Gsjvsa V?Oslat

Gsjvsa V?Oslat

AUTOMOBILES FOR SAU AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOSIUS FOR SALE B-30 THE EVENING STAR 1 AUTOMOIILES FOR lALI AUTOMOSIUS FOR SAU BE A LAW! —By Fogoly and Shorten THERE OUGHTA **88” club OLDS '6O coupe; and < Super sad.; FACKABD *6O » Washington, D C. : '64 Monterey hardtop r. OLDSMOBILE '52 “88" i THURSDAY, MERCURY terms. $lO down: $306. AMIR- 2-tone blue. w.-w. tires, r. and h.. 9 JPME a*. IMi t coupe; beautiful bronxt and ivory ICAN SERVICE CENTER, 685 N. Hydra, and beaut, cond.. *1.185 ICE finish; equipped with radio, heater. your terms. 'cKSTTR WW"** tires: CCC guarantee. WB Glebe rd.. Arl.. JA. 7-7724. Cash or name WOLFE HUDSON '6O 4-dr.; , w.-w. THAT MM'. Wis. 8.W.. EM. AUTOS FOR SAU <Cnnt~ Pacemaker new fl\»96: %pemo Oflfj/ OLDS 1960 '‘9B’’ 4-dr.; HydraMatle. MOTORS. 1991 an. j blue paint job. excel, tranip at *396. , Capitol Cadillac-Olds. Co. What Aun what wast -to more r. and h.. excel, tires. $495. BELL Terms can be arranged BOWMAN N.W- BT. 3-2800 0 Wisconsin OLDS '64 sport sedan: STUDEBAKER, 928 Phils, aye.. | 1222 -'2nd-ST. ave. n.w. ( “98" black Sil- miles; MOTORS,^6O1 onyx finish, r. and h.. Hydra- $895. nam "ahlYngton Sprint. 9-3900. • m: O. 19*1; 15.000 excellent Urea, N. Moo,, ver JU. —2 condition: KI. 9- 4-door; 2-tone gray. Matlc. w.-w. ate.: 10.000 Indoor Showroom, 2015 i HUDSON 'sl Hornet 4-dr., and h.. 51.195. Phone OLDS *6l “98" This 186-h.p. Rocket, Rosslyn). Va- JA. S-30SO, r. : 3350: after 5. OV. —1 Hydra., excel, runnlnx actual miles. st. Arl. i Hydra-Matlc motor completely 3-1484. r. aad h.: like new Inside and out. ¦—s S6TRDB. 1960 models. several A-l M.G. TD. 1950 roadster: Matador eond.; fully guar.; $1,045. Remark- each, easy overhauled. Reduced from *1.095 to radio; good able value. $2,505. MONTOOM- '4B: r. aadK *299 ar guaranteed at red: • car* *4OO $595. SILVER SPRINO ; condition. Price. ERY-STUBBS. Mercury PLYMOUTH SERF. MOTOR $795. JA. —3O ARCADE PONTIAC CO. Lincoln beet offer. TEXACO STA MOTORB CO . INC. 1002 E.-W. hwy. (atQa. 1 Call 5-9658. 14*7 IRVING BT. N.W. AO. 4-8600 Dealer, 3715 Bladensburx rd. AP. Riggs and 8. Dak. n.a. SM. t-802; TRIANGLE are ). 0(1. Spg.. 9-4500: I MORRIS MINOR 'sl eonv.: green, 7-2929. >OIO R. L Ave. N.E. DE. 2-8302 Md.. JU. top. Owner sell- j blue 4-dr. open 'til 9. black Excel cond. FACKARDS—'SO aedan. Special de FORD 1862 convertible; Fordomatle. HUDSONS—'49 blue 4-dr.. *299; '6l ing only because of transf. Calif. OLDS *64 de luxe ”88” Holiday Ultra., r and b.. $449: 'sl 4-dr.. PLYMOUTH 1948 lux'T- heater: tuncate lvoty finish, black Hornet, cream. Hydra., r. and h., Best offer over $475. JA. 2-3530. coupe; Hydra., r. and h.. turn sig- Ultra., r. and h.. $749. HORNER'S top and excellent white-wall tires. *749: '52 4-door Wasp, r. and h.. nals; beautiful 2-tone finish, w.-w. COR.. Buick Dealer. Fla. ave. n.e. One owner. $1,286. Hydra.. *849. HORNER'S COR., ! NASH '56 Custom V-8 country club; tires. This car is like new. A real at 6th. LI. 6-6464. Bulek Dealer. Fla. ave. n.e. at Bth. factory official ear. alr-eonditloner. bargain. Priced. $2,196. safety FACKABD1 'sl "200" 4-door aedan; &jsFt3FsegEiJt: LI. Ultramatle drive, electric windows, tested for your protection; 30-day Ultramatle. and h.; owner; PARKWAY-FORD 6-6484. seats, guarantee. r. one SMALL, JR., INC. SO6l If ST. N.W. AD. 2-0185 HUDSON 'sl Hornet 4-door tedan; radio, wire wheels, reclining written very clean. Butler-Bondad; $795. FRANK IJ-9: BAT. 6 light Hydrematlc. radio, w.-w tires. Pashlon-tone color, LEE D. BUTLER, Conn, and : 8200 AVE. BJt LU. 2-9*27 1 OPEN DAILY TILL blue. through- Bermuda green and snowberry PAUL BROS. (Olds.) Florida ayes. YNC.. PA 2-tone finish, heater, excellent condition WIB. AND n.w. FORD 1861 Victoria: out. $495. NASH [ white, back-up fights, retail for ELLICOTT ST. N.W. PACKARD| '53 "300" 4-door; fully• eras with dark purple top; r and holiday special, holiday special $3,600. save KE. 7-1308 9-9 Closed Bunders equipped: owner; n„ buy ARLINGTON CORF.. Indoor Show- *4.650. one good cond.: beautiful interior. A real room. 2015 N Moore at. Arl. $1)60. NASH ARLINGTON CORP.. Butler-Bonded: $1,295. LEE D. at KAPLAN ft CRAWFORD. Moore Conn, *BBS. Wia. (Rosslyn). Va.. JA. 8-3030. —6 Indoor Showroom. 2016 N. OLDS 1960 "OS" Futursmstic For- BUTLER. INC.. and Florida Dodse- Plymouth Dealer. 4034 JAGUAR '64 XK 120 M white Super ' at. Arl. (Rosslyn). Va.. JA. *-3030. dor; Plnehurst green, contrasting aves. n.w. ave n.w., KE. 7-1366. roadster. Bartaln Call for spot. seat covers. Hydra., r. and h.. PACKARD1 1950 Custom 4-dr. sedan: ’66 Ranch Walton V-8: heater LO. NASH '6O 2-door Ambassador; Hy- extremely good cond. throughout: excel finish and motor. Has FORD 5-0836 or TV/ S-SS27. gray slight had Don’t WalkFl and turn signals: *296 down. KAISER 1960 Traveler station i dra-Matle. Weather-Eye. light don't miss this bargain: July 4th uss and looks Ilka new. Low f SILVER SPRING MOTOR CO.. wagon type: orf*. factory green , finish, holiday special: $295. NASH special- *595. mileage. Uses no oil. Automatic 1'49 Pontiac $4851 INC.. 1002 E.-W. hwy (at Oa. fin.; new Urea' 1 owner. Far ¦ ARLI&OTON CORP.. Indoor Show- FRANK SMALL, JR., INC. trans.. heater, defroster, turn sig- : ave.). BU. Spg . Md.. JU. 8-4600. above average cond. $395 VILLAGE: room. 2015 N. Moore st. Arl. nals. Used by retired teacher. New | '53 Plymouth, $985 I 14 th and R I. (Rosslyn). Va.. JA. 8-3030. —5 3200 PA? AVE. B.E. LU. 2-8827 tires. Has had excel, care. *450. Available For MOTORS. INC.. NASH 'SO Custom 2-door sedan; Box 468-M, Star. i| GMAC Terms ¦ FORD ’63 Cus&milne dor: heater Ivory —2 and turn slanals; very clean: an LINCOLN 254 4-Soor' sedan: 2-tone ! original Champagne finish, OLDS '53 Rocket engine "98" sedan: PACKARD1 '53 4-dr. tte luxe Clipper; blue-gray. w.-w. tubeless tires, radio, overdrive, directional signals, 2-tone finish, fully equipped, in- excellent condition, bur green Ul- IKenyon *9" Pwk S * power glass, dual complete accessories, holiday spe- cluding power steering; $1,695; tramatlc, power brakes, good brakes tinted NASH rub- w h, speakers and heaters, nylon custom I rial, $445. ARLINGTON CCC guarantee. TODI I4 ’ %. seat coven, new: approx. $4,700. CORP., Indoor Showroom. 2016 !^ SKr. ir,°Vk:: Md. M: . (Roeslyn). Va., Open until 10 p.m. asking $3 096. OWNER LU 2- N. Moore »t. Arl. Capitol Cadillac-Olds. Co. FACKABD 1949 de luxe 4-door. r. FORD ’54 Custom "8” sedan: r. and 4878. —3O JA 8-3030 —5 1222 22nd BT. N.W.. BT. 8-2600 and h-. oveidrive. new paint; S3OO Fordomatle; purchased hardtop: : 4-door sedan; or best offer KL. —1 h.. orl«. LINCOLN '4B Continental NABH '6l Ambassador Weather-Eye. OLDS '49 de luxe "98" conv. coupe; , 0-2269. Monroe Ford by one owner: completely rectored: new engine, Hydra-Matlc drive. elec, from ap- . reclining seats, original black : Hydra., r and h.. windows, w.- w.-w. tires. Lancer-maroon body. new black lacouer. Must see to finish. tires, preciate. mileage, owner, holiday w. practically new top: motor Sunsate ivory top; showroom ao- Call JU. 7-7898. —4 low one completely ; special; : overhauled not mors i nearance; 30-day written warranty; LINCOLN '52 Cosmo, sport sedan: $595. NASH ARLINGTON than 3 months ago. A real bar- n MON- and h.. CORP . Indoor r Car No. lustrous sage green finish, r. Showroom, 2015 N. $445, '49 Cad. Sedan *17685. 866-A. hwy.. drive, tires, electric JA. gain. Only safety tested for $795 ROE FORD. 1237 East-West auto, w.-w. Moore st. Arl.. (Rosslyn), Va.. your protection. Boa.. Md. Open evenlnas 'til windows, etc.: low mileage: one ! 8-3030. —5 irHoicsTi^^ 'sl Henry $175 SU. J Open Every Night A luxury priced you 4-door; ¦ Nl l|f I 9. JO 6-7804. owner. ear so 1 NASH 1961 Statesman fully PAUL BROS. (Olds) Victoria; r. and h.. sea- may buy. $1,495. MONTGOMERY- Also , I AND ELLICOTT BT. N.W. Austin A-40 $145 Till 9 (Including FORD '62 top: excel, Llncoln-Mercury equipped. bed. black finish: WIS. Sundayl|l ‘ mist sreen body. Ivory -BTUBBB, Dealer, KE. 7-1308 9-0 Closed Simdays II condition, far above average; seat 8715 Bladeneburg rd. AF. 7-2929. SAU AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE '4B Ford V-8 —sl4s covers, tires: Car No. : NELSON STUDEBAKER AUTOMOBILES FOR w.-w. 11.296. ' 768-A: 30-day written warranty MERCURY ’49 4-DR. 7215 Balto. Ave.. College Park, Md. NASH '6l Rambler convert.; r.,h., ! OLDS 1952 "88’’ 4-dr.: equipped. OLDSMOBILE 'sl 4-dr. Holiday; ex- 'sl Chev. Conv. $745 ’52 BUIDK I MONROE FORD. 1237 East-West ; Immac.. equipped with r. and h. A, Open 8 A.M. Til 8 PM. UN. 4-8600 cellent condition, *785. 8-7768 Open w.-w. tires; *595. IPP'S MOTOR JO. 'sl Austin, 4-dr. i hwy.. 811. Bp«.. Md. evenlnas real eye-etopper. Bee it today; $295 till 9. SALES. LA. 0-9798. —1 1 fist —1 JO *5-7804.

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