DIRECTORY.] SUSSEX. • PEASMARSH. 537 Newington George, Hazlehnrst, With- Welch Major Howard Vyce, South- Hazelden Mark, nurseryman, Dyke dean road down house Road avenue N!iWSon Frank, Woodside, Withdean Westhead William B. Avenue lodge, Holder Ruth (Mrs.), blacksmith road Dyke Road avenue Hole Clara Prances (Mrs.) &; Son, Nias Frederick Somerset, Prestwood, Witting Sigismund C. Hr llingbury shopkeepers Dyl;:e Road avenue . Copse Hole George W. boot maker Nichols Thomas, Missenden lodge, Wood Walt.R. Hill brow,Tm gdean rd Hooker Brothers, farmers, Moulse- Dyke Road avenue Wymark Miss, Fernlea, Dyke Road av combe farm, Lewes road Niven Alexander, Devonia COMMEilCIAL. Hooker & Capelin, farmers,Elm farm Norris E. C. Stanley, Wayside, "With- Allfrey Miss, laundress, London road Marshall Charles N. nurseryman, dea.n road Austin Geo. Thos. Black Lion P.H Withdean nursery Philcox ~Irs. L. H . .A.shburnham Baker & Service, poultry farmers, Newington Caleb R. K. architect & Pollitt Col. Jas. B. Patcham grange Rabbit warren, Moulsecombe surveyor, Sunnyside Porter Wm. Hylands, Dyke Road av Ballard's Pateham Steam Bakery Pavey Thc.Jas, farmer, Roedale frm Praed Mrs. Mill view, Dyke Road av (Ebenezer John Hammond, propr) Preston Louisa Emily (Mrs.), nurse, Pugh Mrs. Sunnyside I Bartlett Jane (Miss), shopkeeper Ulundi, Reynold's avenue Radcliffe Cuthbert, Oaklands, Dyke Bates H. J. C. & Sons, nurserymen, Rosson Chas. farmr. Water Hall farm Road avenue Moulsecombe Russell E. & H. Home farm dairy, Rahton Thomas C Belgl'avia Dairy Co. Ltd. dairymen, Moulsecombe Sage Fredk. Ebbw vale, Tongdean la Tongdean farm Service John, poultry farmer, see Schreiber Mrs. Julian, Patcham Place Bourne Wm. laundryman, Church hl Baker & Service Simeon Rev. John Pole M.A. (vicar), Brighton Corporation Water W .>rks South of England Dairies Limited, Vicarage (Charles Watson, engineer) Withdean Jersey farm (W. J. Southey Mrs. Roseneath, Withdean Brown John, frrnr. Patcham Court fm Tebay, manager) road, Dyke road Capelin Alfred, farmer, see Hooker Sparks Albert, butcher, London road Sweet Henry, Berea ho. Dyke Road av & Capelin Stay Albert Geo. farmer, Patcham pl Tanner Miss, Wootton house Friend Charles James, grccer Still Edward & Son, carpenters Trouncer Percy J. The Knoll I Hammond Ebenezer John, contractor Tozer Samuel, agent to the Withdean Vigor Thomas, 2 Colebrooke road Hampton William, farmer, Home frm estate Wade Waiter Jn. Down view, Dyke Harris Jsph. & Son, bakers,Post office Winter Gertrude Kate (Mrs.), shop- Road avenue Harris Joseph, assistant overseer & keeper, 4 Pond cottages Watts Ernest George, Lloytscroft, collector of King's taxes & clerk • Tongdean avenue to the Parish Council PATCHING is a parish on the high road from Worth­ bury and Lady Alfred Somerset, of Castle Goring, ing to Chichester, 3! miles north-east from Angmering alternately, and held since 1909 by the Rev. Ernest station on the Brighton and Portsmouth section of the Hilton Molesworth M . .A.. of St. John's College, Cam­ London, Brighton and South Coast railway, 6 north-west bridge. The Duke of Norfolk E.M., K.G., P.C., from Worthing and 55 from London, constituting a G.C.V.O. is lord of the manor and the principal land­ hundred by itself, in the South Western division of owner. The soil is loam; subsoil, chalk. The chief the county, Bramber rape, county court district of crops are wheat, oats and roots. The area is 1,761 acres Worthing, petty sessional division of Arundel, union of land and 6 of water; rateable value, £1,279; the of East Preston, and in the rural deanery of Worthing, population in I9II was 245. and archdeaconry and diocese of Chichester. The church Parish Clerk, Alfred Blunden. of St. John the Divine is of flint in the Early English style, and has a tower with spire containing one bell ; it Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Charles Stanford, sub-post­ was restored in 1889, and affords 130 sittings. The master. Letters from Worthing arrive at 8.10 a.m. & register dates from 1561. The living, formerly a 1.10 p.m.; dispatched at 11.10 a.m. & 6.5 p.m.; sun­ peculiar of Canterbury, is a rectory, united to that of days at II a.m Clapham, net yearly value £247, with residence and 7 Wall Letter Box, Selden Lodge, cleared II a.m. & 6 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canter- p.m. ; sunday, :ro.so a.m PRIVATE :RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Hack Charles, head gardener to Mrs. Joad Mrs Davies Gwyn Sanders, racehorse Joad Molesworth Rev. Ernest Hilton M.A. trainer, Myrtle grove Potten Richard, wood dealer (rector), Rectory Drewitt John, farmer Stanford Charles, blacksmith & sub­ Sykes William. Selden court Gatenby Wm. R. Horse & Groom P.H postmaster · Golds Fredk. B. frmr. Selden farm West Alfd. wheelwright, Findon rd PEASMARSH is a parish and village on the road Reeves esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is from Rye to London, 3~ miles north-west from Rye loamy; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are station, on the Ashford and Hastings section of the hops, and there is a good deal of grazing land. The South Eastern and Chatham railway, and 6o from area is 3,784 acres of land and 9 of water; rateable London, in the Eastern division of the county, Goldspur value, [4,483; the population in rgn was 676. hundred, rape of Hastings, petty sessional division, Under the provisions of the "Divided Parishes Act," union and county court district of Rye and in the rural a detached part of Rye has been transferred to Peas­ deanery of Rye, Hastings archdeaconry · and diocese of marsh. Chichester. The church of SS. Peter and Paul is a very Parish Clerk, Albert Butler. ancient edifice of stone in the Early English style, and has a tower containing 4 bells: the east window is Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office stained, and there are several memorial windows; the (letters should have Sussex .added). John Vincett, church was restored in 185o, and again in r864, at a sub-postmaster. Letters arrive via Cranbrook at 5.40 cost of nearly £4oo; there are about 300 sittings. The a.m. & from Rye 1.15 p.m. for callers; dispatched register dates from the year rs6g. The living is a vicar- to all parts at IO. 15 a. m. & 9· IS p.m. ; Sundays, g. 15 age, net yearly value £28o, with residence and 5 acres p.m of glebe, in the gift of Sidney Sussex College, Cam- Wall Letter Boxes.-Morebread, cleared at 8 a.m. & bridge, and held since 1896 by the Rev. l<'rancis 7·35 p.m.; sundays, 12.15 p.m.; Flackley .A.sh, ro l3enjamin Allison M.A.. and formerly fellow of that a.m. & 7.30 p.m.; sundays, II-45 a.m College, and F.R.A..S. The Wesleyan chapel, built in r842, was rebuilt in rgoo. The charities amount to £ 10 County Police, William Aldridge, constable yearly value, and are distributed in money. Mrs. Public Elementary School, erected in 1842, & enlarged Liddell, who is lady of the manor, Charles Lewis in 1914, for r6o children; Thomas Christopher Edward Lawrence-Pix esq. lord of the manor, and Charles Frank Buckton, master Alli.son Rev. Francis Benjamin M.A., .Ashdown William, farmer Cooper Percival, farmer F.R.A.S. (vicar), Vicarage Baker Frederick, butcher Crump Thomas, farmer, Dinglesden Corlett. Mrs Banister Charles J. grocer Dengate Thomas, fruiterer Henley George Henry, Winders Barton William CharlPs. farmer Eldridge Caroline Elizh. (Mrs.), frmr Lawrence-Pix Chas. Lewis, Woodside Catt Alfred, farmer, Morebred farm Farley Elgar, cycle agent Liddell Mrs. The Place house Catt Fred, farm bailiff t-o Herbert Farley William, blacksmith Scott Mrs. John 0. The Hermitage Baker esq Filmer Horace Herbt. grocer & drapr Watson Percy, Winders cottage Clark Charles Edward, Cock inn Fuggle Charles Pomfret,dairy farmer, l:OMMEilCIAL. Coning & Watson,fruit growrs.Windrs assistant overseer & poor rate col­ Ashby Ebenezer, farmer Cooper Margt. Maria (Mrs.), farmer lector, The Hermitaa-e farm .
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