OF PHI KAPPA TAU MARCH, 1977 The Phi .Kappa Tau Fraternity Founded at Miami University Oxford, Ohio, March 17, 1906 In this issue National Oflicers NATIONAL PRESIDENT - Edward A. Marye, Jr. 50 Broadway, Mt. Sterling. KY 40353. NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT - F. L McKinley. 11040 Spnnghollow Road. Oklahoma C1ty , OK 73120. EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR - Dr. Willis L Tompk1ns, 4901 Wornall Rd , Apt. #604, Kansas City, MO 64112. HOUSING AND FINANCIAL ADVISER - Thomas E. Hen­ dricks, L.T. V. Corporation. P.O. Box 5003, Dallas. TX 4 75222 DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT - C. Brent DeVore. clo H~ram College. H~ram. OH 44234. NATIONAL CHAPLAIN - Re v. Fredenck J. Johnson. 620 West 19th St. , Pueblo, CO 81003. BORRADAILE WINNER­ The National Council The National President. V1ce Pres1dent. Hous1ng and FI ­ Dr. Grayson L. Kirk, nancial Adv1ser, and: Thomas C. Cunningham. L T. V. Corporation, P.O. Box President Emeritus of 5003. Dallas, TX 75222. Columbia University, is Robert D. Leatherman. Office of Indian Programs, Dept. ol Housing and Urban Dev .. 1405 Curtis St ., Executive the Fraternity's 1976 Tower. 26th Floor, Denver. CO 80202. Jim K. Heilmeier, 3134 S. Dover Rd ., Cuyahoga Falls. OH Alumnus of the Year. 44224. John M. Green, 414 East Cheyenne, Wauneta, NE 69045. Michael J. Raleigh, 7582 Benedict Dr.. Dallas, TX 75214 Ra y A. Clarke, 2940 Talmadge Rd ., Toledo, OH 43606 MichaelS. Morgan. 1730 Hyview Dr. Apt. #2, Casper, WY 82601 William J. Hughes, Hovda House Apt. A-1 , 20 16 Walnut, Evansville, IN 47714 Reed Panos, 2335 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, CA 97404. 'Raymond A. Bichimer. 50 W. Broad St. , Columbus. OH 43215. 'Ex-officio. non-voting. Founders Taylor A. Borradaile. clo Lexington House, Room D-1, Bldg . No . 2, Dry Hill Rd ., Beckley, W V 25801. Dwight t. Doug­ lass. William H. Shideler, Clinton D. Boyd. Do main Directors 6 Deep South- John A. Johnson, 173 Woodway Dr. , Apt. G, Jackson. MS 39206 Southeast Domain - John F. Cosgrove. 1435 Mercado Ave., Coral Gables, FL 33146 Southwest Domain - Robert L Singhaus. 5711 Cherry CHAPTERS IN FOCUS Creek Dr ., Austin , TX 78745 Rocky Mountain - Jelfrey G. Meyers. 203 Alamo Dr. - A pictorial view of Santa Fe, NM 8750 1 chapter happenings. Golden Bear (North) - Larry D. McConnell, Rm . 2053, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814 "Everyone at East Golden Bear (South) - Walter G. Strange, Jr., P.O. Box 5342, Los Angeles, CA 90055 Carolina wishes he could be a Ph i Tau !" The Executive Oflices 15 North Campus Ave., Oxford, OH 45056. Telephone (513) 523-4193 EXECUTI VE DIRECTOR - William D. Jenkins DIRECTOR OF FINANACE - ADMINISTRATION - Thomas G. Traver DIRE CTOR OF CHAPTER DEVELOPMENT - Gary F. Rybak CHA PTER CONSULTANT- Dav1d L Troescher ASSOCIATE ED ITOR - PUBLICATIONS - Camille A. Rocky Mountain High! Cestone EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT - Mrs. Ellen L Wisecup The 43rd Phi Kappa Tau National Convention will take place August 13-17 The Phi Kappa Tau Foundation CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD- Ew1ng T. Boles, 724 Atlas in Keystone, Colorado, a ski resort in the Colorado Rockies. Bldg ., 8 E. Long St. , Columbus. OH 43215. A ski resort in the summer? How boring. WRONG! Keystone's facilities PRESIDENT - Raymond A. Bich1mer. 50 W. Broad, ,Co­ lumbus, OH 43215. range from horseback riding to tennis; from raft trips down the Colorado River VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER - Dan L Huffer, 155 E. Broad St. , Columbus, OH 43265 to historical bus tours to abandoned mines and ghost towns; from high-altitude SECRETARY- Harold N. Wilson, 2567 Farle1gh Rd., Co­ sailing on nearby Lake Dillon to relaxing in the sauna or Jacuzzi baths. Stll lumbus, OH 43221. bored? How about a scenic chairlift ride or Jeep tour through the high coun1ry above the Keystone Village? How about a guided fiShing tour in ArapahO THE LAUREL of Phi Kappa Tau National Forest or a little practice on the putting green? An Educational Journal When you have time to catch your breath you might want to settle down Volume 65, No. 3 March, 1977 Published quarterly (Fall- W1nter - Spnng- Summer) by the the serious business of swimming, shopping in the Village and dining in one ot Ph1 Kappa Tau Fraternity at 15 N. Campus Avenue, Oxford, Keystone Lodge's three restaurants. When you've tried all three of those. Oh1o 45056. Second class postage pa1d at Oxford, Oh10, and at additional ma11ing off•ces. can hit the Village for more restaurants, cocktail lounges and night Ed1tonal and Bus1ness Off1ces In your "spare" time you will be attending the legislative sessions 15 North Campus Avenue , Oxford, Oh1o 45056 Telephone (513) 523-4193 Convention, workshops for chapter programming areas, and enjoying Ed•tor/Bus1ne ss Manager . William D. Jenkins Tau brotherhood only a national convention can produce! Associate Ed1tor - PublicatiOns ..... Camille A. Cestone Not only will delegates be able to "put names with faces." Member. The College Fraternity Ed1tors Assoc•a t1on contribute to the Important decision-making processes of our 01111•• Postmaster: Please send notiCe of undeliverable cop1es on Delegates will be electing undergraduate and alurmi mernbera to -•••u• Form 3579 to THE LAUREL of Ph1 Kappa Tau National Council, amending the National Constitution and ~-.. 15 North Campus Avenue sisting national officers In determining future oou of OKford . Oh•o 45056 This year, "summer" has just four days: A 1 17. Kelt*• Is the spot. The basic Ingredient to occasion Is YOU. Plan to there. It In Augu . Th Augu . ----2 Th ht K, pp Top Adviser Honors to Sneed Samuel R. Sneed, Miami, '53, has been named a 1976 recipient of the E. E. Brandon Award for outstanding chapter advisers. Adviser since 1969, Sneed is also a member of the House Corporation and the Board of Gover­ nors . He received the National Fraternity's Ph i Award in 1971 , given to alumni making outstanding service con­ tributions to their own chapter. The Hamilton, Ohio native, who is Assistant Director of the Public Informa­ tion Office at Miami University, has also been honored interfraternally; Tau Kappa Epsilon named him "Miami Fra­ ternity Adviser of the Year" in 1975. He additionally advises Miami's Omicron Delta Kappa chapter and is a member of the Fraternity Advisers Organization. Sneed is quite involved in the Oxford community serving the United Appeal in ascending capacities and as president in 1975. He is also a member of the Oxford Tomahawk Club, Miami Sports Booster Organization and a charter member of the Order of Symposiarchs, an organization of alumni from all fra­ ternities which strives to support higher education and Greek activity. Upon nominating Sneed, past presi­ dent of Alpha chapter, Jeff Thackrey said, "All of those members of Alpha who have worked with Mr. Sneed would SAM SNEED, Alpha's adviser, talks with Dr. Neale agree ... he consistently shows a very Bogner (Baldwin-Wallace, '36) Dean of Miami's School of real concern for Alpha's affairs and pro­ Education, at the University's 1976 Winter Commence­ vides sound and respected advice in all ment. matters, both large and small." AKRON Chapter Eternal OKLAHOMA STATE Myron E. Chapman Dian H. Hamilton William C. Good , '42 The following brothers have been reported deceased to the Executive Offices Gerald T. Porch between October 22, 1976 and January 31 , 1977. Their years of graduation are OREGON STATE Ben Smith AUBURN listed when known . Bernard J. Pearsall , ·46 PURDUE Henry F. Turner, '50 CORNELL KANSAS MICHIGAN Donald W. Bushnell Frank R. Davis, Jr ., '52 Glenn W. Young , '27 BETHANY Curt B.· Muller, '05 Col. John H. Carter, '31 Curt G. Muller , '34 John E. Smithson , '32 Ralph M. Buttermore , '32 KENTUCKY MOUNT UNION Francis P. Keiper , '26 Paul Ru sby CALIFORNIA • BERKELEY Dr . Vernard F. Vos s, '39 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Walter N. Anderson DELAWARE Ralph B. Wright , '32 MUHLENBERG Rev . Deane F. Babbitt, '30 Herman W. Cook , Sr ., '23 Robert L. Vetter Louis F. Foster, Jr . W.D. Rankin LAFAYETIE Judge Lawrence C. Elliott, '29 NEBRASKA WESLEYAN John W. Kewak, '40 CALIFORNIA • LONG BEACH William W. Doherty, '32 John A. Kedzierski Howard A. Durham Don G. Magruder, '36 Robert R. Leidy , '59 Darrell F. Long , '26 LAWRENCE NEW YORK TRANSYLVANIA CASE WESTERN RESERVE FRANKLIN & MARSHALL Melvin W. Poppe George J. Kraft David B. Herrick, '40 M.E. Swanton Edward M. Elliot H. Walter Hersker, '34 OHIO STATE George Elliott COE GEORGIA LOUISVILLE Ralph H. Sipple Milton H. Pearson , '50 Willard H. Falconer George Piburn Curtis A. Chambers OHIO Milton T. Qumton . Jr. Wesley G. Vanney , '22 Arthur E. ·Cornwell , '34 WEST VIRGINIA COLGATE ILLINOIS MIAMI Arlington B. C. Jacobs Ray W. Wilson , '20 Dr. Lee H. Brown Ru ssell L. Curtis, '31 S. Blaine Yeager , '48 OHIO WESLEYAN COLORADO STATE INDIANA MICHIGAN STATE Russell A. Martin WILLIAM AND MARY Louis E. Hunter, '32 Paul J. Kotula Frank C. Johnson , Jr. Rev . Alcwyn L. Roberts , '31 Edwin C. Payne , '60 I The Laurel of Phi Kappa Tau 3 I<IRI< Td 1976 Alumn Dr. Grayson L. Kirk, Miami '24, has been named Ph i Kappa Tau 's alumnus of the year for 1976. Nominated by his own Alpha chapter, Kirk was selected from a number of nominees by the Fraternity's officially designated Awards Committee. The Taylor A. Borradaile Award , named for Honored Founder Bor­ radaile , is presented annually to the Fraternity's alumnus of the year for out­ standing achievement in his chosen field of endeavor. Dr. Kirk, President Emeritus of Co­ lumbia Un iversity, received his B.A. from Miami, and his M.A. from Clark University. After studying in Paris for a year he took his Ph.D . at the University of Wisconsin in 1930, where he pro­ gressed from instructor to professor of political science.
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