
• » *r. •« ; PICK FOURTEEN JRanririfBtrr d ra in s If^roUi Atstbcs DsUy Nst PrsBs! Fto toe Week Hnisd Ths Wssthsr Air Force, wlU go Into operation are not on the eompanbattan -rolls M y B, USS isf V.B. WoaMM 40 Vdlim teer at • a. m. Monday. and are eovstsd by the nsw law About Town Arrives in Pau Votuntsera need have no special should a p ^ at thslr nsarsst VA knowledge of aircraft, Bchendel office. 1 0 3 9 8 Sunny, whi er today:' Qordon F. KMii«y w m r*e*nUy As Observers said today, and they will, receive Tbs new law gods into offset on Septic Tanks Cleaned sunny, wami Sunday. 4Uchai|«d from tho U. S. Novy the little training they noad after Aug. 1 and the Incraasso sdU bo tursa hi tha i ■ftor compIoUnf four yearo of they have enlisted. v ' refiiwtsd In the checks usually re­ MimckeUer City of VUlage Chorm Mrrieo. Ht rootlvod Ms rtcrult Last night's recruiting team In- ceived Iqr the veterans on 1. Cdl KNwdwfer's Sswsraqs SpM M m trtlnliv Orest Liskss, III., and CD Recruiting ScBsion dudsd M is . Ruth fflekoa, Mrs. Vetecans who will receive the In­ than sarvad tha followinf two Ray X Ooaaelln, Mrs. Albert Con- creased cheeks are these who have Increases Local Mem­ .VOL. LXXI, MO. 241 Advsftaing aa •) MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, JULY 12,1N8 (TEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE c K u r i s . ^ , yaara aboard tha earriar "Kaar> Ion, Leon Thorp, Elwood How­ bean awarded statutory allow- IIMKINS SAVE TWO WAYS: safga’’. Ha was transfarrad to the bership to About 100 ells, and Police Ut. Raymond F. ancss for the loss, or loss of use, da^ royar *Xymaa K. Bwanaen." Griffin, deputy dlreetor In charge of either or both hands or feet, SROTHSSA. m e ( l ) LOW PBICB . the ssest modem arhlch was ooerattnc along the of airplane operatlM. for bUndness and for totid ehWwy In Cennsctlart asnkee peedMe n I Kataan coast. Ha Is tha son of Hr. A total of 40 persons volun- ness (In combination with total FUNERAL LOVOQI PBICB. _ . and Hra. Howard B. Kaeney of tcarsd last night for duty I n ^ c blindness). Veterans' who aro re­ SERVICE (S) T O U * SOB IB BNGIMBEBBD . all eeptle t o n ^ P«nln- m Haary atraat and U n^aniad a v il Defense aet-up as airplane Disabled Veterans ceiving a minimum monthly rata ass aad sewer Snss are lastaBed imder tlw watchful M P ^ to tha fomar Halan ODnn. vMlaa sf a Draiaags Baglacfr BESULTt tsn am prstanai spotters In the Oround Observer of compensation for arrsstsd tu­ O n s s s g i W M Corps. Corps members stationed Getting Increase berculosis will also rsceivs in- agaiast esstly bhmieri . BAVmO. ^ Jsk Mrs. Oaorga A. ^ n m a n of 174 h on the sidewalk In front of the ereaaod checks. gives yen LA8TINO AND SATOFACrrOBT RB8ULTS. Bumslda aaanua. East Hartford, -Nixon Ticket Launches DrivO Manchester Thiat Cbmpany on nothar of Bmast W. 8paUn>an of Mors than 1,MN> blind, crippled Main street enlisted the new and tuberculous Ounnsctlcut vet­ IM BuauMt streat, died at har 'volunteers and aapigned Utem Cooper Will Speak Be Safe! ...Be Sure! hoaaa lata niursday afUmoon. erans of all wars and psacstime hours of duty. service will receive Increased pay­ ' Hanry U Hadden of 4M Middle The Incraaae brought the corbe ments in their compensation To Kiwanig Club CALL turnpike east and Donald H. An* membership up to about 100. Un­ checks due Sept. 1, IMg, under >daraon of 9M Wethercll atraat an* der the present setup,’ spotters Public Law 4 STsig,signed ted June 30 by Ray Cooper, former Rspulgican Ustad in the Air Force Wednesday working In pairs will stand three- the P'president. H a i^ T. Wood, town director, who now resides in THE M cKin n e y BROS. at Haw Haven. Both ara aaaignsd hour watches svery week from the Hartford Regional office manager. Bolton, will speak at the Mwanla fis Sifs W • roof of the Odd Fellows Building Club, neat week. He Is also a to lanipson A F Base, Geneva, announced last night. WORTHY SiRVICi aWERME Disrasu. CONTMIY H . T. at the Canter. Wood said tha Increases are former Klwanls member. An additional M workers are automatic for those votorana who Cooper, office manager for Or- O S A IN A M m S SIW HAOi INOWBnS elmmmmmmmmemmm niaVanchasUr Pipe Band, bet- neadsd to put the corps on a two- are receiving compensation checks ford SoM, has chosen for his sub- 142 East Cantsr St 130-132 F««ri SliBBt^ MeBclwsfep— TeL S300 tar known as the Kilties Band, hour watch basis. Twenty-four for thsrdlsablllUes specified by the lect, "BM-Aml—U Bcratchless Manchsstsr Ike*s Choiee for VMp GOP Nomioeet and Thair Wiras arin aceooipany tha Orange Lod­ hour observation, orderad by tho new law. However, veterans who tears.” ‘Fair Deal’ ges whan they march from Orange HlMM gtuOlo. Calls Meeting Hall, Bunday, to the sendee at PvL Mario W. Dioaa i t ’Mary's Bplsoapsl CJiurch st M a. m. Pvt. Mario W. Diana, son of Insisted on Mr. and Mrs. Leo Diana of M Mr. aad Mra Oarenca W. Ois- Clinton Btrsst has srrivsd st In- tsr, fbnasriy of Bldgs street, art dlsntown Gap Military Rsaarva- By Truman now ooeupylag thslr new horns in tion. Pa, for training with the Of GOP Chiefs Andsvsr. 8th Infantry Divliion. Diana left in June and is training In baste ' lUsrmond Starkwssthsr, son of military subjects end weapons. Bjr ERNEST B. VACCARO Chicago, July 12— Gan. Dwight D. Eisanbower ssl Mr. end Mrs. Bsymond Stork- After 13 wssks of training he Wflshington, July out today on a Republican “ahining promiM” eruaada for tha woaUisr of IM WoOdbridgs street, wilt graduate aad then . return — Pmident Trumsn W u praaidancy. At tha side of the 62-year-old general of tha Arfllty who recontly snllstsd In the Army home. ' reprcMiited tcXlsy as deter Air FMm, hss left for his bssic DUna graduated from Msnehaa- — who won the party nomination by blasting down four training at Sampson. N. T.. Air U f High School In 1343 and then mined to ineist on a fighting on * ■I'Vl* ballot yeatarday— a* Feres Bass. He attended local was amploysd by the Public Last Red Tag Day campaign on an all-out “Fair marched SB-year-old San. Richard’ M. Nixon of California. gmmasar aad htgh school- Works Department, Housing Dl- Deal” platform as the best vision, In Hartford. Handkpickad by Etaenhowar and hope of a Democratic victory his adviaere for No. 3 place on the Lodge Hails Mra. Frank MOardner Of Wal- over ,Gen. 'Dwight D. Eisen­ hsr stioot is aasIsUng at tha Mem- July IS will be Isabella Sunday ticket, Nixon dramatised the new srlal HdsplUI for the summer. In at Our Lady of Mercy NovltUts hower in November. OOP )Hd for support of tiM nation’s tbs Msdloal Rseords department. In Madison. Dsughtsrs of Isabslls A iong-tima Democratic aaao- younger people. State Unity circles throughout the stsU arc data of the Praaideat aaid today The Cisllforninn, a former lieut­ that Truman will oppose any ' TVInity Past Noble Orends from Invited to participate In the pro­ THITRSDAY • FRyii^; enant commulder In the Navy, gram which win begin st 2:30 p. SHOP IIALE’S "wateriing down” of tha foreign RobSkah Lodgoa In Stafford ■' ' *' 3 complatsd an Army-Navy team Sprltiga, Bast Hartford, Rockville m„ and will Include the Benedic­ AMB SATU aad domestic proposals for which Behind Bl6 i. ha lias campaigned since he en' chosen by Republlcsne at tlisir and thia town will bars a picnic tion of the BIsssod Sacrament. A 4 35th national convention. Nixon Wodnoaday. July Id, at 3 p. m. at stiver tea will follow. Members tered the White House. This Truman confidant, who was untqipoeed for Um vice preal- Bwssthsart Lake, Stafford of St. Margsrat's CIrcIs of this Chi(»go, July 12— would not allow tha use of his dentlnl nomination. tarings. Past Grand Mra Alice town who wish to attend end de­ For these values and many other specials Connecticut RdpublieSiM WstlMrsll, who is chairman of tha sire transportation, should tele- name, told this reporter he did not ' Etoanhower took only on* thrlU- know aa yet who the President ■ Jr ^ . f lodal oommittss, reminds each one phone Mrs. Joseph Palkowskt, 33 pacKsd ballot to dispoae of San. hesded’ for home' todsy N Alton strssi WlU support for ths Democratic Robart A. Taft of Ohio, Gov. Bari joicing over the nomlaktiil attomllag to bring bis own silver- RE6.99e YD. FINE QUALITY nomination. wdrs, cup Mid plats, Warran of (MUfornla, former Gov. of Gen. Dwight D. Ffifg e WOMEN’S DRESSES ’’But you may be sure that the Harold E. Staasen of Minnesota, HALE’S FINE SPUN SH ETS President will Insist that the hower for president. Offtesrs of Temple Chapter, No. WITH THB SAMB SlBB 3” HBM Cotton plalda, spun rayons, cotton volla Oom. Dwight D. Elssahewer, OOP preaUsetlsI has Ms beta hsU alstt by Ban. RMwrd M. and (ton. Dougtaa MacAribur In They interpreted his non SUMMERYARRICS, 84c Yard nominee run on a strong Fair th* preridantlal conteat. n . Order of the Bastsra Star, and ON BOTH ENDS FOR BXTRA WBAR Deal platform,” Ms said. NIx m ef CaUforala,Uforala, the «(ce-preaMesttal css4iae*S|>, as they anpenr baf sm ths wtsisn ssmies sf ths Be- ss n viotoiy for ths slats thslr fMnlliss will hold a picnic to­ BANTLY 34” DAN BIVER WBUOJB-BHBD OINOHAM calls Oaufarene* REG.
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