carried. Eddy Edwards will contact the En- Council moved into closed session with not apply to the transportation roads that go rollment Director and schedule a referen- tribal members. Upon returning to open to and from the lighthouse and marina to dum within the next two weeks. session the following motions were made. US41. 2) The alcohol prohibition applies Ogimaa brought forward a MIA travel Motion by Carole LaPointe to approve only to alcoholic beverages, not medicinal request by Richard Geroux, of financial as- the Letter of Intent not to exceed 2.6 mil- alcohol used to treat flesh wounds. Council sistance to go to Minneapolis, Minnesota, to lion with no commitment at this time; heard comments from the audience. The pick up a plaque for a long missing in action supported by Don Messer, Jr. Seven Third Reading was scheduled for the June tribal member, Lawrence Chalifoux. Motion supported (Shalifoe, LaPointe, Loons- 7, 2014 meeting. by Susan J. LaFernier to approve foot, Edwards Curtis, Matthews, Messer); Ogimaa had scheduled an enrollment $406.00 (mileage) and $454.00 (motel) for two opposed (Misegan, Swartz); two ab- issue for discussion. The interested party Richard Geroux MIA travel expense to stained (M.
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