Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1991-1992 Student Newspapers 4-28-1992 College Voice Vol.15 No.24 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1991_1992 Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "College Voice Vol.15 No.24" (1992). 1991-1992. 7. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1991_1992/7 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1991-1992 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. THE COL EVOICE Volume XIV, Number 24 Ad Fontes April 28, 1992 j :-:;:,\.----...'-..,..-..,-.--.-.,...,.,.",..,~--.-.--,~_..,..''''--'''''''''--..,.,-..,..._.,-=..,..•_~ ...,.---------- ~----'-,-' '- Summer reading :<,. selection altered Removal of sexual Personae raises questions of censorship and rouses heated controversy been reached. That is, if [Sexual by Jcnnfter Yuan The Ccncgc VI/icc Personae] is going to be read, it's important to be paired with Faludi's \~( Although unknown La many stu- book." dents, one of the original three Christopher Cory, director of books on the 1992 Summer Read- college relations and Summer Iii iog List recently became a hotly Reading Committee member, said debated and controversial choice. the committee is also drafting a .. ~. Originally, Sexual Personae by memo to faculty which asks for Camille Paglia, The Slreel by Ann interested faculty members to help Petry, and Chaos by James Gleick facilitate the discussion of Sexual were the selected books. On Friday, Personae and Backlash. April 24, the summer reading com- The summer reading list was mittee decided to remove Sexual printed in the February Dtueline, Personae from the freshman the March/April 1992 issue of Three-- outgoing professors reading list, primarily because of Connecticut College Magazine, concern that the incoming fresh- and in the letter Claire Gaudiani, men would not have the appropriate president of the college. sent to par- context, or background knowledge, ems in March. receive SGA teaching awards to read the book, according to The catalyst behind the change Fredcrick Paxton, Summer Rcad- was when the Women's Studies This years' recipients are; Julia Claire Gaudiani, 'President of the ing Commuiee chairperson and as- Committee and othcr facu\t)' mem- by Rebecca Flynn Genstcr, assistant professor of En-· college. "It is in the {lnformation socune proicssor of history. ":dilor in Chi"f bers expressed extreme di.ssausfac- for Faculty.}" glish. Patrick Ireland. asiswnl pl'O- I~_S~/\o-,..A?""""""'" W'iHbe Lion JViLh ~ia 'Shook. A~ Gaudiani explained that a college It is not often that the prescrua- fessorof government, and Maureen discussed in conJunction r.viLh Lhc La Robcrr Bakhvin, assisdlnl pr0- president has the perspective to re- addition of a Iouctn book, Susan tcssor of art history. chis dissatis- tion of an award serves as a double- Moaklcy, visiting assistant profes- view overall and individual coHe- Faludi's Backlash, later in the year. faction was primarily the result of edged sword. The Student Govern- sor of government giaie decision making when decid- Louise Brown, dean offrcshmcn, the subjccs maner, which is "offen- ment Association honored the Gcnstcr will not leave the college Sec Professor p. 9 said, "A good compromise has Sec CommIttee p. 7 wishes of the student body Thurs- willingly. She was denied tenure. day as it gave out its Excellence in "I don't have a choice," she said, Teaching Awards to three faculty "Once you are denied tenure you're members who will not be working out of here." Contract ends campus film group feud at Connecticut College next year. Whcn she was up for tenure, approved with a vote of 18-0-0. films from Mirarnax and Para- Ratiya Ruangsuwana, chair of Genstcr was reccomended by both by Carl Lewis The dispute between the groups mount. At the beginning of each AcademicAffairs, said the awards her department and Advisory News Editor has been the result of film sched- semester each group will select are given out on the basis of the Board. Despite their approval, the A contract resolving the conflict uling conflicts. On several occa- movies from these companies. "number and quality" of the rec- presidential ruling was no. between the Film Society and sions, the organizations have Each April, the contract will be ommendations and endorsements According to Genster, com- Castle Court Cinema was approved fought over which group should reviewed and adapted as necessary. sent in by students. plaints offered on her behalf fell on "This document is not etched in "It's clear that the students be- deaf ears. "Last year a number of by the SGA Assembly at Thurs- have the right to show a specific lieve that these professors arc people tried 10 talk lO president days' meeting. film. stone," said Soteropoulos. Jackie Soteropoulos, SGA vice Sotcropoulos said she drafted the among the most engaging, knowl- Gaudiani," she said. The settlement resolves sched- president and chair of the Consti- uling conflicts by allowing each contract, working closely with edgcable, and best all around pro- "A president must make an in- tution Committee, sponsored the group first priority for access 10 Mark Hoffman, coordinator of fessors at Connecticut College," dependent judgement and bring it proposed settlement, which was different movie companies. student activities. "The Constitu- said Ruangsuwana. to the Board of Trustees," said The Film Society is given prior- tion Committee has reviewed this. ity to rent films from Columbia(fri- as has [Catherine Wood Brooks, Star, De Laurentis, Embassy, Hol- dean of student life],' she added. lywood, New Line, New World, "This is something I've been Samuel Goldwyn, and 20th Cen- working on since last May," tury Fox. Sotcropoulos said, "It has been a Castle Court Cinema has priority very tedious process." to show Disney/Touchstone, The conflict has been an issue for MGMlUnited Artists, Orion, Uni- the past few years, according to versal, and Warner Bros. films. Hoffman. He said the dispute ex- In addition, there is a "no prior- isted when he came to the college in ity" category of companies. Both April, 1990. groups will be allowed La choose Sec Settlcment p. 6 Index: Features pp. 4-5 Com;" p. 12~ Students celebrated Earth Day on Harkness Green. A & E pp. 10-11 Sports pp. 13-16 Guys and 00/15 hits New Women's lacrosse hopes York. to make ECACs. CONNTHOUGHT Q. \.!hat happened to the Exiting remarks Brovln cal'rtpaisn ?, -l'LN., &Jffalo There are limes when 11is nol appropriate to put on a happy I'M /Ibr JUST A PRo7tST race. There are limes when the message is so important, it VOTE AM'f'\OQE. NOW I'M must besaid, and there are times when the signals are so clear, 8E1~C.ONSID~ St,RIOUSLV they cannot be Ignored. The presentation of the Student AS A 'I'ABli CANLIDATE.· Government Associalion's Excellence in Teaching Awards Thursday suggests all these times have come for Connecticut College. The student body chose Julia Genster, Patrick Ireland and Maureen Moakley as the best professors the college has to ofl'er this year, but there's a glitch - come the close of the semester, none of them will be COIIII'S to offer. ~ Genster Is In the midst of a messy and public tenure battle,) after the administration denied her and students' appeals.'! While/thus been kept relatively hush-hush, Jrela\!di.~ I,,~v.iriiii ror greener pastures, and Moakleyhlls si~l!e~:i:i9)'ilI,Hl~J ·DveU I rsJfy of Rhode Island• •. ••.•...•..•.....•.,.. :,F"Y" , •...••."'"aI',a", & Wilht!Jis,announ~'ementcomesU,~ ..uIJ#~114i:iltilf4!hs;;,:JhIW Addictions go beyond narcotics :;i;:;i;;:;;;:::i::;;:)'''· ?AM:\,t:<=;: J:JIHJ/f:tt:::ni:nr Addictions are at the root of many ingly say, "I'm addicted to soap checked it can continue increasing of today's most serious problems. operas." It's not a laughing matter until the whole system breaksdown, The society of the United States is that you arc living vicariously while as when the student fails and gets very addictive. While most people you are ignoring the people around expelled. will agree some substances are you, your physical health is declin- Addictions work on a societal physically addictive, I believe the ing, you are totally absorbed and level as well as an individual level. root of drug addictions is more psy- hypnotized by some lightand sound Environmentally. weare maximiz- ,,;.,whij~Jtmay bethese Issuesa~ Iloi exclusive to thlscolJege," chological and social. Modern ad- which does not care about you, you ing shan term resource use at the diction theory extends far beyond are non-productive. Commercials expense of long term planetary drug use. Rather than viewing drugs are likely to increase your unneces- health. while denying or not be- in and of themselves as the problem, sary desires and your consumption coming aware of the feelings of we must investigate why it is people of wasteful products and unhealthy sadness and anger that could moti- actin addictive ways. Then wecan food will increase. Consciously or vate' us lO take more positive ac- see thal drug use isonlyone example unconsciously one can pick up sex- tion. Is this not a similar process of addiction. ist and racist messages, and worst with a different content to what a Behavior is addictive, not sub- of all, it's an escape from your drug addict docs? stances, thus one could view drugs, feelings. When the watching is The process of maturation is a gambling, television, work, over- over, you have gained nothing, ex- painful process, and Ifor one be- THE COLLEGE VOICE eating, sex, and video games as cept a couple of pounds, but have lieve that this society is doing a addictions.
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